𝟎𝟏𝟔 Cookie Monster Is In!

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chapter sixteen , Cookie Monster Is In!


Amaya Sharpe lets out a heavy sigh as she grabs her duffel bag. She tosses it over her shoulder and makes her way over to the front door. Emery sputters her lips and she wraps her arms around Amaya. "I'll come visit you guys next time, all right?"

Amaya smiles and wraps her arms around her big sister. "This every day sleepover thing has been fun. I'll miss it."

Emery smirks, "Wait until I find a new place..." she pulls away from the hug and grips her sister's shoulders. "...we'll have sleepovers all the time."

A knock is heard at the door and Emery inhales. "All right..." she sighs as she looks at the door. Emery pulls the door open revealing her parents. Emery wraps her arms around her parents and pulls them into the hotel. "Come in!" She says in a sing-songy tone.

"You ready to go, Amaya, honey?" Amara says.

Amaya nods her head and softly hums. "Yeah, let's. Get this show on the road."

"Well, maybe..." Elijah starts. "...we should wait a moment."

Amaya pulls her brows together. "What?"

Amara, Elijah, and Emery look at each other.

"It's a lot for us and for you to be coming back and forth from L.A. to San Diego." Amara voices.

"Me too." Emery holds her hands up. "I mean, I did it once and I can't imagine you guys doing it all the time. It's exhausting."

Amaya slowly shakes her head. "Wait, so...you're not letting me visit Emery anymore?"

Elijah slightly opens her mouth. "No, sweetheart, no." He quickly says. "We're saying that—"

"You can stay!" Emery holds her arms out and does jazz hands.

Amaya blinks, "What?"

"Well, you can move in once she finds an official living environment." Amara voices.

Emery purses her lips, "I'm not a lizard, mom. Just say apartment or house."

Amaya opens her mouth. "Are you guys serious?"

"Since you're doing online classes due to the earthquake, you can do them wherever." Elijah explains.

Amaya gasps and a wide smile spreads across her lips. "Oh my god—wait, you all are in on this?!" She shoves Emery the older sister's back hits the wall and she winces.

"Ow! Bitch..." Emery rolls her shoulders and pouts her lower lip.

"You guys are so sneaky." Amaya laughs.

Emery holds her arms out, "Yay! We surprised her!"

Amara laughs and looks at Emery. She then pulls her brows together, looking at Emery's neck. "Emerson Sharpe, is that a hickey?!"

Emery slaps a hand over her neck and her smile drops. Amaya slaps a hand over her mouth. Elijah lets out a sigh and looks at the ceiling. "I'll be in the car..."

"Two hickeys?!" Amara gasps.

"Uh, n-no..." Emery shakes her head. "I just burnt myself with the curler."

"You don't need to curl your hair, Emerson." Amara puts her hands on her hips.

Emery slightly opens her mouth, she then closes it and swallows. She then sheepishly laughs.


Everyone else thought it was awkward. I mean, Buck and Emery weren't talking. At all. Unless it was necessary. There wasn't even any banter between the two, just grumbles, scoffs, side eyes, and rolling eyes behind each other's backs.

The only people who didn't see a problem or see the awkwardness were Buck and Emery.

"So, we have one guy still missing?"

"Yes, it's horrible." One of the grave diggers speaks. "Elisio and Stavros were preparing Mrs. Mandechek's final resting place, and they just got sucked in."

Emery was walking with Buck and Bobby towards one of the grave diggers they found.

"Sir, can you tell me what happened down there?" Emery speaks.

The man takes the breathing mask off his face and shifts his gaze to the girl. "Me and Stavros were...digging a plot...when we got pulled in. Like the grace was digging itself."

Emery knits her brows together. "Sounds like a sinkhole." She voices.

"100 points for you, Sharpe!" Chimey calls out. He points over at the hole in the ground. "The quake shifted everything around down there. We're all basically walking around on eggshells and bubble wrap."

"I love bubble wrap." Emery voices.

"You wouldn't love this kind." Bobby says.

Emery looks at the injured man. "How long ago did this happen?"

"I don't know..." he wheezes. "Half an hour, maybe?"

"Let's move, guys." Bobby voices.

