| Tsìvopey (35) |

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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

I wanted to give a DT to these beautiful people :,)I know i've taken a long time to finish this story so thank you for being so patient 🤍
-Tiny_Ghost- CalKestis23-_ Miraculous_forever23 wolfieyari18 caitlin900 _lily_bun_22 -HANGESSLUTT-

Thank you for being here and being so supportive all the way throughout this story because it truly means the world to me <3 go give them some love!

As always, I mention this in every chapter but don't forget to comment <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 They make me laugh so much so comment as much as you can!

I hope you guys like it! Like I said before, I just want to thank you all of you for sticking around and being so supportive of this story up until now :,) I love every single one of you so much 🤍 This story wouldn't be where it is if it wasn't for you guys so thank you, truly :,)

Jake knew that the moment he watched you go with that murderous and venomous look in your eyes, that all you were headed to do was to kill anybody that came in your way. He had never seen you in action, but because you refused to let your teachings that led you to be a warrior show too much. There was never a chance in your life that was threatening enough for you to do so, but now he knew that as images of those you have lost were flashing in your head, continuing to see them dying.

He knew that it was only a matter of time before all of the deaths you have endured of people you love caught up to you and it would lead to you wanting to go after the Sky People with everything inside you and kill them mercilessly with no mercy. Before you left, he could feel your limbs trembling and shaking with such undeniable anger and resentment that there was no way he could stop you. But as long as you fought and made sure to come back to him and the kids, he would be with you every step of the way.

When he saw you go beneath the surface, he knew you were at a point of no return. He sighed and turned back around to head out with Spider to the ship, but then turned to look at Lo'ak. The boy had stood up from his position on the ground next to his brother and looked at his dad, teary-eyed and defeated, but Jake could tell he still had something to say. He could see the guilt in his son's face, probably feeling it more than anybody in that moment, as he felt that he put his brother in the position he was in.

But Jake knew the feeling all too well. He felt guilt creeping up inside him, feeling like he couldn't protect his family like he should've, but now he could make up for it, by taking out Quaritch once and for all and finally allow his family to live in peace. He would never forgive himself if he let his children feel the burden of the uncertainties of the battlefield. What matters is that Neteyam was okay and would soon go to the village, but Jake knew from the start that this was his battle. Between him and Quaritch alone. The Colonel had already crossed far beyond line by bringing his daughters into this as an ultimatum and as leverage. He just couldn't bare if more of his kids fell victim to his sick plans.

"You stay with your brother," Jake muttered sternly, refusing to make eye contact with Lo'ak, not wanting to let him see how the guilt and regret was eating him alive inside. But, the boy caught up with his dad as Jake walked towards Spider and said what could possibly be his worst nightmare, but he should have expected it. "Dad, I want to go with you," Lo'ak pleaded, but Jake's closed shut as he shook his head and looked away, still refusing to make eye contact. He would cave and not be able to see the very same emotions he was feeling inside him in his son's eyes. He just would not be able to deny him that. He needed to stay as level-headed as possible and not bring more of his family into it.

"Lo'ak, please...not now. Don't let Neteyam out of your sight, you hear me? I need you here" Jake said as he continued to make his way across the rocks, but Lo'ak wasn't letting up. He just wasn't giving up that easily, letting his own guilt and need to make up for it speak for him. "I want to help, dad. Please," Lo'ak said as loudly as his voice allowed him to without letting his voice break. Jake quickly turned around and sighed, finally bringing himself to look at Lo'ak in the eye, as much as it pained him to do so. "Lo'ak, what happened to your brother...was too much of a close call. I can't risk having out there again. I'll be able to focus knowing you're here" Jake said, trying to sound as stable as he possibly could, swallowing the lump in his throat as he breathed heavily. The adrenaline from the situation he had before and the one he knew he was about to get into was too much for him to bare, but he had to.

Jake sighed as he watched his son go silent, thinking it was the end of it and started to walk back to Spider. But even upon his own dad's words, Lo'ak didn't let up. There was a voice in his head that kept telling him to insist, to make up for what he felt like he had contributed to. He felt like he was truly at fault and needed to be there with his dad to fix things. It's the only way he would feel at peace with himself. "But, Dad, I-" Lo'ak started, following after Jake but was quickly cut off by his dad sighing and turning back around to face him. Lo'ak's words got caught in his throat when his dad looked at him with tear-ridden and exhausted eyes and waited for what he had to say to him.

But Jake didn't watch his words as carefully as he should've, "Please...don't make this worse" Jake said with a strained tone, and a moment later, he walked back to Spider to take off back to the ship. But, Lo'ak was standing there, completely still, as he felt like he just took a knife to the heart. He didn't know that what his father meant by those words was that the more he heard Lo'ak insist that he wanted to go with him, to that battleground, where Neteyam nearly did not come out alive of, the more he felt the resolve and strength he built up to finally end this conflict suddenly start to crumble and he couldn't let that happen. He needed to know that Lo'ak was safe with his brother while he needed to go and get his two daughters out of the enemies grasp, and he couldn't do that with Lo'ak being there or even thinking of going back out there. This is the way things needed to be or else he wouldn't be able to go and face Quaritch. But Lo'ak didn't interpret his father's words like that.

This became a double entendre for the two of them. Still being racked with guilt, all Lo'ak heard once again that this was his fault and the state of his brother was all because of him, with no chance of being able to redeem himself. Those words felt like a reminder that he was the won who put his family through that turmoil and that his relationship with his own father wasn't getting any better.

His mind was going a million miles per minute and didn't know what to do, much less after his father's words, feeling like he had dug himself into a deeper hole. What could he possibly do now? Sure, he could stay here with Tsireya to watch over Neteyam but his thoughts and guilt are eating him alive. He needed to do something, but how could he without thinking he wouldn't mess it up all over again? What could he do? That's all he could think about as he stood frozen, watching his dad take off.

Feeling like was punched in the gut at his father's words, Lo'ak felt a lump in his throat as his voice came out strained. "No, dad..." Lo'ak's voice broke, watching his dad walk away and go straight into battle without him. He knows things might have been said in the heat of the moment and nobody is thinking straight, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

From a distance, standing on the main deck of the ship, Quaritch and Lyle were looking through the lens attached to their rifles, looking and observing at Jake's every move. They watched as him and Spider finally left the rock they Sully's were in and mounted Jake's Skimwing. All of the other Avatar recoms were in the surrounding area on standby with their weapons ready, but seeing that Jake was finally complying and heading their way, Quaritch raised his arm and held his hand in a fist for his comrades to see. "Hold fire!" The Colonel yelled out to his subordinates, and they all nodded, but still kept an eye out just in case.

Jake sat in front of Spider in the Skimwing's saddle. "Let's go," The human boy said with urgency as Jake quickly attached his queue to the Skimwing, and not even a few seconds later, the creature immediately took off. Spider and Jake were now on their way, underwater, heading straight back towards the sinking ship. Feeling satisfied, Quaritch saw this and a smirk came upon his face. He was feeling his victory getting closer and closer. "He's comin'," The Colonel said to his soldiers, knowing that Jake was on his way and the rest of them matched his expression at hearing their boss' words.

Already underwater, Jake had already settled into the saddle but was waiting for Spider to let him know if he has hanging on tight. "I'm good. Go, go!" Spider confirmed while wearing his mask, and with that, Jake commanded his Skimwing to start moving forward a little bit faster through the now darker and barely visible waters. The Eclipse was making it incredibly hard to see, and the only source of light that was helping Jake navigate towards the ship was the flames above the surface and some lights flickering from some already sunken parts of the ship. It was tough but he used whatever he could to get there quickly.

After knowing that Jake was coming, Quaritch had the other Avatar Recoms rounded up and they all stood around him as he spoke. "Let's get this guy. It's what we came here for, right?"Quaritch said with certainty, prompting for the remaining Avatar soldiers, as well as the human ones, to nod and speak up in agreement to what the Colonel said. They were preparing for anything once Jake arrived and looked out for his appearance at any moment now. The one person they weren't ready for was you.

Quaritch didn't know you, he knew of you, and had no idea about your skills as a warrior or even your whereabouts because you were the last thought on his mind. He thought that when you were cuffed to the railing, that other than obviously being Jake's new mate, that you had no other importance other than that so he doesn't have you on his radar. He doesn't know what kind of person you are, your skills, or anything. Not like he used to be vary wary of Neytiri, since she killed him in his human form. But you? Nothing. And you would use that to your advantage. And because he didn't mention you to anybody in this point in time, nobody was expecting you either. The other soldiers, recoms and human soldiers alike, had all seen you too but because they saw you as helpless as you were before with the kids, they weren't expecting anything.

