019, i made sam golbach my bitch for a day

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✧*̥˚ 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 *̥˚✧
amelie flood x sam golbach
chapter nineteen || 🎬🤍🦢

"Hey, guys it's me Amelie." The girl clapped. She had a tripod set up on the dashboard of Sam car as she sat in the passengers side and he sat in the drivers seat, "If you've seen my beautiful face before welcome back fuckers, and if this is your first time, hi!" She turned her head sharply when Sam snickered.

After glaring at him for not staying on script, she turned back to the camera with a huge smile on her face, "As we can see, I'm not in my usual place - If you read the title you'll know i'm here with my very special friend," She said, reaching to turn the camera so Sam would be in frame.

Sam threw his hands up in delight, making Amelie shake her head, "She called me her friend... you heard it first."

"We're actually enemies, guys." The girl said, fake glaring at him before her face broke out into a grin upon seeing his smile that went ear-to-ear. She put her hand between them, "You're making me nervous - You make me nervous when you look at me with those big blue ass eyes!"

"Welcome to, "I made Sam Golbach my bitch for a day."." Amelie announced very proudly as Sam made a face of disapproval.

His eyebrows furrowed, "I thought we agreed on me being your chauffeur... not your bitch."

"Babes..." She looked at him as if he was stupid, "Come on, now..."

Sam sighed in defeat, making Amelie smile at the camera as if she won - she did, she always did.

"Okay, Sam, tell them what we're doing today."

"I'm driving Amelie around, and then she's getting a tattoo, and then... I'm making her pay for my food." He said, laughing at the face she made after remembering she did in fact have to pay and she wasn't getting out of it.

Amelie rolled her eyes, "See - my bitch."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Sam mumbled, slumping in his seat, "Roll the intro."


It had been at least an hour since the first clip had been filmed and now the camera panned on Amelie who was sitting in the tattoo parlour filling out consent forms. She had a blue mask on her face while the clipboard balanced on her crossed knees. She looked up after hearing Sam call her name.

Upon seeing the camera, she narrowed her eyes, "You could've at least let me fix my hair." She pointed to the messy bun that was currently being held up by a small black claw clip.

"You look fine, don't worry."

All Amelie had to do was look at him with a slightly sinister smile and he was sitting back in his chair with a huff. Amelie laughed to herself as she went back to signing the forms.

The camera was still running while she signed her name at the bottom of the paper, "I'm really nervous..." She sighed, leaving her head against the wall behind her, matching his position.

Sam turned his head to the side to look at the girl's side profile, "Don't you have, like, seven tattoos?"

"Eleven... Not counting these ones." She held up her hand that showcased a few scattered across the back of her hand, her fingers, two or three going up her wrist. They were small little stars that she had insisted on getting after quitting dance.

"I only know about seven of them- Where are the rest?"

Amelie closed her eyes, a smirk forming on her lips, "If I told you I fear I'd have to kill you." She laughed, opening one eye to catch the crimson climbing up his neck to his cheeks, "Those are between me and God... And my future husband. Choose Celibacy!"

Sam laughed loudly, making the girl clamp a hand over his mouth as one of the artists looked up from their station to give him a dirty look. With her other hand, she grabbed the camera and placed it a few inches from her face, "Can't take this one anywhere..." She joked, her tone laced with sarcasm. She reluctantly removed her hand.

"Celibacy is crazy." He said once he was free to speak.

Amelie looked at the camera like her viewers were somehow going to help her, "Did I just get... slut shamed?"

"No! It's just... far from the truth."

"You'd know." She raised her eyebrows.

"You just love egging on my fanbase, huh?" He asked, taking the camera from her hands and turning it towards her.

Amelie nodded without a second thought, "I love the fact that your thirteen year old girlfriends hate me- Wait!"

"Amelie..." Sam's disappointed voice spoke as the girl in front of him wheezed. The camera screen was now being covered by his jeans while Ames couldn't breath at her choice of words.

"Sam is not a nonce." She smiled brightly when she grabbed the camera from him.

He let out a deep sigh and turned to stare at the wall in front of them.

Amelie rocked back and forth for a moment before trying to break the silence, "I wanna get a tramp stamp."

