College Tour (2)

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"How beautiful is this place?" Justin asks with a smile on his face. Mia pulls her brows together and smiles at Justin's genuine excitement. "I mean, I can't believe I've lived in Evergreen this entire time, and I've never been here." Justin finishes.

"You're really excited about this," Mia says.

Justin chuckles, "Well, yeah. I get to finally start my life, why wouldn't I be?" He questions.

Mia shrugs, a smile on her lips. "Nothing, I'm glad you're excited." Mia states.

"I hope you guys don't mind, I arranged a meeting with the Dean of Admissions after the tour." Mr. Jensen says to his sons.

"Thank you. That's awesome." Justin lightly laughs.

"Does that sound good?" He looks at Clay, who had other things on his mind. "Clay?"

Ani quickly taps him on his shoulder, he snaps back into reality. "Yeah, that sounds great." Clay gives his dad a small smile.

"Professor Jensen." Bolan walks over to them. "Hi thank you so much for hosting." Bolan and Mr. Jensen shake hands.

"My pleasure, Gary," Matt says.

Mia wrinkles her nose, "Gary?" She questions out loud, catching all of their attention. The brunette opens her mouth and closes it a few times. "Sorry..." Mia whispers.

"Walker!" A voice says. Mia tenses up, she sighs. A fake smile spreads on her lips. "Brett!" She turns to him and sees how close he is. "Whoa, kind of close there..." She says with a nervous chuckle.

Brett throws an arm over her shoulder and kisses the top of her head. Mia wrinkles her nose with discomfort, Clay notices. She looks at Clay, she didn't feel comfortable being lovey dovey in front of her ex. "Yeah, let's walk over here..." Mia tugs him to the side. Brett holds Mia's hand and she slightly tenses up.

"So, what were you and Jensen talking about?" He questions.

Mia rolls her eyes, "It wasn't just me and Clay talking, y'know?" She looks up at Brett.

He raises her brows. Mia rolls her eyes again. "College." she answers, without looking at him.

Brett looks down at the girl. "The graffiti today--"

"Can we actually, not talk about that?" Mia questions.

"Why not?" Brett chuckles.

Mia looks up at him, "You know why. I'm not comfortable talking about things that should stay in the past." She shrugs.

"Well, it's not in the past if Monty was framed--"


"What? I'm just saying, Clay, wouldn't get defensive and start punching people if he wasn't hiding some--"

Mia smashes her lips onto his, knowing this is the only thing to shut his persistent ass up. Brett touches the back of her head and kisses her back. "Miss Walker! Mister Thomas! I'm sure that you can do that after the college tour!" The teacher shouts at them.

Mia separates from him, she grips his jacket. "Brett..." Mia says, moving her hands to cup his cheeks. "Please, stop talking about Monty and least around me." Mia arches a brow.

Brett slowly nods his head. "Did you spray paint the admin's doors?" he asks, Mia groans and walks away from him. "Wh-what?" Brett questions. "I was just curious!"


Mia groans as she lowers herself down to the mat. "This hurts," Mia whispers.

"Okay, just hold for a couple more seconds, then you're--"

"Mia." A voice says, breaking the brunette's concentration. Mia falls to the ground and exhales sharply. "Fuck..." She groans.

She opens her eyes and sees Brett hovering over her. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I think the question is what are you doing here?" He helps her onto her feet. Mia bends down and grabs her bottle of water. Brett raises his brows and whistles as he stares at her butt. Someone clears their throat, Brett turns and his jaw goes slack. "Uh--Ms. Walker...Hi! it's nice to see you again." He holds his hand out towards her.

Nora slightly tilts her head, she squints her eyes. Brett lowers his hand to his side and sighs. "I'm here to take Mia to school," Brett says.

Mia snorts, "No, you're not." She retorts.

Brett looks over at her. "What?"

"I have my own car and I need to take a home." Mia grabs her mat and rolls it up. She hugs her mom, "I'll see you later." Mia whispers.

She walks out of the Yoga building. Brett quickly follows her. "I you in the shower...if you want?" He smirks.

Mia unlocks her car, she whips her head around. She chuckles softly and shakes her head softly, annoyed.

Brett walks towards her and leans down to kiss her, but she looks away from him. "I'm all sweaty." She whispers.

"I. Don't. Care..." He connects their lips. Mia hesitantly kisses him back. The girl separates from him. "Did you hear about Jensen?" Brett asks.

Mia sighs and she wraps her arms around his neck. "That fucking stunt he pulled with Zach? Yeah, I heard." Mia scoffs.

