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"Guys! Have you seen the charts in the newspaper today?"

Aurora burst into her friend's house, holding a newspaper and practically glowing with excitement. But her enthusiasm met knowing smiles from the group already gathered in the kitchen. Alex, standing by the counter, held up a matching newspaper.

"Mel woke us up with it," Reggie said, still shaking his head in disbelief.

"I can't believe it," Luke murmured, his eyes scanning the headlines.

"Believe it, man." Alex clapped him on the back, grinning. "We're number one."

After months of anticipation, "Bright" had finally hit the top of the charts. Aurora could hardly wrap her mind around itโ€”it meant she could start writing her own songs now. They had actually done it, and on the morning of their performance at the Orpheum, no less.

"Hey, not to break up the celebration committee, but I need some help with the banner out here!" Mel called from the backyard, her apron smeared with paint.

"Coming!" Alex replied, heading for the door, with Reggie and Kelsey close behind. Aurora started to follow but felt a gentle tug on her wrist.

"Hey, hold on," Luke said.

Aurora turned to face him, her heart skipping a beat. This was the first real moment they'd had alone since their kiss. They had rehearsed together, sure, but things had been awkward, and neither had brought it upโ€”until now.

"I wanted to talk to you about the other night," Luke began, his voice careful. Aurora smiled, hopeful.

"Okay," she nodded, encouraging him to continue.

Luke sighed, hesitating before he spoke again. "I know you were in a vulnerable place that night, and we were both feeling pretty emotional, so... I think we should just forget about it."

His words hit her like a punch to the gut. Aurora's smile faltered as the weight of his statement sank in. Forget about it? Did it really mean nothing to him?

She forced a smile, trying to mask her disappointment. "Yeah, totally. You're right."

"Friends?" Luke offered his hand.

"Friends." Aurora shook his hand, feeling her heart shatter.

"Let's go check out the tapestry," Luke suggested, oblivious to her heartbreak.

Aurora followed him outside, her thoughts swirling. How could it mean nothing to him? The kiss had felt real, electric, like everything she'd ever wanted. Was it really just her who felt that way?

"So?" Melanie's voice broke through her thoughts, snapping her back to reality. Aurora looked up at the tapestry hanging proudly across the yard. It read "Aurora Roberts with Sunset Curve."

"It looks amazing, Mel," Aurora managed, though her voice was distant.

Kelsey glanced over and immediately noticed something was off. "Hey, Mel, you want a drink? You've been working all day."

"Sure! Thanks, Kels." Mel smiled, oblivious to the tension.

"Aurora, come with me," Kelsey said, leading the way back into the house.

Aurora followed silently, grateful for the escape. Once inside, Kelsey grabbed a glass Coke bottle from the fridge and hopped onto the counter, eyeing Aurora carefully.

"What happened?" Kelsey asked, her tone soft but direct.

"What do you mean?" Aurora shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Don't play dumb. You're upsetโ€”was it my brother?"

Aurora sighed, her shoulders slumping. "He said the kiss was a mistake," she whispered, her voice thick with unshed tears.

Kelsey's eyes widened. "No, the fuck he did not." She jumped off the counter, ready to storm out, but Aurora stopped her.

"Maybe he doesn't feel the way I do," Aurora said, her voice barely audible.

"That's impossible. Have you seen the wayโ€”"

"Kelsey!" Aurora cut her off, her voice trembling. "Just drop it, okay? He doesn't feel the same."

The two friends stared at each other in silence, the weight of the unspoken words hanging in the air. Finally, Aurora sighed. "I'll see you tonight. I have to get ready."

Aurora left, leaving Kelsey in stunned disbelief. She couldn't believe her brother could be so clueless. He had to know how Aurora felt. Determined to set things right, Kelsey dashed up to her room and grabbed a folded piece of paper from her desk drawer before running back downstairs.

As she burst into the studio, she found Luke lounging on the couch, tossing a hacky sack in the air.

"Hey, Kelsey," Luke greeted, sitting up. "I wanted to run something by youโ€”"

But before he could finish, Kelsey charged at him, whacking him repeatedly with a pillow. Alex and Reggie rushed over, pulling her off him.

"What the hell, Kelsey?" Luke scrambled to his feet. "What's your problem?"

"My problem? What's your problem?" Kelsey shot back, glaring at him.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, genuinely confused.