Emery and Buck quickly follow after their Captain. They all get to the sinkhole, Buck stands on the edge of it and the dirt beneath him begins to give way. He falls forward, but hands quickly latch onto the back of his turnout gear and pull him back. He lets out a sharp breath and goes to slightly turn his head to the person. "Thank..." he trails off his voice of appreciation when he notices Emery's hands bunched around his turnout gear. Buck's eyes quickly meet Emery's intense gaze and his heart jumps into his throat.

Emery's gaze has always been fierce. From the way the cold of winter would wash over her face and she would look at you like you were just an ant walking across the pavement. Like you were in her way. But now, her gaze 100 times more heart stopping. It made Buck's skin burn from the way she looked at him like he was an obstacle that she had to cut down. Buck wouldn't have been surprised if Emery actually wanted to cut him.

Emery arches a brow from how long he's been looking at her. She releases him and huffs. "Yeah, no problem." She steps away from him and turns her attention back to the sinkhole.

The group quickly exchange looks of discomfort from the curt responses between the two. Emery motions a hand around the hole. "This whole side is like quicksand." She takes a step back just to make sure she doesn't fall. "And if anyone else falls in there you'd just drag ten tons of more loose soil onto Stavros."

"He's been breathing dirt for a half hour."

Emery softly hums, her lower lip was between her teeth and she tilts her head. Buck squints his eyes, "What?"

Emery blinks and turns to Buck she pinches her brows together, "What?"

"You're thinking. You've got that...thinking look." Buck motions to her mouth. Emery raises her brows and Buck could've sworn that her eyes softened when he spoke.

"Air pockets." She keeps her brown eyes on Buck's. "We have to find out where they are, then we'll find Stavros."

Bobby nods his head, "Lets get some wood in here!"

The team dragged wooden planks over to the sinkhole and placed them around the grave so, they could stand on them without falling in. Bobby holds his thermal heat detector out to the ground. Buck's jaw goes slack from what's on the screen. "Whoa, th-those aren't..."

"Coffins and corpses." Bobby says. "That's where the air pockets are."

"That's messed up."

Bobby's machine begins to beep and he spots a red figure on the screen. "Oh, hello, Stavros."

"All right, shovels and buckets. Let's go."

The group of firefighters dig out the soil out of the hole. The group began to give in to itself again, causing everyone to grow impatient.

"We got keys for this thing?" Hen asks, making her way over to the bulldozer.

"They should still be in it."

Hen gets into the bulldozer and Emery's eyes widen. She makes her way over to Hen, "Hen, Hen, Hen, hold on now!"

"We're gonna get this man out of here one damn way or another."

"What about the spirits, Hen?" Emery hisses.

Hen looks at Emery and hesitates. She hadn't thought about the spirits that she was quiet to disturb. Hen looks back over to the sinkhole and curses. "They're gonna have to understand." Hen whispers. "They'll understand, right?" She looks at Emery's face, hoping for a look of reassurance, but Em was just standing there like she had seen a ghost.

"Stop it! You're freaking me out!" Hen seethes.

Emery holds her hands up, "Okay, okay—I'm sorry!" She takes a step back and looks at everyone in the grave still. "Clear out, you guys! She's got a bulldozer and she's not afraid to use it!"

All the men start to scramble out of the grave. Once the grave is clear, Hen begins to dig the dirt out with the bulldozer. Emery's eyes catch sight of a coffin. "Hen, we're good!"

Hen turns off the machine and everyone hustles back into the grave. Emery softly whispers, "The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit." She touches her forehead, chest and then both her shoulders.

Was Emery heavily religious? No. But she wasn't going to bring that ghost shit home with her. So, she makes her way down into the grave and begins to dig Stavros out. She grabs his arms and pulls him out of the dirt. Emery looks across the man's face and checks his pulse. She holds a hand over his nose and exhales a sharp breath.

"He's breathing!"

Once they got the man on a stretcher, Emery grabs her bag and slings it over her shoulder. She makes her way over to Hen, but as soon as she sees Buck making his way over to the same woman she stops in her tracks. Buck does the same thing. They must've both had the same thought about complimenting Hen on her bulldozing skills. Hen looks between the two and purses her lips, "This is...awkward."

Emery lets out a small scoff. She despised Evan Buckley. But that doesn't mean she was going to let her rule the people she talked to. "I just came over to say that what you did back there? Badass." Emery goes to walk away but stops. She then looks back at Hen. "Even though you might've disturbed the spirits."

