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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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The moment Josie and Melaina got home after their mission, Melaina went straight to her room while Josie decided to quickly take a trip to Molly's office.

Josie knew that Henry's death was really going to affect Melaina but she had to get answers, she knew that she could use more power but she couldn't for whatever reason.

"So explain to me why you're here again, not that I don't love our chats but its literally 9PM." Molly asked the girl as Beatrice and Guinevere came into the room.

"Henry's dead. He got killed by psychopath of a father and I couldn't save him." She paused to let the words sink in. "He had put up this barrier that I tried multiple times to break with my powers but it didn't budge. I feel like I could've used more magic but I just could use enough." Josie explained to the women as she paced around the room.

The three women shared a look which caught Josie's attention.

"What is it?." She paused as she looked around the room at their faces. "There's something you haven't told me right?" She realized making the women nod their heads.

"Theres a chance that you might've been able to chanel more Magic." Beatrice mumbled.

"What! Why didn't you tell me this before?" Josie questioned the women in anger.

"Firstly you haven't learned it yet, secondly we didn't know that you were going into ISA territory yesterday, risking your life!" Molly explained to the girl.

" I'm always risking my life. I've been risking my life to get justice for my dad and brother. Now since you guys didn't tell me... Henry's dead."

"Josie you don't understand how much power and experience you need to fully handle-" Gwen started.

"Then help me understand!"

"If you don't control their magic, their spirit, ghosts whatever you want to call it will control you. It could get you killed." Molly explained.

"How much magic are we talking about here?" Josie asked the trio.

"The magic from tens of thousands of dead witches... and that's only in Blue Valley." Beatrice answered.

"You guys need to explain to me... everything... now."

"Okay...well where should we start?" Guinevere asked the ladies as Josie took a seat on the couch she usually sat on during her therapy sessions.

"Your family is part of a species called the Homo Magi. A species of humans born with magical abilities such as yours. They were all spread out across the world. Different talents, abilities. Hundreds of years before Blue Valley was built this was a Homo Magi hotspot." Molly started.

"Sometimes there would be tragedies that would happen in this place which lead to deaths now that had been happening for thousands of years so it's no suprise that there would be magic left here." Beatrice continued.

"But when in the early 1800s, there was an incident. A Sorcerer got greedy and tried to take alot of people's magic. He did and it killed 500 Homo Magi, he had weakened them to such a extent where they couldn't use their powers. Then he tried using the power he had stolen and it killed him because his body couldn't handle that much power." Guinevere continued.

"I was 15 at the time. My family left this place and we changed our name to Parker... I don't even remember our original name. But the Homo Magi are kind of immortal but we aren't invincible we can die. We basically stop aging after 30." Molly finished.

"Why 30?" Josie asked the woman.

"I have no clue." Molly responded

"Most witches with the right training can make it past 500 years. Theres millions of Homo Magi across the globe that are older than the 3 of us." Gwen said.

"Wait how old are you?" Josie asked

"Bea is the oldest at 350 as well as her husband right?" She paused to get confirmation from her. "I am 300 years old and Molly here is the youngest." Guinevere explain before roughing Molly's hair making the woman role her eyes.

"Wait Guinevere if you don't have powers how are you a Homo Magi how are you...well 300 years old?" Josie asked the woman.

"Well due to my ability to use any weapon to my extent... it kind if counts as a super powers. I've never understood it though. But I get to live 300 years so that's cool." Guinevere explained to the girl

"Isn't that kind of lonely. I mean watching your friends grow old and die." Josie asked the trio.

"Most of our friends were like us so..." Molly responded making Josie nod in understanding, but deep down she was worried because her friends were human.

"I wish I could've done something to save him."

"Don't blame you self Josephine." Molly insisted.

"Well I am. Melania's destroyed because of this." She paused as she took a deep breath. "When Henry moved to Blue Valley she was his first friend, they weren't that close but in 3rd grade they became an unbreakable duo. They knew everything about eachother. Until high school started and he changed to someone she didn't recognize but even though he hurt her so much. She was still there for him when his dad was in hospital, she juggled being there for me and him. She's done so much for me throughout our entire friendship." Josie ranted.

