02 | we are the champions

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Chapter Two
We Are The Champions


            The crowd boomed with excitement, cheering on Hawkins as they watched them play against the other team. Olivia and Chrissy cheered the team on with the other girls waving their pom-poms in the air. Even though Olivia was a cheerleader, she didn't care so much about basketball. Before becoming a cheerleader, she never even attended a game. But she was having fun watching Lucas play and cheering him on. Olivia spotted Nancy on the sidelines jotting down notes for the school newspaper, standing next to a lanky boy in their year named Fred. Nancy waved at her and and Olivia smiled back.

            "Let's go Tigers, let's go!" Olivia chanted with Chrissy. The crowd was buzzing with excitement at the thought of their basketball team finally winning a game for the first time in a long time.

            Olivia continued to cheer next to Chrissy whenever their team made a shot. When the game started nearing the end, the game was almost tied. Jason snatched the ball from the other team, and threw it in the hoop only for it to miss. The crowd faltered by the lost point, but Lucas managed to steal the ball.

            It was up to Lucas now if they won the game. The crowd went silent and got up from their seats and all eyes were following Lucas in anticipation as he threw the ball. Olivia and Chrissy linked arms when he successfully threw the ball in the hoop, making the winning score for their team. A loud buzz echoed throughout the gym, indicating that the game was over. They won the championship. The crowd went wild.

            "Yeah, Lucas!" Olivia cheered. Steve ran down to the middle of the gym, picked up Olivia and spun her around out of excitement from Hawkins finally winning the game.

            "That's our son!" Steve said proudly, not caring about the weird looks he was receiving from the other people around him. Lucas smiled at the two, grateful that they were to support him. Olivia and Steve both gave him a high five, extremely proud of him since he had been on the bench all year, but now proved to the others on his team how good he was.

            "You guys make a cute couple," Chrissy gushed. "Steve, you better be treating Liv right. She's my best friend and I don't want you hurting her." Chrissy seemed to be in a fairly better mood now then when she was earlier, which made Olivia relax a little. She had been worried for Chrissy ever since she came to her crying.

            Steve seemed a bit taken aback by Chrissy's words, but smiled at Olivia as he spoke to Chrissy. "You know I would never hurt her. I love her too much."

            Chrissy nodded in approval, and Olivia back and forth at the two with a soft smile.

            Everyone started shuffling outside of the gym to go back to their cars while celebrating their victory. Olivia stopped to greet Nancy before leaving. With their crazy senior year schedules— Nancy working with the school's newspaper and Olivia's cheerleading practices— it often conflicted with each other, and they never got to hang out. That seemed to unfortunately always be the case now a days.

            After a while of catching up with each other, Fred came up behind Nancy. "Oh Liv, this is Fred. I don't think you guys have met before."

            Before Olivia could introduce herself, Fred interrupted her. "I know who you are." Fred said matter of factly, adjusting the glasses that were hanging on his nose. "Everyone does. Olivia Henderson— the number one most desired girl in Hawkins."

            Olivia shifted uncomfortably, shifting her gaze from Fred to Nancy. "Leave her alone Fred," Nancy shook her head at the awkward, squirmish boy. "She's dating-"

            "Steve Harrington," Fred finished for her with an irritated sigh. "Yeah, I know."

            "Speaking of which, I better pick up Dustin and go find Steve, I kind of lost him in the crowd," Olivia spoke awkwardly. "See you tomorrow Nance?"

            Nancy nodded and hugged her friend goodbye.

            After scanning around the parking lot for Steve, Olivia spotted Dustin, Mike, and Erica walking out of the building, jumping up and down with excitement. Olivia grinned, glad to know that Dustin clearly had a good time at Hellfire Club.

            Olivia frowned when she noticed Chrissy wandering off on her own. That wasn't like her at all. She was usually at Jason's side.

            "Hey Chrissy," Olivia called out. "You need a ride home? I'm not going to the party either."

            Chrissy swiveled her head around, slightly startled. Olivia furrowed her eyebrows in concern. "Oh, um... no thanks. I'm actually gonna catch a ride with Eddie."

            "Eddie Munson?" Olivia said in disbelief. She didn't know her and Eddie were friends, let alone talked. "I didn't know you guys were friends."

            "Uh, he's just helping me out with something," Chrissy trailed off.

            Olivia narrowed her eyes at the girl, not believing her. She knew there was something up with Chrissy, and it was worrying her. "Chris, are you sure there isn't anything you want to talk about? I've been worried about you," Olivia said honestly. "It's not that I don't like Eddie— he's actually very kind and my brother is good friends with him. He just doesn't seem like your kind of crowd, is all."

            "I'm fine, I promise," Chrissy assured her. "I'll see you later, okay?"

            Olivia nodded hesitantly. The last time someone had promised her something was Hopper, and that promise was not kept. She was still grieving about Hopper's death, and she didn't want anything to happen to Chrissy either. She may have been over thinking things, but with everything that has happened in Hawkins, the once peaceful town, she didn't know what to think anymore.

            "Liv! Hellfire was awesome, you should've been there!" Dustin exclaimed while running up to her with Mike trotting behind him.

            "I'm glad you had a good time Dusty. I told you Erica would be great," Olivia grinned, ruffling his curls.

            Remembering that Mike was leaving for California the next day, she shuffled through her bag and pulled out three envelopes. "Mike, I trust that you'll give these letters to Jonathan, Will, and El?"

            "Of course. I wish you guys could come though," Mike replied, taking the envelopes from her. It still baffled Olivia how much the Wheeler boy had grown. He was now at least a head taller than she was.

            "We do too," Olivia sighed. "Have fun alright?"

            Mike nodded and bid the two Henderson siblings goodbye, and the gang was unaware of the danger that lied ahead of them; not just in Hawkins, but half way across the country as well.

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