Emery walks away and Buck's mouth opens slightly. He looks at Hen, "Okay, what is she talking about?—Spirits?"

Hen presses her lips together and pats Buck's shoulder.

"The old trail should be right up there."

Emery hops out of the fire engine with her bag and helmet.

"Park warden said they closed it down a few years back. Guess every once in a while they still get a thrill-seeker who ignores the signs."

"They haven't been able to ping the phone?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah. No contact since the call was dropped." Bobby answers.

The firefighters all make their way over to the hill in the distance. Emery's eyes skim across the dirt hill. Her eyes land on the selfie stick lying on the ground. "Cap!"

Bobby turns to Emery and sees the selfie stick she was staring at.

"Guess this is where he went over." Emery points over to the end of the cliff.

They all make their way down to the edge of the cliff.

"All right, everybody gear up." Bobby starts. "Eddie, Hen, Chimney, get the winch and the guidelines. Prep a basket just in case. I'm gonna radio Aerial Recon, have 'Em on standby."

"Copy that."

Then the three firefighters were off. Emery pulls her brows together. If those three were going, then that means that...

After Bobby radios Aerial, he turns to Emery and Buck. "You two, get down there and help that man in any way he needs."

Emery gives Bobby a nod and she glances at Buck,  and he glances at her. They bout. Look away from each other. Once the three firefighters came back with the winch, Emery and Buck secured themselves to the winch and slowly started down the jagged cliff. Buck looks down at the cliff and looks back at the girl.

"All right, there's a big jump coming up, Sharpe," Buck warns.

Emery looks down and slightly opens her mouth. "Copy." She digs her heels into the side of the cliff. Emery swipes her tongue across her lower lip and pushes herself away from the cliff and over the divet of the rocks.

"Emery, Buck, you guys see anything down there?"

The two firefighters were now on a stable surface, with no one in sight.

"No," Buck speaks, as he looks off into the sea. "Just a million-dollar view."

A small huff of detest leaves Emery's lips. She shakes her head and looks around the area. "How about we focus, Probie?"

Buck looks back at the stern girl.

"We have a civilian to..."

Buck notices Emery's expression drop and her entire body tense. She grabs her radio and speaks into it. "Captain, we found something."

Buck stands beside Emery, wanting to see what she was looking at. His eyes land on the bones under the boulder.

"Is it our hiker?"

Buck grabs the leather bag beside the remains.

"No, hiker. Just don't think it's the one we came looking for." Emery states. "It's human remains, Captain. Skeletal."

"Well, what other remains would they be?" Buck scoffs.

Emery's jaw clenches from the grating voice. "They could be decomposing remains."

"All right. Well, flag it but don't disturb it. We'll call it in." Bobby speaks.

Buck pulls the phone from the bag and his jaw goes slack. "Unless..." he holds the phone up.

Emery looks at Buck and then at the phone. Her brows were knitted together, trying to figure out what the hell Buck was getting at. Then she watches Buck eye the phone and then the remains. Emery slightly opens her mouth, understanding what Buck was trying to say. "Don't fucking play with me, Probie." she seethes.

"Look, after that thing at the grave--"

"I don't wanna hear this--nope." Emery vigorously shakes her head. "This is making my skin crawl." she softly whispers, "The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit" to herself while doing the motion.


Emery's heart drops, "The spirits after us."

Buck frowns, "No, no. I think that was our guy."

Emery's shoulders slump and she lets out a relieved sigh. "Okay. So, no ghost."

Emery and Buck follow the trail downstairs while informing everyone else about what's going on. They make it to the injured man, who was stirring around in pain.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa--sir, please do not move." Emery crouches down beside the man.

"Hey, Cap, we got a live one."

Emery inspects the man's leg. The bone was pointing out of his leg. "Okay, uh, can you tell me your name?"


"Okay, Ian. We're gonna get you out of here, all right?" Emery takes her bag off her shoulders.

"M-My leg is broken."

"Cap, this guy's leg is broken," Buck speaks.

"Copy. We're gonna send a basket down to you."

"How'd you find me?" Ian asks.

Buck chuckles, "It wasn't easy. You weren't on long enough for them to ping your phone."

"On with who?"

"With, uh, with 9-1-1," Buck states.

Ian groans in pain, "No, I dropped my phone when I went over. I didn't call 9-1-1."

