Nobody's Clean

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Mia leans against the counter as she drinks a bottle of water and listens to her Mother's conversation. "Mia, are you...okay?" Ani asks.

Mia looks up at her with tired eyes. Mia didn't sleep once last night after what her mom said. She knew it wasn't true she just...she hated that her mom would say something that the bad side of her mind would say.

"Yeah, I'm...fine." She answers.

"That boy Clay Jensen you'll talk to him again, I hope?" Nora asks.

Mia rolls her eyes and drinks from her water again. "Hey! Keep your mind on the medicine." Amara Josephine snaps her fingers at her daughter. Mia looks at the pills on the island and her heart begins to beat through her ears.

Mia clears her throat and she leaves the room quickly. She grabs her keys and exhales. "You're leaving?" Nora asks.

Mia looks at her, "Yeah, school." Mia wipes her nose.

"Well..." Nora says. Mia scoffs, "Well..." She mimics her mom, and with that, she leaves.

Mia walks to her car and dials Clay's phone number. She places her phone against her ear, but no one answers. She inhales and exhales. 'God, what if your mom was right?'

"Like hell she is..." Mia mumbles and she gets into her car and drives to school.

Mia was fucking late to school. Fucking late, how the hell does she leave before Ani and she's fucking late?

Mia growls and she walks into the class to see the police checking lockers. Mia's heart rate quickens. "Shit, shit, shit..." Mia whispers.

'What if they find it? I mean, of course, they're going to find it and then you'll be right back where you--'

"Mia?" Alex's dad questions her.

Mia snaps her head up and looks at him. "Your locker?" He asks.

Mia nods her head, she looks down at the ground. She looks back up and passes Clay. "Shit..." She whispers again. Clay noticed how scared she looked, but why would she be scared? Did she have anything to hide?

Mia grips the straps of her bag. "Officer Standall..." Mia says quietly as they stop at her locker.

He looks down at her and she inhales. She opens her locker and leans against the lockers. She looks across the hall and licks her lips. Deputy Standall looks through the locker and stops as he sees bottles of Oxy, a flask, and steroids. Deputy Standall pulls them out of the locker and Mia turns to him. "Mia--"

"Can we do the station?" Mia asks quietly as she looks down at her shoes. Deputy Standall sighs, "Okay, come on kid." He says. Mia walks in front of Deputy Standall and of course! She walks past everyone. Alex, Justin, Jessica, Ani, Clay.

Mia sits in the police car. "Well, at least I miss a day of school."

~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~    

Mia sits in the cold room and looks at the Sheriff. "So you gonna tell me what those steroids, Oxy, and vodka was doing in your locker?" He asks.

Mia frowns, "I mean, that's why I'm here, so...why not." She shrugs her shoulders. "I usually keep it, just in case I want it," Mia answers simply.

"The steroids? Where'd you get it?" He asks.

Mia bites her thumbnail, "Bryce." She answers.

"So he gave it to you, just like that--"

"No. I found it after he died?" Mia answers. "I was sad, I was in his room and...I found it..."

"What were you doing in his room?" He asks.

"I was sad...I told you that--"

"Where were you homecoming night?" He asks.

Mia stops talking and she chuckles and that chuckle becomes a laugh. "I was at homecoming." She answers.

"Were you in the fight?" he asks.

"Of course I was," Mia answers.

"What does that--"

"My brother was out there, did you think I was going to leave him out there to fend for himself?." Mia snorts. "Yeah, okay." She says in a low mimic voice.

"After homecoming, where were you?" He asks.

Mia bites her lip and thinks back to that night. "With Clay," Mia answers with a smile.

"So, if I asked Clay...what would he say?" He asks.

Mia places her index finger on her chin. "Hmmm...that I was with him, too?" Mia says in a sarcastic question.

The Sheriff leans back in his seat, clearly frustrated. She sends him a cheeky smile, "Do you want to know what we did?" She asks.

The sheriff sighs. "Mia, stick to my questions." He orders.

Mia raises her hands. The Sheriff burns his eyes into hers and sighs. "Well, you have been in a rough patch, you can go," Sheriff says.

Mia smiles, "You think I killed him, don't you?" She asks.

The Sheriff shrugs his shoulders, "Maybe you and Clay did it together?" He asks.

Mia frowns, "Screw. You." She growls. She gets up and walks out of the station, filled with anger.

Mia groans as she gets back to school. She walks down the halls and feels a hand on her back. She flinches and turns around. "Hey, it's just me," Clay says quietly.

Mia nods her head and sighs. "Mia, I'm sorry I didn't answer your call today, Ani was telling me something about Bryce," Clay says.

Mia frowns and nods her head, "Right, because you guys are still playing detective." Mia says.

She runs a hand through her hair and exhales. "Clay, the Sheriff just questioned me." Mia looks up at him.

His eyes widen, "What did they say? Why--"

"They found some...things in my locker..." Mia answers. Clay waits for her to answer.

