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kalyani omaraté


MASANI'S BACK was pressed against Kevin's chest. His face fell into her fluffy afro which smelt of cocoa butter and roses; a scent that Kevin's nose could fall in love with rather quickly. His slightly dry, long and muscular hand slowly traveled across her waist and to her stomach. He pulled her a bit closer, just to feel her a little more, as if she wasn't already close enough. Her skin was as soft as the clouds in the sky. In addition to pulling her closer, her right hand that was once off the bed moved to meet the dry hand on her tummy. Anyone who was to walk in on them would instantly assume the two were a couple when in actuality, they had just met last night.

For a brief moment, everything felt so right for them. It reminded them of the love they once had from past relationships. It was almost as if they were gaining a grip of what they both wanted and desperately searched for without even realizing it. Love wasn't an easy topic for the both of them. Their relationships either landed in shambles or never landed at all. This new beginning for Masani was only a beginning; for Kevin, he became accustomed to this lifestyle. This lifestyle of just having a fling.

Not too long ago, Kevin and his long-time girlfriend of four years broke up. He just knew she didn't love him anymore. Kevy she used to call him — became simply Kevin again, she stopped calling him, she didn't tend to his wounds or illnesses, she didn't want to kiss him in the morning because of morning breath she would claim, and so many other things started to change. Moments they would always share together became moments to only recap on. Although Kevin noticed all of these changes, he didn't want to lose her; he couldn't lose her. He tried to do everything in his power just to save this future he dreamt of spending with her. But eventually, she told him she wasn't in love with anymore. He wasn't the man she had first fallen in love with. Should he have told her that he already knew? Would it even matter? Answers left unsolved, but the truth was set and stone; she didn't love him anymore.

Kevin didn't even realize how close he pulled Masani to him; it just felt so natural right now and at this moment. Masani quite admired how close he had her. A profound feeling of being wanted and needed. Usually, with the men she would sleep with she would either just leave already or tell them to go after she got what she needed from them. It sounded harsh, but Masani just wasn't looking for anything special or lovey-dovey. In her eyes, all men just wanted the same thing; power.

The two had met at some upscale club in Downtown Cleveland last night. After another exhausting and challenging basketball practice, Kevin felt ultimately defeated. Being a captain of a team that wasn't consistent was awfully tiring. He understood his role as a leader, but at times, it felt his team didn't feel that same way about him — well except Channing Frye, his teammate and good friend. To be blunt, the Cavaliers weren't making it to the playoffs, that was obvious to Kevin and Channing, although neither of them wanted to say it aloud or embrace it, really.

The shrilling sound of the alarm on Kevin's phone knocked the two out of their deep sleep. Both of their eyelids slowly lifted with Kevin's arm wrapped around her waist. He really enjoyed the way she felt up close to him. She slowly rolled over to face him. Kevin stared into Masani's beautiful brown eyes, almost getting lost in them. Masani let go of his hand to cup the side of his face, his facial hair tickling her fingers a little. "You're pretty cute," Kevin complimented, observing all of the beautiful features on her face. He planted a kiss on her forehead, quickly lifted the covers from off his body and sat up on the bed.

Masani lifted herself with her elbow and stared at him without his knowledge. His back was turned, not facing her at all as he sat on the bed. She wanted to know what he was thinking right now. What made him turn around so quickly? She watched as he rose from up the bed to wipe the crusts in the corner of his eyes. "Get up, beautiful." Kevin teased, grogginess in his voice still,  turning around to look at her. She threw her face back into the soft pillow before rising out of the bed. Kevin watched as she got out of his bed, grabbing his phone to turn off the annoying alarm from his phone.

Masani noticed Kevin staring her down and grabbed the beige satin blankets off of the king-sized bed to cover her exposed melanin body, wrapping it around just above her breast and tucking the remaining part of the blanket between her skin and the pre-wrapped one. A smirk appeared on Kevin's lip, finding it quite funny how she was covering up with all of his blankets when just last night, the only thing she wanted on her body was him.

Masani gave him a shy smile in return and observed all of his presented features. How his hair was freshly shaven but still a mess at the same time, the close to perfect toned abs he had with the purple love marks starting from his chest and vertically coming down to his belly button.

"So you can stare at my naked body, but I can't admire yours?" Kevin joked, looking down to take a look at the trail of hickeys coming down his torso. A bit of laughter escaped from Masani's lips, revealing her white teeth and pretty smile.