A chill shoots down Emery's spine and her body freezes. She snaps her eyes over to Buck and his eyes were wide. Emery shakes her head, "Oh, this is some bullshit..."

"Thanks again for coming by, you guys."

Athena sets the three glasses on the table. "Sometimes I like the quiet when Michael has the kids..." she trails off her sentence when she hears rattling in the kitchen. Athena and Hen turn to see the curly-haired girl looking through the fridge. "Oooh!" Emery grabs a gogurt tube and holds it with two hands and a bright smile on her face. "Can I have one, Athena?"

Athena deadpans, "Those are for the kids, Em. You ask every time and I tell you "no" every time." she arches a brow.

Emery presses her lips together and exhales through her nose. Hen slightly opens her mouth, "Oh, come on, Athena. It's just one."

Athena looks at Hen, who shrugs her shoulders. Athena looks back at Emery and sighs. "All right, all right. But just one."

Emery nods her head and throws out so many "Thank you's" to Athena and Hen. Athena turns to Hen, "Let me correct myself. I like the quiet when Michael has two of the kids."

Hen and Athena begin to laugh, while Emery makes her way over to them. "What? What are we laughing at?" she sits in one of the kitchen chairs.

Hen slightly opens her mouth, "Oh. Nothing, nothing."

Emery frowns and opens her gogurt stick. She places the gogurt in her mouth and pulls her brows together when she catches sight of the photos of human remains. "Mm." she taps the pictures and looks at Athena. "Are those from Palos Verdes?"

Athena nods her head, "I've been trying to I.D. them." she states. "You know, notify the next of kin, hopefully."

"That's your job?" Hen asks, she grabs the pictures and looks over them.

"What, helping people? I like to think so."

As soon as Athena filled her glass with wine, Emery grabs it and sips on it. She softly hums out of satisfaction and goes back to eating her gogurt.

"No, no, no. I mean, don't detectives do that?" Hen inquires.

"I'm sure they're gonna drop all their hot cases where the victim just died and the clues are everywhere to find out what happened to a pile of bones just laying out in the open, forgotten."

"I mean, I'm not saying they don't care." Athena quickly adds. "They're just too busy."

Athena soon told Hen and Emery about when she wanted to become a police officer. The story about that young girl going missing. Taken from her own bed. She was never seen again. The fear her family must've had kept Emery up that night. She couldn't imagine losing her little sister and not knowing what happened to her. It made her sick to her stomach. That night, Emery pulled Amaya into a tight hug, never wanting to let go.


Emery lets out a sharp huff. "Guys, this--this is ridiculous."

Amaya and Buck look at each other. Mischievous smiles across their lips. Emery walks out of the locker room in a Cookie Monster Onesie. Amaya slightly opens her mouth, "Awwww!" she laughs. "You look cute!"

Emery's face heats up out of embarrassment. "I didn't even have to wear a costume. I wear my Gear every Halloween--"

"If you are giving these kids candy during Halloween, then dress up." Amaya points her finger at Emery.

"Yeah, don't be a party pooper," Buck adds with a smirk across his lips.

Emery pierces her brown eyes into his blue ones. She arches a brow. This was the first time today, that the two were actually talking. Emery knew that deep down she was relieved that he actually said something to her. But she would never admit it. "You say "Party Pooper" and I say "Party Regulator", all right?" she places her hands on her hips. The Cookie Monster hood on her head falls over her eyes, making her unable to see. Buck lets out a stifled laugh as Emery pulls it up.

"Ha Ha Ha!" Emery mocks in a deep voice. "What about you?" she points at Buck. "What are you wearing?"

Buck pulls his face back, "Are you kidding me? I'm wearing my gear." he pulls at the firefighter button-up, he was wearing. Emery slightly opens her mouth, "But--"

"Em, going out in something like that is embarrassing. I would never!" Buck says which causes Amaya to laugh.

Emery holds her hands up, "That's it! I'm going to change--"

"All right, Buck, Sharpe!" Bobby jogs into the locker room. He stops and lets out a laugh, seeing the costume Emery was in. "Em, I didn't think you were going to dress up. You never dress up."

"I-I was just about to go and change..."

"Oh, there's no time for that," Bobby says.

Emery's face drops. "What?"

"Yeah, the kids are coming in right now. Let's get into our places!" Bobby claps his hands and walks away.