"A flask filled with Vodka, Oxy, and....steroids..." She says embarrassed. Mia thought that Clay's eyes went wide before, but this time they were bugged out.

"What the hell were you doing with that stuff in your locker?" He asks softly grabbing her arm.

"I don't know, I found the steroids in Bryce's room and then I just...I found my old dealer--"

"Jesus, Mia." Clay hisses.

"But I never used any of it, I swear," Mia says as she holds her hands up. Clay reads her eyes and knew she was telling the truth. "Okay, but still...what about your sponsor? Your meetings?" He asks.

Mia sighs, "I'm fine, Clay..." Mia says as she holds one of his hands.

"Mia, if you ever, and I mean ever need to talk to someone...I'm here." He answers.

Mia nods her head, "Like this morning?" Mia asks.

Clay opens his mouth to reply, but Mia laughs. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding Clay." Mia gives him a peck on the lips and runs down the hall.

Clay knew something was different with her, and he was scared about what he was thinking about.

As Mia is running down the hallway she stops as she sees a flyer on the wall. She walks towards it, and anger flares up in her. "What the fuck?" She questions.

She tears it down and looks around to see a lot more. She feels her world move in slow motion. How could people be so cruel? He's dead, he was a human fucking being!

Mia continues ripping the flyers down and tears blur her vision. Students in the halls look at the Younger Walker Sibling as she begins to crack. Clay notices the pain she's going through.

"Stupid fucking students..." She breathes out.

Clay walks over to her, "Mia, hey--"

"Can you believe it? I mean, he was a fucking rapist, but he was also a fucking human being. My big brother!" Mia shouts. A small crowd is formed around her.

"Hey, how about we get you home, okay?" Ani asks.

Mia shakes her head, "No...I don't want to fucking go home. I don't want to be there, I mean you heard me and my mom yelling last night." Mia points at her.

"Mia, that wasn't your fault," Ani says.

Clay touches Mia's hands, as they were balled into fists. Mia looks down at her shoes and breathes quickly. "Mia..." Clay says quietly.

Mia looks up at him she exhales and hugs him. Clay hugs her back.

~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~

Mia writes in her journal and squints her eyes. She hears a shatter of glass and she looks up. She quickly walks out of her room and goes to the study and sees Bryce her mother arguing. "Hey, mom," Bryce says.

Mia hugs herself as she sees Ani in the room. "What did you do?" Mia asks.

Bryce chuckles, "Nice to see you too, sis." He greets her.

"I'm fine, Mia. Really." Ani says.

"Go to your room, now." Nora orders.

"Guess I'm in trouble. Good night, Ani" Bryce begins to walk out of the room. "I'm sorry about the mess."

Nora stops Bryce, "You are never to speak to her again. You are not to go near her. Or you will have no home here, do you understand me?" Nora says.

"He shouldn't have even had a home here, to begin with..." Mia mumbles.

Nora ignores her daughter's remark, "Understand?" Nora says firmly.

"Yes. Yeah, I understand." Bryce nods his head and walks out of the room.

"I am so sorry, Mrs. Walker."

"Don't be. You did nothing wrong." Nora says.

"He was tired and upset about his father." Ani states.

Mia scoffs, "Right, and John was giving to an orphanage and bullied." Mia rolls her eyes. Nora looks at her daughter. Mia raises her hands up and walks out of the room.

Mia looks at her house and hiccups. She stumbles into the house and hears shouting coming from upstairs. "Where's my grandson?!" He shouts.

Mia chuckles and slumps into a chair. She holds her head in her hand as she sighs quietly. Nora walks downstairs

Nora notices her daughter's tired state and she tilts her head. "Are you okay--"

"Yeah, I'm fine...I mean, you told me that Clay would break my...heart and he doesn't really love me...and how could I move on so quickly after Jeff died, Which I didn't by the way." Mia points at her mom.

"Mia, I--"

"I fucking Overdosed, mom...FUCKING OVERDOSED!" Mia slurs. She stands up and walks over to her mom. "After Hannah, after Jeff...I felt all alone! And I was numb and I wanted to feel something, or maybe I felt too much...and I tried to kill myself because I didn't move on!"

Mia walks closer to her mom. Nora smells the vodka on her and nods her head. "Okay, let's call your sponsor--"

Mia shakes her head, "No! I-I-I don't want to call my sponsor! I call him more than my own boyfriend." Mia laughs.

"Mia, you're drunk--"

"Oh, am I?! I just...I just thought I was mourning my brother's death, y'know..." Mia inhales and points at her mother. "I have been helping you get through all of this...with the divorce, with grandpa, with Bryce and...then all that shit you said to me last night and school--"

"School? What happened at school?" Nora asks.

Mia shakes her head as all her pent of feelings were pressing against the dam in her heart. Nora inhales and walks over to her daughter. She pulls her daughter into a warm hug, a hug she hasn't had in a while. Mia gasps quietly and wraps her arms around her mother. She hugs her tightly and closes her eyes, she wanted to cry, but she wasn't going to. She'll wait for tomorrow.

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