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"So, our mothers are what? Just dead?" Scarlett asked, her voice echoing through the air as her siblings regrouped upstairs near the pool table.

"That's what these newspapers say," Five replied.

Scarlett struggled to comprehend the fact that her mother had died before she was born. It didn't make any sense to her. She felt a pang of sadness, despite never having met the woman; she was still Scarlett's mother, the one who had given birth to her.

"I'm so confused," Diego admitted.

"Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly, we do exist, and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem," Viktor explained. "A big problem," Five added.

Suddenly, Diego's son, Stan, kicked his feet in the air as if practicing karate. "Stanley!" Diego yelled. "Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" he lectured.

"Mom said I need to practice," Stan countered.

"Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad," Diego remarked.

"Well, I saved your pathetic ass," Stan retorted, making Scarlett chuckle.

"Well...he's definitely yours," she joked, attempting to lighten the mood among the group.

"Okay, hold on. Five, so we caused a paradox. What does that mean?" Allison asked.

"It's hard to say," Five shrugged, uncertain. "It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear."

"What things?" Viktor asked.

"Right now? Uh, lobsters," Five replied. "And a ton of cow," Klaus chuckled. "But I have a feeling this is just the beginning," Five sighed.

"A feeling? Aren't you retired?" Scarlett asked.

"I want nothing more," Five replied.

"You know you can't keep dragging us through hell because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch and then expect us to deal with the fallout. You're not the boss," Allison interjected, her frustration evident.

"Fine, I'm the messenger, and I'm telling you something terrible is coming," Five replied.

"Then let's go attack the sparrows, get the briefcase, and go home," Allison suggested.

"This is our home, Allison. Accept it," Five replied. The tension between the two suddenly disappeared as Stan knocked over the pool cues.

"That's it!" Diego stood up. "I'm telling your mom," he said.

"Wait, where's Lila?" Five asked.

"Shower. I told her she could stay with us," Stan replied.

"Wait, when did Lila get back?" Scarlett asked.

"Five, where are you going?" Diego asked as he watched Five walk away.

"To go talk to someone who only has half her head up her ass," he replied.

"Hey!" Scarlett said, offended, and then tried to throw a small fireball at him, but her powers once again didn't obey her. "Fuck," she whispered to herself. "I'm going to bed," she said, trying to walk off, but Valerie stopped her.

"Scarlett," she lectured. "I know it has to come to me," Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"Hey, quick question," Klaus said, standing up and walking over to the group surrounding the pool table. "Do none of you heartless bastards care about our murdered moms?" he asked, setting the book of newspapers down on the table.

"Klaus, the only one we knew plugged into a wall," Diego responded.

"Oh yeah?" Klaus asked, picking up the book. "Well, this is my real mother. And she's called Rachel. And I have her eyes," he said, his voice breaking.

None of the siblings paid any attention to him in response.

"Come on! We need to find out who did this! This is the thing! This is the main thing!" Klaus pleaded.

"Is that all you want?" Diego asked.

"Yeah," Klaus responded. "It's obviously dad, alright? He knew where we were born. He hated us in '63. Boom. Murders," Diego said.

"You think Dad is capable of killing innocent people?" Klaus asked. Scarlett scoffed. "Oh, absolutely," she said. Her siblings agreed, and Klaus sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I guess so," he said.

Scarlett looked up and was suddenly met with Luther standing in front of the group, adorned in Sparrow Academy attire and holding a bag in his hand. She wondered where he had been all day.

"Little late for a meeting," Scarlett remarked.

"I was being held captive," Luther revealed, his tone grave. "By the Sparrows."

The group exchanged bewildered looks. "What?" Viktor asked. "Wait, none of you noticed?" Luther inquired incredulously.

"Of course we did. We're happy you're home safe and sound," Klaus said, attempting to brush it off. "Stop lying," Valerie interjected.

"Okay, nice," Luther rolled his eyes, approaching the group. "Did they hurt you?" Scarlett asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Who? The Sparrows? God no, not at all. Excellent hosts," Luther replied, his tone surprisingly nonchalant. "Really quite charming actually. Oh, and you should see their gym. Outstanding! I really think we've got these guys all wrong," he added.