Meanwhile, Jake and Spider had gotten much closer to the ship and when they reached its vicinity, Jake commanded his Skimwing to go above the surface for just a moment. When being above the water after a long time of holding his breath, Jake inhaled deeply but quickly turned to his side to see there was a spear lodged on the side of a crashed boat. He grabbed it and forcefully pulled it out. After he removed it and adjusted it in his grasp because  of the weight of it. He quickly moved back onto the saddle of the Skimwing, and sank back down into the water to continue on their way to the boat with Spider still behind him.

Back in the rock, as Tsireya and Lo'ak looked after Neteyam, the young Sully boy had been staring off into space, not knowing what to do as he let his thoughts run rampant. He looked at his brother's unconscious body and then back at the ship where Jake and Spider had taken off to and it only took a few seconds before he came to a decision. There was no way he could sit here while he let his guilt wrack his head. He didn't care anymore if his dad didn't agree with it, but the guilt would gnaw and stay with him forever even after this whole mess if he knew he could do something about it and he didn't. He then turned to Tsireya and saw how she was kneeling before her friend's body as she sniffled. Lo'ak moved his hand and placed it against her cheek to have her look up at him.

"Stay with him" Lo'ak said before quickly running off into the water without giving her a chance to react. She blinked and in a moment's time he was gone, so she couldn't even stop him. "Lo'ak, no!" The girl called out with her voice filled distress and she raised a hand to her mouth as she realized she couldn't see Lo'ak anymore. She felt heat and tears come up behind her eyes. She had to stay behind to look after Neteyam in case he woke up, but what if something happened to Lo'ak? This was all too much, she didn't want anybody else she loved to get hurt more than they already have and her head was filling with more and more turmoil that she could barely think.

Upon hearing Quaritch's orders, everyone on the Sea Dragon decks began scattering to every corner of the ship to be ready for Jake's, and yours, appearance. They only knew that he was nearing the ship, but not exactly when. "Heads on the swivel, guys," One of the Avatar recoms said to the other soldiers while everyone ran to their respective positions. The human soldiers kept their guns aimed and loaded while others stood and positioned themselves in the gun machines that were attached to edge of the deck on the ship. It was truly so eerily quiet that nobody dared to make a sound, knowing that Jake was out there and watching them all for his next move. Only the burning of the flames around them and the sloshing of the water below them could be heard.

But they had no idea that there was someone else hiding in the shadows, dangerously preying on them. Just like Jake, you had boarded your Skimwing before and were now approaching the other side of the ship without being noticed. You were holding your weapon on one hand while holding the saddle with the other. When nearing the proximity of the ship, you slowed down Pua and moved the creature to go closer to the surface, the point where you simply peeked your head above the water just a small bit and only your eyes could be seen.

Your eyes darted around and noticed you were getting closer to the deck, giving you the perfect opportunity. The soldiers on the deck were completely unaware of the fact that someone other than Jake was out to get them and was out for blood of those demons, with no mercy left. Having absolutely no idea that there was somebody preying on them from below the surface as rage, deathly anger, and the need for revenge coursing through every vein in your body. They've hurt you and your loved ones for far too long now and you had no heartstrings left for them to tug on anymore. They needed to die, today, and you would make sure of it. Your eyes narrowed and then commanded Pua to submerge once again below the dark waters, and once again, you continued your way towards the ship, calculating your every move.

Meanwhile, Jake and Spider approached a part of the ship that was partly sank already and gave them some sort of a ramp surface to climb on. When getting close enough, they both left the Skimwing behind, dismounted it and started swimming up the ramp platform. When reaching the most shallow part of it, just like you did before, Jake lifted his head partially from the water which only left his eyes and top of his head to be seen as he scanned and looked around the area for the best opening to get on the ship. As Jake held his spear close, he saw Spider also lifting his head from the water right next to him.

Your mate lifted his head from the water a little more once he noticed the coast was clear, so his head was entirely above the surface as he noticed Spider was looking around as well as his scuba gear hissed with every breath the boy took. While still remaining low and discreet, Jake waited a few seconds and turned to Spider to give him confirmation of moving forward. "Go," Jake said simply while getting out of the water and start walking up the ramp, and Spider quickly got the message and immediately started following directly after Jake. Spider mimicked Jake's stance and crawled up the platform with a slightly crouched position and stayed close by to Jake in case the situation got too out of hand and he could get out of there if Jake asked him to.

Upon getting closer to a platform above the ramp that led directly onto the top deck of the ship, Jake stopped in his tracks, place his spear above on the platform first and helped Spider get up first before him. When the human boy was already up in the deck and made his way up, Jake was quick to follow suit and easily lift himself up shortly after and followed after Spider, letting him lead the way since he knew where Kiri and Tuk were. That platform that they climbed up to and were now crawling through was actually the inside of one of the damaged turbines of the ship. Jake and Spider both started to make their way across it with as much silence and discretion as they possibly could. This is the worst possible time to be accidentally revealing their location.

As Jake followed after Spider, he felt like it was the appropriate time to speak up. "Spider. Where are they?" Jake asked, following after the boy carefully since not only did he know where his daughters were, but he probably knew the ship a lot more since he spent a lot of time here as a captive, and also probably knew where Quaritch's was. As Jake had hoped, Spider was quick to answer "The middle deck. Where they launch the subs. There's like a pool in the center. They're at the forward railing," Spider replied, earning a nod from Jake in understanding as the two crossed the turbine and began to check what direction they could go to next to get to where Spider was talking about. Seemed simple enough.

When jumping from the turbine to a slightly lower level, Jake noticed that Spider did the same and that the boy was ready to follow. But for this part, Jake didn't want him to be anywhere near where he was for what he was about to do. Jake quickly turned back to Spider and stopped him, since things were about to turn south. To Jake, Spider had already done more than enough by leading him to this point in the first place but this is the part where he knew the human boy needed to stay safe and take cover. "No, no. Stay here," Jake said quietly, and Spider looked at the man in front of him with confusion, but complied anyway. Spider took a couple of steps back and hid, watching as Jake made his way around another, yet much smaller, turbine with flames still engulfing almost every corner he turned.

As Jake continued to crouch stealthily and got closer to where Kiri and Tuk were being held, he came closer to this big section of metal that acted as the perfect hiding place to stand behind as he thought carefully of how to execute the next part of his plan. He stopped for a moment and the place his hand on the metal to lift his head slightly above it to see what was waiting for him on the other side. But as he did so, he heard the voice of the Colonel through his comms that never failed to make his anger rise.

"Talk to me, Corporal.  The ship is going down and your girls with it," Quaritch started, trying to incite fear in Jake and try to intimidate him to turn himself in even quicker. He knew his family was his biggest weakness and there was no better way to do that  than by showing Jake exactly what he was capable of to get what he wants. Upon hearing the Colonel's words, Kiri and Tuk turned to look at the man as their eyes widened, their breathing got heavier with fear and both girls subconsciously got closer to one another in hopes of protection each other. Their wrists were still tied to the ship uncomfortably but just knowing that their dad was close by, made them feel hopeful. But they feared for his life in the process of trying to save them.

Quaritch paused for a moment before thinking of what to say next. He saw through his rifle lens before how Neteyam was on the verge of death, but somehow made it. He knew that messed with Jake's head, and he hoped that just a little push was all he needed to crumble and hand himself in. Still, nothing was over yet and he would make sure to have both the girls and Jake hear his next words.

"Your boy didn't have to suffer like that. Turn yourself in, or I can make things worse. Your choice" Quaritch threatened coldly, but when his words reached Kiri and Tuk, they both froze and their eyes widened as their pupils shrank with dread and shock. It quickly dawned on them that one of their brothers had gotten hurt, severely hurt, and they had no idea which. Those news alone were enough to make their fear skyrocket but the two girls were shaking in terror at what else this man was capable of. His threats didn't sound empty and Kiri and Tuk just wanted to get back to their family. To you, their dad, siblings, and away from this nightmare. It only seemed to get worse as Quaritch continued to say what he had to in order to get Jake to break as he spoke. "You brought that on yourself," The Colonel continued all the while Jake had heard enough and was discreetly continuing to make his way through the ship, closer and closer to where his daughters were held, holding his spear tight in his hands.

After crawling for long enough through every corner he found, avoiding the fire as best as he could, Jake was finally able to get to exactly where he was hoping to end up completely unnoticed and when he got to what seemed a dead end, he found a small opening that made him realize that he was on the top of the ship, on the roof to be more specific. He looked through the opening and and just below him was the deck of the moon pool, and as he hoped to find, his two girls tied to the railing waiting to be saved. Jake leaned down a bit more to see what expected to see. Quaritch with his back to Kiri and Tuk and he had soldiers everywhere on standby on every direction with any kind of guns and weaponry Jake could think of, both humans and recoms alike.

