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Chloe woke up to the sound of her dad in the kitchen. the sun was shining on her and she could smell fresh bacon.

she sat up in bed and stared outside. the trailer park looked empty today. ever since her dad got fired from being the sheriff, they've been a little short on money.

it's always been her and her dad. ever since the night she got attacked. her mom walked out, and never contacted them or visited them.

after getting dressed, Chloe walked out and saw her dad cooking bacon on the stove. "hey, sunshine. bacon?"

Chloe smiled. "mmm, yes please."

"It's almost done. find something for us to watch." Chloe nodded and sat down on the couch.

she grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. her dad brought over a plate and orange juice.

even though her dad couldn't provide her a lot like the other kid's families, she still loved him.

she started flipping through channels when she got to the news.

"breaking news, local teen Tara Carpenter was brutally attacked in her home last night."

"Tara was attacked?" Tara was one of Chloe's close friends. her girlfriend was best friends with Tara and really she was friends with the whole group.

Chloe pulled out her phone and looked at her group chat with her friends.

"but she wasn't attacked by any ordinary person. she was attacked by the notorious Ghostface, which hasn't been seen since 2011."

Chloe looked up from her phone. She felt her face get hot. flashbacks from her attack flooded her mind.

her dad turned to her. Chloe started at the tv. "are you-" "We should get to school." Chloe stood up cutting her father off.

her father got the message. she did not wanna talk about the situation.

Chloe walked out to her dad's truck and got in the passenger seat. "I hope Tara's okay," she said while texting on her phone.

her father nodded as he started the truck. he started to pull out of the trailer park and Chloe stared out the window.

Chloe met up with her friends at their usual spot. the picnic tables outside of the school. that had been their spot since the fourth grade.

"what the hell is going on?" Chloe walked up to the group and hugged her best friend, Aaliyah.

She and Aaliyah had been friends since kindergarten along with her other best friend, Mason.

the three have been inseparable ever since.

Aaliyah was a triplet. she has a brother, Chad, and a sister, Mindy.

"is Tara okay?" Chloe asked as she took her place next to her girlfriend, Amber.

she and Amber have been dating since the beginning of their senior year. Chloe's had a thing for her since sophomore year.

"she hasn't woken up yet," Wes said. Wes had always had a thing for Tara and everyone knew. he wasn't good at hiding it.

"All I'm saying is, with everything going in right now, I think it's time we take our relationship to the next, most intimate level." Chad walked over to the group with her arm draped around his girlfriend, Olivia's neck.

"he wants me to accept his Find My Fam request," Olivia said.

"It's the smartest option with a would-be killer on the loose. you know exactly where I am and I know exactly where you are." Chad said.

"aw, you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend." Olivia said. "and you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend." Chad repeated.

"if I ever get like that, shoot me," Amber said. Chloe chucked. "i'd have to."

"Is this because you two aren't having sex yet?" Aaliyah asked. "you actually bring up a very good point." Chad said.

"Not that I want to sound like a stereotypical jock-" "Trust me. you can't get more stereotypical than him." Aaliyah pointed to Mason.

"what did I do?" Mason held his hands up in defense. "you are the quarterback of the football team. every girl wants you. your hella rich-"

"I am not rich." Aaliyah raised her eyebrows. "your mom drives a Tesla. rich." Aaliyah booped his nose.

"don't do it Liv. there's a psycho on the loose. make yourself harder to find. delete social media. tape over your phone camera. disable GPS." Wes said.

"you're so paranoid." Chad said. "well there is a murderer on the loose." Wes said in defense.

"speaking of, your mother just interrogated me about Tara's attempted murder. which was so fun." Chad sarcastically said.

"she's asking everyone what they know. I mean there is a murderer on the loose." Wes said.

"Not just any murder. the Ghostface killer. he's been around for decades." Aaliyah said.

Chloe felt queasy hearing the name Ghostface. Mason looked over and noticed something was wrong with her.

"Are you okay?" Chloe turned to Mason and nodded. "you sure? I mean with everything that happened to you-" "I'm fine, Mason. really." Chloe lied.

she was far from okay.

"the press still isn't saying Ghostface." Mindy said. "my mom doesn't wanna cause a panic." Wes said.

"it'll get out by the second or third killing," Mindy said which made Chloe feel sick to her stomach.

"Jesus. Mindy, there wasn't a first killing. Tara's alive." Amber said. "mmm. I mean she still could die." Mindy shrugged.

"what the fuck." Amber said. "or the killer could come back for her." Mindy said.

"Okay, guys can we not talk about Ghostface killing anyone? we're all gonna be okay." Chloe said. she was bouncing her leg and Amber rested her hand on it, making her leg slow down.

"we will be." Amber nodded. "I'm just telling you, arm up, okay? pepper spray, check. Taser, check."

Chloe had all of those hidden throughout her room. especially that knife under her pillow.

"girlfriend repellent, check," Aaliyah said making everyone laugh.

"Holy shit." Liv looked out into the distance. "is that...Vince?"

"wait. the creep you hooked up with last summer?" Chad asked. "yeah. he worked with me and Tara." Liv said.

"he worked with Tara?" Chloe asked as she turned around and looked at the man.

"he's been stalking my Instagram the last couple of weeks, posting the creepiest shit," Liv said. Mindy took a photo of him just in case.

"probably time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw," Chad said while flexing his muscles.

"maybe not the best idea to incite violence right in front of the sheriff, fast and furious," Aaliyah said.

"looks like he's leaving anyways," Liv said. just then the bell rang.

"Tara's awake." Wes said looking at his phone. "she just texted. I'm gonna go to the hospital."

everyone agreed and stood up from where they were sitting. except for Liv.

"Oh. uh...I can't but I'll meet you guys later." Liv said. "oh. okay." Chad kissed her before leaving.

"I'm gonna ride with Mason and Aaliyah." Chloe told Amber. "okay. I'll meet you there." she quickly have Chloe a kiss.

"you sure your okay Chloe?" Aaliyah said as she jumped into the backseat of Mason's BMW. like she said, rich.

"yeah. I'm good." Chloe said. "hopefully they catch this son of a bitch soon." Mason backed out of the parking lot.

"yeah. me too." Chloe said.


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