"Really?" Scarlett asked skeptically. "Says the guy they kidnapped," she remarked dryly.

Diego suddenly whistled, grabbing the group's attention. "What did they want?" he asked.

"Oh, Marcus. He's missing," Luther replied. "They want him back, unharmed."

"We don't have him," Valerie responded.

"Well damn, I was hoping we'd solve that one quickly and then move on to problem number two," Luther said. "Disappearing people."

The group exchanged confused looks as Luther told them this information. What did he mean by disappearing people? Could it be connected to everything else?

Suddenly, Stan broke a vase with a pool cue, grabbing their attention. "Uh, it was...the wind," Stan said nervously.

"Who's the kid?" Luther asked, clearly confused and not caught up on recent events.

Scarlett let out a yawn. "Can I go to bed now?" she asked, turning to Valerie. Valerie scanned Scarlett and saw that she was genuinely tired.

"Yes, let's go, Sleeping Beauty," Valerie said, and the two of them headed to their hotel room.


Scarlett found herself back at the academy, this time positioned near the front door, still engulfed in flames. Determined to find answers before waking up, she walked into the living room where Ryder stood by the fireplace.

A mix of hesitation and curiosity propelled her steps toward him. "Ryder?" she asked, her voice fragile in the crackling air. As he turned to face her, she was struck by the precision of his features, mirroring her memory with eerie accuracy.

"Scarlett," he acknowledged, meeting her gaze with a steady intensity as he moved toward the couch. "What am I...what are you...what is this?" Scarlett asked, frustrated and scared all at once. Ryder gestured toward the dining table.

"Your powers are far more powerful than you realize," he began. "You don't understand their true potential." Scarlett's frustration mounted, demanding answers. "Then tell me," she said, her voice laced with urgency.

However, Ryder's response was cryptic. "It's not that easy," he countered. "How? Just tell me," Scarlett persisted, her patience wearing thin.

"You've noticed your powers recent faltering, haven't you?" he asked. "Yes," Scarlett admitted. "And have you wondered why?" he continued. "I don't know. I don't know anything!" Scarlett exclaimed, her frustration growing the flames around them.

"Scarlett, you need to calm down," Ryder's voice cut through the crackling air. Scarlett scanned the encroaching flames, her pulse quickening. Scarlett began to calm down, along with the flames.

Ryder extended a file towards her. "This will provide the answers you seek," he offered. Scarlett reached out, only to watch the document disintegrate before her eyes.

"What?" she muttered, baffled by the sudden dissolution. "It's not as simple as that, Scarlett," Ryder explained. "If you're truly determined to uncover the truth, you must look for it."

"How?" Scarlett asked, desperation coloring her voice. "Your powers will guide you," Ryder assured cryptically as he began to leave. Scarlett's suddenly stopped him in his tracks. "Wait!" she interjected. "Can you at least tell me where to find it?" she pleaded.

A smile curved Ryder's lips. "You're here at the academy for a reason," he cryptically remarked before Scarlett was jolted awake from her slumber.

As the morning light filtered through the window, Scarlett's mind raced. "The academy," she murmured to herself. Determination ignited within her as she quickly prepared for the day. However, a realization dawned upon her: how would she get into the academy without alerting the sparrows?


"Are you sure about this?" Scarlett asked, her gaze fixed on Luther.

"Look, I talked with her, alright? She's chill," Luther replied confidently.

"Are you saying that because you fucked her or because she genuinely is?" Scarlett asked further.

Luther shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "A bit of both," he admitted. Scarlett shook her head, glancing up at the window.

They stood by the academy's side, outside what was once Scarlett's room but now belonged to Sloane. Scarlett had confided in Luther about her dreams, and he had suggested Sloane's assistance. After revealing Sloane's character and their connection, Scarlett agreed, driven by desperation.

"Just climb the fire escape; she's waiting for you," Luther instructed.

Scarlett sighed, offering a grateful smile before starting her climb, reminiscent of her childhood when she would sneak back into the academy some nights.