Quaritch didn't let up with the threats, unaware of where Jake found himself in that moment. "You thought you could keep your family safe and protect them, but you can't" Quaritch continued, not aware  that Jake was right around the corner, watching his every move and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Tuk and Kiri were breathing heavily as their faces continued to be etched with terror, deep down not wanting to lose hope that their parents would come for them. They believed in them with their lives, but  Quaritch's words dwindled any hope they have inside as much as they didn't want to believe anything he said, but there was no way to know.

It was hard. They truly feared their parents lives. The fact that they already know that one of their brothers nearly died at the hands of Quaritch, not knowing which one, made Kiri and Tuk's hearts sink with worry and heat gather behind their eyes as tears began to build up, despite how strong they wanted to be and not show fear at all. Though, Tuk for a fact knew and believed her parents could do anything and that is why she sniffled, pushed back her tears and anger and determination appeared on her young face. She didn't doubt you and Jake for even a second. Both Kiri and Tuk knew that you and Jake would appear any second now and Quaritch would get what he deserved once and for all.

"Only one way to keep em' safe" Quaritch continued to speak, unbeknownst to the fact that Jake was already making his way closer and closer, trying to ignore his threats that he's trying his best to not allow to have an effect on him. Jake had already made his way down from the roof of the ship and found another opening that looked directly into the moon pool as well, having to be forced to hear Quaritch's threats as he tried to get him to give up.

Your mate breathed heavily and looked through the opening to see even more soldiers that were there waiting for him and for his appearance the moment he stepped out from hiding, so its clear he had to make himself known another way and be smart about it. "So let's get this over with or I'll make sure your whole family sinks with this ship," The Colonel spat coldly, feeling  suddenly that Jake was at an even closer proximity now than before. It's been a while since he saw him get on the Skimwing and make his way to the ship so it was only a matter of time until he showed up to face him.

As Quaritch seemed to continue to be on alert for Jake's appearance, your mate turned his head to the side and saw that there were missiles stocked right beside him. Coincidentally, it worked out perfectly. They were all yet to be launched but he was quick to come up with an idea that would give him the perfect opening and distraction that he was looking for. He began to search through the pockets of his military vest that he's had on this whole time and after a few seconds he pulled out a small hand grenade. Taking a deep breath and prepared to run, Jake pulled the pin of the grenade, quickly shoved the bomb inside a space between the missiles and immediately ran the other way and back towards Spider. The bomb would go off any second now.

The moment that Jake ran so far that he reached where Spider was, Jake slid down a tilted platform and yelled out to the boy as a warning that a bomb was about to go off. "Get down!" Jake yelled, and immediately comprehending, Spider got the message and did not hesitate to follow after Jake to behind a turbine nearby so that the blast doesn't get to them. Jake was ticking off the seconds in his head that it usually takes for one of these bombs to go off and it was clear an explosion was about to happen, so he stayed out of the line of fire as best as he could, shielding Spider just in case.

And the moment Jake finished counting in his head was when it happened. Not even a second later, right on cue, the grenade went off, ricocheting with the missiles which caused them to explode too all at once. The impact was so great that any soldiers near the blast fell back far and many were also caught up in it and died instantly. Quaritch also happened to be close to the explosion which also made him, Kiri, Tuk, and other recoms and soldiers stumble and fall down. The two girls shrieked in surprise and fright due to the explosion but deep down they knew that it meant their dad would be there any moment

Not only that, but because the destruction was near another turbine, fragments and pieces of the ship were caught on fire and flew into the air. Most of those pieces also landed directly on RDA workers, employees and soldiers who were on the back of the ship trying to board the emergency rafts. Screaming could be heard, the sound of flames burning and chaos ensuing everywhere. But this was the perfect opportunity for Jake to make his entrance. The explosion seemed to have its downfalls too, which is why Jake had to hurry even more. It seemed that the impact might have caused the sinking process of the ship to accelerate, causing soldiers to start to scatter in panic, helping those who got caught in the explosion, trying to get ahold of the situation, and this way, nobody was expecting Jake to appear.

Jake wasn't wasting his chance and ran straight into action, leaving Spider to stay hidden. The entire top of the Sea Dragon was up in flames at this point and many resorted to leave the premises to save their own lives. But, as expected, many stayed on the ship to follow Quaritch's orders. There were both recom soldiers and humans in robotic suits that stayed behind and continued to stay alert and continued to yell out orders to one another, running around the decks that were mostly caught on fire now. They were trying to salvage as many bodies as they could that were caught in the middle of the explosion.

There was a man in a robotic suit that was dragging one of his comrades away from the fire that had his leg in flames and was screaming in agony, desperately trying to put it out but it was hopeless. Another one of the Avatar recoms nearby was also dragging back a soldier away from the flames, but the man was already dead as it was too close to the impact. Still, the focus had moved to be onto the salvaging of the soldiers who died on impact and those who were injured in order to continue to fight.

Jake had found the perfect shot to make his appearance unnoticed. There was a cloud of fumes and flames that gave him the perfect chance to take the soldiers by surprise. From the shadows, Jake leaped from a high ledge, appeared through the cloud of fumes with his spear raised high, leapt straight towards the soldier in his nearest proximity and stabbed the man directly through his chest and then pulled it out just as quickly with a loud and powerful war cry that caught the attention of every other soldier nearby. Upon noticing his appearance, soldiers were quick to remember their mission and started to approach Jake and raise their guns at him but he was quicker than them.

Upon seeing that one of Quaritch's Avatar recom soldiers was getting closer, he immediately impaled that very soldier straight through his body and left the spear there as the man choked painfully and breathed for air until he died on the spot. Knowing he left behind the spear, Jake brought around his rifle from behind his back and began to shoot rapidly at every other soldier that was attacking him first. They were shooting at him relentlessly, but he was quick to shoot back long enough to get some cover behind a fallen structure of the ship. Just as a female Avatar recom was attempting to shoot at Jake, your timing couldn't have been better.

Just as Jake had gone into hiding from the barrage of gunfire, underwater you had gotten close enough to the ship and were now guiding Pua to swim directly upwards to gain momentum so you could jump onto the deck with enough strength, much like Neteyam did before. You grabbed onto the railing to give you impulse and leapt over it, landing on one knee and aimed your arrow directly at the woman who was shooting at your husband. You shot it with a loud yell and shot the woman directly on the side of her body. You watched as she cried out in pain, held her side and fell down to the ground as more soldiers started coming at you.

You stood back up and all you could see was red as the adrenaline that was running through your veins got stronger with every kill. You showed no mercy as the next soldier came at you and you stabbed him with the sharp end of your arrow, pulled it out and then slit the man's throat to finish him off, letting him fall to the ground as blood splattered on your face. In your mind, you kept saying to yourself how these demons had to die, they had to pay for what they did, and could care less about where your arrows landed as long as they killed the enemy. The enemy that were responsible for every loss in your life. You wouldn't let them live.

You watched as another soldier came at you and without hesitation, with a loud cry of anger that had a hint of desperation and resentment ripped from your throat, you lifted your bow and arrow and shot an arrow directly through his chest, killing him instantly and you did it like it was nothing. Then, seeing that the woman you shot an arrow to before on her side, was standing up again and aiming at you again, so with a face devoid of any emotion, you lifted the man you killed and lifted him off the ground to use as a human shield. The moment you lifted him off the ground, the Avatar recom woman prepared to shoot, but before she could, in a blink of an eye before she could do anything else, you aimed your bow and shot an arrow directly between her eyes with incredible precision. In her last moments, she shot a few bullets, but not many that could reach you in time until she finally died and her body fell to the floor, lifeless. You dropped the body of the soldier you used a s shield and you quickly walked over to the woman's body, pulled out your arrow from her head and hissed at the woman with a venomous sneer. You took a couple steps back while breathing heavily. You were nothing but clouded with pure age right now, not being able to think about anything else besides getting to your daughters and getting them out of here.

You seemed to be dazed in your own thoughts as you collected yourself but there's one person who was incredibly happy and relieved to see you once he noticed your arrival. But as he was about to join you, he was frozen in place while hiding as he looked at the way you killed people left and right, the way you handled using a bow and arrow, and the look in your eye that didn't seem like you were there anymore and were consumed by an emotion you had yet to be able to control because you had been holding everything for far too long. But when he noticed you killed everyone around in your vicinity and saw how you were still in place, he saw how that anger in and rage in your eyes looked as if you were lost in yourself. Your limbs were shaking and needed to get in control. He needed to get to you.

Jake looked around the area before deciding it was safe to go be by your side and that nobody was around. You took them all out by yourself, easily. "Clear," Jake said as he moved to stand by your side, watching as you were slowly getting ahold of yourself. Jake was still holding onto his rifle just in case anyone were to appear and he could shoot.

When he looked at you and saw the state you were in, he knew what he had to do. he had to make this quick in case more soldiers came by, but when he noticed you weren't moving with him to go further into the ship, he quickly walked over to you and slightly shocked you when he lifted your head to look up at him by cupping your jaw. Both of you were still aware of your surroundings and were alert, but seeing each other again was the best way to give each other strength in a time like this, knowing there was a long way to go.

