𝟎𝟔𝟎 Help Isn't Coming

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"How many times do I have to say 'I'm sorry'?"

"Until you mean it, young man!"

Dylan scoffs, "This is stupid! You already grounded me. What else are you gonna do? Ground me some more?"

Dylan's grandparents look at each other. "Yes!"

Dylan scoffs, "Bullshit."

"Dylan, I swear to god if you swear one more time—"

"Uh, hi."

The three Fletchers snap their eyes over to the curly-haired woman. Emery presses her lips into an awkward small smile. "Hi..." she wiggles her fingers. "So, I don't know if you need me here for this—"

"This. We don't need you her for." The grandmother says. "And I'm sorry you're even here to witness this.

"Ah, it's okay." Emery waves a hand. "I'll show myself out."

"No, wait." The grandfather holds a hand out. "We need to discuss something with you serious."

Emery's jaw goes slack. "O-Okay. But I do have to say. I was going to call you guys the first day he came to my place, but there was this apartment building fire and—"

"It's not about that. We're grateful that he stayed over that night." The woman chuckles. "We're grateful for you, Emerson."

Emery gives them a small nod. "It was no problem."

"Dylan could you give us a few minutes to talk?"

Dylan squints his eyes. "I know what this is about. We had a discussion together already, why do I have to—"

"Dylan. We now need to have that discussion with Emery. So please." The grandmother's eyes soften.

Dylan's body relaxes and he exhales. "Yeah, fine." He stands up and gives Emery a small wave before waking to his room.

"We...we've noticed you've been doing better."

Emery gnaws on her lower lip. "I'm trying."

"And we see that—we do." The man assures. "Which is why we want to discuss Dylan."

Emery keeps her eyes on the grandparents. "Dylan...is he okay?"

"Yeah, we just want to talk about him staying with you."

Emery blinks. She looks to the side then sits back in her seat. "Like...stay with me?"

"Uh, yeah?"

Emery closes her eyes and scratches her brows. A small chuckle escapes her lips. "I'm sorry, I just—I'm in disbelief. I thought you guys said you didn't trust me."

"That was when we knew you had to handle your shit—or your turmoil."

Emery waves a hand, "No, no. Shit is right." She shrugs. "It's okay."

"We saw the difference of Dylan's attitude when we picked him up and for the first time since his father died...he seemed okay."

Emery watched as the grandparents sadden.

"We want him to be okay." The hold hands. "And I think if he spends some time with you and some time with us...it'll be good for him."

"How do you feel about that?"

Emery covers her mouth. "Uh..." her voice cracks and tears blur her vision. "...I feel great about that!" She clears her throat. "I just think I'm a little shocked and happy and..." tears roll down her face. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry right now."

"It's okay, Emerson." The woman grabs Emery's hand.


The three adults turn to the 12 year old. Dylan wrinkles his nose, "I'm guessing from all of this, that means you told her?"

"Yeah, we told her."

"And...she said...?"

Emery wipes her tears. "I said no, obviously."

Dylan's face drops and they all look at her. Emery chuckles, "I..." her smile drops from their surprised expressions. "...I'm kidding—I was just joking."

Dylan didn't want to admit it, but he let out a heavy breath of relief. He instead looks to the side. "Great. So, am I staying with you this week or next week?"

Emery frowns and looks at his grandparents.

"Well, we still need to figure out a schedule—"

"Yes! And I could laminate it!" Emery squeals with her hands in the air.

Dylan exhales. What have I gotten myself into?

"I just want to punch his stupid face."

Athena hums in agreement. "You're not the only one." She then huffs and shakes her head in disbelief. "It's 2020. How is it possible that this man just disappeared into thin air?"

"No movement on his credit cards." Lou states. "He hasn't been back to his house or his office. Still looking for the car, but he'll turn up."

Wren scoffs under her breath. "Yeah? Then what?"

Athena sighs, "Wren's right. Even if we find him, we still don't have any physical evidence that proves he raped anyone. No fingerprints, no DNA. Just videos of a man in a mask attacking these women."

He watches as both women tense and stay in their heads. "Still blame yourselves for losing him?"

Because you didn't. Either of you."

Wren wipes her brow. "There was something off with that guy and I didn't watch him closely enough. Which was my job. I should've stayed there with the Feds..."

"It's not your fault." Lou says. "In fact, the two of you are the reasons why he's in hiding right now instead of targeting his next victim."

"As long as he's still out there free, there's always gonna be a next victim."

A soft knock is heard at the door, catching the three officers attention. The rookie stands in the doorway. "Officer Marshall."

"Hey." Wren cracks a small smile. "What's going on?"

"Uh, the captain's office is set up. They're bringing the first woman in now."

"Okay, we'll be right there." Wren nods her head. "Thank you."

