You can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves (2)

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Mia sees Bryce running to his car, and Mia follows him. As he gets into his car, Mia gets into the passenger's seat. He looks over at her with wide eyes. "Mia, what the fuck--"

"Whatcha doing?" Mia asks like it was no big deal. Bryce rolls his eyes.

"Mia, go back inside," he says.

Mia scoffs, she pulls her fruit snacks out of her pocket and stuffs them into her mouth. "No way, Mom said we need to bond, so..." Mia holds her hands out and tosses the wrapper in the back of the seat. "We bond." She says with a mouthful of her snacks.

Bryce looks at her and Mia sighs. "Listen, Bryce...I know that you and I...have not been on the same page lately, but...I'm here for you now, okay?" Mia says in a stern voice.

Bryce hangs his head low and sighs. "You know we're going to fuck some shit up?" He asks.

Mia swallows her fruit snacks. "I would expect nothing less." Mia smiles.

Bryce starts the car and drives down the street. Bryce told Mia the plan and she couldn't wait. "Cool." She says as she nods her head.

"Mia, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I know you've been getting on the right track lately and you're dating Jensen now--"

"What does dating Jensen have to do with this?" Mia asks.

"I don't know, he's...a good guy." He shrugs his shoulders. "He's innocent--"

"He's not...that innocent, I mean. He does things..." Mia says.

Bryce looks at her and smiles. "Holy Shit! Did you and Jensen--"

"No! No, we haven't! God! We've just...y'know what? It's none of your business."

"Okay, well good for you. Surprised at Jensen." Bryce says.

Mia rolls her eyes, she bites her thumbnail as she thinks about her and Clay. The car stops and they both get out.

Bryce tosses Mia a black jacket. Mia throws it over her and puts the hoodie over her head. She grabs a golf club from his trunk. They both tap the golf clubs against each other and Mia smiles. "To fucking shit up," Mia says.

Bryce smiles, "To fucking shit up," he repeats. They both sneak in the house and make memories, that they would enjoy, but their father...not so much.

Mia leans in the seat. "You're intoxicated--"

"Buzzed." Mia corrects him. The Sheriff shakes his head, "I thought you said you didn't drink." He says.

"Yeah, that was before I figured out that they were protesting at my brother's funeral so..." Mia sighs and sends him a two-fingered salute.

"And you thought, that punching one of the girls protesting would be a good idea?" He asks.

Mia raises her hands and shrugs her shoulders, "Like I said...I was drunk and she and her other friends jumped me." Mia informs him.

"Mia--" There's a knock at the door and Deputy Standall opens it. "Mrs. Walker is here for her daughter." He says.

Sheriff hangs his head low and sighs. "I'm starting to think, your mom always comes to your rescue...did she come to your rescue homecoming night?" He questions. Mia squints her eyes.

She knew what he was insinuating, and she wasn't having it.

Mia squints her eyes. "Whatever is going through your mind...stop thinking it, I didn't kill my brother," Mia growls. Deputy Standall escorts her out of the station.

Mia looks at her phone as Bryce is looking through a magazine. "Jerking off over there perv?" Mia pops her gum. Bryce chuckles, "Fuck you." He says.

"Fuck you..." Mia mimics his voice. She grabs a magazine from the coffee table and throws it at him. Bryce covers his head and they both laugh.

The door opens and it slams closes. "Goddammit, you little shits." Mia and Bryce look at the person talking.

"Hey, Dad." The siblings greet him. Bryce sets his magazine down and stands up. Mia stands up and smiles.

"Twenty thousand in damage, you goddamn little bastards." He looks at Bryce. He looks at Mia, "Twenty fucking thousand dollars!" He yells in her face. Mia closes her eyes and holds her breath.

"Someone's been drinking." She says while crossing her arms. "I should smash both of your fucking heads together." He says as he walks closer to Bryce.

"Well let's do it. Hit me." Bryce says. Barry and Bryce start to tussle with each other.

Mia rolls her eyes and she steps forward, "Yeah! You guys, are so fucking mature!" She claps.

"Dad, leave him alone!" Mia yells.

"Barry, let him go!" Nora yell, entering the room.

"Let him go!" Mia yells. He shoves Bryce back. "You just let these two run wild. You let them do whatever the fuck they want!" Barry points at the two of them in frustration.

Mia looks at Bryce's smug face and she smiles.

"What are you talking about?" Nora asks.

"I come home last night, I find a broken window, my alarm going off, the house turned upside down. I thought I was robbed but nothing was missing." He says. Mia looks at him with a bigger smile but she tries to cover it.

"I'm sure it wasn't the kids," their mother says.

Bryce points at Nora, "Yes. Yeah, actually it was." Bryce says.

Mia raises her hand, "Yeah, me too."

"What? Mia? Bryce?"

"Well, it's kind of a funny story. I went to the wrong house first a few weeks ago. And then we were lucky enough to run into Dad and..." Bryce snaps his finger and points at Mia.