"You told Aurora the kiss meant nothing," Kelsey accused, watching his face fall.

"You kissed Aurora?" Alex asked, surprised.

"When?" Reggie chimed in.

"The night of the funeral," Luke admitted, his voice heavy with regret.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alex asked, puzzled.

"Because..." Luke trailed off, walking over to the dartboard on the opposite wall. "Aurora doesn't look at me that way."

"You're more dumb than I thought," Kelsey muttered under her breath.

"Why do you think that?" Reggie asked, genuinely curious.

Luke sighed, throwing a dart at the board. "It was her aunt's funeral, and she was emotional. I shouldn't have taken advantage of her just because I like her."

"So he finally admits it," Kelsey said, her voice laced with annoyance.

Luke turned to face his friends. "Yeah, I like Aurora. Hell, I love that girl. But I know she doesn't feel the same."

Kelsey let out a heavy sigh and pulled the folded paper from her pocket. "Okay, well, Aurora might hate me for this, but here."

Luke unfolded the paper, his eyes scanning the title "Perfect Harmony."

"It's a song Aurora wrote," Kelsey explained, watching his reaction closely. "About you."

"I don't understand," Luke said, still absorbing the lyrics.

"She's in love with you, Luke. That kiss meant everything to her," Kelsey said firmly.

Luke's eyes widened as the realization hit him. "I am such an idiot."

"The biggest," Alex agreed.

"But I have an idea on how to fix this," Luke said, a new light in his eyes. He turned to his sister, grinning. "I need your help, though."

Kelsey raised an eyebrow. "With what?"

"Me and the guys have been talking, and we agree that this band could use a rhythm guitarist. What do you say?" Luke asked, a smile forming on his lips.

"Me?" Kelsey asked, her eyes lighting up with surprise.

The boys nodded. "Here," Reggie said, running over to grab a guitar case. He handed it to Kelsey.

"Open it," Alex encouraged.

Kelsey set the case down and opened it, revealing a purple rhythm guitar. She stared at it, stunned.

"You guys...You bought this? For me?" she asked, her voice filled with emotion.

"You deserve it," Reggie said with a smile.

"After getting over your stage fright, we figured you'd be great on stage with us," Luke added.

"Seriously!?" Kelsey's excitement was evident as she hugged her brother, then quickly pulled away. "I'm still mad at you, though."

"I know," Luke said with a grin. "But I'm gonna make it right. I promise."


As day turned to night, the gang found themselves backstage at the Orpheum, preparing for their performance. Aurora sat alone in her dressing room, lost in thought. She was saddened by everything that had happened, but she knew she'd always have Luke in her life, one way or another. That wouldn't change.

A knock at the door jolted her back to reality. Kelsey stepped in, a small smile on her face.

"Hey," Kelsey greeted.

"Hey," Aurora replied, turning towards her. They hadn't spoken since Aurora had snapped at her earlier that morning. Guilt weighed on her; she hadn't meant to lash out.

"Kelsey," Aurora sighed, rising from her seat. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you earlier. I was just really emotional."

"I get it," Kelsey nodded. "You just had your heart broken. I'd be upset too."

Aurora's face softened. "I love you, and I'm so glad I have you in my life." She pulled Kelsey into a hug. "And I'm really glad the guys put you in the band. I want you up there with me tonight."

"It's all because of you," Kelsey said, returning the hug. "You helped me get over my stage fright."

"And you helped me realize what real friendship is," Aurora added, hugging her tighter. She felt a deep gratitude for Kelsey. Before her, Aurora had no real friends. Now, she had the best one in the world. She wouldn't trade her for anything.

"Aurora!" a voice called from the doorway. The girls turned to see Aurora's parents, beaming with pride.

"Come quick!" they urged. The girls followed Aurora's parents to the stage entrance, where they could see the audience. The boys were already gathered there, including Luke. Aurora felt a pang of awkwardness around him. She shouldn't feel this way, she told herself. They were still friends. He just didn't feel the same, and she had to respect that.

"What are we looking at?" Kelsey asked, puzzled.

"Them," Luke said, nodding towards the booths in the back. A group of record executives were seated there, representing Warner, Universal, Sony, and other major labels.

"Are they here for us?" Aurora asked, glancing around at her friends and family.

"Well, they're not here for Mariah Carey," Janet chuckled.