The rookie leaves the room. Athena and Lou look at Wren, who slightly opens her mouth. "Oh, uh, it just didn't feel right to put them in the interrogation room." She then holds her hands up. "Unless you guys think otherwise."

"No, no. It's a great idea." Lou nods his head.

Athena smiles, "Good job, Wren."


"You two find anything?"

Wren and the rookie look at Athena, who just walked into the criminal investigation room.

"Maybe." The rookie voices. "We've been going through his credit card purchases again."

"Thought that was a dead end."

Wren huffs, "It's all we have to go off of right now." She hands the papers to Athena.

"At first glance, it looks like a dead end. But then we figured, maybe if I mapped out the places that he frequented," The rookie explains. "we'd get a fuller picture of his movements, you know? Figure out where he'd go."

The three officers walk over to the map covered in colorful pins. "Well, he lives here." Athena points. "His office is here."

"These are his real estate listings." Athena moves to the other side of the map. "Now, this seems to be off the beaten path for him."

Wren points where Athena was focusing her eyes on. "This is the coffee shop." She looks at the rookie.

"What coffee shop?" Athena inquires.

"We've got seven charges in the past six months." Wren points at the paper. "We just can't figure out why he'd go there."

"Doesn't overlap with any of our victims." Athena shakes her head.

"I don't know, it's odd, but it's probably nothing." The rookie shakes her head nervously.

Athena sighs, "Yeah, well, nothing seems to be all we got right now."

"How's he doing?"

"No broken bones." Hen informs. "Just a couple of bumps and bruises. Maybe a concussion."

"But he fell through the room." The man from outside the truck says.

"Cardboard boxes bore the brunt of the fall." Chimney states. "You know, stunt guys still use 'em as crash pads."

Emery frowns, "Usually those boxes are empty." She shrugs. "But yeah, he'll be fine." She looks at Chimney and Hen, who were in the ambulance. "Are you guys good?"

"Yeah, we're okay over here."

Emery purses her lips and nods her head. "Cool, cool. Just making sure." She rocks back and forth on her heels. Emery then looks at the man, who was driving the delivery truck. "There really is a duo in a trio, am I right?"


The girl holds her hands up. "I'm kidding!" She looks at Hen and Chimney. "There's nothing I need to do right now, so I'll wait here."

"Emery, we love you and when we need your help we will let you know." Chimney gives her a small smile.

Emery nods her head, "Yes, sir." She clicks her tongue. Emery knew that Hen and Chimney could handle so much without her. Maybe that's why a part of her missed being a firefighter. She always had something to do and she didn't feel like she was in the way or intruding.

"Any updates on when DWP's gonna get the power off?" Eddie asks.

Bobby reaches for his walkie. Before he could ask DWP in the wait time, sparks explode off the electric pole. Emery lifts her head up to look at the pole that was now powered down.

"There's your answer." Bobby says. "Let's get her out—carefully."

"Thanks for the quick work on the power, Dispatch." Bobby says.

"I'd say you're welcome, but our updates show they're still four minutes out."

Emery pulls her brows together.

"If you didn't shut the power off, who did?" Bobby asks.

The captain's question is answered when the street lights shut off and cars begin to crash into one another. Emery's eyes widen, "Holy shit!"

"I'm on it, Cap!" Buck runs over to the car scene.

"All right, thanks, Buck." Bobby then turns to the antsy curly-haired girl. "Em."

Emery turns to Bobby with her eyes wide. "Captain?"

"Could you lend Buck a hand?"

"Okay...uh, with what exactly? EMT stuff? Fire and rescue stuff or—"

"Whatever you feel comfortable with."

Emery slightly opens her mouth. "Yeah, yes sir." A small smile forms on her lips and a bubble of excitement rises in her stomach.

For the first time in forever, Emery was excited to get
back in the firefighting game. Didn't matter if she was helping as a Paramedic or a Firefighter.



Athena turns away from the clipboard and looks at Wren. "I think Alex and I found something."

Athena quirks a brow, "Oh, so it's Alex now, huh?"

Wren freezes. "I mean, the rookie—"

"Nope. Too late." Athena shakes her head and she chuckles. "What do you got?"

Wren softly curses and holds the picture out to her. Athena grabs the picture and her eyes look across the storage unit. "What am I looking at here?"

"The storage unit. I found out that possible connection to the coffee shop." Wren points the pen at the map. "The storage unit is a couple blocks away from the storage unit. So, while he's on his way to drop off his trophies, he could've been ordering at the coffee shop as another way to cover his tracks."

Athena's jaw goes slack and she looks at Wren. "Well, I'll be damned." She chuckles. "Let's check the place out and if it's anything we'll call Lou and reinforcements."

Wren nods her head, "Yes, ma'am."

Wren quickly follows Athena out of the station. Once they got to the storage unit, Athena wasted no time in calling Lou about the information and location they discovered.

