Chapter 32- Déjà vu

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After instructing me, Jimin stepped backwards, step by step and disappeared from my sight, leaving me to deal with the man. I had no idea what to do to distract the man. Heaving a sigh, I walked towards the male figure who wasn't paying any attention to me. I cleared my throat before speaking to the man,

"Excuse me sir," I politely smiled at him. But he took a glimpse at me and again continued watering like I was invisible. I rolled my eyes and again cleared my throat,

"What do you want?" He huskily snapped at me, pushing me a way so he could treat the rose bushes that I was covering. Dude, what did I even do to be so pissed off? Biting my lower lip, I tried to keep up with my fake smile. I gave it another try to build up a conversation between us,

"Sir actually, I want to find the post office. Would you mind helping me with it?" I asked him trying to act as innocent as I can. For a split second, I thought it worked because he stopped his work and eyed at me. Boy, I was wrong, he glanced at me with a furious expression. He took a step forward,

"Look here you brat! trying to fool around with old people huh? That's not going to work with me!You can see your stupid post office right in front of your eyes you are asking me where it is? Get out from my sight! I don't have time to this shit!" before even I could process things, he slapped me with his quick and angry words, not letting me talk any further. My lips parted with both surprise and embarrassment as I saw the building next to the church.

Seriously y/n? A stupid post office from all the places in the world?

Deliberately colliding with me , he walked passing me to collect his equipments. He kept mumbling at himself while shooting nasty looks at me. Well shit, I fucked up, again, I tried to catch him, not letting him escape. "Sir, I'm really sorry, I really didn't-" he turned at me with a glare, cutting me off, " I don't want to hear anything from an annoying brat like you. Do me a favour and get lost!" He barked at my face and turned to leave. But Jimin was right in front him, blocking his path. How did he even get here without getting noticed?

The older man flinched in surprise. With the sudden abrupt, his grip loosened in the rusty bucket, making it land on the ground. After he recovered from the shock, he scanned Jimin head to toe. Again an irk expression was there in his grumpy face.

"Who the heck are you? Why are you brats keep troubling me-" Suddenly his eyes widened by seeing the shiny weapon on the other man's hand. The blade was glistering, showing how sharp it's edges were. He stared at Jimin with disbelief,

"What-..what the heck do you think you are doing?" He started stammering, pacing away from Jimin. He couldn't go much further since his back collided with another figure who was happened to be Taehyung. He was standing near me yet I didn't even see him coming. He breathed into the man with a raspy whisper,

"Oh, You really don't want to know what will happen if you don't listen to us," He chuckled in a deep voice. The man jumped away, hearing Taehyung's voice from behind. He gulped hard with a utmost fear,

" Who are you people and why do you keep appearing from behind me?" Taehyung sneered at him with a grin.

"Sir, you need to come with us," Jimin stepped towards the man placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Please," he said with while twitching his lips to a smirk, with a cocking eyebrow.

The man gasped as he hear Jimin's deadly words. He scrutinized around to find away to escape. Suddenly he stumbled towards me,

"Kid, you have to help me, call the police," he clutched my shirt while I stared at him with a confused expression. He pleaded'please' even with his eyes hinting me to act as he says.

"I don't think that it's necessary since he's working with us, sorry for disappointing you sir," out of nowhere, I heard Namjoon's voice, making both me and the man glance at him. Hearing his words, the man let go of me with horror, dismayed with the failure to escape the situation.

"Please come with us, we just have few questions to ask from you that's all," Namjoon showed him respect from slightly bowing.

Seeing that no way to escape, the man timidly nodded his head. Namjoon flashed a toothy grin and gestured his to follow him.

"This way sir," He took the lead. While he was walking in the front, both Jimin and Taehyung walked closer to the man evacuating any ways of letting him escape.

I walked behind all of them, getting a clear view of everything. The man was clutching into his trousers so tightly, reflecting his apprehension. I felt pity as I saw the slight tremble of his folded fist. As we reached the van, I could see that others were already inside.

"Get in!" Jimin grabbed from his sleeve and pushed him inside, not being as much courteous as Namjoon. It reminds me of the day he caught me when I was following Yoongi and Hoseok. With Jimin's order, he sat in the seat Seokjin offered him. He was between the two guys who guarded him. I made my way to the backseat near Yoongi. Squeezing my body through the seats I sat where I can see and listen to the whole drama which was about to begin. I should grab some popcorn,

"What do you want? I haven't taken anything from you," He glared at the people around him with irk. But Jin's words made him freeze in his seat,

"Mr.Kang Sung-Jin, we just need to ask some questions about something that happened ten years ago," Jin said in a casual torn, but while brushing his long fingers against the tube of the gun.

"How do you know my name?"He stared at him with disbelief.

"We have our ways," he chuckled.

"Enough chit chat, are gonna talk or shall I make you?" Jungkook pulled out a gun making the man gasp. I gulped seeing his dreadful action.

"Now now, we don't want things to get ugly do we?" Yoongi who was sitting behind the old man patted his shoulder while whispering to his ear. These guys are the best when it comes to scaring people to death, no freaking doubt about it...