What he did forced you to look at him straight in the eye and somehow, that did it for you. It worked. You were back in control. Your breathing slowly became regulated as you felt him wipe the blood off your cheek softly and all you did was send him an assertive nod. Jake smiled softly at you and knew you were okay to continue. He nodded back at you and stroked your cheek once more before both of you ran on opposite ways of the ship, with a silent and wordless promise of coming back to each other. While Jake took one side of the deck's ridge where there seemed to be another handful of soldiers, you took the other side and continued to shoot at anything and anyone, and once again focusing on nothing else but to eliminate anybody and absolutely anything that came in your way.

Kiri and Tuk looked around in fright and then had eye contact for a few seconds as both of them felt the commotion outside of the moon pool where they were being held. They turned to look at Quaritch and watched as he pressed on his comms and held tightly onto his rifle. It was clear that the more people that he tried to call and received nothing in response, the more the girls realized that their parents were taking out soldiers left and right, reinstating their hope. "Who's down? Zdinarsik, do you copy?" The Colonel asked hurriedly and with distress in his voice, but he received no response on the other end once more. "Prager. You read?" He asked again, but still, there was nothing but silence on the other end, making the Colonel let out a huff of frustration. He knew Jake was nearby now.

As Jake took on his own route and on his own and you did the same, when he was running on a ledge that overlooked the bottom deck, he spotted a couple soldiers on the ledge across from him that hadn't quite seen him yet and he didn't give them a chance to. Jake immediately raised his gun and shot them all as he continued running across the top of the chip. Moving on, Jake had suddenly run right into the line of sight from the soldiers on the deck below who saw him running on the ledge.

They all immediately looked up and aimed their guns at him and began sending a barrage of bullets in his direction. "Eyes up! Eyes up! One of the soldiers yelled out to alert the others as all of them continued to shoot at him. "Luckily, Jake was stealthy enough to run by a structure that blocked away the bullets and he was able to move through the ledge unscathed as he left the line of sight of the soldiers shooting at him. But, when he reached the end of the platform he was running on, Jake stumbled upon yet another soldier who noticed his presence and raised his gun at him. His first instinct was to quickly grab him, as his almost 9 foot height gave him an advantage, and then threw the soldier over the edge. When the man landed on the deck below, the force Jake used and the height he fell from killed him instantly, right next to Quaritch. The Colonel grumbled in frustration and aimed his gun as well at any sight of Jake's appearance.

While Jake took care of his side, you were busy with your own fight. The moment you split up with Jake across the ship, that same rage began to bubble up in your mind the further you ran across the decks to kill more and more Sky People. You had a moment of weakness before where you got a little carried away, but you knew your priorities now and you knew where you stood, though you weren't sure if you could make that promise when you come across another one of these demons.

As you ran skillfully, dodging bullets left and right without getting hit, you could see the moon pool getting closer but it still wasn't enough and to get closer, you needed to kill even more Sky People, which wasn't a problem. If it meant Kiri and Tuk got out of the grasps of Quaritch, you would do anything to get them to safety. With every kill, you reminded yourself that it was all to make sure what these demons got what they deserved after they've taken everything from you and you wouldn't let them take anymore from you, Jake, the kids, your People or any more Na'vi. Every kill was for them.

As you ran across a ledge above the moon pool deck Quaritch and the girls were at, you continued to dodge bullets and that was when you caught his attention. The Colonel saw a swift and fast outline running above him, a silhouette he simply didn't recognize. You were gone in the blink of an eye as you ran quicker than he could even try to shoot but as he continued to aim at wherever your shadow went, he knew it wasn't Jake or any soldiers from his team. He continued to shoot regardless.

So now, he knew there was somebody out there that had joined the fight. Many soldiers were also trying to shoot your outline in the dark, sending  bullets upon bullets your way but none were able to reach you as you avoided all of them swiftly. Eventually, when you came into their sight, you slid down on your side down a tilted platform and landed right behind a discarded and abandoned submarine that was on the deck, sitting with your back against it as you breathed heavily and stayed alert for any sound on their side. Among with Lyle, all the human soldiers shot at you hoping any bullets penetrated what you were hiding behind.

Many soldiers began to shoot the same direction, knowing that you were there, but you still avoided all of them. As they continued to shoot, you slid down on your side on a vacant submarine that was left behind when the battle started. The only one who was able to catch a hint of who you were was Lyle, who saw a hint of your turquoise skin color as you briefly came into the light and then went into hiding. "Move up! Push left, go!" Lyle ordered the human soldiers next him to start moving closer to where you were hiding the moment you left their sight. "Push right, get around on her!" Lyle said, barking out orders to the human soldiers.

When they were heading towards you, you heard that they briefly stopped their gunfire so you took that as an opening to take care of the enemies getting closer. In the blink of an eye, you stood up from behind the submarine and made yourself known, winding up an arrow in the blink of an eye and shooting it at a man in your way directly in the chest, killing him in a second as you moved on to the next without hesitation. Before they had a chance to take a second look at you, to start shooting, your stealth allowed you to already make your way around the deck, getting a bit higher up, leaping from platform to platform, or really any structure you could find to get some height, and sneaked in an attack from above as you came around a corner and released yet another arrow, shooting a man from behind and straight through his heart with a war cry and landed on your feet.

Just as soon as you got back up on your feet, you sensed somebody behind you and you turned around to be face to face with Lyle. It all happened so quickly, but the moment you turned around, Lyle recognized your face from when you were tied to the boat and his eyes widened the smallest fractions for a fraction of a second before he got back to his senses and aimed his gun at you and prepared to fire at you, but you saw it coming.

You had recognized him too from what he did to you when you were handcuffed and your ears pinned to back of your head as your rage increased tenfold the moment you saw him. As your eyes narrowed darkly, you screamed out a cry of rage as you raised your bow and hit him square in the face on his jaw, making him lower his gun at the impact just as he had fired a few bullets that ended up hitting the ground instead and as he was getting his bearings back for a second, you raised your bow again and hit him again with all your strength, knocking him out for a few moments, making sure he stayed down. You panted as you heard footsteps behind you, so you quickly turned around and shot yet another arrow at the soldier that was creeping up behind you, effectively killing him.

After pulling out the arrow from the soldier you killed, you were quick to take cover behind a Crab Suit after that in case anybody else was around, but in the corner of your saw you saw that there was yet another soldier coming from across the deck and that had spotted you. You prepared your arrow in your bow once again and waited until the soldier got closer for more accuracy, but you did not know that Jake was around the corner. Your mate beat you to it and Jake ran in from a ledge above and shot the man multiple times from the behind, preventing him from getting any closer to you.

You watched as Jake took another direction and continued to take out people left and right without batting an eye. You took this as your chance to come out of hiding so you stood up and walked over to yet another soldier you had shot and pulled out the arrow from the man's body with sneer. When seeing another group of soldiers on standby on the deck near where Jake had landed, to protect him from afar, you raised your arrow once again and shot an arrow through one of their bodies. Jake recognized your arrow and smiled to himself, you were going out of your way to protect him just as he was doing for you and it gave him comfort knowing you were right there by his side.

After that, Jake took care of the human soldiers that were surrounding him. He took care of one of them by grabbing onto him, lifting the soldier and throwing him into the Avatar recom that had appeared on the scene a couple seconds before. As the recom got his surroundings back, Jake prepared to shoot but quickly realized he was out of ammo, panicking for a brief moment. But, he put his gun away and thought of something else. He held his gun sideways and hit the Avatar recom multiple times with the butt of the rifle until he was unconscious. Jake quickly grabbed the gun the recom had strapped around him and began to shoot rapid gunfire at the soldiers that were getting closer and were also shooting back at him. After taking care of a couple soldiers he killed from afar, he turned his right to shoot at some other soldiers who were cornering him, killing them as well.

Once again, that gun ran out of ammo too just as some other soldiers were coming around the corner. Taking the gun with him, even if it didn't have bullets left, Jake hid behind a metal pillar just as the soldiers fired at him and missed him, so the bullets were ricocheting off the metal. He hid as more shots were fired at him and knew that there was yet another soldier coming his way, so as he looked at the gun in his hands for a brief second, he had an idea. Jake peeked his head from behind the pillar and with all his strength, threw the rifle at the soldier's face, completely knocking him out.

