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𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮~full name
Bashiri Inian


twenty one


Bash is most of the time a solemn, quiet person. He's somewhat of a recluse and doesn't share a lot. On the occasion that he gets close enough to someone, he can become very playful. He has a wild imagination and spends a lot of his time in solitude, which he prefers. The quite offers him a lot of time to think, which he prefers.

absent-minded, addicted to chewing tobacco, klutz, hoarding, blind in one eye

leather working, billiards, fishing, calligraphy, writing

curse>> His right eye is completely blind and so limits his peripheral vision. But that eye can see glimpses of the future, which occasionally come against his will. He can sometimes call on a vision of the future but it takes a lot of will power and focus. The eye is painful, especially when he has premonitions, but even when he doesn't it can give him symptoms similar to a hangover; sensitivity to light, head aches, sensitivity to noise.
reason for joining>> Bash is a very curious person. He'd heard stories about royalty and decided it was worth it to see everything with his own eyes. He also decided whatever he saw and felt would be good writing material. He is also well aware he has little chance of meeting women organically and that he might even become interested in one.
Thoughts on selection or game plan on how they will win: Bash is a little confused on the entire purpose or what motives the king might have behind this charade. But him being so curious, he didn't want to just read about it in the paper, he wanted to experience it. His only plan is to observe and listen.

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