"This is your chance, Rory," Luke said, turning to her. At least he still called her Rory. "Your chance to finally get out of Barry's grasp."

Aurora smiled, relieved that he could still talk to her without it being awkward. "I bet Barry is pissing his pants right now," Alex joked, making everyone laugh.

"You guys better finish getting ready," Thomas said, glancing at his watch. "It's almost showtime."

As everyone hurried back to their dressing rooms, Aurora felt a flicker of hope. Maybe Luke was right. Maybe this was her chance to wow the record execs and finally break free from Barry's control.


"Are we ready?" Aurora asked as she approached the group gathered near the stage. The lights had dimmed, and the announcer was moments away from introducing them.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Alex replied.

"Speak for yourself. I'm sweating over here," Kelsey admitted, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Aurora stepped closer to her best friend, taking Kelsey's hands in hers. "Kelsey, breathe," she said softly, causing Kelsey to take a deep, steadying breath. "You've got this. You're not scared anymore, remember? And we're all up there with you."

Kelsey managed a smile and nodded. "You're right."

"Hey, before we go out..." Luke began, drawing the group's attention. "I just want to say that this past year has been one of my favorites. Meeting Aurora, having her become part of the groupโ€”it's been amazing. This year has changed me, for the better."

The group exchanged warm smiles, and Aurora's heart swelled with emotion. "You all have changed me too," she added. "You've shown me what true friendship is. For the first time, I feel like I've had a taste of normal life, and it's all thanks to you four. I love you guys."

"And now," the announcer's voice boomed, "you know her, you love her, and she's back to sing with a brand new band!"

"Ready?" Kelsey asked, her voice steadier now.

The group nodded in unison.

"Aurora Roberts and Sunset Curve!" the announcer finished, as they ran out onto the dark stage. Aurora took her place at the front on the stage strip, the others holding back as the spotlight found her. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment, and then she began to sing.

Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm callin' out
For one more try
To feel alive
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark
And find the spark

Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on let's run and

The lights behind Aurora flared to life as she spun around, her voice carrying through the venue. She ran back to her friends, still singing, her energy electric. As they reached the chorus, the others joined in, their voices blending perfectly as they played their instruments,

Rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

As they finished the chorus, Aurora kept dancing, but it was Luke's turn to sing. She stepped back, still moving to the beat, while Luke's voice took over.

In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear lifting me out
I found the ground I'm marching on

Reggie ran over and joined Luke at the microphone, singing the post-chorus together in perfect harmony.

Life is a risk but we will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on let's run and

Rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

As the bridge began and Luke started singing, Aurora seized the moment to join him. She walked over, holding the microphone out for him. As she backed up to center stage, Luke followed, still singing.

In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left

Aurora took over the second part of the bridge, her voice rising confidently. Luke moved in close, playing his guitar right beside her, their energy syncing as the music played around them.

And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark, and find the spark

As Aurora hit her high note, the group joined in, singing the final parts of the song together. The crowd went wild, cheering them on as they performed publicly as a group for the first time.

And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Shine together
Bright forever
Bright forever

And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Shine together
Bright forever
Bright forever

As the crowd applauded, the group bowed in gratitude. Aurora quickly ran up the stage strip to return the microphone to its stand. As she finished, she realized the rest of the group had left the stageโ€”or so she thought.

Step into my world

Aurora's eyes widened as she heard Luke's voice through the microphone again. They weren't supposed to sing another song. Confused, she looked around, wondering why he was still performing.

Bittersweet love story 'bout a girl
Shook me to the core

Aurora turned around, still holding the microphone, to see Luke singing into it on stage. The crowd, as confused as Aurora, waited for an explanation. Then Aurora realized what Luke was singing and understood his unexpected choice.

Voice like an angel
I've never heard before

Aurora joined in, singing along with the lyrics as Luke stopped, a smile spreading across his face as he watched her. She walked towards him, still singing the lyrics she had written,

Here in front of me
They're shining so much brighter
Than I have ever seen
Life can be so mean
But when he goes, I know he doesn't leave

The two began circling each other, their voices entwining as they sang the chorus. The audience was captured by their moment, not looking away.

The truth is finally breaking through
Two worlds collide when I'm with you
Our voices rise and soar so high
We come to life when we're

They stopped circling and simply stared into each other's eyes, their voices harmonizing as they continued to sing. The connection between them was evident, drawing the audience into their moment.

In perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony

They began to dance together on stage, their movements synchronized as they continued to sing, never breaking their gaze. The connection between them was electric, and the audience could tell.

You set me free
You and me together is more than chemistry
Love me as I am
I'll hold your music here inside my hands

We say we're friends, we play pretend
You're more to me, we're everything
Our voices rise and soar so high
We come to life when we're

In perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony

I feel your rhythm in my heart
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You are my brightest burning star
Woah-ooh, oh-oh
I never knew a love so real (so real)
We're heaven on earth
Melody and words
When we're together we're

In perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh

We say we're friends (we play pretend)
You're more to me (we create)
Perfect harmony

As the song ended, Luke and Aurora pressed their foreheads together, smiling as the crowd erupted in cheers once again. Seizing the moment, Luke pulled Aurora into a kissโ€”one that was genuine and unregrettable, a true expression of his love. Aurora melted into the kiss as the crowd's cheers grew even louder. When they finally pulled away, they exchanged wide grins.

"I love you, Aurora Roberts," Luke whispered.

"Well, I was hoping you did," Aurora replied with a smile, pulling him into another kiss.


After the concert, the group decided to go to In-N-Out Burger. Dinner sounded good, but a fancy restaurant didn't fit the vibe. So there they were, munching on burgers and signing autographs. Fans flocked around their tables, asking for signatures on shirts, CDs, vinyl, even their faces. Sunset Curve had never seen this much publicity, and they were loving every second of it.

Reggie even flirted with a few girls who approached the table, slipping them his number with a cheeky grin. As the excitement died down, a waitress brought over their food.

"To us," Luke said, raising his glass, "for absolutely killing it tonight."

The group cheered, clinking their glasses together before taking a drink.

"Let me just say, you guys rocked it. That perfect harmony duet was everything," Kelsey added.

Aurora grinned, resting her head against Luke's chest, which made him smile. "Well, I should hate you for giving Luke the song, but...I never would've had the courage to do it," Aurora admitted.

"That's why you have me," Kelsey replied, reaching out to squeeze Aurora's hand.

"I can't believe the school year is ending already, guys. I mean, next week we're supposed to give our presentation, and then we're graduating," Reggie said.

"I can't believe I'm graduating, period. I never thought I'd actually receive a diploma," Aurora said.

"This year's been full of surprises," Alex added.

Just then, Aurora heard the doorbell ring, signaling someone entering the restaurant. She glanced over and saw Barry. What the hell was he doing here? Luke noticed her staring and leaned in. "You got this. Just tell him it's over."

Aurora nodded and stood up, leaving the booth to approach Barry.

"Hey, there's my favorite little rockstar," Barry grinned as soon as he saw her.

"We gotta talk," Aurora said, her tone firm.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" Barry asked, concern. Like he ever cared. Now that she was making him more money than ever, suddenly he cared. What a greedy prick.

"I don't know if you noticed, but there were almost fifteen record executives in the crowd tonight, all wanting to sign me and the guys. Because they actually see our talent," Aurora said, her voice steady.

"What... I-I see their talent," Barry stammered.

"Now you do. Before, you didn't. You told me they were nobodies," Aurora shot back.

"Aurora, look, I've said some things in the past, but I didn't mean them," Barry tried to backpedal.

Aurora sighed, the weight of the moment heavy on her shoulders. "It's over," she said, finality in her voice. "I've got new representation."

Barry looked like he'd seen a ghost. "What? Who?"

"Universal Music Group," Aurora replied confidently. "Univerโ€”kid, have you really thought about this?" Barry asked, his voice shaking.

"Oh, believe me, I've thought it through," Aurora said. "My whole career, you've degraded me, never let me write my own music, and told me I was never good enough. I was just a money-making machine to you. You didn't care about me, as long as I was making you money."

"Aurora, come on, let's talkโ€”"

"No," Aurora cut him off. "I'm done talking to you. My contract's up, and legally, I'm allowed to go to another record label. Maybe you should've treated the women who work for you with a little more respect. Goodbye, Barry."

Aurora's last words hung in the air as she turned away, her friends cheering her on as Barry walked out of the restaurant. This was something she had to doโ€”not just because of everything he'd done, but because of one specific thing. When he tried to force her to record a song about Carla that she didn't even write, that was the final straw.

She smiled, letting out a heavy breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was finally free.


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