You had come out of hiding and came to Jake's aid, seeing as more humans and men in robotic suits were closing in on him. You knew Quaritch had seen in a glimpse of because you kept trying to avoid bullets on his part while trying to protect Jake too. You saw as shots were fired by the human in the robotic suits which hit the pillar Jake was hiding behind and that the the human soldier was closing in on him on one side, so you notched another arrow and fired it to hit directly between the man's eyes, and Jake watched as the soldier dropped lifeless on the ground, but there was still the man in the robotic suit to take care of. When the soldier in the robot suit came around Jake's other side, your husband was ready to attack 

Because the man was holding a rifle as well, Jake immediately knocked it down and after leaving the soldier defenseless, he sliced his neck with his hatchet and kicked him so far back that the soldier fell down an opened hatch that led deep into the inside of the ship. Neither you or Jake stopped fighting whoever came your way, knowing you both had the common goal of getting to Kiri and Tuk.

And as Jake watched you fight in the corner of his eye, on one part it seemed like you were on autopilot and killing every living being  in your way that attacked you, and he didn't know if he should be proud that you could fight so well for yourself but concerned at your well-being and how you were handling the situation. The look in your eye told him that you were not all there anymore. Your eyes were dangerously narrowed, there was a permanent scowl on your face, blood that just kept spraying on you that you didn't pay mind to and moving your bow as if it was second nature. But still, deep down he knew that your intentions were clear and you knew exactly what you wanted, who you needed to face, and where your priorities were.

All that Kiri and Tuk could see was enough to know that you and Jake were close and that both of their parents were fighting for them, and prayed to Eywa that you would be okay. But for some it was harder to witness such bloodshed. Tears were spilling out Tuk's eyes as she sobbed into her older sister's arms. The gunfire, the soldiers dropping dead next to them, knowing their parents were on the other receiving end of Quaritch's gunshots and were trying to fight back, and not knowing if they will come out alive was too much for the girls, and it broke Tuk's heart. Kiri could barely stand it either but seeing her 8-year-old sister break down into tears into what she was seeing, urged her to be strong and keep her safe until their parents got there and helped them get to safety

Kiri sighed shakily in relief as she closed her eyes for a brief moment as she saw that Quaritch stopped shooting because he ran out of bullets. She took his chance to soothe Tuk as much as she could, reassuring her that everything would be okay, that they would be safe. But, as Kiri had Tuk look away, your older daughter's heart plummeted and her face paled as she saw the Colonel sneered when he realized he had no more bullets in his vest and then sheathed out his razor-sharp knife instead form the holster on his waist and began to walk back in a defensive crouched position as he held up his knife keeping a close lookout. It was all he had left with him, especially after seeing that his soldiers were dropping like flies because of Jake and whatever person he saw before. You had done a good job at concealing, and the night was giving you that extra element you needed to hide.

After killing another soldier, you walked over to the body of another soldier that you previously killed and just needed to retrieve the arrow that was lodged on him. When you kneeled down to pull it out, but for some reason, this one was very nudged in there so with a huff, you used all of your strength and pulled it out. You also made the mistake of letting your guard down. Lyle had gotten back his consciousness and was more ticked off with you than before, and his grudge was growing stronger with every encounter, especially after you punched and kicked him back when you were about to be handcuffed. He had no chance to retaliate because Quaritch told him to stand down but he didn't forget it. He wasn't done with you and he'd make sure you regretted it. As he began to reload his bullets onto his rifle, the sound of a gun cocking made your ears tip back and your eyes widen.

You gasped, turned around and saw that the man you had left unconscious was getting back up much earlier than you had anticipated. Your shocked expression quickly morphed into a scowl and you notched an arrow before aiming at him as he aimed his gun at you too. But, someone was witnessing this too. Jake had seen Lyle get up and head directly towards you with ill intent and he decided to intervene. That's when Jake intervened and appeared on the scene, jumping in between you and Lyle, fighting the Avatar recom relentlessly and not giving him a chance to fire at you. You watched as Jake fought on your behalf and your heart clenched with fear for the first time in this battle while seeing your mate take on Lyle by himself. "Ma Jake!" You yelled out, watching as you quickly stood up. And your breath got caught in your throat as you watched Lyle punch Jake in the face with his gun, but your mate returned it back to the Avatar soldier with a punch square in his jaw.

Right after Jake punched Lyle, the Avatar recom sent Jake's hatchet flying after sending another blow to him, leaving your husband defenseless. As the two men fought, despite your fear, you didn't let that distract you because you heard footsteps behind you and turned to see another human soldier trying to creep up behind you. He had been coming around the corner from the moon pool, right where Kiri and Tuk were being held. So, not wasting another second, you aimed and let the arrow go as it swiftly hit the human right in the chest. It just so happened that Quaritch was hiding right on the corner that the soldier had been coming around on, so when he fell to the floor lifeless, the Colonel turned his head to see an long and blue feather tipped arrows right in front of him, and after that, its like his brain malfunctioned for a second as if he had already seen this before.

His face paled and widened at the sight of an arrow that looked too familiar for his liking. But he knew it wasn't Neytiri, that was impossible. His breath hitched at the memory of how he died in his past life and it was haunting him. He was trying to put the pieces together, up until the moment Tuk spoke up. "It's Mom!" Tuk said happily as her tears started to dry and more hope started to grow inside her. She recognized your weapons from the time you had told them what you preferred to fight with if you didn't have your spear, and you said arrows. They knew it was you, and they knew that if that was true, Quaritch was getting what was coming to him. Kiri shared a small smile of relief with her sister as both girls connected the dots and realized help was closer than they thought. But Quaritch knew now that the woman who he thought was not a threat was the reason more than half his soldiers were dead. He underestimated you.

The little girl who you had taken in as your own daughter had all the faith in the world and never doubted, and Kiri did as well. Quaritch would be facing the parents from hell in no time, the wrath of the two people who fought long and hard at any cost to get their children back. You and Jake just single-handedly took care of an entire ship full of soldiers to get to their daughters, and both of them with grudges to fulfill. And they would do it all over again if it was necessary. This was the case for Jake as he continued to fight Lyle and not letting up for a single moment. As they continued to fight, Jake wanted to simply put an end to it and get it over with so he can focus on his action goal.

When Lyle put his guard down for just a second, your mate grabbed the Avatar recom's rifle from his hand and knocked Lyle in the head with the butt of the weapon, leaving Lyle disoriented. So, Jake took this as an opportunity to wrap the strap of the gun around the man's arms and neck, to then proceeding to throw the recom off the edge of the ship. Lyle didn't hit the water at first when he fell, and because of the height, the second in command landed harshly on the ship's base with a loud thud and a grunt and then rolled off into the water.

Kiri couldn't help but notice the way Quaritch's face as he connected the dots at the realization that you and Jake were closer than ever. Her expression turned into one of satisfaction of seeing the Colonel clearly trying to hide his fear. "That's right. They're coming for you!" Kiri menaced, and Quaritch turned around to face the two girls with a hiss to try and intimidate them, and also because he was irritated that they were seeing right through him. But, he really must not have known who these girls were, especially everything that they have endured. Showing that she wasn't scared anymore and that she would have faith in her parents. Tuk returned Quaritch's hiss with one of her own. The 8-year-old Sully bared her baby teeth and fangs as her ears tipped back and her eyes narrowed to show how much courage she had. Tuk's nose scrunched up as she hissed, growing even braver.

After Jake finished his fight with Lyle, you had spotted a group of soldiers all scouting the area wit their guns aimed through the deck, like they were doing safety in numbers, and you had been able to get on the top ledge right above them. You were running above them to attack them by surprise, leaping and landing on one of the men and smashing his head into the ground, which was hard enough to kill him. And then, you swung your bow on the head of the the second soldier that had been approaching you with intentions to attack you. After that, you turned to the third soldier you had behind you and you quickly remembered you had a small knife hidden in a holster in your skirt in case of emergencies, so you pulled it out and stabbed the man straight through his neck as even more blood sprayed on you.

The pain and the psychotic look on your face made the man scream in fear and agony as blood poured out from his neck uncontrollably. To give a finishing blow, you lifted him from his feet and used your bow to snap his neck in two. Your killing spree only continued as you yelled into the lifeless man's face and threw him in the pile of soldiers you killed before. As your eyes drained and became devoid of any emotion, you heard a groan of pain behind you and your eyes grew darker as your eyes locked onto the soldier who was on the floor trying to stay alive after your brutal attack.

Before the soldier could react or even lift his gun, you ran over to him, held your blade in your hand as you repeatedly stabbed the man over and over again all over his body, screaming with rage with every stab. Your mind became clouded and painful throbs in your head increased as every single person or figure in your life that was taken away by the Sky People flashed in your head. Your father. Stab. Your mother. Stab. Hahona. Stab. Eylti. Stab. And Neteyam being the closest close call. Stab. You were exhausted, angered, vengeful, resentful, and scared. You feared that if you hesitated for even a second, you wouldn't be so lucky the next time. You couldn't stop. You continued to stab the man over and over until his dying breath, not giving them a chance to hit back.

