1 | Rose 🥀

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     "Hey Pepsi!" I run up to Kazuichi. He looks up from his gadget he's working on.

     "What's up baby gangster?" He asks.

     "Shut the hell up! Anyways, I need some advice..." I say.

     Pepsi stops working and says, "Fire away little man!"

     "I uh, I like Peko. B-But I don't know how to act or tell her. I'm just asking you because you seemed pretty confident when you confessed to Sonia. Well until she rejected you for Gundham. Anyways, just... what do I do?" I have liked Peko ever since we were kids. I tried putting it aside but recently I can't take it anymore. I need her. I love her.

     Kazuichi ponders for a minute before responding, "Make a romantic gesture. Simple as that!"

     "What kind of gesture?" I ask.

      "I don't know, maybe give her a rose. According to Hiyoko, it's very romantic," he suggests.

      "How could you trust that annoying chihuahua?"

      He shrugs. "I don't know, I also saw it in movies too so it may be true."

      I nod. "Thanks, I guess."

     "No problem! Just ask me anything bud! We are the best of the best of the best of buddies!" He cheekily says.

     "I think I should do it by the lake. Peko and I used to go there as a kid so I think that would be valid."

     "Good luck little man!" Pepsi says as I walk away.

     I hope this stupid plan works. I can't afford to lose Peko again after she... nevermind. She's here now and she's not leaving me.

     I walk into the flower shop in town and buy a bright, red rose. I take out my phone to text Peko.

Fuyuhiko: Peko

Peko: Yes Young Master?

Fuyuhiko: Could you go to the lake?

Peko: The one we used to go to when we were little?

Fuyuhiko: Yup

Peko: Ok. I will see you then. I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you today. Ibuki had this party with all the girls. They made me come. You couldn't use me today.

Fuyuhiko: Oh it's fine. Anyways, see u at the lake?

Peko: Of course Young Master.

     God, she's gotta get out of the habit of calling me Master. She makes herself think she's a tool that I use. She is not. Even though she is my guardian, she doesn't have to protect me 24/7. I'm not going to be attacked all the time.

     I arrive at the park and I see Peko gazing at the lake. Damn it, I'm so nervous. I hide the rose behind my back as I walk up behind her and say, "Hey."

     She jumps a little. "You startled me Young Master. So, what is it that you need?"

     I gulp. "I thought this rose as pretty just like you!" I say. I look down with my blushing face as I shove the rose into her hands. I look up to her and she's... smiling? Peko rarely smiles.

     "Thank you. It's very wonderful. I also think you're handsome too." She says. I blush. We stare into each other eyes until a voice lets out a "whoop!"

     We take off our eyes from each other and see our classmates hiding in the bushes grinning and cheering us on.

     "You did good baby gangsta!" Kazuichi grins and gives a thumbs up.

"Shut up!" I blush and pout. Peko gently takes my hand and smiles down at me.

     Heh. Maybe not such a stupid plan after all.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Sorry if I'm like not with the story in future chapters.
Tan on the beach don't get sucked by leech.

٩( )و

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