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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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The JSA stood opposite the ISA defensively, ready for the next moment.

"No more Ice mask Jordan?" Courtney asked the man.

"I've got nothing to hide Courtney." Jordan responded making Melaina gulp.

"Anyone else have deja vu?" Sportsmaster chuckled.

"I do, wasn't that a fun night." Tigress taunted

"Time to kill the JSA again." Sportsmaster said before they all broke out into a sprint to eachother clashing in the middle.

The fight began.

Melaina was backing up Yolanda with Tigress as Courtney and Pat fought Icicle and Josie and Rick fought Sportsmaster. Josie noticed that Courtney needed some backup.

"Tandor Amos!" She yelled as she threw out her arms sending Jordan into into the wall behind them.

"Court go back up Rick!" Josie instructed to the girl as she joined her side. "I have some unfinished business." She said before throwing her purple energy towards him.

Courtney and Pat went to backup Rick while Josie exchanged words with Jordan.

"You know it's not to late. You could join us." Jordan suggested to the girl as they circled eachother, glaring.

"Why would I do such?"

"Its what your father would've wanted."

"That's rich. Especially since he's standing right here. You know what he's saying?" Josie spoke before turning to look at her father who stood beside her with a smirk, they looked at eachother.

"Kick his ass." The two said, Josie only hearing the words of William before her eyes glowed purple and she shot her powers at him. He deflected them with his ice but they were coming at such a fast rate he decided to run for it.

Josie started chasing him round the area. She used a spell she said in her mind to make these purple circle steps in the air that she jumped to, did a somersault and landed infront of him which startled him. He then started shooting ice at the girl, which she easily deflected. He then tried throwing an ice ball at the girl which she caught.

"Phoramos Atala!" She yelled changing the ice into fire as it hovered in between her hands before throwing it at the man making him hit the pillar.

She waltzed down to the man, watching him groan in pain.

"Just kill me already."

"Death is far too an easy punishment for a man like you who's caused so much pain in alot of peoples lives. No, I'm not gonna kill you. Unlike you I actually care about Cameron."

"I'm doing this for my son!"

"You lost your wife I get that. To something that kills millions across the globe every year. But killing 25 million people just to 'help' the country. That's not helping the world, that's a vendetta." She stated as she creeped closer. "You want revenge against the world. But killing all those people that were responsible for Christine's death makes you no better than they were. Hell, it makes you worse. I've been told how every single one of them died. So how about a taste of your own medicine?" She spoke before the man started groaning in pain.

"That pain your feeling is everything I've been feeling for the past couple weeks but mostly the pain every single one of your victims felt before they died. Do you know how it feels like when your capillaries constrict?" She asked the man on the ground who was panting before he started groaning again"Now you do! That's what my dad felt as you killed him. Ed Rielly! Juno Michaels! Joey Zarick." She said as the man groaned even more as blood started dripping from his ears and eyes became bloodshot. "Those are only few of your victims. How do you think Cameron will react when he finds out that his father is a murdering psychopath. He'll hate you!"

"You're wrong!"

"I'm right! I know him. Unlike you I haven't left on 'business trips' that made you lose years worth of quality father son bonding time!" Josie yelled as she increased the pain.

Jordan gained the strength to shoot two Icicles towards the girl who caught them. She held them in each hand and ran towards him but before she could lay a hands on him something huge kicked her into the rubble that wasn't to far from them.

"Josie!" Courtney yelled as she ran towards the rubble to get her out of there.

"Ouch." She groaned as she lied between the rocks before Courtney gave her a hand.

"Are you okay? Nothing broken... it's only a few cuts and bruises. What about your hands and legs of course-" Courtney rambled making Josie laugh.

"Court I'm fine, I used a a force field to soften the landing." Josie assured.

Melaina stood infront of Rick and Yolanda with her shield up, gripping her sword. She didn't get a chance to protest before Rick ran straight towards the beast. Only for him to get smacked into some planks.

"Rick!" Melaina called as she ran over to where he landed.

Pat told Courtney and Yolanda to go after the machine. Meanwhile Melaina helped up Rick as Josie came to join her.

"I keep my promises. Go!" Melaina instructed to the boy before he ran to go back up Rick.

The two girls ran up to Courtney to see her us her staff to blast Cindy into the huge doorway.

"Ugh I wanted to kick her ass." Melaina sulked making the two girl laugh.

"Another day Melaina, come on let's go!" Courtney assured before the pushed open the door.

"Yolanda!" Courtney called as they entered and saw unconscious bodies of the zombie acting people on the ground but the girl the called out to was standing over a body with blood surrounding it.