You had no idea that Spider had come down a ladder onto the deck you were in and landed behind a wall that hid him away from you and everyone else on that deck, but his breath stopped in is throat as he saw the way you were ruthlessly and mercilessly killing these soldiers as if it was nothing to you. He has never met you before this whole ordeal, but the look in your eyes warned him that he should be afraid and so should anyone else that comes in your path. You were killing them one by one all on your own without breaking a sweat and without backup. He could see that your rage was fueling you. You cried and screamed with every stab, and you would've kept going if it wasn't for a noise you heard behind you. You turned your head and saw a man crawling on the floor trying to reach for his gun but you sneered at this while your ears tipped back and your eyes narrowed with venom and darkness that made the man pray you would have mercy on him, but he didn't whose path he had crossed.

You rushed to grab him and force his body on the ground with all your strength, knocking the air out of him. You screamed into his face with wrath as you proceeded to seethe in his face as he uttered his last words. "No..please, no" He begged for you to spare him, but you could care less for his pleas and pity. You held your dagger and stabbed him deep into his chest, and you watched with satisfaction as life left his eyes. When he was dead, you hissed and screamed in his lifeless face, breathing heavily. And even then it wasn't enough. You continued to scream into the man's face and stabbed him over and over again, even after killing him.

To anyone else it seems as if you hadn't registered that he was dead already and you needed to give them the most painful death possible, but you were completely aware. This included Spider who was hiding and watching you, feeling a sense of deja vu about someone you eerily resembles right now, and it he was horrified. You were not only trying to male them pay for hurting Neteyam, but this belated grief that you were taking out on these demons was the very root of it. You seemed blinded by the rage and grief you were feeling and it looked psychotic to anyone else. Almost animalistic. But in a way, he could understand. These soldiers and Quaritch and his accomplices all contributed to all the hurt you and your family have been put through. This was a mother's anger, and that was something nothing that should never be tested. But it didn't take away the fact that he was terrified and did not want to be on the receiving end of your bad side. The woman he saw before cuffed to the railing seemed entirely different to the one he was witnessing. Hurt and pain can make people do irrational and out-of-character things that can come out of unreleased emotions. Spider could see that this has got to be the case for you.

As you felt like that man had gotten as much pain as you could give him, you crouched back and away from the soldier you killed. Screaming and yelling into the open air as your tail swished furiously behind you, matching everything you were feeling. Your ears were tipped all the way back, your eyes were narrowed, your teeth were bared, and you were holding your dagger in one hand while balancing yourself with the other as one of your knees helped you stay kneeled down. Spider was still discreetly peeking from around the corner as he breathed heavily with fear, seeing how you had taken care of every single soldier around. Knowing that in this state you were in, you would kill anything and anyone that moved or breathed. He didn't want to be found, so he hid again.

You were panting heavily and looking around the area of the deck that already seemed to be pretty deserted. You were aware that you were acting very differently than you usually do and feel like a completely different person, but its hard not to do anything like this when electricity and so many emotions were running through your veins and acting for you. Even now after taking care of as many enemies as you possibly could in your vicinity, you knew you were getting to caught up in the moment and you weren't done just yet.

You wanted to grieve for everybody dear to you, avenge the pain and agony your son went through and that need for vengeance only intensified with every kill. Your breathing started to slowly come back to normal as a sense of reality started to set in, and the adrenaline was starting to tone down a little. Still, you knew there was much more to do and kept your guard up and started to head towards the moon pool where Kiri and Tuk were waiting to be rescued. Spider didn't fail to notice your change in demeanor the moment you stopped fighting. It's true that you were driven by revenge and it was understandable, but he could feel a sense of sympathy as he saw you go back to the woman he met before. You just didn't want to lose more people you love, and in a way, Spider could truly resonate with that.

You had somehow lost your bow and arrow along the way in the fighting and didn't even notice. Most likely when you switched from the bow and arrow to use your blade instead, and discarded it when you used it to snap that soldier's neck. You were completely blinded at that point and not aware of the damages and losses made along the way. But, you didn't mind. Most of the soldiers were out of the way and you could manage without it, so you kept your dagger close to you and held it tightly. You didn't have the time to worry about where your bow went, but rather focusing on meeting up with Jake again and getting to your daughters was far more important.

Jake, on the other hand, was able to get much closer and finally reached the moon pool. He saw that there were no more enemies to take care of and took this chance to race towards his daughters. He held his hatchet tightly in his grip and when he got to the railing, he only saw Tuk. Confusion rushed through him because he could have sworn Kiri was here too. But, nonetheless, he focused on getting to Tuk and freeing her. When Tuk saw her dad, her eyes beamed with relief and she started scooting over on her knees to get closer to him and raised her wrists as much as she could. "Dad, dad!" Tuk whispered, watching as her father approached.

She knew what happened to Kiri right before he got here and was already nervous enough about what would happen to her if you or Jake got to her in time. "Shh..." Jake hushed his daughter, made sure to reassure her and approached her with his knife that he pulled out of his holster on his waist, not wasting another second to set her free. The moment Jake cut her free and was able to stand up again, he bent down a bit and put his hands on his daughters shoulders gently. He needed to know where Kiri went. If she wasn't here anymore and neither was Quaritch, that couldn't be good.  "Where's your sister? Where is she? Where is she?" Jake asked with distress frantically, to her visibly tired daughter who was barely hanging on after being subjected to so much.

"That way, that way," Tuk said as she breathed heavily, being quick to point over to where she saw her sister being taken away by Quaritch just before he arrived. Jake nodded and stood up straight again. "Alright. Stay behind me," He said, and Tuk nodded shakily, staying close enough behind her dad. The way she saw Kiri being taken away from Quaritch mad her fear for her sister's life and her own too, but she felt safer knowing her dad was here now to keep her safe. But, as Jake took a couple more steps forward, that is when Quaritch decided to make his appearance. What he saw next made your made sneer with anger as his blood boiled.

And suddenly, Quaritch came from around the corner as he held Kiri by her braid and had a knife held to her throat in a life threatening way. Jake scowled as his ears tipped back and he hissed under his breath seeing his daughter be taken by his biggest enemy, and the fact that Quaritch had a smug look on his face as if he had finally cornered Jake into giving himself in as an exchange for letting his daughter go only angered Jake even further. Fearing for her sister, Tuk's eyes widened and she gasped while seeing the state her sister was in."Kiri!" She exclaimed wit fear, tempted to rush in and save her even though she knows she shouldn't, but Jake was quick and put a hand in front of his youngest daughter to prevent her from coming any closer to Quaritch.

"Running out of time here, Corporal. You almost lost one kid today. I can make that happen right now, and this time, you won't be so lucky" Quaritch said as he taunted and coerced your mate, making Jake sneer and try to come forward with his knife. This only made Quaritch scoff and press the dagger harder on Kiri's neck. Your oldest daughter hissed and groaned with pain as she felt the knife pierce lightly through her skin and felt blood trickle down her neck. "Do not test me!" Quaritch seethed, not in the mood to take any sudden attacks from Jake. Your husband stepped back with a hiss as he came to the realization that the Colonel had taken over control of the situation and any movement could cost him his daughter. Jake was still holding onto his knife, finding the chance to kill him. But it was becoming increasingly hard.

"Just kill him, dad!" Kiri yelled out to her father, groaning in pain at Quaritch pressing the dagger more onto her neck, allowing more blood to drip down. A part of her didn't care if she died, because all she wanted was for the person that was responsible for her the misery her family has been through was killed once and for all. She still didn't know if the one who almost died was Lo'ak or Neteyam, but they both deserved justice. Her entire family did. Kiri or Tuk did not know which one of their brothers was hurt and brought to the brink of death, but this needed to be stopped.

Seeing Quaritch press the knife further onto the girl's neck, Tuk cried out. "Kiri!" She exclaimed with worry as her darting her eyes between her dad and her older sister. As much as he tried not to show vulnerability, Jake's hand that was holding his dagger started to tremble with anxiety as he tried to push down the evident fear on his face. He didn't know what to do. one wrong move and he would really lose one of his kids that he wouldn't be able to save. "Weapons down," Quaritch said and ordered calmly, and a bit too calmly at that, knowing Jake was the worst possible situation her could have come across, that he was finally cornered and exactly where he wanted him, and with nowhere to run. "No! Don't do it!" Kiri pleaded for her dad not to listen, not wanting him to follow the Colonel's orders, but he had no choice at this point.

"Down!" Quaritch yelled out, and Jake snarled at the fact that he had to follow orders now. He has to leave his pride behind but if it meant his daughters could live, he would do it no questions asked. He could take whatever came after. So, Jake hissed under his breath and reluctantly put his knife and hatchet on the ground, but it seems that wasn't good enough for Quaritch. He needed to make sure Jake was completely defenseless. "Kick 'em away," Quaritch said, and Jake paused upon hearing that, which did not make the Colonel happy. "Do it!" The man yelled, making Jake do as told and comply with everything he was telling him to do. He had no idea if Quaritch would follow through with letting his children go if he gave himself up and his weapons, but what else could he do at this point? Watching all of this happen, Spider had made his way around from where he was before, and hid behind a wall. His heart plummeted when he saw Kiri being held by Quaritch with a knife to her throat. He couldn't let him hurt her, not if he could do something about it.

