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five kids, jumping from building to building just to survive katy catches her breath before helping her brother Luka up shouting is all they can hear and some noises they never heard before,

"Stay close to me," Katy says to maddie who's holding a teddy her pink shirt is stained with mud and dirt after falling off a swing set "Will do Katy," maddie says smiling,

"Ready three, two, one!" Katy shouts as she jumps down from a building seeing things moving around attacking people and biting into them making Katy's stomach turn as she keeps hold of the maddie's hand,

"Hands up," a voice says making Katy put her hands up and behind her head, four siblings holding on to each other not ready to see their sister die since that is what their uncle told them about the outside "We mean no harm were just kids trying to survive," Katy says as panic slipping though

"Daryl their kids let them go," a woman says after she pulls away from a Korean guy smiling "Fine one move and I'll put this arrow through your head," the crossbow man says making Katy nod and get pulled into a hug by Luka who's holding another little girl,

"Name's and how Many walkers have you killed" a man says there's blood down his beard, a boy is next to him holding a baby who's cooing at everything, "Katy and there are my siblings, Maddie she the youngest, Julia also the youngest, Luka the oldest, James the middle and I'm second oldest" Katy say as she holds a little child in her arms her teddy peaking out from her arms as she hug the teddy tightly as well holding on to her sister,

"How Many we killed?" Luka asks as the man talks with another man making them both nod "We haven't killed any walkers what are they" James asks as Maddie touches the baby who is in a boy's arms,

"Maddie leave the baby alone" James says as the blonde-haired girl looks down and walks off her pink boots kicking leaves and sticks making her four siblings smile at her,

"I'm Rick, Rick grimes this is my son Carl and my daughter Judith," the man with the bloody beard says as the kids nod their heads keeping close together just in case something happens,

"I'm Maggie and this is my husband Glenn" the woman from before says making the kids nod and smile before looking around watching as a knife goes through somebody's head making them fall the the ground, "this is a walker" Rick says making the kids frown this is real life,

"I don't trust them," Luka says as he holds a young brown-haired girl's hand as she kicks stones that are on the train track, "they seem nice," James says getting a glare off Luka making James go quiet and walk behind Luka,

"She's asleep" Katy says as she holds a little blonde-haired girl in her arms who's holding a small teddy that's hanging down Katy's back, "you kid's alright?" Maggie says as she turns to us making the kids smile and nod

Katy smiles as she runs after the little blonde hair girl who's smiling and laughing "I'm gonna get you" Katy shouts as she keeps running pushing past the new group before grabbing the little blonde hair girl by the arm and pulling her into a small hug,

"Got you" Katy shouts as she spins around making the blonde little girl smile and laugh as she gets spun around "Katy put her down" Luka says as he walks over to them smiling James and Julia follow him,

"Rosita Espinosa" a young woman says as sits next to red hair man who's holding a gun tightly, he looks around making Mary hold onto James and Julia tightly not wanting to let them go,

"Do you have a camp?" Rick ask as a bald guy slowly climbs down from a rock he was on "Oh thank you I asked god for help he answered my prey's" the man says as he looks up to the sky whispering something making the group look at him weirdly,


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