"Yes, that's how it should go, I guess." Masani shrugged, pulling her afro into a messy bun with the use of the hair tye on her wrist. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh, um—" Kevin gestured to the bathroom right outside his bedroom door and in the hallway. Masani nodded before searching for the remainder of her clothes in his bedroom. She made sure to have the blanket still covering her body.

"Here's your—" Kevin lifted her red thong from the carpet and tossed it towards her and over the bed. "Underwear."

A laugh escaped her lips once again as she caught them in mid-air. "Thank you."

Eventually, she found all of the clothes she wore from last night. She made sure to check for any rips or wine spills on them, but there were none. With her clothes and the heavy blanket, she walked to the bathroom. Kevin observed her as she made her way out the door. She was an absolute beauty. The biggest reason why he had to talk some game to her at the club last night.

Now Kevin wasn't the typical if-I-want-it-I'm-going-to-go-get-it type of guy, but he didn't see how he could lose with this one. If it was basketball that he was constantly losing in, then would it be so bad going after this girl? Most of his flings made their moves on him. It just so happened last night that Kevin had a boost of undeclared confidence to go up and talk to her.

In the bathroom, Masani flipped on the lights and admired herself in the mirror. Purple and blue love marks were all over her neck and chest. Her makeup was still intact and her lashes weren't coming off either. She let the blanket fall on the tiled bathroom floor and grabbed her high waisted jeans. To her avail, her phone was still in the pocket of her jeans. Masani clutched it and read all of the notifications on her screen. Most from her annoying mother and older sister, Kalyani

kalyani : uh....where THE FUCK are you???? mommy is pissed that you're not here for the wedding rehearsal ??

kalyani : if you weren't going to come then you should've told me so we could ditch together, dumb ass.

birth giver: Wow, all I ask is for you is to be here for me and you can't even do that. Don't even come to the wedding if that's how you really feel.

open 24 more messages from birth giver...

All of those messages were from last night. Masani didn't intend to miss the wedding rehearsal, but being at a better place, with way better people made more sense. Tensions weren't always this high with her mother. It all started once she met her soon to be stepfather when she sixteen. Everything that was once magic and ponies, became evil and jackasses. Her stepfather was vicious, manipulative and an asshole in general—and her mother loved him, putting him first for everything. He didn't support or care for Masani in any manner. Kalyani managed to kiss his ass in any way possible just for approval from their mother.

"Um, hey," Kevin's voice bellowed from the other side of the bathroom door. Masani stopped checking her phone and pressed her back against the door to hear him a bit better. "I have to be at practice in an half hour...did you need a ride back to the club or just take you home?"

As much as she wanted him to just drop her off at the club, she didn't drive herself to the club. Her best friend, Hannah, had dropped her off. She had no choice but to say home. Right now she was living with her sister and she knew her sister would be home. Not only was her sister pretentious, but widely nosy and invasive. If she was to see a black custom made Mercedes pull up in their driveway, she wouldn't hear the end of it. "Fuck," Masani mumbled to herself.


"No, no! Yes! To my house, please!"

"Well, could you make it a bit snappy? I have to be there on time." Kevin replied with a slightly irritated tone. "Please?" He added with a softer tone just so he wouldn't sound like a huge dick.

"Sure.." Masani trailed off and moved away from the door. She couldn't tell if he offered out of pure generosity or if he offered so he wouldn't feel bad later on. Masani sighed as she threw her blue, pretty off the shoulder blouse over her head. She placed her butt on the counter to make it easier for her to pull her high waisted jeans all the way. After getting fully dressed, she twisted the doorknob and peeked her head out into the hallway to look for Kevin. Her head went left and right trying to see his tall figure, but he was nowhere close by. Right when she was getting ready to walk out, a huge skinny brown dog ran over to where she was.

Masani popped her head back in the bathroom and let out a cry for help before slamming the door closed. She fell right to the floor and tucked her knees into her chest. Heavy scratches from the dog were being made on the other side. Her barks and grunts didn't sound vicious at all, but they were loud and it sounded like she really wanted to come in.

"Hey, girl, it's just company, no intruder, it's alright." Masani heard Kevin calming his dog down a bit. The dog stopped scratching the door and their barks turned into little whimpers. She heard him and the dog walk off to another area and let herself from up off the floor.

"Little scarer, huh?" Kevin teased his dog in the living room and kissed the top of her head while massaging the back of her ears. He left the dog in the living room and made sure to check on Masani. Kevin leaned his forehead against the wooden door. "Sorry, that was my dog, Vestry. Are you okay?"

