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006-the kingdom

Jules looks at Carl as he stops the car, a smile coming onto his face before taking the CD out as someone knocks on the window making Jules smile close, "we're here now out girls" the man says making the two nod, "hey no I'm a boy with long hair" Carl says pouting as he steps out making Jules chuckle,

"How you doing girlie" Jules whispers to Carl smirking "Shut up" he whispers still pouting sending a smile to Jules's face,

"Welcome, I'm gonna need your weapons for the kingdom's safety," a man says the same one who knocked on the window,

"hell no I'm not giving you my gun" Jules shouts crossing her arms her red hair is blowing in the air as she glares at the man who has everyone's weapons in the truck he came in,

"Miss I'm gonna need you to hand your gun over" the man says holding his hand out making Jules roll her eyes as she pulls some gum from her mouth smiling as she puts it into the man's hand with a smile,

"Right you a hard one" the man says as he throws the gum away with a frown,

"Jules just give him the gun You gonna get it back after," Rick says as he rubs the side of his head with his fingers,

"Fine hurt her and I swear I will-"  Jules says before getting a hand to her mouth making her frown "Sorry she doesn't understand how to talk nicely to people," Carl says turning his head to her frowning "Get your hand off my face" Jules whispers into his hand that not moving,

"Eww did you just like my hand?" Carl shouts quickly removing his hand and wiping it down on his jeans while Jules is spitting on the ground trying to get the dirty out from her mouth, "you wouldn't move your hand so I licked it"

"Thank you the king will see you now" the guy says walking away as everyone follows him,

"You two come on," Rick says, voice firm

"Alright Dad," Jules says rolling her eyes and mocking him with her hands while pulling her tongue out at him before sticking it back in when he spins around with a frown,

"Holy shit, you did yourself," Jules asks out of the blue making the man nod a small frown still sits on his face, Jules keeps looking around a boy catches her eyes as she walks into the room where a king is sat a tiger resting next to him, while two guards stand near him, one is blonde and he staring at Jules,

"Ahh and who are you all," the king says in a loud voice making everyone look towards him Rick smiles before speaking "My name is Rick Grimes, and this is my group"

Jules sits down on the red padded seats one goes down meaning someone is sitting next to her, Jules twists her head seeing the blonde hair boy sitting next to her with a smile



A small smile rests on Jules's face as their elbows bump together, a boy watching them arms crossed a sour expression on his face Rosita takes notice slowly smirking before whispering to Tara who's also smirking as she whispers to someone, now everyone is smirking while looking at the boy

"Come on everyone we're done there joining the war" Rick shouts a smile resting on his face as he walks out everyone follows, Jules is about to walk through the door a hand stops her, and finally speaks "Will I ever see you again?"

Jules's eyes soften at the blonde hair boy who's smiling as he leans against his stick that is almost as tall as him, a small smile slips onto her face as she stands on her tiptoe and presses a quick kiss to the boy's cheek slightly,

"I'm sure, nice meeting you Benjamin"

"Nice meeting you," the boy says as he presses his fingers over his cheek with a smile before walking off with an ear-to-ear smile, Carl on the other was watching, the sour expression still on his face as he walks past the boy, before speaking "she doesn't like a guy like you, so nice try"

Carl walks off with a smile at the boy's reaction, Jules watches as Carl walks away from the boy a frown hanging on her face before running her fingers through her ginger hair cringing as she pushes past the knots that have ended up in her hair,

"What did you say to him" Jules asks as she leans against the car bonnet,

"Nothing, just a friendly jester" Carl replied with a smile as he pulled his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair carefully if his eye bandage,

"Didn't seem like nothing" Jules adds on as he slams the car door making poor Rick jump at the noise under his breath, while Carl is smiling ear to ear before stepping into the car and throwing his hat into the back as Rick says It will distract him from driving,

Jules puts her heels on the dashboard as she leans her head back against the headrest, her eyes are slowly shutting as she slowly breathes out and back in again, Carl speaks, "Go to sleep"

"No, what if we crash, I'll end up through the fucking windshield and you would be perfectly fine" Jules snaps as she opens her eyes one more time, her eyes are fixed on the road, Carl smiles before chuckling "I never crashed a car, and I would save you anyway before you go through it"

"Sure, we all crashed cars once, and I could save myself thank you" Jules adds before grunting as she bangs her head against the headrest Carl drives the car fast going past everyone else, Jules looks out of the window seeing everyone watching them Rosita and Tara smirking before high fiving each other, leaving Jules confused,

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