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(S1, E2)


The club deals with the aftermath of their firearms warehouse attack as a new Deputy Chief of Police poses a new threat to SAMCRO. Hayleigh is also met with a familiar face that fills her with dread of the past.


━ death, violence, profanities, smoking, nudity etc...

*read at your own risk*

"Yay, sarcasm."



THE MORNING BEGAN IN its usual routine. Jax was clad in his goggles, tinkering away at a motorcycle in the garage. Over the dull hum of engines, he perked up, wiping his oil-stained hands on a rag. Peering out, he caught sight of Bobby on his bike, making his way towards the workshop.

Jax and Half-Sack were both focused on Bobby as he switched off the motorbike's engine. Bobby held up a brown paper bag and had a wide grin on his face. "Got the good shit." The trio entered the clubhouse and stepped into the main room. Observing as Bobby upended the bag onto the table, spilling out a cascade of muffins. "There we go, boys."

"Oh, those muffins are great with tequila, Bobby." Piney's hoarse voice croaked as he snatched a muffin from the table. Chib's hastily grabbed one and shouted just as Bobby was strolling away. "Shits addictive! Turnin' me into a fat bastard." 

Bobby started listing off the ingredients in those lovely muffins of his. "Turbinado, sugar, organic flour, no processed shit. Not that any of you give a damn." Bobby spoke. Jax got up and went to grab one. "You put hash in them?" Jax asked as he slowly opened up a beer.  

"You know my rule, no bud before nine am."

Jax hurled the bottle cap at Bobby. "I don't have that rule."

Clay walked through the door all bright and happy. Tig following right behind him. "Morning, kids! The deal with the Niners is officially closed," He announced placing the large holdall right in the middle of the table. "Talked to Laroy, and he is giddy about his new assault rifles."

Unzipping the duffle bag, Clay tossed the stash of money amongst the seated club members. "Like how we're all about racial harmony." The Scotsman spoke as he caught his share of money.

"Spend it wisely, boys. Might be a while before we see any gun green." Clay cautioned.

"I love the green," Chibs enunciated. "All about the Benjamins!"

Juice pushed open the clubhouse door, urgency etched in his step. As the laughter and chatter ebbed, his voice conveying a 'heads up' . "I just got an update from my city hall snitch," Juice began. "Look's like Hale's got a warrant to search our warehouse."

Jax glanced up abruptly, his face registering a flash of tension, as Clay let out a deep, weary sigh.

Deputy Hale was a douchebag at it's finest. Ever since the Mayan's had blown up one of the locations of where the guns were originally held. Hale has been crawling up everybody's ass to try and put a stop to all of that shit. Not to mention his ego was bigger than his dick itself. 

The sound of the clubhouse door creaking open and the gentle click-clack of her heels on the floor gradually increased in volume as she made her entrance, capturing the attention of all present within the club. "I leave you fuckers alone for five minutes." The older woman spoke.

With a shit-eating grin that formed on the Scotsman's face, an exclaim broke out before pulling her in for a kiss. "Bonnie, my beloved, "  A warm smile tugged the corners of her lips. "You're late to the party." Chibs joked.

"Oh, not a proper welcome back for your wife huh?" The older woman teased, Chibs emitted an exasperated sigh before leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Sorry, I should be throwing rose petals."

Now, here's the thing, Chibs was already married to another lady named Fiona, but if anything, it had become estranged. Jimmy had ran Chibs out of the IRA back before and subsequently married Fiona and adopted Chibs' daughter, Kerrianne. To say it was a shit-show was putting it delicately.

 After joining SAMCRO, about a couple years had passed when he met his love, Bonnie. These two we're fucking inseparable. Out of Chib's wild and crazy spirit, she was the tamer. The one woman who he'd come back to. To pull him back to reality when he felt lost in his own mind. Bonnie had and always will be the embodiment of a "grumpy old woman" with the biggest heart. It was just who she was.

Bonnie jokingly tapped his arm while rolling her eyes. "Dink." The woman muttered under her breath.

Chibs shook his head with a teased grin upon his face. Swiftly gathering her into his arms to envelope her in a warm tight embrace. "I missed you too. How was your trip, Lovey? 

"It was alright, I'll tell you about it later." Bonnie took a quick view at the other club members who'd just casually held cold beers in her hands. Raising her sleeve and looking at her watch her eyes slightly widened. "It's 9 o'clock in the morning, guys."

"Aye, it's a bit early. We got paid, so that's why they're so damn eager to drink." 