Masani twisted the doorknob and opened it. Kevin quickly pulled himself from off the door and took a step back so she could come out. Once she was out of the bathroom, she was face to face with his chest—only this time he had a sports jacket on. Masani was much smaller than him. Kevin always had to look down just to see her face, while she had to look up just to see his. Kevin licked his lips as he looked down to make eye contact with Masani. She looked up just to see his blues eye already looking upon her.

"I'm alright," Masani said, slowly looking down at her shoes to avoid making eye contact with him. "I don't remember seeing a dog when we entered last night."

Kevin lifted her chin up and pushed the strand of hair that was covering her ears. His left hand went to her waist and he placed his other hand on the wall beside her face. He became closer and whispered into her ear, "That's because you were too busy sucking —"

"Okay, I'm ready." Masani punched his chest slightly hard, knocking him back a little. A forced chuckle left his lips to hide his actual emotions from the slight pain in his chest. She sashayed past him and went to fetch for her purse in the bedroom. She had to admit, he had a bit of charm under his belt — it was no wonder why she went home with him last night.

He was widely different when in front of cameras. Masani was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, so of course she had seen Kevin Love's interviews and social media videos. When she would watch them, he always seemed so shy and reserved; not much of the if-i-want-i'm-going-to-go-get-it kind of guy. But here he was, making Masani damn near fall for his flirtatious mannerisms.

Kevin watched as she walked along the long hallway heading to his bedroom. It reminded him of when he first saw her last night. Her body looked as if it was crafted by the hands of God herself. It was curvy in all of the right places, thick thighs, long legs, and don't get him started with describing her face.

As they made their way out the door, Kevin kissed Vestry and gave her a treat on the way out. Masani waved at her and walked out of the lovely apartment. The 9 was by far the tallest and most expensive apartment in Cleveland. Cleveland wasn't really a high expense town; but by the looks of this apartment and the people who entered and walked out, you could tell this apartment was for the riches.

"You're more quiet than yesterday," Masani said looking at Kevin walking beside her in the hallway. She noticed a small smirk appear on his face. He held this smirk because he was thinking the same exact thing about her. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Many dirty thoughts were in Kevin's head. He wanted to say something extremely freaky but changed his mind since he didn't want to get punched in his chest again. Kevin laughed again and pressed the down button near the elevator. "What do you want me to say to you?" He said with a shrug. Kevin glanced at her, holding his arm out in front of the elevator door so it wouldn't close on her. She walked in, her eyes remained on him as he walked in after her. The elevator was empty. He remembered being in there and lifting Masani up on the wall and kissing her ever so passionately as they made their way up to his floor. The dirty things she whispered in his ear, the way she touched him, the way her skin felt.

"On second thought, the cat actually had my —"

"Don't even go there. I've had enough of your dirty mouth," She said before he could even get out what she knew he was going to say.

Kevin's hands went up in defense and chuckled. "I don't want any smoke, trust me."

Masani rolled her eyes, pressed Lobby on the elevator buttons, and went beside Kevin again. He was awfully a lot quiet than yesterday. She looked up at him, only seeing the side of his perfected jawline. Kevin didn't realize her eyes were on him. He turned his gaze from the elevator down to her, her eyes and face now turned at the elevator door. This went on for a while; this looking at each other, but the other person not noticing.

Finally, they had made it down to the lobby and walked out of the elevator together. The concierge waved at Kevin before they all said, "Have a nice day, Kevin!"

Kevin waved back at them, opened the door for Masani, and left the luxurious apartment for the day.


"You're really pretty, Masani," Kevin admitted, his one hand on the steering wheel, and the other one gently caressing her thigh. "I've been quiet because I just want to stare at you and continue to look at you. If that answers your question."

"Kevin—" Masani blushed, placing his hand on top of the hand on her thigh. Looking at him drive again was absolutely sexy. Even with his Cavaliers jacket and jogging pants.

"No, seriously. I just be staring at your pretty self. I could almost go all day and tell you how beautiful you are, but I have to go to practice." His thumb went a little closer to her inner thigh. It was getting closer and closer to her vagina.

Masani licked her lips and spoke, "Boy, you're not slick."

"What you talking about?" Kevin asked, failing to add innocence in his voice. "I'm just chilling."

Masani picked his hand up and moved it back to where it originally was. Kevin smiled and began massaging her thick thighs again. "Pick my phone up and put your address in."