"You seem mad," Brett observes.

Mia opens her car door and throws her things inside. "Why wouldn't I be? People are there to try and start a new chapter in their lives and some of those people never thought they could get a shot like this again. So the fact that they even thought that was a good idea..." Mia rolls her lips into her mouth and exhales through her nose.

"You're talking about yourself? When you tried to kill yourself." Brett bluntly states. Mia's face goes slack, her eyes slightly widens.

Mia swallows, she looks away from him. "I have to shower before school. I'll see you later."


The female Walker wasn't in the mood for shenanigans. Like Winston asking her about Clay or Brett asking her about Clay, Monty, or Bryce. She wasn't even in the mood to look at herself in the mirror. She hates that she sees someone filled with guilt about her own brother's death. But what was the point in ruining anybody else's lives?

She closes her locker and jumps as she sees Clay standing there. "What the fuck? With the scaring...really?" She turns to him. Clay inhales, "Sorry, uh--listen...everyone's wondering if--"

"And...who is everyone?" Mia leans against her lockers.

Clay exhales and looks around nervously. Mia pulls her brows together, "What's wrong...still hungover?" Mia tilts her head. Clay opens his mouth, "Mia--"

"Like...seriously what the fuck? You're telling everyone else to be chill and yet getting arrested at a frat party and having a panic attack is so not...chill." Mia readjusts her books in her hands.

"You're one to talk about panic attacks." Clay scoffs. Mia smirks, "Listen, dick--"

"Did you...spray paint the doors?" Clay cuts her off with a question. Mia blinks and puts more weight on her left leg. "Are you...shitting me?" Mia questions. "Do you think that I want to see any of this blow-up?" Mia arches a brow. "I don't have to keep this secret but I am," Mia whispers, she slightly looks around.

Clay closes his eyes, "You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"Yes, you did mean to." Mia folds her arms. She looks down at her shoes. "What were you doing in that room with that girl?" Mia asks.

Clay slaps his hands onto his thighs. "I don't know, Mia. I really don't." He answers, his breathing slightly changing.

Mia bites the inside of her cheek. "I heard you're seeing Dr. Ellman again. That's good." Mia gives him a small smile.

Clay scoffs, "It's not really working." He shrugs. "How the hell am I supposed to get better if I can barely talk about...anything?" Clay questions.

Mia presses her lips together. "I wish I could answer that, but...I got no good advice, what so ever." Mia raises her hands and walks away.

Clay chuckles softly, "Thanks... I guess..." He watches her walk away.

Clay thinks for a second, Did Mia and I just have an actual conversation?


Mia enters the house and exhales with exhaustion. "Mom, I'm home!" She calls out.

"Mia," Nora calls out.

The brunette tenses up as she hears the panic in her mom's voice. "M-Mom?" Mia says, in a slightly more quiet tone.

Nora quickly enters the front room and exhales sharply. "Oh my god." She walks over to Mia and hugs her tightly.

Mia slowly hugs her back. "What is it? What's wrong?" Mia questions.

Nora takes a moment before replying, scared of her daughter's reaction. "It''s about John," Nora says the name, that she never thought she would say again.

Mia's eyes widen, her stomach twists with pain. She separates from her mom and looks in her eyes. "W-what about John? What's going on, mom?" Mia asks.

"Your father..." Nora shakes her head and looks away from Mia. The brunette pulls her brows together, it's like she already knew what her mother was going to say. "Your father is a very powerful man, honey and...he can get his way if he just throws money around." Nora touches Mia's arms.

Mia inhales deeply but quickly exhales. She starts to inhale short breathes and exhale deep ones. "Mia, John he's--"

"He's out. He's out of...prison." Mia finishes her mom's sentence. Mia burns her glassy eyes into her moms and she slowly nods her head. "Oh my God..." Mia places her hands on her knees. "He's going to kill me." she whispers.

"Mia, no he won--"

"I saw him." Mia cuts her mom off with her confession.

Nora blinks, "What?" She questions in a firm tone.

Mia looks at her mom, "Homecoming night, I saw him..."


"...And I didn't want to tell you. Because you told me not to." Mia says, tears in her eyes. "Mom, I talked shit to him. Bad. And now...he's angry, what am I supposed to..." Mia stops talking and she feels her breathing start to get out of control again.

"Mia, sweetie," Nora whispers. As she reaches for her daughter, Mia falls to the ground gasping for air.

A/N: This is getting a little intense...I hope you guys are loving the story! I'm trying to do the final season right, thank you for all the support. It means so much to me♥️♥️

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