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"There is a reason God limits our days.'
'To make each one precious."

𝓯𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮~full name
Galadriel Athaliah

"Gala" "Lady" "Ria" "Rielle"

twenty one


She fancies herself to be the crown princess, and is use to the universe bending to her will. She is arrogant and often frigid. Her manners are plenty but her kindness is lacking. He's intelligent and does things she believes are "logically moral" which is a contradictory statement.
She does have redeeming qualities, though. She is reliable, self efficient, honest (mostly). She's hard to warm up to but there is a soft person underneath the hard shell. Her perfectionist is relentless and tolling on her self-esteem.
Though she is quite proper in a public setting, if ever she finds comfortable moments to let loose, she really goes all out.

Arrogant, cold, low self-esteem, spoiled

Dusty rose pink, old clocks, the smell of new books, gold jewelry, dull non-flashy things, simple beauty, candelabras, high places with a view, debating

Isolation, disappointing people, being underestimated, losing, over eccentricity, vulnerability

power>> time distortion

Turning back time and even stopping it, but at a price. If she rewinds time too much, or freezes it for too long, it started to take a physical tole on her body. She will spit up blood, get headaches, become unstable. It is helpful to use her power when looking at a clock, which is why she has the small clock she wears as an earring.

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