"Oh!" Bonnie bellowed in remembrance, "I almost forgot," She faltered, stooping down to rummage in her handbag. Delving deep, she rustled around until Chibs could hear the crinkling of a packet. Extracting a pink bag filled with pink sweets, she held it up for him to see. "I got you chicken bones."

"You're killing my diet love, you know that." Chibs playfully teased as he took the bag of pink candied bones from her. He selected a bone and popped it into his mouth, savoring the satisfying crunch.

"Well, I knew you liked em' and since I was gone...I picked em' up."

"That's really sweet of you love. Thank you."

"Yeah, and hey...maybe tomorrow I can  make you some jigs dinner." The woman spoke softly, Chibs loved the idea of her jigs dinner but huffed slightly. "I'd love that, maybe we could do that tonight."

"Wait-- why tonight?"

"Gemma is having everybody over tomorrow," The Scotsman elucidated. "Wanted to do a dinner."

 Bonnie huffed wearily before reluctantly nodding. "Yeah fine." Chibs caught sight of her reaction, his expression tinged with a gentle confusion as his glance was casted towards his old lady. "Don't like the idea?" 

"No, I do."

"You've always been a shit liar, love."

Bonnie stood with her arms tightly folded across her chest, her eyes rolling with the faintest smirk before emitting yet another audible sigh. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper. "I just, wanted a tomorrow night for you and me."

"Aye, I get that love, but you know how these things are." Chibs gently stroked Bonnie's arm. " It would be a bit rude not to attend, plus Haisy will be bummed, she wants to make some carrot desert thing." Bonnie's gaze swiftly lifted upwards.

"Wait, Hayleigh's back?" The older woman sought.

"Aye," Chibs responded with a subtle nod. "She's back home."

"When'd she come home?" Bonnie queried, a hint of elevation in her voice as the revelation sank in. "Oh, a couple months ago."

"You have all the time in the world to tell me all about your bike or the fucking boxing shit on tv, but not mention once in the six months I've been gone about Hayleigh?" Bon raised an eyebrow, her tone tinged with irritation and sarcasm as she shot her husband 'The look'. Bradley caught a fleeting glimpse of it before a smug smirk crept onto his lips. "You done fucked up."

"My bad dear. She came back two months ago, and I thought I already mentioned it to you." The Scotsman lifted the glass to his lips, swiftly downing the last of his beer, savoring the familiar taste before setting the empty glass down.

"You need to get your memory checked." The woman huffed. "Where is she?"

"She's not here yet. I don't imagine she starts her shift for another half-hour." He replied. "She got a job here?"

"Aye, she does. Hey, look━━that's another thing I yet mentioned to you too!" 

I can't believe I married this dumb fuck, she thought. Bonnie let out a frustrated sigh before inhaling deeply. This man was something else altogether, and the poor woman couldn't help but release a snort with her arms tightly folded across her chest. "You're a dumbass."

"And you love me for it."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Hands off ladies...he's all mine." The grey haired voiced in a sarcastic inflection.


As Jax and Clay made their way out of the clubhouse, Clay got wind of the news that Abel's operation had been successful, assuring Jax that his son would pull through. "Glad your boy's gonna be alright." Clay comforted.

 "Yeah, thanks. I'm sorry about last night. I should've had that place leveled before the Mayans got there. Made a shit call." The blond groveled.

"Yeah, and I'm the one who should've been there blowing shit up. Should've never gone to Tahoe." Bobby muttered in defense for Jax. 

"You know what? Everything happens for a reason. If we hadn't hit that warehouse, we never would've know about the Nord-Mayan hookup."

 Clay relaxed as they all entered the office. After the chaos of blowing up the Mayan's warehouse, it was a fucking mess. Gemma soon followed, entering the office and hastily searching through a few papers. "Got to get this shit to Rosen's guy. Need a big Jew brain to figure out these bluebird losses."

"Not this big Jew brain, baby. I can barely count on my own two fingers." Bobby smiled as he raised his hands, exiting the garage. Jax followed closely behind, pausing to acknowledge his mother with a brief nod before exhaling a puff of smoke. "I'm gonna go see the kid later."

Gemma deftly brushed a few strands of hair away from her face, nodding in agreement as the brunette leaned one hand against the desk. "Okay, I'll be there. And I still wanna do that dinner. Maybe tomorrow night. Ask your sister if she wants to come." Jax gave a silent nod of approval, the cigarette dangling between his fingers, lightly tapping the door of the office. "Okay."

Gemma stood patiently by the office door, waiting for Jax to move out of earshot. Once he was at a safe distance, her husband closed the door behind him. Gemma turned her attention to the window, her eyes fixed on the garage outside. With a deep exhale, she leaned her head against her hand.  "Did he say anything about what he found in storage?" The dark-haired inquired. 