At the window, Sloane waited for Scarlett's arrival, signaling for silence with a finger pressed to her lips. Scarlett acknowledged with a nod, slipping into the room. Scanning the room, she noted its alterations, yet a familiar feeling lingered.

"Thank you for this," Scarlett whispered to Sloane, who nodded in response.

"Do you know where you're going?" Sloane asked softly.

Scarlett affirmed with a nod. "Like the back of my hand. This used to be my room," she revealed.

Sloane's smile was warm as Scarlett began to leave. "Hey," Sloane called out gently.

Scarlett paused, turning back. "I'm sorry for my siblings. I have no hatred will toward you. Luther mentioned you're pretty cool," Sloane expressed.

Scarlett's smile widened. "Thank you," she murmured, before exiting the room.

She approached her father's office with cautious steps, hoping he wasn't inside. Upon locating it, she gently turned the doorknob and slipped inside, her movements quiet. Searching for the file from her dream, she sifted through the cluttered desk, uncertainty clouding her mind.

"Where are you?" she murmured to herself, frustration mounting as she searched the room, her gaze darting from one corner to another.

Caught off guard, she froze as a throat cleared behind her. Raising her eyes, she met the intense gaze of Jasmine, whose eyes glowed an unsettling shade of green, arms folded in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"I'm not here to cause trouble," Scarlett responded, attempting to steady her voice.

Jasmine shook her head. "I'm getting my siblings. Be-" Before she could finish, Scarlett lunged forward, covering Jasmine's mouth with her hand, a desperate plea in her eyes.

"Please, don't get your siblings," Scarlett begged, her voice hushed but urgent.

Taken aback by Scarlett's unexpected action, Jasmine's expression softened slightly, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"I'll be out of your hair soon. I just need to find something first," Scarlett explained, her words laced with determination.

"What are you looking for? We gave Luther back," Jasmine countered, her arms still crossed in skepticism.

Scarlett sighed, grappling with the decision to confide in someone who harbored such an obvious grudge toward her. Jasmine's hatred towards her seemed personal.

As Scarlett weighed her options, she couldn't shake the feeling that Jasmine's hostility held deeper roots, a mystery she was determined to uncover.

"I need a file," Scarlett stated firmly. "What file?" Jasmine asked, curious.

"A file on me," Scarlett replied.

"Why would my father have a file on you?" Jasmine's brow furrowed in confusion.

"I can't explain it, but...I know it's here," Scarlett insisted.

Observing Scarlett's desperation, Jasmine recognized an opportunity to hurry her departure from the academy. She didn't understand Scarlett's motives, but helping her seemed the quickest way to rid herself of the unwelcome presence.

With a sigh, Jasmine approached a nearby filing cabinet and extracted a drawer. Looking through the files, she eventually laid hands on one labeled "PHOENIX," which she quickly grabbed.

"Did you find it?" Scarlett's voice echoed across the room as she approached.

"I think so," Jasmine replied, extending the file toward Scarlett. "It's not specifically about you, but it's about your powers," she explained.

Grabbing the file, Scarlett's curiosity grew. "How did you know where this was?" she asked.

Jasmine shrugged nonchalantly. "I used to snoop around here when I was younger, while my father was busy with business," she confessed.

"Well, thanks," Scarlett acknowledged.

"Yeah, whatever. You should leave before anyone sees you. I'll help you sneak out," Jasmine offered.

"Oh, you don't have to. Sloane let me in through my-her-window," Scarlett revealed, the realization of her altered past sinking in.

"Sloane?" Jasmine's confusion was evident as she fell into step beside Scarlett.

"Yeah," Scarlett affirmed, setting her sights on Sloane's room as they walked together.

"Did you find it?" Sloane asked as Scarlett and Jasmine entered her room, her eyes widening at the unexpected sight of her sister.

"Jasmine?" Sloane's confusion was evident. "You let her in?" Jasmine asked, met with a silent nod from her sister.

"Well, I should probably go before I cause any trouble. Thank you again, Sloane," Scarlett interjected, making her way toward the window.