Jake did as told and kicked his weapons far away and Kiri closed her eyes as her breathing got heavier. "No..." Kiri muttered, feeling defeat start to settle in. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. She watched in the corner of her eye as  Quaritch used his free hand to grab something behind him in of his back pockets on his belt, pulling out the same type of cuffs that were attached to Kiri and Tuk, and then throwing them in front of Jake, which was pretty self explanatory and it made your mate tense up. "Cuff yourself," Quaritch barked out as an ordered but before Jake could do anything, Spider came from around the corner and everyone turned to look at him. Jake was already bending down to pick up the cuffs, but he looked up at Spider with surprise. He needed to convince the Colonel to let Kiri go. He couldn't let anything happen to her. If he could've somehow stopped it and he didn't do anything about it, he would never forgive himself. Kiri was important to him and she shouldn't be used in a scheme like this. It wasn't fair to her or any of the Sully's.

"No! No! Don't hurt her, okay? Don't!" Spider said urgently as he was running towards Quaritch, but the Colonel would not let him come closer as he turned around and bring Kiri with him, and the movement made her wince. "Stay there! Don't move. Not a step!" The man warned darkly, making the boy stop in his tracks with fear. But unbeknownst anybody, especially Quaritch, you had arrived to the scene as well. You were getting closer by moving in a crouched position as you stalked closer and closer while having Spider as your target. You had seen him before and an idea came to mind. He would be the trump card to get your daughters back. You had your knife held up and prepared for your attack, while your eye held a dangerous and dark glint to them.

Meanwhile, Quaritch continued to coerce Jake into putting on the handcuffs and not waste any more time. "Handcuffs on! Now!" Quaritch demanded loudly and with a harsh tone that made Tuk whimper in fear and hide behind her dad's leg. As for Jake, he grabbed the handcuffs with a defeated and frustrated expression, not believing this is how things were panning out, after everything they've done to get here. "Oh, you son of a bitch!" Jake said, putting the cuffs around one of his wrists, so his hands were still free. As for Spider, he was not letting up and continuing to beg for Quaritch to let Kiri go and not harm the Sully's anymore. He knows he has no say in Quaritch's problems and affairs, but after he finally started seeing him as the father figure he needed for years, a part of him wanted the Colonel to listen, no matter what issue he may have with Jake. It wasn't likely but he had to try. As Spider continued to try and rationalize with Quaritch, the human boy was just completely unaware of the fact that you  were sneaking up on him from behind in silence.

Eventually, you snarled as you ran in unnoticed and grabbed onto Spider from the back of his head and putting your dagger against the boy's neck, just like Quaritch was doing to your daughter. Your eyes were dark and narrowed, your nose was scrunched as a you let out a small hiss, your face and neck were splattered with blood, and your ears were pinned back to your head. Both Quaritch and Jake looked at you with surprise. The Colonel was shocked for a brief second as he knew somehow that you were behind the death of his soldiers after he saw your arrows, and his suspicions were confirmed. The man's shocked face dropped into a stoic and almost as equally intimidating expression as yours.

As for Jake, he was shocked to see you too and but also relieved now knowing you were okay after splitting up again but concern quickly took over. He saw blood all over you that he prayed to Eywa wasn't yours, and that same look in your eyes that he saw when the battle first started was back. Jake didn't know what you were planning to do, and that you didn't actually want to harm Spider. He was just as kid, just like your children, and you were finally in control. You hoped what you had planned instilled enough fear in Quaritch to let Kiri go. Spider was even more surprised, he didn't evens see you coming and were now keeping him in a similar position as Kiri. One move and it was over.

He was trying to think reasonably. You were fighting to not lose anybody else, but even so, just as before, he was struggling to see how you were the same woman who helped Neteyam and Lo'ak rescue him from being held hostage. He didn't know what was going on in your head but prayed you would spare him. He knew a kind woman and more understanding woman was inside, but the grief brought the rage of a mother who wanted to save her children. And Spider somehow knew he could trust you.

Quaritch was trying analyzed the empty look on your face, devoid of any emotion as if you were drained completely and not capable of anything more while your actions were saying otherwise. He pretended not to be intimidated by you, but something inside him instilled fear that he wasn't sure why was suddenly coursing through him the moment he made eye contact with you. He would never reveal this out loud but if anything, he truly was feeling fear down to every fiber of his being by just seeing how dark and venomous your presence became while being in a situation like this.

"Release, or I'll cut," You hissed in a deadly tone, staring at Quaritch with indifference, even if his emotions said otherwise. Spider looked at you with fear and then back at the man who's supposed to be his dad, but seemed to not care if you did anything to him or not. As if he didn't care. But the truth is, Quaritch wasn't fooling anybody, no matter how much he tried to deny it. "What, you think I care about some kid? He's not mine," Quaritch said, but you almost scoffed at his words. You could see clearly that there was even the most minuscule amount of care that this monster had for his own son. "We're not even the same species," The man continued, somehow forgetting that he was human once too.

Still, even with a knife dangerously close to his most vital veins on his neck, the boy didn't stop fighting for Kiri to be released. That was another reason you couldn't harm the boy. You could see the way he cared about your daughter and you would make sure that this plan worked and they could both get out of here alive. "J-Just please! Please don't hurt her, don't hurt her. Just please, let her go," Spider begged and pleaded, and he could slowly see the Colonel's resolve starting to fade, but his walls came back up just as quickly. You hissed and pressed the knife further into Spider's neck, but not enough to do any actual damage.

"Mama! Don't!" Tuk exclaimed behind her father, not wanting to see either Kiri or Spider be killed. You closed your eyes shut for a moment upon hearing Tuk plead for you not to kill him. You're not going to but you wanted this to end soon and you needed it to work. "Mom, don't kill him!" Kiri intervened, but it only made Quaritch press the knife more onto her neck, making her groan as she held back a wince, but it was hard to not notice more blood dangerously trickling down her neck.

Hearing Kiri and Tuk's pleas, Spider continued to try and make his case in hopes that Quaritch would listen. "Please, listen to me. Let her go, don't hurt her. Leave her out of this" Spider continued, noticing how Quaritch's face scrunched up in annoyance on what to do, and this didn't go unnoticed by you. The boy was getting to him slowly but surely, and it was time to take things a bit further to see if the Colonel finally starts to cave.

Quaritch had clearly come to care for Spider but he couldn't pretend that he didn't care for him as his son and it was starting to show. As a silent ultimatum, but more of a bluff to the Colonel you lifted the knife from the boy's neck and you quickly sliced his chest making him instantly cry out in pain. "I cut..." You whispered in deadly voice, threatening to do it again if necessary. But it was a bluff, and it seems that Quaritch seemed to catch on but he didn't know for sure and that was what was causing a battle in his head.

"Do not test me, I'll cut again and I can't promise I'll let him live" You glowered repeated Quaritch's same words from before, throwing them right back at him from when he was threatening Jake. And it seems that Jake had caught on to what you were trying to do, but he hoped you knew what was too far. "Please just let her go, okay?" Spider begged, seeing Quaritch slowly starting to break. You scowled and as a last resort to get him to break, you raised your dagger up and prepared to bring down on Spider with a yell, and that was what broke the Colonel at last.

You turned to look at him see what he did. "No!" Quaritch yelled out when he saw you lift your knife and kept it aimed at Spider  removing his own dagger from Kiri's neck, and then holding onto her braid, and holding the knife up in the air just like you were doing for the boy. There was eerie silence for a few seconds as you glared at Quaritch and he glared right back at you. You didn't let up for a second as you finally watched him give up. But as soon as you saw the Colonel let go of Kiri, and let her drop to the floor, a switch went off in your head as you saw your daughter go stand right beside Jake as you still had yet to let go of Spider as you continued to glare at Quaritch.

This was when Spider was really starting to get confused. Why haven't you let go yet? Your eyes were locked onto the Colonel but still not letting him go. "Kiri, Kiri..." You heard Tuk say, whispering to her sister for safety. Spider was looking up at you expectantly and with confusion, and so was Quaritch. And suddenly Jake's eyes widened when he saw you slowly lower the dagger and press it right against Spider's neck again. He was right, the look in your eye, it was different than before. You could give up Spider right now and the kids would be safe, but your head seemed to be stuck somewhere else. The grief has been too much for you, you couldn't handle it. You didn't want to hurt Spider but your mind was in pieces. Jake needed to get you back to your senses, he needed you here. He began trying to approach you slowly.