"Doesn't matter," Clay assured. "He's not his old man, stop worrying."


Later that morning, Hayleigh strolled into the clubhouse and spotted Half-Sack behind the bar, leisurely fixing himself a cup of coffee. As soon as he caught sight of her, he beamed a friendly smile in her direction.

"Morning, princess."

Hayleigh's eyebrows raised in confusion and chuckled at the comment. "Princess? " The brunette giggled. "Why 'Princess'? " This led Half-Sack to give a nonchalant shrug, indicating his lack of knowledge on the matter.

"Well, I mean if you think about it," His body turned over to her. "From what I hear, you're like the club princess around here. The Prez's daughter. VP's little sister. It just━━overall, it suits you. So yeah, princess." Kip handed her a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "Besides, 'princess'  just has a nice ring to it, ya know?"

Hayleigh couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly in response to Kip's comment, yet she found herself unable to suppress a smile from forming at the corners of her mouth. It was a pleasant feeling, in a way.

 The young Teller made her way to the fridge to retrieve the milk and a few packets of sugar, carefully mixing them into her coffee before taking a satisfying sip of the warm beverage. She noticed Half-Sack couldn't seem to tear his gaze away from her. She almost appeared... angelic.

Clearing his throat, he focuses on his own coffee this time. Hayleigh brought the mug closer to her chest, enjoying the taste of her coffee. She slowly looks up at Half-Sack watching him pour his sugar packets into his cup. "So," The dark-haired paused. "Anything interesting on your calendar today?"

Kip stirred the sugar and creamer in his coffee, his shoulders raised as his eyes flickered back towards her. "Not much, just ya know, helping around the club. You?"

A playful grin began to spread across Hayleigh's face. Her head started to sway rhythmically from side to side, a nonchalant gesture that silently showed her uncertainty. "Not sure. Might go down to the hospital again and see Abel after work."

"How's he doin'?" 

"Fine? I think...he's alive, so that's got to count for something. That kid fought hell and back."

The curly blond-haired nodded, bringing the warm mug to his lips once more. "Yeah. He'll be okay."

Hayleigh took a deep breath and let out a hum. "Yeah, I know. Just━━ I wish I could help him."

Half-Sack sighed as he slowly hovered over the bar fidgeting with his hands. His eyes slowly came back up at her as he lightly tapped her arm. "If he is anything  like his aunt, he'll be just fine. You're already a good aunt. Don't stress it." He spoke softly in reassurance, which brought a warm smiled from the brunette. "Thanks, Kip."

"Anything for the princess."


Later on Hayleigh sat at her desk in the Teller-Morrow office, engrossed in her work, the door ajar allowing the warm breeze to sweep through. The cacophony of voices and clang of tools from the garage drifted in, mingling with the occasional screech and distant chatter. Amidst the papers, a knock at the door interrupted her concentration. Bonnie propped herself up against the door, her face lighting up with a wide grin as she crossed the threshold.

"Bonnie? "

Bonnie's face filled with joy, "Hey, Bug."

"Oh my god, Bonnie." Hayleigh whispered. Filled with elation, the young Teller couldn't contain her excitement and rushed to embrace Bonnie, wrapping her arms tightly around her. Just like when she was a child, Hayleigh was a bundle of energy that always caught Bonnie off guard. She fondly recalled planting down her feet preparing for those fast run-up hugs. 

"You're here. I was looking for you when I got back━━"

"Yeah, I just got back this mornin'. Still jet lagged, but...I'm back home. The old fucker told me you we're home too."

 Bonnie's gentle touch brought a warm smile to her face. "Yeah, I'm back home."

"God, I've missed you, bug. I wanna hear everything." Hayleigh smiled and gave a nod, then turned her gaze back to the papers on her desk. "Yeah, I just got some work to finish and then I'm gonna go visit Abel."

"Oh, Abel?" Bonnie asked, Hayleigh to quickly remind herself that Bonnie didn't know who he even was. 

"Yeah, Jax's son. It's a long story."

"Gotcha, well I'm gonna go grab some breakfast across the street. Want something to eat?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright, I'll be back in a few." With that, Bonnie exited out of the office into the parking lot, leaving Hayleigh to flicker her glance back downward towards the endless papers stacked yay-high. "Fuck."  The brunette muttered in utter exhaustion. 

Not long after Bonnie had left, Juice slowly came in, taking view of the young Teller just staring deep into the paper with her hands dragging her temples upwards. "You okay?" Juice couldn't refrain from a weak giggle.