"Hey, Athena. What's going on?"

"Hey. Wren and Alex found something." Athena says. "Studio Sell Storage."

"Does he have unit there?" Lou questions. "You know, maybe that's where he's storing his trophies."

"It would explain those coffee shop charges."

Wren continues to look around the area, hoping no one sneaks up on them.

"I need you to contact the manager." Athena says. "Nobody's here because of the power."

"All right, I'll find it." Lou exhales. "This could be the break we need."

"I can't say for sure," Athena says. "but I have a really strong feeling."

"All right, see you soon."

The phone call ends and Athena turns to Wren. The brunette looks at the Sergeant. "You ready?"

Wren inhales, "Let's do this."

Wren keeps her light shining in the building as Athena speaks into the walkie. "Dispatch, 727-L-30 and 652-O-25." At Studio Self Storage doing a business check."

"Copy. 727-L-30 and 652-O-25."

Simultaneously, Athena and Wren pull their guns out and enter the building.

Athena and Wren make their way through the storage unit. But the search was going far too slow. So, Athena motions Wren over to the West Wing, telling her to search on the other side of the building. Wren nods her head and walks away from Athena. The brunette keeps a tight grip on her weapon as she walks around the corner. The only light down the hall was the dark red Exit sight looming above her. As she walked further down the hall away from the light, a chill rushed down her spine. Wren didn't like this. She needed to go back and find Athena—

A hand slaps over Wren's mouth before she could even turn around. And before she could even bite his hand, a sharp heavy impact rams into her side. The brunette lets out a suppressed cry into the man's hand. Her vision blurs with white. Wren's eyes blur with tears and she couldn't feel her fingers. Despite, her fingers being numb; Wren reaches a hand up and scratches at the man's face. Out of rage, he grabs a fistful of Wren's hair and slams her face against the wall three times before throwing her to the floor, leaving her bleeding. Wren inhales her pain filled gasp and presses a hand over her wound. "A-Athena!—"

He kicks Wren across the face, knocking her out. Athena whips around, her light shining down the dark hall. "652-O-25, Respond."


"652-O-25, please respond."

A bad feeling had settled into Athena's gut. "Dispatch, this is 727-L-30. I'm gonna need backup and detectives dispatched to Studio Self Storage." Athena speaks. "I have a possible—"

A heavy hand hits the back of Athena's head and she hits the metal door in front of her. Athena's gun and flashlight fall out of her hands. Maddie's breathing hitches from the sound of heavy blows and Athena fighting for her life. The entire dispatch center stopped what they were doing due to the horrors they were hearing over their headphones.

"727-L-30, do you copy?" Maddie questions. "727-L-30, please respond."

Maddie inhales a shaky breath and switches her mice to the other officer's radio. "652-O-25, do you copy?" Her voice begins to shake. Tears blur her eyes when she doesn't receive an answer from Wren. "Officers need help. 727-L-30 and 652-O-25 at Studio Self Storage."

Maddie looks at Josh, who was standing by her side. "Her mics still keyed open. I can't talk to her." She tells him. "And Wren, she's not responding."

"All units, police, and fire RA, clear channel two."

Emery pulls her brows together.

"Switch to Tac Channel 50. Officer on open mic in distress. Needs assistance."

Each firefighter had their radios suddenly being swarmed with sounds of grunting and clashing. Emery kept her brows furrowed, the voice sounded familiar. It caused her stomach to turn.

"727-L-30 ad 652-O-25 at Studio Self Storage."

Emery's eyes widen and her eyes quickly move over to Bobby—his expression shaken.

"Bobby." Hen calls out.

Bobby snaps out of his thoughts of worry and he looks at the man the patient. "Take him to the hospital, and everyone else, on the engine, now, let's go!"

The paramedics and firefighters all pile into the fire engine. With their radios still echoing Athena's fight. Every now and then, Emery could feel her breathing stop and she would have to remind herself to breathe.

"Cap, they're telling us to switch to Tac 50." Chimney informs.

Bobby shakes his head, refusing to change the channels.

Suddenly, a gunshot rings through the radios causing each person in the engine to jump. Emery didn't know how it could get any quieter, but it did. She could hardly breathe with how tight it was in the vehicle. The engine comes to an abrupt stop and everyone quickly gets out. Bobby grabs the axe from the side compartment of the engine. Emery grabs her medical bag and helps Hen and Chimney push the stretcher into the storage unit.

The firefighters found the man first, bleeding but handcuffed to a pipe. Emery swallows the lump in her throat. She looks around the area, Athena not in sight.

"Captain Nash. She's here."

Bobby looks to the side and sees the officers crowding a part of the hall. They step aside, revealing a bloodied Athena. Emery's lips slightly part and her heart drops. Chimney, Hen, and Emery run over to the woman and crouch around her. "Athena, can you hear me?"