"Babe. Baby, what are you doin'?" Jake said gently as he began to walk closer to you, watching as your glare never left Quaritch, who had his knife raised as well after seeing that you didn't give up Spider. "You're really gonna kill a kid, Mrs. Sully?" The Colonel instigated, knowing you weren't in the right mind and could be easily manipulated. The term Mrs Sully made you falter a bit, you had never been called that before. It made you think in the back of your head about your family, and this boy who was dear to them and who you don't intend on killing at all. You didn't want to kill him, but another part of your mind suddenly began to tell you that this wasn't over. That this man needed to suffer in the worst way possible, but harming Spider was not the way.

And you knew that. Why couldn't you pull the knife away? And once you heard Kiri's voice beside you, is when you really started to fight against your own thoughts. "Mom, let him go. Please...enough" She whispered and your daughter's voice made your hand start to tremble, and slightly look away as your gaze began to falter. You couldn't hurt your family, the ones who have taken you in as one of their own with so much lov but you need somebody to take the knife away.

You couldn't move, you were silent, you were breathing heavily, not knowing what to do. "Baby...baby, let him go!" Jake urged, and it seems that when you looked back at Quaritch, you ignored everything else and remembered what you wanted in the first place. You still gripped the knife and wouldn't let it go but let your thoughts act for you. The fact that you didn't want to kill Spider didn't change the fact that you believed that if this monster nearly killed your son, you at least wanted him to feel his heart wrench for his son being hurt. "A son for a son" You seethed venomously, hearing while Quaritch grit his teeth, as he continued to hold his knife up and you watched as he attempted to negotiate.

"You're a warrior" He started, and your eyes hardened at those words feeling your breathing continue to pick up. You knew what he was about to say. That by being a warrior, my fight wasn't with a kid like Spider, but that went both ways. He had no right in using your children like that for his own gain. You lost people you love and figures in your life that were important to you because you weren't there to fight for them, but now, you didn't want the same to lose them because you hesitated for a even a second. You had unsettled grudges against this man, and he knew it too. He contributed in killing your spirit sister and he pieced it together. It wasn't just because of Neteyam, that's why he spoke up again.

"Your fight's with me, not with the boy" He said pointing at Spider, knowing you resented him for what he did but the double standards made you question his every word. But, he did say something that made you look away start to truly listen to Jake trying to get you to come back to him. He was insanely proud of you for what you've done today, for being there by his side no matter what and most importantly, for staying alive. And that was all he needed.

This was the part of the fight that he had to do on his own but he needed you to come back to your senses. He should've known this would be too much for you and he wanted to tell you how sorry he is, but right now, he loved you too much to let you go through this agony any longer. "Baby, listen to me. Come on..you don't want to do this" Jake said softly as he finally got close enough to you to stand right next to you. And he was right, you didn't want to do this. He could see it by the way your gaze was shaking, as well as your hands, and how you clearly care enough about Spider to not have done anything yet.

"Okay? you don't want to do this.." He whispered and he could see you start to let out shaky breaths. He was getting through to you, but just a little bit more and you'd be back. You exhaled and your features went from a stoic expression to one of pain and conflict that you were enduring. "A son for a son..." You whispered under your breath, but those words were starting to carry less and less impact and meaning as you slowly started to come back to your senses.

"No, no, no, no...let him go, okay?" Jake whispered as he began to see that you didn't mean those words anymore and your head was spewing out those words in hopes of fulfilling that thought and need of revenge that was slowly extinguishing because of Jake. You felt him slowly place his hand on your wrist, and you could hear the fear and concern in his whispers as he looked back and forth between you and the Colonel, knowing that Quaritch was right there and he could not give him another chance to retaliate when he wasn't ready to fight back. "Come on...just give me the knife" He continued to say gently as he slowly started to feel your grip start to loosen and he let out a soft breath of relief. 

"Just give it to me, alright?" He continued to say as Spider was watching you slowly start to free your grip on the handle and allow Jake to take it. "There you go..." Jake whispered as your hand was now empty and still slightly trembling, as well as your eyelids that were starting to slightly tremble a bit when you felt heat start to gather behind your eyes. Quaritch watched expectantly as you gave it a couple seconds before you finally let Spider go  right behind you and let him fall to the ground. The boy immediately got up on his feet and watched as Kiri and Spider rushed to him.

"Spider!" Kiri said while her and Tuk ran straight towards him, helping up the human boy. You were left stuck in place as your gaze was locked elsewhere but knowing he had Quaritch to take care of now by himself, Jake noticed the state you were in took it upon himself to quickly make sure you were okay. He placed both hands on your cheeks and got you to look at him straight in the eye. "Hey, look at me," Jake uttered to you, trying to get you to breathe and go back to normal You were dazed for a couple of seconds until you were finally able to follow his eyes. He smiled gently and spoke up again. "Get them out of here. Far away. I'll come back to you and the kids, I promise. You've done so good, you hear me? I'm so proud of you. But, tou have to promise me you'll do the same, alright?" He said hurriedly as he breathed out a couple of his words because of his urgency.

He didn't need a verbal response but just reassurance that you heard him. After a couple seconds, you blinked a few times and nodded assertively. Jake smiled gently and pressed a kiss on the side of your face as he quickly moved you behind him with the kids as he took on a protective stance, holding the knife you had before in front of him and kept looking back and forth between Quaritch and his reunited family, looking to see if everyone was in one piece. "Spider, get them out of here!" Jake asked the boy to take his daughters along with his wife to safety. The three kids and you were standing on the ramp that was slowly filling with water as the ship continued to sink. "Come on," Spider said, turning to Kiri, Tuk and you to guide you all away.

As the kids were starting to leave, and you with them, the steps you were taking were a bit slow as you were still trying to get your bearings. You were frozen as you looked at Quaritch, feeling as if what happened before was unsettled. But what truly made you blink back into reality was your youngest daughter speaking to you and pleading for you to come with her. Her voice was filled with fear as you felt Tuk tug on your hand, feeling afraid that none of you might make it out in time. She wanted you to go back with them.

"Mama, mama...please! Mama!" Tuk pleaded with her small voice, and it pained you as your heart wrenched that she has had to see you like this. You kept your gaze straight forward, glaring at the Colonel that brought so much suffering into your life, and it felt unfinished. This was all the while slowly walking backwards as Tuk pulled on your hand a bit more. You looked down at Tuk for a second and placing a comforting hand against her cheek to ease her fear and then looking back up to see your husband who was putting himself first before any of his children and the woman he loved the most.

You eventually let Tuk guide you into the water with Kiri and Spider, all while watching Jake seemingly finally begin his one-on-one with Quaritch as he has been anticipating the entire battle. It hurt deep inside your heart leaving Jake by himself, as he is the one who staying in front in case Quaritch attacked. You knew this was his fight but it didn't make you worry any less about him.

"You're not leaving, are you Jake?" Quaritch taunted, knowing his family wasn't in the way anymore and it would just be the two of them. "You knowin' I'm out there, knowing that I'll never stop. I'm coming for you and when I do, I'll kill your whole family," Quaritch threatened, being completely serious, as he snarled at Jake, watching his family back up into the water. Going after his family was the best possible revenge, and that is the hardest blow he could cause to Jake.

But when Spider heard this, he felt all of his respect he had built up for Quaritch over the last few months vanished into the air. These were the people who had been by his side for years, and even if he just met you and you had a moment before, you were understanding and risked your life for him with your sons. They were his real family, but not him. He didn't want anything to do with Quaritch any longer.

When the kids and you were finally in the water, Kiri looked at her father with worry and fear that they were leaving him behind to fight on his own. "Dad!" She called out to him, and you were quick to mirror your daughter's expression. It was only after a few seconds that passed that you heard your mate stay completely silent, but then finally spoke up, with no fear. "Then let's get it done," Jake said simply, lunging at Quaritch and beginning their fight at last.


Hello! I am so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. In between the last chapter I posted, i was busy with my last weeks of uni and then there was the move out process and then coming back home, to then settling back home, and it was just a lot lmao

Also, I don't know if you guys noticed but I used one of the deleted scenes that came out last December, so I hope you guys liked that aspect! But, now I have so much time to write so expect the last two chapters of this book to come out in the next couple of weeks! I hope you guys like the finale I have planned as well :,)

I also cannot wait to start 'Call of Silence' right after this book. I've been coming up for ideas for months and I was also considering start to have a more consistent writing schedule by trying to do weekly updates for the first time. Also, this will probably have a lot of spelling mistakes so I'll go back to it later lol

It would be good to try that out and pre-write the first few chapters so I can start it off right. And when I start uni again a couple months, I'll adjust the schedule again and so on. Would you guys be interested in that? I feel like doing weekly updates will force me to stay more consistent lmao

Anyway, did you guys like this chapter? I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as ive been looking forward to you guys reading it! :,)

As usual, I put these at the end of every chapter I write, but there's not much else that I have to say now. As always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good rest of your week everyone! :,)


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