"Sure, if okay means that I want to bang my head against the wall, how━━I genuinely wonder if you guys ever throw anything out at this point."


Juice responded with a hint of amusement, letting out a soft chuckle as his eyes wandered over the countless stacks of paper spread across her cluttered desk. "That bad today?" 

"Well, yes and no. Apparently, they want me to sort through all these files that date back to the fucking stone ages. So far within this past week I've gotten half of it done."

"Half? " Juice enunciated with confusion. 

"Yeah," Hayleigh elongated. "It's a lot of crap. It's old invoices, warranty shit, compliance, contracts. And I have to organize it down to the t."

Juice paused, blinking twice before a smirk spread across his lips. This was a prime opportunity for a bit of mischief, especially as he noticed the faint signs of irritation creeping into the young Teller's expression. It wasn't that he was particularly concerned; he simply found it amusing. "Sounds like a whole lot of nothing to me."

Hayleigh swiftly snatched the stapler from the desk, clutching it firmly in her hand and raising it up into the air. "I will hit you with this stapler."

Juice, his laughter bubbling up, raised his hands in a gesture of playful surrender. With a broad grin still spread across his face, he slowly pushed himself up from the chair. "Okay, I give. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah, see you Juice."

Once Juice strolled out through the open door, Hayleigh let out a deep, weary sigh. She lingered for a moment, allowing the frustration to dissipate, before turning her attention back to the files spread out before her. With a furrowed brow, she refocused on the task at hand, determined to sift through the paperwork. 


A SHORT WHILE later, Clay was outside speaking with Unser about the protection run scheduled for the warehouse. It was revealed that Tig had killed two Mexican men at the warehouse that night. Just when everyone thought things couldn't get any worse. For Tig, it seemed like a normal thing, but with his information already in the database, it could attract the attention of ATF and potentially bring trouble to the clubhouse. Which was fucking bad.

They all set a meeting in the room where Chib's was the first to speak to Tig. "What were you thinking, brother? " His body leant forward as he uttered the word "brother", accentuating its significance.

"I was thinking about getting my dick sucked twice." Tig responded back calmly, completely unphased.

"All anybody can prove is that a couple of them swallowed your chum and died hiding from the fire."  Bobby spoke as he raised his shoulders slightly. Clay was hovered over the table. "You didn't kill anybody."

As spoke with a strong tone of belief, his words carrying a sense of gravity and power as he detailed the events of Tig's evening. "It's not about the manslaughter rap, C.S.U team tests those bodies, Tig's DNA puts the gun factory at our doorstep."

Juice weighed in on the rest of that explanation. "And then A.T.F takes up permanent residence in our collective rectums." 

"Just say 'asses' Juice." Bradley spoke up.

Clay held his cigar firmly between his fingers, simultaneously tapping it against the table as he reclined back into his chair. "That warehouse sits on county property. Hale's gonna have to wait days to get San Joaquin to shake loose a forensic unit."

Juice's face pulled downwards. "It's a local case. County won't get involved. Hale will just wind up borrowing a crime scene unit from Lodi."

A tense silence enveloped the room, each person grappling with the weight of the moment. The oppressive presence of Hale loomed, a relentless threat to the Sons'. Finally, breaking the deadlock, Jax found his voice amidst the stifling atmosphere.

Clay let out a weary sigh, punctuating the heavy air with the release of smoke as he took a few contemplative puffs from his cigar. "I gotta have a talk with Unser. Maybe I can convince the Chief to put a leash on his hyperactive deputy."

The thought of Unser being any help brought out a sigh from Jax and his head shook slightly. "Unser's just waiting for the clock to run out. That old boy's a lame duck."


"So your boy, not really a team player." Clay spoke while the sun shone down on the pair. Nearby, an ice-cream truck was parked, its cheerful jingle attracting a small crowd of children eagerly awaiting their treats. Tig lingered close by, striking up a conversation with the parents as he waited for his turn, his easy banter punctuated by occasional glances towards the ice-cream truck.

Meanwhile, Clay and Unser strolled together, the sun casting long shadows on the ground. Unser held a small bowl of ice cream, savoring each bite as they strolled. The two men moved at a leisurely pace.

"I've made several gestures of friendship. He's declined every one."

"Hale's not interested in friends. He thinks Charming is stuck in 1969. Wants to bring it into the 21st century." Unser wryly remarked.

"Hale is a half-bright clerk with a Wyatt Earp complex. Hardly seems like a guy with a vision."

"Don't underestimate him," Unser cautioned. "He's tight with city council and his old man's got deep political ties with Northern  Cali."

