Chapter 49- Truth Untold

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By morning, his fever was completely gone down. That day, we both were in our own world. Not interrupted by anything or anyone. It was just me and Jungkook together. He was again stable enough to talk about everything happened in his past,

"After my mom died, I was forced to train and learn everything, how to kill, how to do illegal things," he gulped, "I did my first kill when I was ten years old," he wobbled his cheeks and glanced at me.

My lips slightly parted with astound.  Kill someone in such a young age?  Jungkook stared at me like he was trying to read my emotions. I looked away, not wanting to show my shocked face.

He frustratingly groaned, "I knew you would react like that," he sighed.  "I knew you will think of me as a freak if I say this,"

What? No way, I didn't care how the world sees him. As a killer, as a cold-hearted man or a merciless gangster, I only saw him as my guardian, my protector.

" I'm not scared of you, and no, I don't see you as a freak either. I know you didn't do that on purpose. None of these things were done with your desires," I looked at him straight. His face hung low,

"I still remember that day, it had only been a week since my mother passed away," he kept talking with his eyes glued on the ground.

"His head was covered, I didn't see face, he was soaking with blood. He didn't look like he was alive at all, his hands were tied and he was just leaning against the wall,"

"Maybe he wasn't alive at all?"

"I thought that so, until Ki Sung ordered me to do it. He said to imagine the man as a target board and shoot," I wasn't surprised when he said what Ki Sung ordered him. That man is a freak,

"I had to obey his orders. I was too small and powerless to stand against him, so I had to do it," Jungkook turned to me, "But at the last moment, I heard a whisper from that man on the floor. I was too late to stop, the bullet just hit him before I could do anything. I couldn't take back what I did, I was shuddering and startling," His lips formed to a thin line. Regret was flowing in both his words and face.

After a second my lips curved into a smile.

"I'm glad you told me this" 

I don't want him to think that he was a dangerous person, this is not Jungkook's fault at all.

He looked at me nervously,

"You don't care about it? You don't regret being with me?"

"I don't care at all. I will never regret being with you"

The dark clouds of his face vanished as a smile crept into his lips. We were not talking. But we were talking from our eyes. We both trusted each other. No matter what happens we will still be with each other. That's what matters.

Past is in the past, like someone once said, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. Living in the now spending time with him is the most valuable gift I have.

Jungkook was ready to answer all my questions. He told me about how they met each other. I remembered that he said,  Kim Seokjin was the first one to meet.

"How did you meet Seokjin?"

"It was so unexpected. I was working with Ki Hyuk, he has the same blood as his father, merciless and bloodthirsty. But he doesn't have the same brain as his father. Because of his temper and short-sighted vision, he just kills whoever stand our way without even thinking about the consciousness. But Ki Sung is a one who dumps people after sucking their whole youth and energy," he clenched his jaws as he talked.

I felt my stomach jolting with revulsion as my own uncle reminded me of a blood sucking leach. Damn, I can't even call him my uncle, it disgusts me,

"One time we attacked a mansion that belonged to the Kim's. They were a family of physicians. Oh Ki Sung ordered to clear them because they were causing us trouble. They kept standing against the injustice. You know, good men have a short lifetime in this city," he chuckled in mockingly way.

This city was invisibly ruled by the underworld. People live under tense. Even someone stood against him, he always has the power to shut them down. I softly sighed as he talks,

"Hyuk destroyed every one of them except for Kim Seokjin who was their second-born child, cause with his luck, he was had left this city to higher education. But he returned after hearing what happened to his family. He was furious and wanted to revenge,"

Jungkook paused for a sigh, before started telling Jin's story,

"But Jin hyung couldn't do it. He got caught. Even though he was caught, Ki Sung stopped before Hyuk could kill him. He took seokjin under his control. I was the one who was in charge to keep an eye on him. With time we were bonded as brothers. I told him my past story. Jin hyung was an older brother to me. He treated me as his own family," he continued without any interruption of me, I was quietly listing to what he was saying.