"What did you do?" Melaina asked as they stood over the body of Brainwave.

"I killed him."

"What?" Josie asked in shock.

"I know it's wrong but I did it."she paused." I think the machine is this way."

They all followed, stepping over the deceased body. They entered through this big door and ran onto the bridge that was high above the bottom of this place. They all looked up and saw the amplifier, it was pulsing out signals.

"Okay guys, what's the plan?" Josie asked the two.

"Uhh, I think Melaina should take this one." Courtney said.

"Nope this is going to take all of us. 3 dishes, 4 of us, we each destroy one." Melaina suggested.

"I'll stay here, the 3 of you go." Yolanda said before they all got to work.

Josie used her powers to boost herself up there, Courtney used the staff to fly up there while thanks to her abilities, Melaina used her strength to leap up there. While Courtney and Josie destroyed the two of three dishes, Melaina looked back for a moment and took a few steps back. She put her shield into the holster on her back before gripping the sword in her right hand.

She took a deep breath before sprinting towards the edge where the field had been parted. When she was inches away she leaped into the air and held the sword with both hands and lucky for her the sword was strong enough and managed slice right through the metal of the satellite dish making it fall down.

Melaina landed on the bridge just of time, joining the others as they ran out of there.


Meanwhile with Diana, Beth and Barbara. The blonde woman had just snapped out of Brainwaves control. Beth and Diana were checking on the her when Jordan barged into the room with anger flowing through his veins as he glared at the 3.

"You! You have no idea what you've done?" He flared.

"Uh, Courtney Jordan's here." Barbara said into the ear pieces.

"Mom!" Courtney exclaimed, only letting Barbara, Beth and Diana hear.

"No more Dr Mid-nite." He said before raising his arm and freezing the goggles making Beth take them off quickly as the lenses shattered in her hands.

This made the girl charge towards the psycho but before either of them could do anything something wrapped around Jordan's wrist, burning him.

"I need to have a talk to Jordan." Diana said as she gripped the glowing lasso before running towards the man and kicking him in the chest sending him into the wall out side the room.

This just pissed off Jordan more as he started shooting ice at the woman who was in the hallway with him now. She started spinning the lasso in the air, shielding herself as she marched forward. When she was almost there she took the moment where he was distracted and wrapped the lasso around his neck and forcing him onto his knees.

Beth came to check on the two when she saw the woman choking the man with the glowing lasso. Jordan noticed the girl behind Diana and gathered the strength to shoot some ice to the girl causing her to be thrown onto the wall behind her. That made the woman release her grip of the lasso around his neck and scurried over to the girl with it in her hands.

As Diana was checking on the girl trying to wake her up, Jordan had dragged himself to the room where Barbara was and grabbed the woman and dragged her away but before they turned the corner Jordan shot an Icicle into Diana's ankle making the woman scream in pain.


"Mom!" Melaina called as they entered Barbara's office to see Diana sitting beside Beth as she held the goggles.

Yolanda and Courtney talked to Beth asking where Jordan was while Josie and Melaina checked on the older woman.

"Jordan took Barbara to the roof." Diana told the girls.

"Thank you Mrs Dumont. Are you sure you're okay?" Courtney asked the woman.

"I'm 5000 years old, this is just a scratch."

"You two go, we'll get them out of here." Josie instructed referring to Courtney and Yolanda in the first bit.


Josie, Beth and Melaina had managed to patch up Diana and they were now coming out of the American Dream building.

"Beth! Melaina!" Rick called as he ran around the corner with Justin.

"Rick! Are you ok?" Beth as as Melaina walked with her mothers arm over her shoulder helping her to walk.

"I'm fine, where's Yolanda?" Rick responded before everyone looked up.

"Oh no." Beth said as they saw this flashing light at the top of the building.

After a few seconds of the light, something threw Courtney and Jordan apart, making them both plummet to the ground. Then they saw Yolanda jump off the building and catching Courtney before they landed on the ground.

They quickly shared a hug before the moment got ruined when they saw Jordan get up making everyone stand defensively as he roared and turned into Icicle form.

Then it felt like everything went in slow motion as a truck smashed into Jordan.

Shattering him.

That made Josie's jaw drop, not because of shock.

Jordan Mahkent was dead. Gone just like that.

And only one thought, one person was circuling in her mind. What would happen to Cameron?

CHAPTER 18!!!!

so Jordan's dead:)

Theres drama coming up so get ready for that.

I have an alternate ending for episode 10 so if you want that chapter just say so :)


Anywho I love you all and hope you enjoyed:)

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