Pausing by the window, Scarlett glanced down at the file in her hand before turning to meet Jasmine's gaze. "And thank you, I guess, for helping me find this," she offered before finally leaving the academy.

Jasmine let out a sigh, turning to her sister. "Do you have any idea what our siblings would've done if they found out that you let an Umbrella in?" she asked.

Sloane sighed, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I know, I know. She was desperate, though. Besides, she doesn't seem that bad as a person," Sloane reasoned, her voice tinged with empathy.

"That bad? She burned my plants. Nobody's ever done that," Jasmine retorted, her resentment evident.

Sloane stood up to face her sister. "I love you, Jasmine, but holding a grudge like this isn't okay. You're starting to become obsessed with being better than Scarlett," she said gently before exiting the room, leaving Jasmine to think about her words.

Jasmine couldn't believe what her sister was saying. She denied being obsessed with Scarlett, but deep down, she knew her feelings were spiraling into something far more complex than mere rivalry. Her hatred had turned into a toxic blend of envy and resentment, consuming her from within.


"Glad you could join us for Scrabble night," Diego remarked as Scarlett approached the table and took a seat.

Diego, Luther, and Valerie were engrossed in their game when Scarlett placed a file on the table in front of them.

"What's this?" Valerie asked, eyeing the file. "A file on me. Well, specifically on my powers," Scarlett revealed.

"Where did you find this?" Diego asked with a furrowed brow. "At the academy," Scarlett responded.

"How did you get into the academy?" he asked.

"Not important. What's important is what's inside this file," Scarlett retorted. "Have you looked inside?" Luther asked.

"Not yet. I'm too scared," Scarlett admitted.

"Let me take a look," Valerie volunteered, reaching for the file. "So, it's just about your powers, not about you?" she clarified.

"Apparently," Scarlett confirmed. "Well, let's look in it," Luther suggested. "I can't. You do it," Scarlett replied, passing the file to Luther.

He opened it, revealing the truth about her powers. His eyes widened in surprise.

"What does it say?" Scarlett asked eagerly.

"It's...empty," he revealed.

"What?" Scarlett gasped, snatching the file to confirm. Indeed, it contained nothing but blank pages.

"This is a fucking joke right?" Scarlett muttered, exasperated.

"Maybe it's a fake," Diego proposed.

"It feels like my dreams are playing some sick fucking joke on me," Scarlett lamented.

Valerie grabbed the file from Scarlett. "Or maybe it's a hidden message," she suggested.

"Remember when we were cops? When we discovered stains at crime scenes visible only under a black light? Maybe this is similar," Valerie proposed.

"But instead with her powers!" Luther chimed in. "Exactly," Valerie affirmed. "It's a reasonable explanation," Diego agreed.

Scarlett pondered the idea. It wasn't far fetched. Swiftly, she placed the file on the table and conjured fire from her fingertips. She traced it across the paper, revealing words and sentences as they appeared.

"Whoa, the paper's fireproof," Luther said, mesmerized. As Scarlett finished with the first page, she moved on to the second, but as she tried to read the message, her fire powers suddenly extinguished. She stared at her hand in confusion and attempted again. "Not now. Fuck," she muttered.

"You only got to the first page?" Luther asked.

"Yeah," Scarlett replied, picking up the paper. "Well, what does it say?" Valerie asked. Scarlett sighed and began reading the paper aloud.

"THE PHOENIX: SOMEONE WHO SHOULD BE FEARED BY ALL. (only if he or she doesn't know the full extent of their powers) BE CAUTIOUS!"

The group exchanged confused looks. "Who's 'The Phoenix,' and why should they be feared?" Diego asked.

"I don't know," Scarlett admitted, scanning the words again but finding no immediate answers. "Only if they don't know the full extent of their powers? I wonder what that means," Luther pondered aloud.

Scarlett kept searching for clarity, the phrase "only if they don't know the full extent of their powers" echoing in her mind. Her father had this file. He obviously had it before he adopted her because he didn't adopt her in this timeline. He knew about this, yet he never shared anything beyond the fact that her powers were powerful and could manipulate fire. She had never knew the full extent of her powers.