The next clip was Sam sinking further and further into the chair with his hands covering his face. She knew that would make him laugh, solely because he didn't believe her.


Amelie sat in the chair, her hoodie now off with a look of fear in her eyes, "Are you okay?" Sam asked.

She shook her head, "...Yeah. I get nervous beforehand and then the needle is on me and then I'm all good. In la la land- I fucking love la la land!" Her once scared expression was now filled with happiness as images of Ryan Gosling as Sebastian filled her brain.

"I haven't seen it..." Sam admitted.

Amelie's jaw dropped, "You're crazy. Are you lying?"

"No, I swear."

"Well, you know what that means." The girl grinned, "After we get food and scream along to Taylor Swift- Before you say no to the last bit, it's the only thing that will calm me - we go home and watch la la land."

Sam laughed, "Fine..."

"Oh, come on... We know you love a good rom-com."

The underlying nerves he could see in her eyes would make him agree to anything she said, so... he nodded, "You know it, Mellie, you know it."

"Awh! I know you do!!"


The contrast from the last clip to this one was something Amelie had to laugh at whilst editing. She went from smiling and laughing at Sam being a secret cheesy movie watched to having red rims around her eyes.

She was sitting in the passenger's seat of his car, a capri-sun in hand while she stared at the camera, "That was the worst thing I've ever experienced actually and I have tattoos in unholy places - don't be dirty not like that." She reached over to swat Sam across the back of the head when he snickered, "Sam, my saviour, had to go across the road and get me a drink because I was crying in the car. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He told her, while clipping his seat belt on and reaching across to place Amelie's over her body.

"I could have done that." She rolled her eyes, ignoring when he gave her the look.

"Were you going to?"

Amelie held her chin slightly higher as he pulled out of the parking spot, "No."

"There we go."

"And he says he's not my bitch." Amelie put her hands up in defence when he glared at her, "Now we're off for the but everyone's been waiting for... food! But we have a conflict. My sole purpose on this earth was to eat bagels and cry to silly films, but blondie over here wants, um, Wendy's."


"For entertainment purposes." She replied and he made an "ah" sound, "We shall find out where we're going in the next clip." She held up her index finger and her pinky before the screen faded away.


Sam had a huge smile on his face as he held up his bag, "I won this time."

"Yeah, this time..." Amelie mumbled bitterly, "Next time I'm choosing."

"Okay," He mumbled while taking a fry from the bag and placing it in his mouth, "Next time I'm picking the movie."

Amelie scoffed, "Fat fucking chance. Dude hasn't seen La La Land and he thinks I'm giving him rights to my Tv? Mental."

"I have good movie taste!"

She had to laugh. She tried not to for a solid three seconds and then it just came tumbling out of her mouth without warning.

"I feel so loved in this friendship." He talked over the girl's giggles.

She stopped straight after and turned in her seat, thinking he was actually serious, "No, I swear I do love you. I swear! You're my favourite friend, remember?"

"You're my favourite friend too, Amelie." He tilted his head to the side, smiling.

Amelie returned it before an evil look came into her eyes. She turned to the camera with a blank look, "Suck on that Colby."

This time it was Sam's turn to burst out laughing, but unlike Amelie, he didn't even try to hold it in. He laughed so much he actually had to open the car door and take a step out.

"Turn it off." He wheezed, referring to the camera, "I'm gonna piss myself."

Amelie reached towards the dashboard and took the camera in her hands, "While he dies, this is my time to tell you all to press the like button and stay tuned on my other channel because a video may be coming out later this week. I love you all very much and if you want Sam and I to make another video make sure to let me know because I had a lot of fun despite not being able to feel my arm- Anyway, remember you're loved! Goodbye!!!"


i will not be posting this fic for the next week or two because i need to catch up on prewritten chapters. after this one there's only one prewritten and that stresses me out. i'm also writing two criminal minds fics which is going amazing (my worst nightmare because one is based on season 1-15 and the other is 12-15 so i can't even co-write)

ALSO I KNOW THIS CHAPTER WAS CHEESY BUT IM READING "better than the movies" so deal with it. i love cheesy fics. like let me giggle and kick my feet and have no angst tf

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