"You feel like you owe her." Gwen said

"Of course I do, she's done so much for me and I thought saving Henry could make up all those times she's done good for me." Josie explained.

"All you can do is go home and be there for her." Beatrice said to the girm before she stood up and said her fair wells and went home.


The following morning the girls were at Courtney's house because they wanted to walk to school together. They were all currently in Courtney's basement.

"Brainwave murdered his own son last night. I mean there has to be someone we can call. The police?" Barbara ranted as the three teens sat by Courtney with sad expressions. They sat there and listened to Pat and Barbara argue about what to do.

"Henry said his dad lost his memory... but I don't know anymore." Courtney stuttered before Pat and Barbara continued their conversation until they heard the doorbell ring.

Mike then came down the stairs and told everyone that someone was looking for Courtney. They all quickly stood up and sent upstairs.

They found this middle aged man, names Sam in their in their living room.

"Wow look at you. You've really grown up." Sam said as Courtney backed away slightly.

"Your not my father." She barked.

"I know it's been awhile, I got your moms email-" the man started.

"What are you doing here?" Barbara interrupted.

"You once told me that you couldn't wait to get out of Blue Valley. I figured that if you had to come back here it just of been serious." He paused as Barbara sighed. "Look I'm sorry for showing up like this out of the Blue. I replied, I never heard back, I was worried. I mean is everything all right." He finished before Courtney made her way to her mother.

The two shared some words before Sam pulled out a locket that looked identical to the one around Courtney's neck.

"Where did you get that?" Courtney asked the man.

"I used to have 2, but then I gave that one to you. Long time ago." Sam told the girl.

"I don't believe you." Courtney huffed before making her way to the stairs.

"Courtney." Barbara called as they followed the girl.

"I don't want to talk to you right now mom."

"I just want to make sure you're okay?"

"I'm not. I wanna talk to Josie, Pat and Melaina." She said catching the threes attention before following her up to her room.

"He can't be my dad guys. He can't be... the staff works for me that proves that I'm Starman's daughter, doesn't it?" She paused as Josie came and stood infront of her while Melaina sat on her bed.

"Right? Because if I'm not, then what have I been doing this whole time? The staff, putting on a costume." She stopped as she came to the awful realization." I got Henry killed and Joey."

"Corey, you didn't get anyone killed." Josie comforted the girl as Melaina nodded her head in agreement.

Their moment was cut short when Mike knocked on the door and came in.

"The hell is going on? Is everything alright? Court is that guy really your old man?" Mike asked the blonde.

"Mike we're talking privately here." Pat started.

"And are you and Barbara really breaking up? Is that why he's -" Mike continued, completely ignoring Pat.

"Mike not now! Please." Pat raised his voice suprising the curly haired girl and brunette.

"Pat come on." Josie said disagreeing with the way he reacted.

"Why won't you tell me anything? What did I do wrong?" Mike quivered before Pat walked over to him.

"Hey, you didn't do anything wrong. Everything's going to be fine." Pat assured to the boy.

"Sure it is." Mike said not believing his father before leaving the room.

"Go easy on the kid. You need to put yourself in his shoes. Everyone in the family is hiding this big secret that he's not in on. You yelling at him, making him feel like he's doing something wrong when he isn't is not fair. All you're doing is making the situation 10 times worse. Plus you're just making him loose trust in you. You're his dad and you love him, I get that, but don't yell at him when he's trying to help." Melaina lectures catching the attention of both Josie and Courtney noticing that this was the first time all day that she had spoken at all.

They talked for a little longer before they all came down stairs.

"I wanna talk to him." Courtney said as she joined the two ex lovers.

"You have school." Barbara replied quickly.

"So I go in a little late."

"Courtney you know why you have to go." Barb responded remembering the conversation from earlier.

"You brought him here, at least let me talk to him." Courtney insisted.

"We'll just go for a quick walk, that's it" Sam assured as he stood up from the couch.


"We'll see you later Court, text me if you need me okay." Josie said as she put on her back pack and gave the girl another hug.

Who knew that everything would start to crumble that day.

The end is on its way and I'm excited.

So this involved more explanation of Josie's powers...well where they came from... they'll be more in act/book 2


Ily all and hope u enjoyed

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