1. Party

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Wanda felt her heart racing as she reached the end of the hall. Now she just had to make it through the double doors into the main room. She was definitely not one for parties, even if the situation deserved it.

Not even a week ago, Thor had chopped off Thanos's head and retrieved the infinity stones in his gauntlet. They used the time stone to bring back Vision, then they moved on as if nothing had happened.

Then, a day later, a large spaceship arrived. In it held Tony Stark, Spiderman, Doctor Strange (who chose these names?), and a team of aliens who called themselves The Guardians.

It was a celebration. Tony Stark was immediately working on a party to declare victory over Thanos. They had the six infinity stones and could do whatever they needed to do to save the world. But something just wasn't sitting right with Wanda.

For one, having all six infinity stones in one place was just asking for trouble. Countless beings in the world would kill to get their hands on even just one. Having them all at the Avenger's Mansion was definitely putting a target on their back.

Also, Wanda was still trying to process the fact that she murdered her closest friend to protect the fate of the world, only for him to be revived as if nothing had happened.

He didn't seem too phased by this, but he was a machine so Wanda wasn't sure what exactly would phase him.

But now, it was time for a party.

Wanda's outfit was chosen by Natasha Romanoff, who seemed very neutral when it came to this party. She treated it as if it were just another work day, trying to make everyone else happy and keep the peace going. But, she helped Wanda dress up, so Wanda was grateful.

The outfit was a strapless black dress, but the skirt came just down to the knee, a black corset with a butterfly on it over the dress to add design, and a red and black hollow out sweater to add color. Plus black boots.

Natasha was wearing something different, but the colors matched. She wore a black jumpsuit with dark red patterns lining the top part. She also wore dark red heels.

Unfortunately for Wanda, she couldn't just stand there and look pretty. She actually had to enter the main room where everyone was staying and walk down the stairs to join them.

She didn't know how many people were here, but she did know that everyone who assisted in taking down Thanos was invited. So she expected a lot of people to be there.

Wanda sucked in a breath, then she made her way through the double doors.

It opened up to a balcony floor with a simple staircase leading down to the main floor. The staircase sure enough had red carpeting since Tony Stark loved his red carpeting. She walked down, being careful not to trip. A few heads glanced in her direction, since she was one of the later few to arrive, but thankfully everyone returned to their previous conversations and Wanda was able to make it down without anyone saying anything.

"Lady Maximoff!" She heard.

She put on a smile as Thor approached her.

"Hi Thor." She said kindly.

"Why so gloomy? We saved the world! Rejoice!" Thor said, punching her shoulder.

Wanda laughed slightly, ignoring the pain growing in her shoulder.

"I'm just tired. Drained, I guess." Wanda shrugged.

"And that is alright! You should relax and have a drink!" Thor boomed happily.

"I might. Have a good night, Thor." Wanda smiled before making her way to exit.

As much fun as talking to Thor was, she didn't want to have him all to herself. He was much more extroverted and she wanted him to talk to people who were actually excited to be at the party.

Wanda made her way towards a quieter area of the room, which just so happened to be where the drinks were. She asked for a simple shot of vodka, and she took it without hesitation.

She allowed herself to breathe, then she blinked and looked around for Vision. She wasn't certain if he would be here, but she was pretty confident.

Ever since she moved to America, he'd been one of the main people to help her. She'd never thought of him as more than a friend, but he was still the closest friend she had. Natasha was a very close second. But it took longer for Natasha to warm up to Wanda, and vis-versa.

As Wanda was searching for the android, she found herself bumping into one of the waiters, causing him to drop one of the drinks from off the tray he was carrying.

He managed to catch the drink as it fell, but it's red liquid sloshed over Wanda's outfit, causing her to gasp a bit at the sudden cold wet feeling.

"Oh! I am so sorry!" Wanda said quickly, referring to the mess that was made.

"No please! My apologies to you. Let me get something to clean that up." The man offered quickly.

"No need, but thank you."

As the man was pulling out a rag, Wanda ran her finger down the front of her outfit, allowing a small wash of red magic to dry the gown.

The man's eyes widened at the sight of her magic.

"You're a sorcerer?" He asked.

Wanda gave him a once over, trying to figure out if she recognized him. He had slick black hair and green eyes, but she didn't know who he was. She also didn't realize that Stark had gotten waiters, although it seemed he could pull anything out of his pocket these days.

"A witch, but yes. And, who are you?" She asked back.

"Just someone to be of assistance. I won't distract you from your fun evening." He said before giving a smile and turning away.

Wanda stayed put for a minute, but then she decided not to worry about him and instead she continued her look to find Vision.

After a while of walking around, avoiding contact with anyone, she didn't seem to find him. With a soft sigh, she decided to leave. She knew some of the people here, and she was happy that the world was saved, but she was just not a party person.

As she made her way up the staircase that lead out, her eyes fell on a familiar man who was standing behind the railing that lined the edge of the balcony. He was looking down at the party below, and something about him kept Wanda from leaving.

So she made her way over.

"Stephen Strange?" She spoke, making sure she knew who she was walking over to.

"Wanda Maximoff." He nodded to her as she approached him.

He was wearing a simple black suit with a white tie. When she first met him, she was in a blue outfit with a red cloak and a green and golden necklace, so this lack of color of him was quite a contrast.

"Enjoying the party?" Wanda asked, leaning against the railing next to him.

"I suppose. Not my choice of entertainment, but it's not bad. Very loud though." He replied.

"Yeah, that sums it up." Wanda agreed.

Stephen didn't say anything in reply, and Wanda had the sudden feeling that she was intruding on his alone time, so she decided to leave again.

"Have a good night." She said awkwardly before making her way back to the door.

She pushed through the double doors, then she just started walking.

She had no intention of going to her room just yet, since she knew Natasha put a lot of effort into making her look nice, and she didn't want to waste that. She debated walking outside, maybe taking in some fresh air, but she got a lot of fresh air back in Wakanda, so she could stand to stay inside for a bit longer.


Maybe she could go to the top of the mansion.

Ever since she found the small elevator that could take you to the roof, she loved going up there. The mansion was in a grassy space with New York City in the far off distance. Laying down on the roof and staring up at the stars with no light pollution was something she enjoyed a little too much.

So yeah, she could do that again tonight.

The past few nights, she'd been having trouble going to sleep anyways. It would probably be the same tonight, so might as well wait to try and sleep.

Wanda made her way to the elevator and she clicked the top floor button. Once she arrived, she walked to the separate elevator that would take her to the roof.

Once she made it to the roof, she made her way over to the edge of the building and sat down, allowing her legs to hang over the side.

This was nice.

This was the peaceful pleasure she wanted after saving the world. A quiet night with no distractions.

A shooting star caught her eye, making her smile. She didn't necessarily believe in wishing upon a star, but every time she saw one, she figured it was worth a shot.

I wish for more moments like this. Quiet nights and lots of stars.’

And that was all she needed.

Well until she realized—

That's not a shooting star.

It was something familiar to Wanda. Something far worse, and it was headed right for the Avenger's Mansion.




Heyyy guess who's back yall.

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