"What's her name again, sis?" Bryce asks. Mia sucks in a sharp breath, "Katrina," Mia nods her head.

"Katya," Her dad corrects. She raises her brows, "That's a stripper's name, but whatever," Bryce and Mia say at the same time. They both look at each other.

"So, I knew which ridiculously expensive house they'd chosen. And then when the two of them skipped town again, Mia caught up with me and we decided to do a little sibling bonding." Bryce says.

Mia smiles, "We went over to Dad's and we played a little the living room, and then the wine cellar." Mia says.

"I drank some of the wine, then I had to piss. So I did that up in the bedroom." Bryce adds with Mia nodding her head vigorously.

"You two are paying. You're paying for the damage. Every goddamn dime." Barry orders.

Bryce shakes his head and so does Mia. "No, I don't see that happening."

"You two have fucked with me enough in this lifetime," Barry says with annoyance.

"All right. Well, why don't you take me to court, then? And I'll tell the judge about Caitlin." Bryce answers.

Barry looks at Bryce shocked. Mia raises her brows, Bryce told her about Caitlin, but she never really took an interest in that topic I mean he told her when she was in the worst times of her life.

"How do you--"

"Who's Caitlin?" Nora asks.

Barry looks over at her and Mia folds her arms. "Caitlin is your nuclear option, Mom. Wouldn't matter if Dad had signed the divorce papers, but...he decided to risk it."Mia shrugs her shoulders and looks at Nora.

Barry walks over to Bryce and Mia. "You kids are gonna regret this." barry growls.

"Kids? Are you fucking kidding me? Get out. I'll fill mom in." Bryce says.

Mia walks beside her mom as they enter the house. "Mia, I cannot believe that out of all the days--"

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. What do you want from me?" Mia asks with exhaustion.

"Go upstairs, clean yourself up." She says. Mia inhales and nods her head. She walks up the stairs and goes to the study area. As she opens the door, someone bumps into her. The person grips her waist. She looks up and into ocean blue eyes. "Clay?" Mia questions.

Clay opens his mouth in shock. "Mia, hey what are you doing up here?" He asks.

Mia scoffs, and she moves out of his grip. "My mom wanted me to clean myself up. What the hell are you doing up here?!" Mia hisses.

Before Clay could answer he furrows his brows. "Mia, have you been drinking?" He asks.

"Way to change the subject." Mia rolls her eyes.

"No, No...Mia I'm serious, Mia your sponsor--"

"I don't Need a sponsor!" Mia raises her voice. Clay doesn't say anything and regret flows through her. "I'm sorry...I...I was going to call my sponsor after everything today..." Mia says as she wipes her eyes.

Clay sighs and hugs her tightly. Mia slowly reaches her hands up and hugs him back. She inhales and exhales a shaky breath. She closes her eyes and tears fall down her cheeks and she quietly sobs.

"I'm here..." Clay whispers.

Mia nuzzles her face into his chest. "What am I supposed to do?" She asks.

Clay touches the back of her head. "You can talk to me, Mia." He says.

Mia inhales, "I-I-I want to..." Mia separates from him.

"But, not right now..." Mia wipes her tears.

Clay nods his head, "Of course, I just...I'm here for you." He says.

Mia nods her head, she stands on her toes and kisses him on the lips. She stands back on her feet and looks at him. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Clay asks.

"You all ready...Y'know what? Nevermind." Mia says with a smile.

"Do you know a Caitlin, related to your family?" Clay asks.

Mia's eyebrows furrow, "How do you know..." Mia trails off her sentence as she peaks into the room behind him. Mia's eyes widen, "You didn't..." She says through clenched teeth. She brushes past him.


"Wow!" Mia grabs the papers and turns to him with a smirk, but she was going to burst into tears at any moment. "That's the only reason you came here today? Not for Justin? Not for me? But to be Ani's...Ned Nickerson to her Nancy Drew?!" Mia shouts.

Clay opens his mouth, she made a reference...she is beyond pissed. "Mia--"

"Y'know, I've had so many crappy things happen in my life. But having my brother taken away from me...that's a lot and you snooping around in my house..." Mia shakes her head as tears form in her eyes. "That's...enough." She hisses.

Mia sets the divorce papers down and shoves past Clay. "Mia, wait! Please." He says as he follows her. Mia stops as she see Justin walking out of a room.

"Sorry, I was looking for. The. Bathroom..." Justin trails off as he looks at Mia's angry face and Clay's sad one.

"Whatever, make yourself at home. I mean...Clay sure as hell has." Mia shoves past Justin. Clay opens his mouth, Mia shouts "Don't follow me!"

"Jesus, Clay...what did you do?" Justin asks.

"I was...looking for...something..." He says hesitantly. Justin pulls his head back confused.

"How mad is she?" Justin asks.

"She made a Nancy Drew reference..." Clay says as he looks in the direction that Mia went.

Justin's eyes widen, "Oh shit! That' really fucked up, huh?" Justin questions.


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