Suddenly the man, Sung-Jin, flickered at Namjoon with a snigger, "So you are Ki Sung's boys huh," he glanced at each of us. "Did he send you to kill me too? I heard that he killed Dohyun, now he's after all of us?what a motherfucker," he scoffed. Irony was smearing his words.

"You are talking too much" Jungkook stretched his hand and pressed his gun against his forehead causing the man to startle in fear. He started shaking like he saw a ghost,

He's not going to shoot him right?

"Kook! Put the gun down" Namjoon heaved a soft sigh while lowering Jungkook's hand down from his, "We are not here to kill you or harm you in anyway, we are just finding someone and we need your help," Even Namjoon stopped Jungkook from blowing the man's head, Still his eyes were glued to the man, presenting him death glares. It was a silent between everyone for a moment,

"What do you want to know from me?" He finally asked in a fainted voice.

"Now that's more I like it, you should've asked that earlier," Taehyung acquiesced his agreement while crossing his legs, getting ready to listen to the man. Namjoon started talking to help the man start,

" You were apart of the gang of the last mission Ki Sung handed to Dohyun, which was to kill his cousin, am I correct?" the man nodded as Namjoon queried.

"So, you took all four dead bodies to his as proof,"continuing talking Namjoon glanced at the man. But the other one interrupted, denying his statement, "Not all, They all didn't die," Namjoon became silent, letting the other man speak, "The older girl, she survived. She didn't die. The body was fake," I felt my stomach jolting as I heard him.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Yoongi asked him.

"Because I saw it, I saw her running away while we were busy catching her father. It was impossible to track her because of the rain. I told Dohyun about that, but he didn't want to listen to me. I kept telling him that one day we might get caught, but he underestimated the power of Ki Sung" he paused for a breath. Suddenly I feel déjà vu. What is it? what am I feeling? Some unclear blurbs started clouding my mind.

"Do you have any idea what happened to her?" getting closer to the edge of his seat Jin inched a bit forward to listen to the man.

"She ran along the dam. Her father was there but we couldn't catch the girl, she might have survived" This is familiar. The déjà vu feeling was getting stronger. It's so familiar...

"She must've probably run away from the city," Hoseok frustratingly caught his hair, knowing that the case was getting more complicated and difficult.

"It's going to be impossible to find her. Why does he want a girl who disappeared years ago? What's the point even?" He mumbled and furrowed his face, getting uneasy with everything.

"So you all don't know the story behind do you?"Sung-Jin glanced at us.

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook was eager to know about what the man was talking about.

"There is a thing call destiny right, and his destiny is to be destroyed by one of that family he killed, "My eyes widened as he talks. Ki Sung was trying to escape his fate, this was all about that? Unbelievable,

"What bullshit is this?" Yoongi scoffed in disbelief. Jimin was not believing it either. "This is stupid, the mafia king Oh Ki Sung is scared of something a stupid fortune-teller told him? Unbelievable" he snickered.  The older man took a deep breath before be started telling a story we have never heard about Ki Sung,

"It all began when he visited Japan. He visited a temple as a part of his tour, one famous shaman was living there, he was known as the strongest shaman that lived there. Boss wanted to see what the future was holding for him,"We all were listening to him without making even a small whisper. I was holding my breath listening to the amusing story behind Ki Sung's life." He wasn't a man who believed in those stuff, but when he got to know this, he was shocked," he looked at us.

"At first he reacted just like you guys did, he just said it was full of baloney and left the temple. The only people who knew this was me and Dohyun" his story was getting interesting, " He was a monk, the shaman, and he talked way too much that he should. He could tell all the dirty secrets Ki Sung was hiding, so boss made him stop talking," he paused to catch his breath. I parted my lips, stunned by hearing his story.

"He freaking killed him too?"The man nodded as Jungkook exclaimed in a loud voice.

"But, after that, he started changing. It kept troubling him. Even he looks like he doesn't give a shit to anyone he was scared from inside. He was thinking over and over again about what he heard that day, he was panicking. Well apparently, he decided to get rid of the threat and kill them as well, " he glanced at us as he finished telling us about the untold truth that Ki Sung was hiding.

"No wonder Ki Sung was so furious when he got to know that Dohyun cheated on him, " Taehyung cautiously said, running his fingers through his blue bangs. Ki Sung was unwilling to face his true fate, yet he decided to run away from it, he was, scared to face it, isn't that the truth?

"So he murdered his own cousin huh?" Jin talked to himself, scoffing at the action Ki Sung took cause he desperately needed to live, cause his life was more worth than the people he killed.

"Yes, Oh Dong-Hyun and his family,"

I gasped loudly. My eyes were about to leave their sockets as I stared at him with disbelief. I felt that my heart stopped beating. No, it can't be, what did he just say?

Oh Dong-Hyun!

That's my father!

The world started spinning around me like it was the end of the world. The voices in the surrounding stared to get unclear like I was in a daze. My mind was blazing with agony, feeling like the third world war has started. My hands started trembling in a terrible way while my heart twitched with an unbearable pain,

He's my uncle? I'm blood related with the Mafia leader?


He killed my family and now he's after me. The girl we are after is Me...

He wants me...

Long Chapter. Hope You don't mind 😅So you like it?

Stay tuned to the next chapter

Did I mention that I love you guys so much?😂❤️

Borahae 💜

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