"Our group was filling with more people, so Ki Sung decided to make separate gangs under him. He wanted to keep me and Seokjin near him. After his best man, Kim Namjoon joined, we both joined forces with him. Other members joined us one by one after we three. We were able to be the best team of all,"

They met each other for some reason. Bonded and stayed together as one family. I heard every story of them. Each had their own dark past. They faced every thing together. Life wasn't a fairy tale that you can live with all your dreams. It's a struggle.

"Jimin hyung and Tae hyung were the last ones to join us. Even we came from different places, even we didn't share the same blood with each other, We are brothers,"

Jungkook said as he was able to read my mind. He was smiling because of remembering his hyungs. I miss them. Kind words of Seokjin, Yoongi's cold but trustful heart, Hoseok's energetic vibes, Namjoon's decent speeches, Sweetness of Jimin and crazy Taehyung. Those bitter sweet memories with them will never fade away from me.

Jungkook had so many feelings to share with me. I opened my heart and ears to listen to him. All these years, he was trapping them inside him. Other days, I was the one who talks the most, but this time it was the opposite. He talked and I listened. Jimin was right, deep inside he was sensitive, a lot sensitive.

We talked a lot, like for hours we kept talking. It was like an unofficial date, to be honest. Sharing our thoughts, favourites, we had fun together. Sometimes we sighed recalling memories and the next second we again laughed loudly like a bunch of middle graders.

Jungkook has his own way of being hilarious. After a long time, we were laughing freely. The atmosphere was so cheerful, it was filling with gaeity and rapture. He was good at joking, he made me laugh so hard. He bursted in to laughter when he reminded me of the day we went to the Bang mansion. Thinking again about it, I got to admit it was one of the unforgettable moments in my life.

Today was one ordinary day we spent together. It's not like my life is normal, I was a hunt of a bloodthirsty man with power hunger, I was his target, I was hiding to survive. Our families are ruined but, We didn't care. We were happy together. Even we didn't know what will happen next, we were ready to face together.

I gathered the plates to take them after we had our meal together. His hand caught my wrist.

"You know, my heart feels a lot lighter now, I feel so happy after a long time," he breathed deeply. Before I could even think, he jumped away from his seat and stood behind me. I gasped and let go of the ceramic plates, not wanting them to smash into pieces. He massaged my shoulders, tilting his head towards my neck. I felt butterflies as his breath brushed against my skin.

"I just want to be happy like this, even for one day," he softly kissed my nape before turning me around, facing to him. I blushed as he looked in to my eyes.

Jungkook  caught from my waist  from both of his hands as he lifts  me up like he can't feel all my weight at all. How many times is this guy planning to kill me from his unexpected acts. I grabbed his shoulders not wanting fall down.

"Yah, Kookie, put me down,"

"No, I'm too happy to do that"

He flashed his bunny teeth as he grinned widely. Of course, he didn't put me down. Aish, This man is so strong. Making me hold into him tightly, he spun me while keeping me in the same position. My legs were around his waist and my hands around his neck. This man is crazy, I swear to god,

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!Put me down this instance or-"

"You really don't know when to shut up do?"

One of his hands  lowered my head to him,making my lips colide with his. How come this man wins always. He taste sweeter than sweet. I couldn't help but to kiss him back.I feel dreamy when he's around me. He grinned and put me down. 

"I won't shut up if you keep doing that," I smirked at him.

"Then I'll keep doing the same thing princess"

He really make me go bananas sometimes. I left to the kitchen before he gets a chance to damage my brain cells again.

While doing the dishes, I suddenly felt something weird. I couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly I looked outside the window of the kitchen, with the strange feeling ghosting me.

I stood frozen. The plate on my hand landed on the ground with a loud sound, smashing in to pieces. I couldn't move my muscles cause I was so shocked. My face was filling with horror,

What is that thing?

Heyo ladies and gentlemen...

I took my time didn't I. So I would like to thank you all for freaking 10K ! Thank you all so much 🥺 I couldn't have done without any of you. *Bows to everyone* love you guys so much💗💗💗💗💗💗

I am trying to double update for a minor celebration and also  I know you want the next chapter soon. But there are some issues,so I don't know if I could.

This chapter is specially for my sweet lil sis alekookies.  Love you 💞

Stay gold ✨

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