Then it dawned on Scarlett. "Scarlett, what is it?" Valerie asked. "I'm the Phoenix," Scarlett muttered. "I'm sorry?" Diego asked.

"I am the Phoenix," Scarlett exclaimed. The group exchanged bewildered glances as Scarlett finally understood the message. She looked back at the paper and reread the words.

"The Phoenix is someone who should be feared by all," she read aloud. Was she truly dangerous? She glanced down at her hands, realizing she had no idea of her true capabilities. And that frightened her.

"Hey," Allison said, approaching with Viktor. "What did we miss?" she asked.


"Wait, what?" Viktor and Allison said in unison after Scarlett explained everything to them.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Allison asked. "Hopefully, by the time I go to bed tonight, I'll have some answers," Scarlett replied.

"So, where have you guys been?" Diego interjected. "We had a chat with the sparrows," Viktor said. "What? Why?" Diego's confusion was evident.

"We're arranging an exchange," Allison explained. "The briefcase for Marcus."

"But we don't have Marcus," Scarlett interjected, confused.

"Well, they don't know that," Allison pointed out. "You do realize they'll unleash hell upon us once they figure it out, right?" Luther expressed concern.

"We'll handle it," Allison reassured. "They should be here any minute now," Viktor said.

"Yes, and then we'll take back the briefcase," Allison affirmed.

Scarlett turned to witness the Sparrows entering, adorned in their uniforms. "Speak of the devils," she murmured, rising along with her siblings.

Approaching them, the Sparrows appeared visibly pissed off. Scarlett noticed Jasmine, but her expression remained icy.

"Thanks for showing up," Viktor greeted. "Oh, yeah, thrilled to be here," Jayme replied dryly.

"Where are the others?" Ben pressed urgently.

"What are we taking attendance now?" Scarlett quipped. "They'll be here," Viktor assured.

"Where's the briefcase?" Allison asked.

"Where's our brother?" Ben countered sharply.

"Maybe we should start over," Allison sighed, "before I lose my temper."

Scarlett noticed Sloane whispering something to Luther, then turning to whisper the same thing to her. The siblings exchanged confused glances, unable to comprehend what Sloane was saying.

"Hand over the briefcase or no deal," Allison asserted. "Yeah, tiny problem," Ben replied. "Deal's off," he declared.

Sloane continued whispering to the two siblings until Scarlett finally grasped her message. "Run," Sloane whispered, leaving Scarlett confused. Why was she urging them to run? It was then Scarlett scanned the Sparrows and saw the fury on their faces.

Realization struck-they weren't here to negotiate; they wanted to kill them. "Oh, 'run'!" Luther exclaimed, prompting Scarlett to lightly hit his chest.

"Power up!" Ben commanded, causing his siblings to prepare to use their abilities. Horrified, Scarlett and her siblings exchanged glances, fearing what was about to come. Scarlett turned to Valerie. "Run! Now!" she urged, sending Valerie running to find cover.

"Now, Chris!" Ben ordered, and suddenly the floating cube unleashed lasers, incapacitating the siblings, causing them to groan in pain.

Scarlett felt as though her head would explode. Despite her efforts to conjure fire, her powers failed her, making her frustrated. "Aw, can't get your fire to work," Jasmine taunted, making Scarlett cast a glare her way.

"Kill them," Ben instructed his siblings. As they advanced towards the umbrellas, an unseen force knocked them back. They rose, only to witness Jayme and Alphonso lying lifeless on the ground.

Scarlett turned to see an elderly man standing beside her siblings, his eyes glowing. Could he have done this? Valerie rushed to Scarlett, embracing her. "Thank goodness," she murmured, planting a kiss on Scarlett's cheek. "What happened?" Scarlett asked.

"Pull back!" Ben's voice echoed, as Scarlett's vision blurred. As the Sparrows fled, leaving their fallen siblings behind, Luther tended to Sloane, and the last image Scarlett saw before losing consciousness was her girlfriend's concerned face.


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