In High School, Even on a Good Day, It's Hard to Tell Who's on Your Side

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Mia moans quietly as Clay kisses her neck softly. She raises her hands and grips his shirt. The blonde-haired girl was trying she really was. But she felt nothing. Clay moves one hand to her pants and slowly begins to unbuckle the button of it. Mia exhales breathlessly as her heart begins to beat rapidly.

She wanted this, more than anything. She kisses Clay again as she feels his hand move to her underwear. Mia opens her mouth as he touches her cautiously. Mia closes her eyes and grips the sheets.

Clay continues to kiss her neck. Mia doesn't feel anything and she sighs with frustration. Clay notices this and separates from her. "Mia, are you okay?" He asks.

Mia opens her eyes, she knew that Clay knew something was wrong. What was the point in lying? "No..." Mia says quietly.

"I'm sorry..." She sits up and covers her face. Clay sits up, "Did I do something wrong?" He asks, nervous about the answer.

Mia shakes her head. "God, no. It's's me, I...I thought I was ready but, I'm not, I mean...I just can't...feel anything and sometimes I can't breathe, I just go back to that place when I was with..." Mia stops talking and she looks down at her hands.

"John." Clay finishes it for her. Mia licks her lips and nods her head.

"Mia, we can wait. It's okay, I'm fine with--"

"Are you? I mean, I just...I don't want things to be weird, because they get...heated and I just...ruin it." Mia traces a pattern into the blanket, she looks at him with a timid look.

Clay pulls his head back. "Is that what you think? That you'll ruin things?" He asks.

Mia looks away from him. Clay shakes his head and cups her cheeks, Mia looks back at him. "No, Mia. You aren't ruining anything. Okay? I love you too much, for you to think that you're ruining anything. And I wouldn't leave for something physical." Clay explains never taking eyes off of her.

Mia searches his Ocean eyes. She bites her lip and nods her head. "Do you want to watch Lord of the Rings?" Clay questions. Mia smiles and nods her head again. "Yes, please."

"Until 1:30 in the morning?"


"Just don't...don't shout at me." Ani says in a firm tone.

"You think I killed him?" He asks.

Ani inhales and shakes her head, "I don't want to." She answers.

"You think I could do something like that?" He asks. "That I could...I could kill a person? A...A human being?" Clay asks feeling betrayed by his friend.

"I..I don't know." Ani answers with uncertainty.

Clay nods his head, "Get the fuck out of here." Clay says quietly. Ani still stands there. "Go." Clay presses.

Ani shakes her head, and that was enough for Clay. "GO!" He yells. Ani flinches and quickly leaves the room, leaving Clay with his own mind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, you didn't see Bryce after that? Over the summer, this fall?" Lainie asks.

"No." Clay answers.

"You had no contact with him at all?" She asks.

Clay glances at Justin and they both look at each other. "No. No contact at all." He says.

"Never went over to his new house? Threatened him again? Or to visit Mia and you just saw him there?" Lainie asks.

"No." Clay shakes his head.

"Can you think of any other reasons why the police would suspect you?" Lainie asks.

"Yeah, it's Mrs. Walker, she's out to get me. Look, you have to believe me. I didn't do anything." Clay defends himself.

"Clay, we believe you. We just...The more we know, the better we can protect you." Matt states.

"There's nothing to know." He replies.

"Dennis has agreed to represent you. He started out in the PD's office. He knows criminal defense." Lainie explains.

"I'm not a criminal." Clay states.

"We know." Matt replies.

"Clay, we need to take action. We need to protect you." Lainie says.

"So, what...what can I do?" Clay asks.

"Nothing. Dennis was very clear about that." Lainie answers.

"You don't wanna give the police or Mrs. Walker anything they can use against you." Matt adds.

"And we'd like you to see Dr. Ellman." Laine leans forward.

"Why?" Clay questions.

"Just to check in. This is a tricky time. It might be useful it through." Matt answers.

"So, you think I'm, like, crazy?" Clay asks.

"We don't."

"Mental Illness might come up--"

"We don't. We just thought it might be worth talking to him. Right now, you boys have to get to school." Matt says.

Justin gets up, pats Clay's shoulder and walks out. Clay was beginning to move but he felt something in the room. "What?" He asks.

Lainie looks at Matt. "Nothing--"

"We actually do have something else to talk to you about." Lainie cuts off her husband.

Clay looks at her with a confused look. "We think it would be better for you, to...have some space from Mia for a little while." Lainie says in a calm voice.

Matt clenches his jaw, even though Lanie was trying to keep the conversation calm, this was Mia they were talking about; Clay wouldn't be okay with it, and Matt was right.

Clay wrinkles his forehead. "What?" he asks with a bit of force in his voice.

"I hate to say this, but...this is different from her losing Hannah and Jeff. Mia lost her brother, might not just be Mrs. Walker who is desperate to find Bryce's killer." Lainie explains.

Clay slightly shakes his head, "I don't get it..." Clay says trying his best to stay calm. "You're saying Mia's like what a spy for her mom or something?" He scoffs.

"Clay, it would just be safer this way." Lainie says.

"No, No! Mia...she wouldn't do that, she's not like that!" Clay raises his voice.

"People do crazy things when they're in mourning." She says gently.

"I love her!" Clay shouts. "I know that and I know her, and I know Mia wouldn't do anything like that whether she thought I hurt Bryce or not." Clay gets up and walks away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"First went Jeff...then went Hannah, too bad her baby never came in the baby carriage...oh look and there's Bryce." Clay reads the paper with the drawings and he shakes his head. "Who did this?" He asks.

"I don't know, it was in class...someone passed it to her and she was...very angry." Ani says.

"Well, can you blame her? When did you get this?" he asks.

"Yesterday, I was going to tell you, but..." Ani looks down at the drawings. "Have you seen her today?" She asks.

"Uh--No, I tried to call her but she hasn't been answering." Clay answers. He keeps his eyes glued on a specific drawing. "Why is there a baby?" He asks.

Ani pulls her head back, "You don't know?" He asks.

Clay keeps his eyes on the drawing. "Clay, Mia...she was pregnant" Ani informs him.

Clay felt his heart stop, he looks up at her. "What?" He questions. "When did...who? Jeff?" he asks.

Ani shakes her head, " was...John's..." Ani says.

Clay's jaw tightens in anger thinking about John taking advantage of Mia. "She had an abortion before Hannah died," Ani explains.

Clay scrunches his eyes, "How do you know all of this?" He asks.

"I...overheard her talking to Chloe and...Mrs. Walker." Ani answers.

Clay nods his head, "Of course you did..." He mumbles.

Ani bites the inside of her cheek, she had to say it, no matter what. "Clay, what if...what if it's...Mia?" Ani asks.

Clay looks at her, "What?" He questions.

"I mean, what if it's not Mrs. Walker or Mr. Porter, what if it was Mia that--"

"Just. Stop talking, Ani." Clay demands. Ani pulls her head back, "Clay. I know that you love her, but we have to be realistic. Mia never got closure with her rapist, and...trying to get closure for another one is something that could happen." Ani explains quietly.

Clay looks away from Ani and shakes his head. "I'm done," Clay says as he walks away.

Ani watches as Clay walks away and she sighs. Clay was angry, why was everyone attacking Mia? She has been there for all of these people, even in her worst times.

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