She obliged, taking the phone off the magnet and bringing it towards her. "You have to put the passcode in, baby boy."

"Baby boy? I can get used to that." Kevin turned the phone towards his face and the phone instantly unlocked. Masani fingers tapped the Map and put her address in there.

"Does this mean you're going to be taking trips to my house?" Masani said with a playful, placing the phone back on the magnet in between the fan.

"It sounds like you want me to," Kevin's eyes remained on the busy streets of Downtown Cleveland. "Especially if you're trying to do some things."

"Such as the things we did last night?"

"Exactly," Kevin confirmed. "Are you going to be at the club tonight?"

"Damn, you trying to see me that soon?" Masani had her fair share of one night stands before. The men always waited a while to see her again. By the time they wanted to see her, she wasn't interested anymore.

"Look," Kevin eyes reverted from the road and looked at Masani, his hand still gripping her thighs, making her kind of in the mood for more of him. "We had a damn near perfect night last night. I think I'm in the mood for seeing you more often."

"You just want to fuck on me."

"So? Isn't that the same thing you want with me?" Kevin shot back with the quickness.

Damn, was he reading her like a book? Masani shifted in the passenger seat to feel more comfortable. "I don't know, Kevin. Is it?"

Kevin smirked at her and grabbed his phone off of the magnet. He unlocked it and passed his phone to her.

"What you want me to do with this?"

"Oh, you might as well put your number in there, too. I have a feeling I'm going to be needing it very soon."

She typed her number in and made her contact name 'M' before putting it back on the magnet.

The car ride was pretty silent after that. Kevin avoided asking too many questions so he didn't get too close to her. He didn't want to admit it but his heart had never fully healed from the breakup. It was already bad enough that he just saved her number in his phone. Kevin never saved his flings numbers, let alone take them home after sex. But here he was, doing the things he thought he would never do, with Masani.

"Is this it?" Kevin pulled up to a well-decorated home in a suburban area in Cleveland.

"Yup, this is it." Masani pressed the button to unbuckle her seatbelt. Kevin slowly drove into the long driveway, parked, and observed Masani getting her things together.

"You have a nice home," Kevin admired. "What do you do?"

"Why, thank you," Masani smiled. "I'm a sonographer."

"Mhm, sounds pretty smart." Kevin had no clue what the hell a sonographer did. Masani giggled at his cluelessness and rolled her eyes.

"They're the ones who look over the ultrasounds for medical diagnosis. So we help the doctors diagnose and monitor a variety of conditions."

"So not just babies?"

"No, like heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. It goes beyond just pregnancy. Like when I started studying for it, I didn't know that. I thought it was just strictly pregnancy, but I'm kind of glad I was wrong."

Masani had Kevin's full attention. His focus and concentration were set on everything her lips were spitting out. His eyes went to her lips each time she said a new word.

"Do you love your job?"

"Yes! I love it a lot," Masani gushed, her smile getting wider with just the thought of going to work. "I love going to work every day. Even when I was studying to get my bachelors, I had so much fun learning something new. Not a lot of people enjoy their careers, it's just great to know that I do."

Watching her gush about something she was obviously about passionate made Kevin's heart kind of flutter. He smiled and patted the steering wheels on the side.

"Damn, girl. You go then!" Kevin cheered her on, putting his fist out for her to bump it. She smiled and connected her fist to his.

"Ugh, I have to get to practice!" Kevin groaned, placing his forehead on the steering wheel. "I don't want to go."

"Nah, you need to go. I've been watching y'all games and...y'all need as much practice as you guys can get."

Kevin couldn't help but chuckle. It would hurt when someone else would say it, but he understood. "Well, let me go do that then. I'm going to be late, but fuck it." Kevin lifted his head up and rested his back on the seat.

"I might see you tonight." Masani opened the car door and let herself out. She popped her head back through the window and said, "Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try, pretty girl."

Masani blew a kiss at him and strutted to the front porch. Kevin watched as she went up the steps, put the key in the doorknob and twisted it to get in the house. She turned back and waved at him. He leaned down, stuck his head out the window and innocently blew a kiss back at her. Kevin mouthed the words, "I'll see you later."

She winked and stepped into her lovely home.

»»————- ★ ————-««

aw, i really made kevin a sweet asshole.

masani my intelligent and independent queen.

like fuck, how did you guys feel about the first chapter?

i enjoyed writing it.

who catching feelings first?

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