Emery looks at Buck then looks at Amaya. "G-Guys--"

"You heard your captain!" Amaya exclaims. She grabs one of Emery's arms while Buck grabs the other. Emery softly speaks to them while she is dragged out of the locker room and out into the station lobby. Emery sits at one of the tables and Buck sits next to her.

Amaya claps her hands, "All right, so...I'm gonna go--"

"Wait, what?"

Amaya grabs one of the chocolate bars from the Halloween bowls and chuckles. "Yeah, Charlie and I are going to a party tonight. I'm supposed to be a Nun and they're gonna be a Priest."

Emery squinted her eyes, "Those better be Unsexy Nuns and Priests."

Amaya takes a bite out of her chocolate bar and softly hums. "UhHuh..."

"Maya..." Emery growls.

Amaya snaps her fingers and points at Emery she then points at Buck. "I...gotta go. Like right now." she sprints out of the Station.

Buck laughs as Emery screams after her little sister. She lets out a sharp breath and drops into her seat. "What the hell..." she shakes her head.

"She's gonna make my hair go gray." Emery tilts her head back.

Buck looks at the side of Emery's face and watches as she flutters her eyes shut. As he continued to look at Emery's face, he felt something form in his stomach. It wasn't butterflies. But it was something else. Something Hot. It made his expression pinch together. I'm with Abby. I am WITH Abby.

When was the last time you even talked to Abby?

Buck looks back at Emery and his eyes trail to her throat. He inhales a deep breath and exhales a small one. This was bad. This was so bad. He knew that he got turned on when Emery stopped that bleacher from hitting him before. But right now? I mean, she's wearing a Cookie Monster costume! But the way her head was tilted back with her brows pinched together. God, he wanted her. Cookie Monster and all.


Buck snaps out of his hot and heavy thoughts and refocuses. "Uh, what?--What?"

Emery snorts, "You've got a line." she points at the kids in front of him.

Buck slightly opens his mouth. "Oh, Oh--I'm sorry. Uh, here." he starts to place the candy in the kid's bags while saying 'Happy Halloween!'.

Emery watches with a smug smirk as Buck finishes giving the kids candy. Buck looks back at Emery and notices her smirk. His eyes flit to her lips and he wanted hers against his. Stop it, Buck. The boy quickly tries to store away thoughts he should never have about Emery. Because he hates her. He does despise her. But sex-wise? He wanted everything to do with her.

"So, how are you and Abby doing?"

Buck blinks and refocuses on Emery's eyes. "You...are asking about my life?"

Emery shrugs, "I mean, we're going to be here all night handing out candy to kids, so--why not make this situation less awkward?"

"Awkward? What's awkward?" Buck asks.

Emery deadpans, "I mean, us." she points between them.

"Trick or treat!"

Buck and Emery turn to the kids and hand them candy. "Happy Halloween!"

Emery points at the boy's costume, "And by the way. Lego's Ninjao? Nice touch!"

"You know Ninjao?!" The boy gasps.

"Is Cole my favorite Ninja?" Emery arches a brow. She looks around and cups a hand around her mouth. "The answer's yes."

The boy's eyes light up, "He's my favorite too!"

"Right on, man!" Emery gives him a high-five. "And just for that..." she gives the kid another piece of candy.

"Thank you so much!"

Emery chuckles, "Happy Halloween, kid."

Buck smiles softly as Emery waves at the kid that was walking away. Emery look back at Buck, "Now. After our last...interaction. After those brownies...I was a bitch."

Buck frowns, "You said it. Not me."

Emery squints her eyes. "Anyway, I just wanted to say that, I'm--"

"Em, you don't have to apologize," Buck says with a small chuckle.

Emery raises her brows, "And why not?"

"Because we said that we weren't going to apologize to each other it was too--"

"Difficult and awkward," Emery says, remembering. "We were just going to talk about the weather."

She rolls her lips into her mouth and giggles. It was such a stupid thing for them to come up with. Emery looks back at Buck and sighs. "Well, the weather has been--hot."

"So hot!"

Emery softly laughs and so does Buck. She bites the inside of her cheek and hands more candy out to kids that come up to the table. "But seriously...how are you and Abby?"

Buck hands out some candy and heavily sighs. He then digs through the bowl and grabs a piece of chocolate for himself. Emery knits her brows together as Buck eats the chocolate. "That bad, huh?"