"Yeah, but you're the boss right?" Clay posed the question rhetorically, his tone carrying an air of knowingness that elicited a deep sigh from the elder man. "Come on, Clay."

"Since they found the cancer last year, I got one foot out the door. I mean━━ squad's his now. Be official in a few weeks." Clay came to a halt and pivoted around to confront Unser. "This uptight piece of shit is gonna make our lives miserable. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Clay asked, hands resting on his hips.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Doctors, my wife, my kids, my grandbaby...they're making me step down. I'm sorry. It's done." Clay released a deep breath, letting his hands fall from his hips as he kept in stride beside him, their steps steady as they strolled together. "I'm sorry too."

"This doesn't mean that we can't keep our business arrangement. I mean, me and you━━ we had a good thing going for a lot of years. We need each other."

Clay halted in his tracks, turning his head to cast a measured glance at Unser. " Yes, we do. What's the run?" 

Unser dipped into his back pocket, withdrawing an envelope. With Clay inching nearer, Unser held out his hand, transferring the envelope to him. "Got Blu-rays and iPods heading down to San Jose. Goddamn 'Dark-Skinned' have been jacking the shit out of them. Keep your eyes open on this one." Unser cautioned as Clay tucked the envelope securely into the inside pocket of his kutte.

"I'll make sure they get where they're going." The elderly gentleman retorted with a subtle grin tugging at the corners of his mouth before sauntering off slowly.


Jax rode his motorcycle, the powerful engine roaring and filling the air with a symphony of metal and muscle. The wind tousled his hair as he cruised down the open road, the sound of the engine a deep, guttural rumble beneath him. Approaching a set of traffic lights, Jax eased off the throttle and brought his motorcycle to a smooth stop. Catching a glimpse in his side mirror, spotting Hale's vehicle pulling up next to him.

Jax's jaw clenched when he saw Hale behind the wheel, a smug smirk on his lips. The tension between them was palpable as Jax tightened his grip on the handlebars, refusing to meet Hale's gaze and staring straight ahead.

"How are you doing Jax?" Hale, paused at the traffic lights, posed his question, his eyes fixed on the red signal ahead. "Heard about Wendy and the baby. I'm sorry."


Hale halted before speaking up once more. "You know, I took a ride out to the streams today. Saw that warehouse that burned down."

"Outside your jurisdiction ain't it?" Jax's sun-kissed golden locks shimmered under the midday sun as he stood confidently, a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips as he posed the question. Driving off,  the Teller caught a momentary glimpse of  Hale speeding up to catch up with Jax, matching his pace while engaging in idle conversation, his gaze focused resolutely on the path ahead.

"Did you ever hear of a Bluebird supply company? Apparently they hold the title on that parcel."

"Never heard of em'."  The blonde replied.

"Whole area was littered with casings and gun parts. That warehouse was a weapons depot."

"No kidding?" The Teller put on feigned astonishment as he spoke. Hale hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Chief Unser's retiring at the end of this month. I'll be stepping into those shoes. Unser's always had a 'look-the-other-way' policy with the Sons of Anarchy."

"Unser's a lazy drunk━." Jax hollered as the engine continued to roar. 

"I will not  look the other way, Jax. Just a friendly heads-up."

Jax shrugged, his smug smirk that played on his lips never faltering. "We're all free men protected by the  Constitution. You look any way you want, Chief." Before speeding off on his bike.


HAYLEIGH MADE HER way over to St. Thomas Hospital, her footsteps echoing softly in the hushed corridors as she navigated towards Abel's ward. Approaching his incubation room, she stole a glance through the window and caught sight of her mother already inside, her presence a comforting presence amidst the sterile environment. With a tentative hand, the brunette pushed open the door, the gentle creak causing Gemma's head to turn towards the sound.

"Sorry," the young brunette paused. "Just wanted to see how he was doing."

"He's stable, he's tough." Gemma replied whilst worked on knitting a soft and cozy baby blanket for Abe.  Hayleigh's dark brown hair framed her face as she glanced down at her handiwork, causing a warm smile to spread across her features. 

"Wow, you're taking the title of 'grandma'  very seriously." She attempted to joke. It worked, kinda.  "Well, he's my grandson. And he should have a comfy blanket for when he gets out."

Hayleigh nodded in approval, leaning forward slowly and extending her hand to gently trace Abel's tiny fingers. The sight of her nephew in an incubator stirred a wave of sorrow within her. The thought of any child having to endure such a struggle from the moment they entered the world struck a chord deep within her. Gemma glanced up from her knitting, her brow furrowing slightly in concern.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, just━ I wish there was something I could do. It's not fair to him." Hayleigh continues to look at Abel as she speaks. "He'll be okay. It's just one of those things. We're Teller's. Nothing ever comes fucking easy to us."

