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"I'd like my nest fluffier, Downytuft." The tan trainee mewed, a taunt laced in his voice. The servant bit down a hiss as he pushed more soft moss in the nest. Of course, he'd had to be stuck with snobby Snakepaw. Runningpaw, his brother, frowned at him. But like always, no one would argue to the "king" of the trainees.
"Of course, trainee Snakepaw." Downytuft mewed, keeping the hiss out his voice. The other trainees were tending to their own business. Lakepaw was eat a pump vole while Specklepaw looked on, annoyance glittering in her yellow eyes. Downytuft pushed the last bit of moss into the nest.
"Unfortunately, that's all the moss I have," the cream and white tabby mewed. Snakepaw narrowed his eyes, his thin tail lashing.
"There's barely any moss in the nest, I'm basically sleeping on dirt!" He snapped, glaring thorns through his pelt. "Go fetch some more then!"
"Oh, shut up, feather-brain!" The speckled molly stalked up to her fellow trainee. "Downytuft has better things to do than listen to your annoying voice." The tom, clearly enraged that someone had challenged him, unsheathed his claws.
"That's their job, you mouse-brained molly! He knows I'll claw his ears if he doesn't listen." The striker molly looked ready to spring at him, but a muffled voice called out.
"Permission to enter the apprentice's den," Downytuft noticed the dark brown molly, amber eyes neutral and her head ducked. The typical stance before being granted or denied entry.
"Permission granted," Specklepaw replied quickly. Wrenpaw stepped in, looking around.
"Greetings, everyone. I brought more moss," the molly dropped the moss, turning back to head out. She obviously didn't want to stay here. Snakepaw stepped in front of her, blocking her exit.
"What's the rush, dear sister? Don't you want to stay?" Her brother purred, giving her a sad mocking look. Runningpaw stepped forward, green eyes narrowed.
"Snakepaw, stop it. She has work to do," the brown tabby glared at him. Downytuft stepped back next to Specklepaw and Lakepaw, letting the three siblings talk. This couldn't be good, he thought.
  The tan and white tom gave him a look. "I can't talk to my sister, Runningpaw? She's staying here."
  "Trainee Snakepaw, I have work I must do," Wrenpaw mewed, her whiskers quivering. The cream tom felt a wave of sympathy wash over him, the molly didn't deserve to be treated like this.
"Trainee Snake-" the brown molly was cut off as her brother shoved her to the ground. The striker apprentice let out a cold purr while Runningpaw let out a violent hiss.
"I don't want to unsheathe my claws. Stop. It. Now." Downytuft was surprised by the force in the usually playful trainee. The other two trainees looked just as shocked.
"No, she's a disgrace to Willowfrost and Firbranch! She choose to become a servant when-" Snakepaw began, tail lashing. Suddenly, Runningpaw let out a battle cry, ramming into him.
The two siblings clashed, claws failing. Specklepaw and Lakepaw racest towards them, fur bushed up. "Stop it you two!" The blue-gray tom hissed. Wrenpaw scrambled to her paws, padding over to Downytuft.
  She shoved her head into his thick fur, a small sob coming from her. His fellow servant glanced up at him, amber eyes filled with pain.
"I'm so sorry, Downytuft. This is all my fault." The molly sobbed, ears flattened. He swished his tail, giving her a soft but fierce look.
"Don't you dare say that, this is Snakepaw's fault," mentioning the trainee, he glanced over at the battling brothers. Specklepaw and Lakepaw has pulled them apart, but they obviously put up quite the fight. The tan and white had a deep tear in his ear and his brother had bleeding shoulder.
  "Great Sky Kingdom, what's going on?" A molly's voice called. Downytuft recognized the lithe figure of Tulipshade. It didn't take her long to register what happened.
"Runningpaw and Snakepaw, go to the Healers. Specklepaw and Lakepaw, come with me. Servants, you're dismissed until further notice. This will be interesting to explain to the kings." The caretaker ordered swiftly. Every cat nodded, looking a bit stunned by her quick thinking.
As Downytuft led his friend out the den, he swore to Sky Kingdom that Snakepaw's amber eyes were burning into his cream pelt.

[Ok, I'm not use to updating yet so this took a while, sorry! Updates will come on time now! (hopefully) Hope you like it. Also, Snakepaw has earned the title of #1 jerk so far.]

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