Chapter 2- Long day Short day

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Sadly, I didn't get adopted either, for I had left the orphanage when I was fifteen.

I didn't know anyone in the world nor did I want to make friends with anyone, because some time or the other, it brought me only pain.

Now, at nineteen, I realized how quickly time passed.

I kept that piece of paper in my locket, my mom had given me on my 8th b'day. I had opened it recently and I knew it was time for me to travel back and seek the untold truth behind the murder of my family.

So now I here I was, finding myself travelling back to the devil's den, Once again...

I was completely nervous with thousands of questions running in my head.

What if they find me and try to kill me again? My life was serene for the past ten years and I didn't want to lose the calmness again.

Thinking about all these, I let out a deep sigh.

They can't find me, I reassured myself. I was a boy now; I was disguised as a boy and no one could know the real me.

Mr Jihoon, my one and only friend, who owned the coffee shop I used to work part-time at knew this. He knew my story by heart.

He was the only person I trusted.

He helped me to make myself a fake identity card and all the certified documents that followed. I was not y/n anymore.

I was Moon Yeong Seok, a nineteen-year-old boy.

I got down from the last bus stop, finally reaching my destination. The sun was taking leave from it's work during the day. The heat of the sun was now mounted by the coldness of the night. My luggage was so heavy to be lifted. Without having any other choices left, I just carried them on my own with great difficulty. Damn, I had to bring all this stuff with me, like seriously?

Taking a deep breath, I looked around.

I felt a little familiar as vague fragmented memories resurfaced. This is the place where both my best and worst memories were buried. This is the same place I left ten years ago.

First thing's first, I still had to find the apartment Ji hoon rented me. Looking at the parchment on my hand, my finger ran along the scribbled words to read the directions that were given. I was in an urge of moving fast cause it was already getting dark. It didn't look like the sunlight will last long.

I removed my cap and ruffled my hair, running my hands through it.

I cleared my throat nervously. It was beneficial since I already had a low voice.

"Uhmm" I coughed and once again cleared my throat, tuning the vocal strings, trying to make it sound more low and raspy.

Being a clumsy person already, I was having a hard time finding which street was which. Dang it, was it a left I had to go earlier? Wait no, it was a branch route, A frustrated groan escaped me. Already fucking up from the start,

I paid attention to a lady who was passing by me. Seeing that it was a chance, I immediately decided to ask her for help. I walked towards the small figure of the woman.

"Umm... excuse me, mam? Can you tell me where this place is?" I asked, letting her get a glimpse at the address written on top of the paper. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes at the paper. Within five seconds she smacked her lips and shook her head like she was confirming herself about what she thought.

"Walk straight and take two rights. It's right in front of the comic book shop" Comic book shop, right..Ok Y/n, you are almost there.

While I was resolving my tangled brain ,her sharp eyes scanned my head to toes. I could see her shooting glances at me from the corner of my eye.

"Thank you, mam." I bowed in gratitude.

Her hawk-like stare made me uncomfortable. It was making my stomach cramp. I wobbled by inner cheeks nervously, waiting her to tell something. And her next words made me panicked.

"You look a bit familiar. Have we met before?"

My forehead started sweating. Why would she ask me such a thing? People used to say that I have my father's looks when I was small. Especially my father's eyes. Was she detecting any similarities with my father? I blink fast and tried to pull out my best act at the moment.

" That can't be mam. I've never been here before. I'm a new guy to this city" Ok, that was dumb. Still, I was hoping that she'll believe me. After a second she smiled warmly shrugging her shoulders.

"I misunderstood you like someone else I guess. Ok, run along now. You can get there before it gets dark"

I bowed once again with a smile in return and quickly walked away from her. After seeing that she's was already heading the opposite direction, I let out my long hold breath.

" That was really really close"

I wiped my forehead and fixed my cap on my head. I lifted the collar of my hoodie to get more covered. The dead sunlight had almost faded away. I better keep moving before I get lost again. The air of the city was fresh but also I could already feel that it was filled with all kinds of mysteries.

I finally stopped in front of a building. The crickets were chirping loudly, making the night arrive faster. This got to be the place. After noticing the man infront of the door , I confirmed that it was the right place. He looked like he was impatiently waiting for me. A cigarette was accompanying him as his dear acquaintance. I coughed as the smoke reaches my nose buds.

I hate smoking

His cigarette flew away from his lips as he saw me. A husky voice welcomed me as I approached his with my nose scrunching with disgust.

"You must be Moon Yeong Seok?"

I was first dumbfounded by what he said. He said I am who now? God damn, how could I forget my own name for Jesus's sake? What a pathetic fool I am, I smiled and stepped near him for a handshake.

" Yeah, that's me. Nice to-"

" Here, I'm not spending any more of my time for you"

He tossed me the keys. Keys fell making me bend down to collect them. He even ignored my handshake,this guy I swear to god,

" And I'm leaving"

The rude man walked away, not even bidding a proper farewell. I snorted , looking at him disappear into the shades.These people don't look friendly at all. As long as I'm alone and hidden till I find the truth, I'll be fine. At least for now.

I opened the door and got inside the house. The cold breeze outside was giving me goosebumps. The room lighted up as I switched on the lights. I swilled my head to check the apartment I was gonna live from now on.

Well, I admit it that it was not the best, but it was good enough for me. More than enough. With a little bit of work, I would be able to tidy this place a little. At least it had enough space and it was clean. The torn and faded paper decorations on the wall didn't bother me at all. Keeping away the heavy bag of mine, I roamed inside the house.

Two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen along with the small living room,Perfect.

The weariness of the day was getting into me. I cracked my neck , massaging my muscles. A yawn escaped me. Good thing Jihoon packed me those takeaways. I was too tired to get something from outside. Plus, I was starving. The eight-hour trip was no joke. After washing my hands and face I plopped my butt on the sofa, switching on the TV.

"Ah, this is so good" I shoved the piece of burger in my mouth.

The TV screen just played while I was staring at it with no emotions. The news on the TV was no use to me. I had many thoughts running on my head. I had to find someone, I had to find "Him". My first step was to settle down here. After eating the last piece of food, I brushed my hands together and stood up. I glided towards the bathroom to take a shower. The steamy mist was fogging as I opened the tap to fill the bathtub.

My figure reflected from the bathroom mirror as I stood infront of it.

" Gosh Y/n, Look at you. You look like a handsome boy"

I chuckled at the reflection. Hair was short like a boy. My shirt and trousers added an even more boyish look to me. But still, those things couldn't cover the feminine looks on my face. At least, this is better than being the real " Oh Y/n"...

I came to the living room ruffling my wet hair. My face furrowed as I saw the books which were scattered away from the unzipped bag. College, I have to attend that damn college on Monday.

Today is Saturday.

There are lots of plans. I have to find a job and also fill my refrigerator with food. After many chapters of tiring nights, I was finally able to get the sleep , which I had been deprived all these years.

How are you? So what do you think?. Girl disguised as a boy 😅
It's the chapters too short? 😐😥😪Tell me if it's too short I'll make it little longer.
I'll update another chapter now,cause I think you need to get to know it more.😁

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