"Why? What could we have possibly done that was so bad that now we're being punished with every generation that passes? "

Gemma remained quiet for a beat. Until she finally spoke. "It's not about what we'd done. It's just a matter of us being tested to see how durable we are. Our strength. Someone had probably made a bet to see how long we last. From the looks of it, we're doing pretty damn good." She spoke, noticing the brunette sitting across from her slowly nodding.

 "Does it have something to do with your little trip? "

Hayleigh softly scoffed as she shook her head. Turning her attention back over to Abel. That gave Gemma the answer she needed. "Figured. "

Hayleigh absorbed the information, opting to remain silent. She understood that responding would only lead to another futile argument, one she had no interest in entertaining. Grinning softly at the sleeping Abel, she rose from her seat and quietly made her exit through the door.

"Hayleigh." Gemma spoke sternly. Causing her to jolt her head in the direction of her mother. It took Gemma a second before she spoke. "I'm not sure if Jax told you yet but," She set her knitting tools down on her lap. "We're having a dinner tomorrow at my place. You should come." 

The brunette displayed a faint smile before clearing her throat. "Uhm, yeah. Sure...I can go. Love you, mom."

"Love you too."


BOBBY SPOKE AS THE club members were dropping their cellphones into the box before heading to the table. "Jimmy Cacuzza called, Italians want to place an order. I didn't know what to say." He dropped down on his chair and pulled himself closer to the table. "How 'bout 'the store burned down. They missed the fire sale' ?" Clay replied in a sarcastic tone as he sat down in the president's chair.

"Well, I talked to Otto's sister, and Lodi forensic team will be here first thing in the morning." Juice passed to Clay. All Clay did was shook his head and gave a quiet laugh. "And this shit keeps piling on my head."

Clay looked up to see Chibs close the door to give the members privacy as they all spoke amongst themselves. "Only one thing is going to stop that Lodi forensics team from getting into our warehouse. And that's another murder in Lodi."

Clay prompted and the others tacitly concurred, recognizing it as a necessary measure to protect themselves and buy time to address other pressing matters. Jax, on the other hand, remained contemplative in his seat, unsure of his stance on the matter. 

"I don't know," This resulted in Clay lifted his head up and his attention towards Jax. "Hale's on red alert. Mayans, Nords... everyone's twitchy as hell, man. It's not a good time to kill━"

Just as Jax was trying to speak on his concerns, Clay cut him off. "It's never a good time. We're talking about protecting Tig and staying out of A.T.F's crosshairs." Clay pauses. All while the rest were silently nodding.

"Look, we hit the projects. We find ourselves a scumbag. A dealer."

"We should off a couple Nords, Clay, is what we should do," Tig had paused for a moment, keeping his focus on Clay as he spoke. "All right? We should just do that, and then dump the bodies in Lodi. It buys us some time to get those Mexicans out of the hole. And it sends a message to Darby. Killing two birds with one crow." Chibs sat there quietly as he spoke rubbing his eyes before chiming into the conversation.

"Very clever. With the cops eyeballing the warehouse?"  

Tig responded with a short retort to Chibs' sarcastic remark before Clay confirmed that the arrangement would be taken care of. Tig stood up, preparing to leave the room when Jax proposed a different alternative. 

"Hey, what if I could do this without spilling blood?" He paused. Resulting in Clay and the others to fall silent, casting an unsure and more or less a judgmental look on their part.  "Look, this ain't me tripping some guilt shit because of my kid. This is about one of us thinking straight."

Jax gestured towards the wooden sign hanging behind Juice as he read it aloud, drawing attention to the rustic lettering etched into the timber. "'Brains before bullets', right?"

A palpable silence enveloped the room, each moment stretched taut with anticipation, before Clay finally nodded. "Let's hear it."

"All we need for a murder are bodies and a crime scene."

"Jackie boy, now you lost me." Chibs spoke, confusion etched on his features. "Skeeter. He's always got more gambling debt than he can handle. I'll make it worth his while."

"The cemetery guy?" Bobby posed with judgement. "Cash for cadavers. I like it." The Scotsman spoke up in Jax's defense. 

"I give Lodi a front-page murder. We don't stir up another shit storm to bite us in the ass.━" 

"━ Gives us more time to let it all die down," Bradley finished. "I mean, that's all fine and well but we also got Darby to consider here. He's gonna try to bring in his business into Charming. Shouldn't we try to teach him a lesson?"

