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"Who are you?" Ryder's arms were crossed, his expression stern.

Scarlett stood frozen, unsure of how to respond. She attempted to maintain composure. "What kind of question is that? I'm your fiancรฉe," she replied, though Ryder remained unconvinced.

"Who are you?" he repeated.

"That's such a stupid question. You know who I am," Scarlett retorted, mirroring his defensive posture.

"Do I?" Ryder countered. "Because last night at dinner, Valerie described you as an entirely different person." Scarlett's eyes widened.

"She didn't know what she was talking about," Scarlett insisted, but Ryder remained skeptical. "Really, Scarlett? If that even is your real name," he scoffed.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "You have no idea what you're talking about," she shot back.

"Then please, enlighten me," Ryder said.

"I can't," Scarlett admitted.

Ryder's eyes widened in frustration. "What do you mean you can't? You can't tell your future husband the truth?" Scarlett sighed heavily. "It's only to protect you."

"Protect me?!" Ryder's voice rose. "If you knew the truth, you wouldn't know what to say," Scarlett explained.

"I deserve to know the truth. You've been so distant this past week, and I don't know why. I thought it was something I did, but then I realized you have an entirely different life outside of this house," Ryder confessed.

Scarlett glared at him. "You think you need to know everything about me? Do you want the truth?" she challenged. "Because I'll tell you the truth. My name isn't Scarlett Smith. It's Scarlett Hargreeves. I was born on October 1st, 1989, and I was born with fire powers. I was adopted by Reginald Hargreeves, along with seven others, to become a superhero team called the Umbrella Academy."

Ryder stood there, speechless. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" Scarlett's voice cracked, tears welling in her eyes.

"Okay, Scarlett, don't go making ridiculous excuses to-" Before Ryder could finish his sentence, Scarlett conjured a fireball in her hand.

His eyes widened in astonishment. "This is who I really am," she confessed.

"I...how?!" Ryder's confusion was evident. Scarlett sighed, sinking onto the couch. "In 2019, my siblings and I attempted to prevent an apocalypse. We failed. So, my brother Five attempted to time travel us to the day before, but he ended up scattering us across different times in Dallas, Texas."

"So...you're from the future," Ryder asked, trying to wrap his head around the situation. Scarlett nodded. "I wanted to tell you. I was just scared. So, I created a whole new life."

"But why are you only now reuniting with your siblings? You've been here for a while, I'm guessing," Ryder asked.

"Today...a doomsday event will happen. We're the cause of it. We have to stop it," Scarlett explained, a weight in her voice.

"A doomsday? Like nuclear bombs and shit?" Ryder asked. Scarlett nodded. "Exactly like that."

"Why didn't you tell me all of this? I could've helped you," Ryder expressed his frustration. "I thought you would've freaked out," Scarlett admitted. "I'm surprised you've remained this calm."

"Oh, believe me, my heart is racing," Ryder confessed. "So, after you and your siblings stop the doomsday...you're going back to 2019?"

"I'm staying. I have a life here with you," Scarlett asserted. Ryder shook his head. "You don't want that."

"Why is everyone so obsessed with telling me what I want?" Scarlett scoffed. "Because we both know she's leaving with your siblings," Ryder countered.

Scarlett narrowed her eyebrows, confused by Ryder's statement.

"Come on, I'm not blind. There was obviously something going on between you and Valerie," Ryder said, catching Scarlett off guard.

"That's in the past," Scarlett replied.

"Oh, come on, Scarlett," Ryder insisted.

"I'm serious. I'm in love with you," Scarlett declared. "That doesn't mean you never fell out of love with her," Ryder countered, his words piercing through her defenses.

Scarlett sighed, feeling the weight of his words. "You deserve to go back to your time and be with Valerie. It's what you want. I know it. But you want to stay for me. Well, I'm not going to be the reason you ruin your life."

"Ryder-" "Scarlett, for once in your life, make yourself happy. Don't worry about making other people happy," Ryder interrupted Scarlett.

Teary-eyed, Scarlett gazed up at Ryder, who offered her a comforting smile-the man who had loved her for three years, now encouraging her to leave.

"I don't want to leave you," Scarlett confessed.

"But you don't want to leave Valerie or your siblings either," Ryder smiled warmly.

As Ryder wiped away her tears, Scarlett realized he was setting her free. All this time, she had yearned for Valerie but felt tethered by Ryder's love. Now, he was granting her the freedom to pursue what her heart truly desired.

"Thank you," Scarlett whispered, throwing her arms around him in gratitude.

With a smile, Scarlett rose to her feet. "You should probably go find her," Ryder suggested softly.

Nodding, Scarlett headed towards the door. Before leaving, she paused and turned to Ryder.

"Hey, promise me that when you're old and wrinkly, with your wife, children, and grandchildren, you'll visit me in the future," she requested with a hopeful smile.

Ryder returned her smile. "I promise."

With a final hug, Scarlett bid farewell to Ryder and stepped into her car, leaving behind the place she had called home for three years.

"Promise me you won't die on me before I come and see you," she called out to Ryder before driving away.

"I promise," Ryder replied, watching her leave with a mix of sadness and acceptance.


As Scarlett pulled into Monty's, she ran inside, urgency driving her steps. "Valerie!" she called out, her voice echoing through the space.

Walking up the stairs, she scanned the area eagerly. "Val?"

Her eyes fell upon Elliot, seated on the couch with a coffee in hand. "Elliott! Where's Valerie?" she asked, her heart racing with anticipation.

Before Elliot could respond, Valerie emerged from the bathroom, her expression one of surprise at the unexpected visitor.

Without hesitation, Scarlett closed the distance between them, striding purposefully towards Valerie. "What are you-" Valerie began, but her words were quickly silenced by Scarlett's kiss.

As their lips parted, Valerie took a moment to process the sudden embrace, her surprise melting into a smile as she reciprocated the kiss.


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