ten. FITZ

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I stood outside of the dorm houses, incredibly grateful that Jemma didn't take too long to get ready.

Ward had gotten up around the same time I did, but instead of being a normal person, he pulled weights out of one of his suitcasea and immediately began working out. Then he started doing pushups. Then he pulled out this bar thing and hung it up on the bathroom doorframe and began doing pull ups.

He could have at least had the decency to put on a shirt.

The school provided all the food, although I had a strong guess that it would be around the same thing every week. Especially because there was a town nearby that supposedly had better foods. Apparently the town was one of things sponsoring the school since the school was advertising the town to a bunch of young adults.

A smile lit up on my face as I saw Jemma walk out. She wore a nice beige blouse and dark blue jeans that fit her body nicely. She immediately saw me and quickened her place. I walked to her so we could meet in the middle.

"Shall we?" I offered.

"We shall." She smiled.

We made our way down the path, looking for the cafeteria. Honestly, I forgot to try to locate it yesterday when we were walking back because I was too caught up in our conversation. Thankfully, Jemma came prepared with her student folder that had the maps in it.

We found the cafeteria soon enough and made our way that way.

When we made it there, I grabbed two breakfast trays while she picked us out a table to sit at.

The whole meal was just nice to sit and chat through. I caught her up on my life and why I decided to come apply here. She did the same. It didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable like other talks I've had with other people. Jemma was incredibly polite and bounced back all of my sentences instead of giving confused looks whenever I used a "big word".

It was nice to meet someone who could finish and continue my sentences rather than just stare at me like they had no idea what I was saying.

"But I took multiple college courses over the summer, and they recommended me here even though I haven't technically turned eighteen yet. I will turn eighteen soon, though. September 11th." Jemma talked.

"I didn't take any college courses but I did complete multiple college level tests on thermodynamics and I got nearly perfect scores on all of them. When I was researching more about them, because I intended to go to college for engineering, I found this place." I replied.

"That's so cool!"

See, Jemma gets me.

It seemed like breakfast ended way too quickly though, because I had already finished my eggs and she'd finished her pancakes. When Jemma checked her watch, she found out it was already almost eight, meaning we'd been here sitting and talking for nearly two hours.

Not that I minded, I still wanted to talk to her, but I know Hunter wanted to go to the town to find more alcohol. He claimed he had to get school stuff, but it wasn't a far stretch to assume otherwise.

"So, what are you planning to do today? We start classes tomorrow, but I'm planning on checking out the classes and around the different buildings." Jemma commented. "Would you like to join me?"

"Yes, I'd love to." I said without thinking. "Although, I should talk to Hunter and Ward. I know they were planning to head out to the town and I said I would join them yesterday."

"Oh, well if you have other things to do, I won't mind." Jemma tried to assure me.

"No, no. I doubt they'll be upset if I stay behind. I can message you later about if I can stay with you or not." I said, immediately pulling out my phone as if I were right about to text her.

"Oh! Speaking of, Skye wanted me to ask you if it was okay to give her your number. Last night she was going on a rant about how we should all be connected as a group or something." Jemma said with a slight laugh.

I couldn't help but smile at her happy face. She looked so perfect in the light and the giggle that came out of her mouth only added to the perfection.

But aside from that, I answered, "Uh, yeah. If she really wants to."

"But it is getting late and I don't see why Elena and Skye would still be asleep, so I should head back." Jemma said quickly.

"Yeah me too. Hunter will probably still be asleep but Ward will probably be expecting me back. I did tell him that I wouldn't be long." I mumbled that last part.

"Well, I'll see you around. It was nice talking to you and catching up."


Guys I love Fitzsimmons
Also yes, I'm having Fitz refer to her as Jemma and everyone else refer to her as Simmons. Idk why but I am

Love you guysss

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