"I'll figure that out." The blond assured. "The important thing is to keep Tig's D.N.A out of the petri dish. Protect the club."

Clay was stooped over the table, his hands hovering in the air. "Path of least resistance always best, right?," The prez took a casted look towards the other members who slowly nodded yet remained silent before turning his focus back to Jax. "We'll do it your way, V.P"

With dialogue petering out, the group members gradually rose from their seats around the table. Jax, seated beside Clay, began edging past him to join the others in exiting the room. However, before he could slip away, a firm hand grabbed Jax's arm, halting his movement. Clay's expression was grave as he drew Jax back towards him, their eyes meeting in a tense, wordless exchange. "Don't make me regret this."


HAYLEIGH HAD sauntered down to the local grocery store to pick up some odds and ends for her apartment. The store hummed with a quiet murmur of conversation and the clinks of the  carts.  As she weaved through the crowded aisles, her gaze flicked over the shelves in search of the items scribbled on her list. The aroma of freshly baked bread and ripe fruits mingled in the air, creating a welcoming ambiance. Her fingertips brushed lightly over the assorted goods as she made her way through the bustling store, pausing momentarily by the array of tinned goods.

As Hayleigh leisurely made her way through the supermarket aisles, she was suddenly drawn to a familiar silhouette in the corner of her eye. With a quick glance, she immediately identified the figure. Without hesitation, she turned around as smoothly and swiftly as possible, her movements a blend of grace and urgency.

As her breathing grew rapid, she cursed under her breath as if her heart was pounding in her ears. Seeking composure, she hastily ducked away, weaving through several aisles before finally reaching the produce section. The dark-haired woman shook her head slowly and scanned the shelves for potatoes.

 After picking up a bag, she nervously chewed on her lip, weighing the options between the small bag and the larger one. Both were fucking pricey, but the bigger bag would give more to cook with. Placing the larger bag in the cart, she noticed someone out of the corner of her eye reaching for a bag nearby.

"Hey, Hayleigh-bear. " The silence was shattered by the man's voice, causing an instant shiver to run down her spine. Her arms erupted in goosebumps, and her stomach plunged to the depths of despair. 

Panic flooded through her, causing her to whirl around and power the cart onward with a newfound determination, desperately trying to quell her rising fear. Her knuckles turned ghostly white as she clutched the cart, attempting to maintain her composure. In a split second, she heard a shuffle behind her, and then his hand landed firmly on top of hers.

"Oh, come on. I don't even get a proper hello" "James." Hayleigh spoke in a tensed-low tone manner, as she swiftly jolted her hand from James's grasp. His posture remained unfazed...cocky even. If there was anybody worse than Kyle, James was a close fucking second.

 "It's been a while, you know?," James smiled bringing his hand up to smugly rub his chin. "It's weird how you forget how much time has passed, or...how you forget what happened ━."

"What the fuck do you want?" The brunette spoke in a harsh-piercing tone. James let out a snicker looking around the store if anybody was paying any attention to them. 

"You're brazen. But━I think we both know. So why don't we talk like big adults that we are." James taunted and degraded her. Walking closer towards her face to face looking down at her, his fingers moving the hair out of her face tracing her skin before whispering in her ear.

 "I know what you did to my brother," He paused, looking around to make sure everyone else was continuing to mind their business. "You're gonna make up for it."

"Fuck you," Hayleigh retorted sharply, shoving him away before driving her cart towards the checkout line with resolute determination. Each second the cashier spent ringing up the groceries felt interminable—minutes, hours even—as if everything was moving in slow motion. Her fingers drummed anxiously against her arm, and her eyes darted around the store, constantly searching for any sign of him following her.

Finally, she quickly paid for her items, her movements hurried and tense, and bolted out of the store, groceries in tow. She made a beeline for her car, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The instant she jumped in, she locked the doors, the sound of the locks clicking into place providing a fleeting sense of security.

Hayleigh's hands trembled uncontrollably, her breath shallow and rapid, as if she couldn't catch a single steady breath. She gripped the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned bone-white, a wave of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Every nerve in her body was on high alert, her senses heightened by the lingering fear and the desperate need to escape.

Hayleigh remembered this feeling, she had only felt this way when it came to her worst memories. When it was pure and utter fear. She could feel it happening and nothing could stop it.

 Her eyes squeezed shut attempting to breath through it hoping that if she could put it out quick, it'd never happen. That scenario was unlikely. Hayleigh suddenly froze, overcome by a wave of panic. Couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't think. Just—feeling dizzy and nauseous, and her body trembled uncontrollably. As if detached from reality, as if she was watching herself from a distance.


