04 | mew-mews

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Chapter Four

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            It was the next day, and to say that Olivia was exhausted was an understatement. With everything going on with Will and Dart, she needed some time to just think. She also still hadn't seen Nancy, which only made her more worried. Not really wanting to go home from school right away, she decided to go to the gym. She dropped her pink backpack one of the benches and sat down. Looking up, she blushed when she saw Steve. She had forgotten that it was the basketball team's practice today.

            Steve gave a tiny wave when he saw her. She had kind of forgotten about what happened at the party with all of the chaos that was going on. She smiled shyly and pulled out her sketchbook, opening it to a blank page. Her sketchbook was probably her most prized possession, and if she lost it she wouldn't know what she'd do. Without realizing it, she started drawing the handsome features of Steve.

            "All right, all right, all right!" Billy shouted, causing Olivia to look up at what was going on. He was dribbling the basketball as Steve was trying to get it from him. "King Steve! King Steve everyone! I like it. Playing tough today."

            "Do you ever stop talking? Come on!" Steve said, clearly annoyed.

            What?" Billy teased. "You're afraid the coach is gonna bench you now that I'm here? Huh?" Steve shifted his eyes towards Olivia, causing Billy to look at her. "Oh, I get it. Your afraid I'm gonna steal your pretty little girlfriend over there." He said, pointing towards Olivia.

            Billy shoved Steve to the ground and threw the ball into the hoop. She quickly stood up to see if Steve was okay. Billy winked at her, as if he thought that score would impress her. The Henderson girl was surprised, she had never received any attention from a boy before, other than Keith of course. Unbeknownst to her, she was actually quite lovely and many boys of Hawkins High did seek to have her attention. She just didn't notice, and wouldn't have believed it if someone told her.

            "You were moving your feet. Plant them next time, draw a charge." Billy said, leaving Steve on the floor.

             "Steve," Olivia said, rushing over to him. "Are you okay?" She held out her hand to help him up.

            "Yeah, um- I'm okay, thanks," He gratefully took her hand with an almost shy smile.

            "Well anyways, I better get going. Bye Steve," She waved awkwardly, not sure what to do. She quickly grabbed her things and rushed out of the gym, completely embarrassed.

            "Way to make a fool of yourself, Olivia," She muttered to herself. Unnoticed by her, Steve was looking at her with awe until she was out of sight.

            Once she arrived at the middle school, she waited patiently for Dustin. She singing quietly to Don't Stop Believing by Journey when a tap on her window startles her. Her eyes widened when she sees that it's Billy Hargrove. Lowering down the volume on her radio, she rolls down her window. "Billy?" She asks with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

            "Picking up my stepsister Max," He answered. Olivia eyes widened at the new information. She didn't know that he was her brother. She hoped he was nice to her, Max had confided to her saying that she didn't have the greatest life at home which made Olivia fell bad for the poor girl.

            "You know Henderson," He takes a cigarette out and starts to light it. "Word on the street is that your the most beautiful girl in Hawkins."

           "What do you mean?" Olivia cocked her head.

              "Ah, so you don't know," Billy smirked. "I gotta say, your not like most bitches here."

             "What's that supposed to mean?" Olivia asked, not knowing what he meant with that. She was starting to feel uncomfortable by his presence, there was something off about him that Olivia didn't like. She wished that he would just leave her alone.

            "Look, all I'm saying is that you don't swoon over me like the others do. You're different. And I have to say, I like that." He said in his sly, confident tone. "Don't worry though, I'm not going to do anything," He extends his hand out and pats her shoulder. "I know you have eyes on Harrington."

            "I do not." Olivia denied the blondes observation. She had only one conversation with Steve, so how could she like him? Not to mention, she was still in love Jonathan.

            Billy cackled at her denial. "Deny it all you want, but you do." He remarked. "Oh look, here comes my lovely sister now. It was nice talking to you Henderson." With that, he walked back over to his Chevrolet Camaro.

            Olivia was left speechless, never having that much attention from a boy. She of course would never go for someone like Billy, he was definitely not her type. However, she couldn't believe that someone like him actually liked her. She wasn't sure if he was being genuine, but still. She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize Dustin hopping into her car. "Liv?" He waved her hands in her face, which finally snapped her out of her trance.

            Oh, sorry Dusty." She says, and starts her car. "What's wrong? You look fidgety."

           "I'm not fidgety!" Dustin defended himself quickly.

            Olivia eyed him suspiciously, knowing something was up with him. "Is it about Dart?"

           "No! I'm fine, I promise." Dustin responded. The rest of the ride home was quiet, and Olivia frowned. She wished that Dustin could just talk to her. When they were younger, they made a promise that they would always tell each other everything.

            Once they get home, Dustin immediately climbs out of the car and goes inside. When she walked in, her mom was pouring Mews' dinner in her bowl. "Hey Livy," She greeted. "How was school?"

            "It was okay," She shrugged. "Where's Mew-Mew?" She frowned when she noticed her cat wasn't there, normally she would be there to greet her when she got home.

            "I don't know." Her mom responded worriedly. "I haven't seen her since this morning."

            "Have you checked under my bed?" Olivia suggested. "Sometimes she likes to hide under there."

            A sinking feeling was forming in her stomach, hoping that what she was thinking happened couldn't be true. "I did," She sighed. "But no luck. Is Duty okay?" Claudia asked. "He was acting weird when he came in."

            "I don't know," Olivia replied. "But I'll go check on him. He was weird the whole ride home, too."

            Olivia walked over to him room, and knocked on his door. When he didn't answer, she repeatedly knocked. "Dusty, please open up!"

            Dustin finally opened the door, but only a little bit where just his head was peaking out. "Oh, uh, hey Liv. How's my favorite sister doing?"

            "I'm your only sister." Olivia looked at him quizzically. "Dustin, you're acting weird. Please tell me what's going on!" She tried to push through the door, but he blocks her so that he won't get in.

            "Trust me, you do not want to come in here. D-dart, he uh, farted, yeah, and it smells really bad in here." He lied unconvincingly. Olivia scoffed, not believing him at all. She finally managed to push him to the side, and when she looked over at the tank, Dark was missing. She froze when she heard a low growl. Turning around, she walked slowly to the corner of Dustin's room, where Olivia gasped at the horrifying sight, it was like a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. Her suspicions were right; Dart had been eating Mews.

            She started to pace back and forth, not knowing what to do. "Please don't be mad at me." Dustin pleaded. "Mom can't find out about this!"

           "Dustin!" She hissed, stomping her foot. "I'm not mad, okay. I'm really upset with you, but I'm not mad at you. But, what are we supposed to tell mom? It's not like we can tell her a monster from a dimension ate our cat!"

             "I know, I know," Dustin sighed. "I'll think of something. Just please promise me you won't tell her, okay?"

              "Dustin, I just can't believe this," She shook her head.

            "I'm so sorry," He apologized frantically. "I promise, I'll buy you a new cat, okay?"

            "That's not going to bring her back," She uttered in a small voice.

            "I know," Dustin wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Look, tomorrow, we'll trap him, alright?"

           "His face opened up, Dustin!" She exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. "He ate Mews. And could be next! We can't exactly handle him on our own, can we?"

            "No," Dustin agreed. "But it's not like we don't know what we're doing. This isn't our first time facing a Demogorgan."

            "Fine," Olivia gave in. "But once this over, I am so going to kill you."

            "Alright, fair enough," Dustin threw his hands in the air.

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