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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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Courtney's family along with Josie were packing up some things into the car. Diana had called Josie and told her to stay with them incase they needed backup. The Dumonts had Diana and Melaina incase anything happened.

The Dumonts were packing up the trunk of the family car as well. Hippolyta and Hestia didn't understand why they had to leave town for a few days.

Diana had called Molly and the others to warn them and told them the address of where they were going. There was a risk of them being hurt since Brainwave knew who Josie was.

Josie had gone to the basement with Courtney when she heard crashes from upstairs. She quickly left with the blonde behind her.

Courtney quickly threw her staff, catching Tigress mid air before kicking her over the couch.

"Tandor Amos!" Josie yelled making the sadist fly into the wooden doorway.

They ran through the house as Tigress chased them. The woman caught up and tripped Barbara but the staff caught her. Tigress then tried to hit Barbara but the staff moved her away just in time. They fought until the staff got kicked away and Tigress knocked the blonde to the ground.

"Tandor Amos." Josie yelled again making the woman fall to the ground letting Courtney get her staff back.

Josie helped up Barbara as Courtney fought Tigress. Barbara then broke a vase over Tigress's head letting Courtney out of her grip. She got back to her mothers side as Tigress got up. Josies hair turned purple as he eyes glowed the same color before the girl used her powers to throw the woman out through the door.

"Sorry about the door Mrs Whitmore." Josie apologized as her hair and eyes went back to normal.

"Courtney, Josie that was-"

"I know...dangerous." Courtney panted.

"Amazing." Barbara corrected the girls.

"We should go. The Dumonts will be here soon." Josie said before they started getting the last if their things into their car.

The Dumonts had agreed to fetch Josie from the Whitemores and they would drive down together.


Beatrice and Allegra Farrington were currently packing up the car.

"Mom, can you please explain to me why we need to leave in such a rush?"

"I'll explain later. Okay I promise." The woman replied as her husband came out the house with the last of the things.

Shaman Farrington the long time husband of Beatrice Farrington was also a member of the Homo Magi family. Though he rarely practiced, he was still one of the most powerful Homo Magi men alive. He worked along side Melania's father in the retail business of Blue Valley.

"Bea sweetie is that everything we need?" Shaman asked the woman.

"Yeah it should be. Ally go into the car we're coming." Beatrice instructed to her daughter as she put on her headphones and got into the back.

Bea and Shaman stood infront of the picket fence that went around their front yard holding hands.

"Alor vamos teria stramos." They chanted the spell which put up a barrier on the house.

Then they saw another car pull up which was Molly and Guinevere. The couple quickly got it and the two cars started driving towards the Whitemore-Dugan residence.


After a few hours of driving everyone made it to the cabin hideout.

The JSA had a mini reunion before Justin arrived with the food for the evening making everyone sigh in relief. They then looked up into the sky at the sound of something soaring before seeing S.T.R.I.P.E land.

They all went inside and split up the food before splitting up in the cabin to enjoy the food.

"Mel." Tia sang as her, Allegra and Lyta as they came to sit with her in the living room.

"Yeah?" She asked as she looked up from the her phone, which has alot of missed calls from Cameron.

"I know you're not doing so welll right now but... I am going to ask you this in the nicest way possible-"

"We need you to cut the crap." Allegra and Lyta said simultaneously.

"Okay. Let me call mom and dad as well as Bea. Because I don't have energy to explain everything." Melaina emphasized making the youngest role her eyes.

Melaina had told them that it was time for them to know and decided to go wander around the house to clear her head for awhile.

She ended up finding herself on the porch with Courtney.

"You really like her don't you." She asked as she leaned on the handrails.

"What... no I don't." Courtney rambled nervously.

"I've known Josie for a decade. Wow it's really been that long...any way I can see the way she looks at you. And I've known you long enough to know how you look when you're in love with them." She spoke realizing that its really been 10 years of friendship with the girl.

"I do but I don't want to screw it up. She's already been through so much." Courtney responded to the girl

"That she has but if theres anyone that can make her happy again... it's you. You make her really happy." Melaina assured to the girl. "Listen coming from someone who's in a happy relationship... tell her well after we kick the ISAs asses." Melaina told the girl

"Hey... Lainie theres something we need to talk to you about... Josir and I." Courtney told the girl before they went inside because Rick had something to tell them.

He had finally cracked the code, they were coordinates for the tunnels under Blue Valley. Beth scanned them and used the goggles to project the map infront of everyone.

"This map my dad made, those are the tunnel entrances here." He said as he pointed to the pointed on the green holograph. "This is their meeting room and there." He paused as the projection zoomed into the last place he pointed to. "Is where they're building some sort of machine."

"What machine?" Barbara questioned.

"The equipment they stole, the satellite codes. They must've used them to build something." Courtney explained.

"Something big." Beth started before the projection changed to this huge satellite's. "Chuck thinks they built something called synaptic amplifier. It's meant to transmit."

"Brainwaves." Josie answered.

"So Henry's dad can reach some body else's mind." Yolanda spoke firmly.

"Millions of some bodies." Beth corrected.

"But why?" Hippolyta asked.

"Maybe those gremlins in the tunnel were just a test run?" Melaina assumed.

"And now they're getting ready for the big role out." Diana said.

"Are they gonna make everyone else zombies?" Mike asked.

"No that's not their American dream. Like Blue Valley they wanna have people follow their vision and join them and I guess follow without question." Barbara corrected her step son.

"Not if we destroy their machine." Eddie assured.

"Rick is there a tunnel S.T.R.I.P.E can get through?" Courtney asked the boy before he moved to show her the place.

"Yeah, the river. But don't think I'm not coming with you." Rick insisted.

"No, you Yolanda, Laine and Justin need to enter from the opposite of town. Pat, Josie and I will go through the River entrance" Courtney instructed.

"You want us to split up?" Melaina questioned the girl.

"Only to avoid detection. But we'll meet back up at the machine." Courtney said to the two.

"You guys go destroy the amplifier. Chuck and I can take down the computers running this show. We've tracked down the town's electrical surges to the American Dream. Chuck thinks he can acess their system from there. You know hack the hackers" Beth chirped the last bit.

"Okay I'm gonna go with Beth." Barbara insisted.

"Barbara no, I don't want tou going anywhere near this." Pat disagreed with the older woman.

"So you'll let a 15 year old go?" Barbara asked referring to Beth in the last bit.

"I'll be 16 in May."

"Pat if there's a problem she knows that building better than anyone else. I'll back them up if anything goes wrong." Diana assured to her old friend who agreed.

"So we've got a plan." Beth said as she took of the goggles and the projection dissapeared.

"So what do we do?" Tia asked referring to Mike, Lyta, Allegra and herself.

"You lot are going to stay here, look after the dog. Behave or I'm pretty sure one of the 3 powerfull witches will spell you." Melaina instructed.

"Seriously... and I'm the older one." Hippolyta huffed as Max ran over to the group.

Courtney had told Josie who Icicle a few days prior to their current whereabouts. She was pissed yeah but she was more worried about how her best friend was going to react to the news.

How would Melaina react to her boyfriend's dad being the murderer of one of her oldest friends?

Yall Melaina seems to be doing better in this chapter but... she ain't;)

Anywho... Josie is abt to confront JORDAN!!!

I have so many plans for season 2 :)

I'm sorry excited for that.

Anywho final chapter on it's way:)

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