Hayleigh's voice caught in her throat, her breaths quick and shallow. Her hands shook uncontrollably, while her head throbbed with pain. Slowly, she grounded herself, letting out a cry as she pinched the bridge of her nose to alleviate the pounding headache. With a deep breath, she unlocked her car and drove off, the tension finally easing from her body.

To understand why she felt like this would be for another day.


THE CLUB MEMBERS strolled into the crematorium, their shoes echoing on the tiled floor. Half-Sack lingered awkwardly in the threshold, hesitation evident in his stance as he viewed the inside. "They really cremate bodies here?"

"Yeah, we do." Chibs spoke as he approached Half-Sack from behind, the unexpected closeness made Half-Sack jolt for a second, his shoulders tensing before he turned to look at Chibs, who offered him a reassuring smile and a firm pat on the back.

The sudden movement caught the attention of the crematorium attendant, who looked up from his work. Recognizing the club members, he flashed a polite, albeit slightly apprehensive, smile at the group. 

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Skeeter inquired whilst rummaging about from corner to corner. Half-Sack glanced around the space, peering into the boxes and swaying his body as he clutched onto the chain that hung nearby.

"We need a favor, Skeeter," Jax wasted no time getting straight to the point, striding purposefully towards Skeeter. Skeeter instantly recognized the implication of "favors" and could only manage a resigned sigh as he carried on with his tasks.

"Christ, man. Now's not a good time. I got a new supervisor crawling up my ass." Skeeter smacked Half-Sack on the head with his hand to make him clear out of the way, while Chibs yanked him back and singled him out to simply suggest  "Watch it" before turning back to Skeeter. 

Like how a mom would when a child is roaming around the grocery store or in the toy aisle.

"Relax here, we're not here to make a deposit." Jax throws his hands up. "Actually if anything it's a withdrawal." Chibs pipes up.

"We need two bodies, fresh." Jax casually held up two fingers, the rhythmic chewing of gum accompanying his gesture. Skeeter's brows knitted together in a perplexed frown as he scanned the faces of the bikers surrounding them. "You serious? For what?"

Bringing a smirk up to Jax's face. "Well, I could tell you but then I'd have to stuff you in the furnace." This made Skeeter and the rest of the group chuckle. 

"Two dead ones, that's...that's crazy shit, man." Jax held up a wrapped-up package of money and set it on the counter right next to Skeeter. "I'm sure you got a beating at Golden Gate this weekend."

"No, I uh...I stopped the ponies man. I stopped it all. Gamblers Anonymous. Three...three months now." Jax glanced at Skeeter, then turned his gaze to Chibs and Bradley, repeating the action a few times before letting out a resigned sigh.

"You're kidding? You don't want the money?" Shaking his head, Skeeter's speech stuttered for a brief moment. "I'm working a program. You know?" 

Both Chibs and Jax exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them before they simultaneously bowed their heads and turned away, the weight of the moment settling heavily upon their shoulders. "Jesus Christ."

"Actually, uh...there's something you might be able to get for me."

Jax's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's that?"

"Emily Duncan," Skeeter says out of breath carrying the materials. Jax still looks confused. Who the fuck was Emily Duncan? Turns out, she was one of the Friday night cro' eaters. Emily Duncan was a girl Skeeter wanted to get with since high school.

"You wanna hook up with the crow-eater, I'll make it happen." Jax shrugged on that deal. Skeeter had raised his eyebrows in surprise at how fast they were able to arrange that. "Well, you got a deal." He walks over to the bodies. "I uh, I'm not creating anything till the end of the week."

Chibs rubbed his chin. "Yeah, well we need two by tonight."

"Just the time. I'm prepping a closed coffin. Some phone guy took a header off the top of the pole."

"White guy?" The blonde posed.


"We'll take it, we do need a Mexican guy too." Bradley spoke.

"Buried one this morning, cheap seats. Should still be fresh." Half-Sack's eyebrows knit together in puzzlement as he piped up from his perch on the chair. "Wait a minute so...you mean we gotta dig it up?"

A smug smirk played on the Teller's lips. "Who said anything about 'we' ?"

Half-Sack's expression wavered and his eyes grew wider. Before he knew it, half an hour had slipped by, the sun beating down on him as he sifted through the earth. Bending low, he let out a frustrated sigh before muttering to himself under his breath. "This is so wrong, man. This is...so wrong."

word count: 6982

I will add more in the next chapter, and I'm sorry it took so long to post.

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