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Tw: abuse almost

Madison gets pulled over to the bikes, a man walks past before Carl coughs grabbing his attention, "Take this in for me, and you get 60" he says making Madison look at the guy, this was a teacher who hated the kids ur still chose to work as a teacher,

"Fine, I want the 60 bucks"

The teacher walks away making Maddison watch as he goes through the check with a frown, her arms are crossed over her chest while her head leans against the side of the bike wall, her gum slowly grabbing flavour,

"Why is she here," a boy asked as he zipped up his pants making Madison roll her eyes following Carl and Nick to a cell before hopping up on the window and falling, "why are the walls high," Maddison groaned as she flipped off the window and wall "maybe your too small" nick asked

"I'm normal height thank you," Madison replied before climbing up with a frown as she fell again shoes hitting the floor,

"Here stand on there and jump" Carl says moving away from the toilets the bag still not moving from the side, Madison nods as she climbs up, almost slipping making Carl hold his arm out not wanting the girl to fall,

Madison finally climbs onto the window before lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke out, "why the fuck is there a girl on the window" another boy shouts making Madison close her eyes even though they were already closed,

"I here for work don't mind" Maddison replied as opens her eyes toward Carl as she watched Carl hand a boy a gun getting money in return,

Maddison sits on the window watching as Carl gives guns out and gets paid back, the smirk never leaving his face a boy comes in eyes going straight to Madison who's counting the money,

"What do you need a gun for?" Carl asked making Maddison look up seeing the boy and smiling,

"In cast there a shooting" The boy whispers making Carl nod before pulling a gun out, Maddison never thought she would be sitting in the boy's bathroom on the window counting money, while her second best friend hands guns out to everyone who comes by,

"Why is there a girl in here with you" the boy asked as Carl checked the gun,

"Work, now here, next!" Cake shouts as he gets handed the money before standing up and passing it to Madison who's still counting the money closely,

"I want half" Maddison asked as she folded up the money and placed a rubber band around the money she threw it down to Carl who was frowning,

"Forty to sixty" Carl asked back making Madison Jump down glaring at him,

"I want fifty" Madison replied as she kept her eyes connected to his,

"No, it's my money," Carl says still keeping eye contact if you could call it that,

"And It's mine, so fifty or I quit" Madison mumble with a smile

"Fine, fifty each, I got to go," Carl says before walking away leaving Madison on her own,

"Where have you been" Debbie shouts as she smacks her hand against the back of Madison's head snapping her head up and glaring at the hair girl,

"Was busy" Madison smiled

"With what?" Debbie asked

"The usual, see Mickey, steal two packs of cigs and some drinks, then come to school and do the same after"

"Right, smoking is bad for you" Debbie mumbles before writing something down as the teacher continues to talk,

Madison smiles as Carl hands her the money before walking away to a girl with curls Nick following, Madison counts the money and smirks as she looks around and runs off making Debbie look at her confused,

Madison smiles as she walks back to school her steps going out of line with a smile she walks into her class maki g the teacher looks at her eyes going wide,

"You late, Miss Milkovich"

"So? Not a big deal I'm here now ain't I?" Madison replied as she drank out of her water bottle eyes twitching at the taste,

"Alright out of my lesson"

"Good never liked this class anyway"

Madison walks out fainting as she does making the teacher run out to check her pulse before someone smells the water scrunching their nose at the smell,

"She has been drinking," they say making the teacher nod as she looks at the girl who's fainted flat on the floor, debbie comes out wondering what's happened her eyes land right in. The bracelets that hang onto Madison's arms,

"Madison" Debbie shouts as she rushes toward her with a frown

"Miss Milkovich your suspension is 3 days for day drinking," the head teacher shouts coffee slipping out of his mouth and onto the desk as she shouts making Maddison nod and walk out with a smile her steps still wobbly,

Madison arrives home and she stumbles in coming face to face with her dad who's frowning, "why you back early," he mumbles as he takes a drink,

"Got wasted and then suspended" Madison shrugged

"You what!" He shouts making Madison run upstairs to him as he undone his belt he follows her,

"I'm sorry" Madison shouts as she slams her door quickly locking it as she tries her best to push something in front of the door to stop it from opening,

"You will be sorry" he shouts as he bangs against the door making Madison jump before grabbing a bag and quickly filling it with clothes and underwear for a few days, three boxes of cigarettes rest on top of them all, and a picture of her and Debbie at age 11 in the summer, also rest with the boxes,

Madison groans as she opens the window before cutting her hand again making her bite her lip as she climbs out almost immediately falling flat on the ground, the door opens with a force almost coming off its hinge as the footsteps make their way over to the open window where Madison stands at the side hoping not to get noticed, the window slams shut making her let out a shaky breath before slowly climbing down the vines blood rubbing against it leaving blood tail,

Madison keeps running and running till a building comes in making her smile as she climbs through the metal fence and into the abandoned church,

Madison sits on top of the wall fixing up her hand with some bandages she found in the old beaten-up kitchen, she is still dizzy from before, and her breath still smells of cigarettes and whiskey she didn't like whiskey she was more of a vodka girl, but that all she could get as they didn't have any of her usual,


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