Buck chews his candy and swallows it. "I...don't think I can do this anymore."

Emery raises her brows, "What, like being in two different countries? Or being with her?"

Buck shrugs, "Both."


Buck pinches the bridge of his nose, "I know, I know..." he scoffs. "I just, have waited for her for so long. And...she doesn't call me back, she doesn't...she doesn't care."

Emery bites her lower lip, "You know, sometimes, it's better to let things go; while you still have good feelings about that said thing..." She moves her head from side to side. "...or said someone." she bunches her shoulders. "I...tried to hold on to what William and I had. And I held on so hard it was to the point where now every time I think about our relationship; I think about how it ended."

"And I know our relationship was more than that." Emery tilts her head. "And I know that you're relationship with Abby is more than unanswered calls and long distance."

Buck keeps his eyes on Emery. The eye contact was so intense he felt the need to look away but he couldn't. "You know, even though we aren't the biggest fans of each other; you still end up giving me the best advice." He chuckles. "Thanks, Emery."

Emery bunches her shoulders. "That's just what I do."

The Cookie Monster hood falls over her eyes and she curses. "I'm gonna rip this thing off, I swear." Emery pulls the hood back and huffs.

As soon as Emery saw the injured horse on the ground, she knew that it wasn't going to survive.

"I don't know if the air splint will fit his leg. I...you know, maybe I can try and rig something." Buck suggests.

"It's not just his leg." Hen states.

"Should I radio for Animal Services?" Chimney asks.

Emery slightly shakes her head, "It's gonna take them an hour to get here." her eyes shift back to the horse. "He's in pain."

"Maybe the vet can fix it," Buck adds.

"Horses are very prone to infection," Hen pronounces. "Their intestines don't respond well to antibiotics. It's almost impossible for the immune response to work effectively."

Bobby makes his way over to the officer. "How much does he weigh?"

"About a thousand pounds."

"We don't have enough barbiturates on the truck to get it done," Hen says.

Emery bites the inside of her cheek.

"He would need a sedative first." The officer states.

"Get it done?" Buck pulls his brows together.

"Otherwise, he would just trash around like crazy till his heart gave out."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hen questions. "We could try other things."

"We both know they won't work." He states. "He's a good boy. I just don't want him to suffer anymore."

As soon as Buck came back with the sedative, more firefighters came around and linked arms; honoring the horses life.

"Administering Sedative." Hen speaks, holding the syringe up.

The officer softly whispers to the injured horse he had taken care of. Emery was standing with Bobby and Chimney when she noticed Hen's hesitation. Her eyes shift to Chimney and he took notice as well.

"Captain?" Emery softly speaks.

Bobby nods his head, also noticing Hen's shaken state. "You want me to do it, Hen?"

"No, I got it." Hen exhales.

Hen stays frozen. Buck looks over at Chimney, Emery, and Bobby; and he shakes his head. Bobby takes a step forward but Emery speaks. "Uh, Captain?"

Bobby looks at Emery, she shifts her eyes to Hen then looks back at him. He could read the determined yet soft expression across her face. Emery wanted to be there for her coworker. Her friend. And she wasn't going to back down from this. Bobby gives her a nod and Emery cautiously approaches the weak horse.

Emery crouches beside Hen and bites the inside of her cheek. "Hey, Hen..." she looks at her friend. "...you don't have to do this, all right?"

Hen already had a tough decision to make about her father. And that choice has been eating away at her for days. Emery couldn't allow something like this to be added to the list of things Hen had to think about nonstop. She lightly touches Hen's arm and takes the syringe from her arm. "You've got other people to lean on. You have a team." Emery shifts her eyes to Buck and a smile ghosts onto his lips as he nods at her.

Hen looks at Emery and mouths the words 'thank you'. Emery lightly squeezes Hen's arm before she looks back at the horse. Her brown eyes skin across the deep gash on the horses head. He was in so much pain and she didn't want him to continue suffering. Emery places a soft hand on the horse and gives him a comforting rub across his sleek black mane. She then injects the syringe into the horse and pushes the fluid into it.

Emery wipes her nose and watches as the horse takes his last breath.


author's note.

Y'all the horse dying makes me so sad every time I watch that episode

Side note. Next chapter is THEEEE chapter 🤭

words : 5033

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