Emery gently touches the side of Athena's face and shines a light into Athena's eyes. "Pupils equal and reactive." She keeps her teary eyes on Athena.

"Might be a fractured rib." Hen says.

Chimney lightly touches Athena's right arm and she groans. He instantly stops, "Arms definitely broken. Right closed fracture."

"Starting fluids."

"Splinting the arm. You stay with us, Athena."

Lou quickly makes his way over to the group. "How's she doing?"

Athena softly murmurs through her pain. No one could understand what she was saying through her pain. Then she speaks clearer, "We got him."

"What do you got?" Hen pulls her brows together.

Lou looks at the man handcuffed to the pipes. "Suspect down?"

We got him. Chimney and Hen continue to work on Athena when Emery stops. She looks down the hall then down the other one.

"Em? What's going on?" Buck looks at the girl. Her entire attitude changed from relieved to instantly worried once again.

Emery clicks her radio. "Dispatch. You said 727-L-30 and 652-O-25?"

"This is dispatch. That's correct."

"Do you remember 652-O-25's location?" Emery shoots up from where she was crouched. Her hand begins to shake. Seeing Athena's beaten and bloodied body made her forget. But how could she forget?

"West wing of the storage."

Emery sprints past everyone, leaving them with no explanation.

"652-O-25. That's Wren." Buck's eyes widen. "Wren was here with Athena." He runs after Emery.

Emery was quick to make it to the west wing and she turned the corner only to see her friend curled in a ball in her own blood. "Oh, god..." she crouches beside Wren. "Hey, hey, Wren!" Emery sets her bag down and opens it. "Let me look at you, okay?" She slowly moved Wren's pale hand from her wound and reveals the deep stab wound.

Emery's breathing falters. "Okay, this is, this is okay—I'm gonna help you." She moves Wren's hair out of her face. "Dispatch this is Firefighter Sharpe, requesting for a second RA unit. We have a second injured officer on the scene in need of immediate care."

"This is dispatch. I'm sending an RA unit to you. It's gonna be 5 minutes out."

Emery looks back at Wren. She opens a box of gauze and presses it against Wren's wound. "Hear that? 5 minutes? You can hold out for another 5 minutes, right?"

Wren's lips slowly move, but nothing comes out. Emery's eyes blur with tears. "I swear to god, Wren. You better not do this. You better fight, all right?"


Emery turns her head and meets Buck's blue eyes. Buck watches as relief washes over Emery but he could also see the panic and the fear. He swallows and nods his head. "What do you need me to do?"

Emery opens her mouth, "I need a backboard." She scoffs. "But I'm an idiot and ran away with tour telling anyone what's happening." She lets out a soft cry. "God dammit, we're all alone—"

"We've got a backboard for you!"

Emery turns her head to Eddie and Chimney running over to their side. She pulls her brows together, "Wait, what about Athena?"

"Hen's got her. She said once she's on the ambulance, she'd come back to help too." Chimney crouches down and shines a light in Wren's eyes. "Pupil's are responsive."

Emery looks at Eddie and Chimney. "Thank you."

"You're not alone, Em." Eddie says. "We've got your back. Always."

Emery lets out a small breath and her eyes gaze shifts to Buck. "I could've told you that."

"All right, let's get her on this thing." Chimney looks at the curly-haired woman. "Em, did you already secure her wound?"

Emery slightly opens her mouth. "Yeah, she should be good until she gets to her hospital."

"Good job."

They all get Wren onto the backboard and place a neck brace around her just to be safe. Wren is rushed out of the storage building and into the second ambulance. "Wren, I'm not leaving your side, all right?—I'm not going anywhere." Emery climbs into the ambulance and sits beside Wren's stretcher.

When Emery said she wasn't leaving Wren's side, she meant it. Buck kept her updated on Athena's state, she was relieved that Athena was conscious. It doesn't take away how terrified Emery was of losing Athena. And that worry didn't let up sitting in the chair, waiting for Wren to wake up. Emery's eyes never left the stained blood on her hands. "I almost lost you." She looks at Wren's bruised face. "I almost f-forgot you—how could I do that?" She covers her face and her tears stain her hands.

"Oh, god..."

Emery pulls her brows together and lifts her head. She sees Wren's eyes flutter open, but her nose was wrinkled. "You're not crying, are you? Especially over me."


The brunette forces a small smile on her lips. "The one and only—"

"Oh, my god!" Emery wraps her arms around her friend. Wren softly chuckles and hugs Emery back either way a soft wince.

"You're awake—you're awake." Emery softly cries.

Wren chuckles, "Yeah...a little sore, but that's bound to happen."

Emery sits back in her seat and wipes her eyes. "I should've gotten to you sooner. I am so sorry—"

"Em, stop." Wren grabs Emery's hand. "You found me, right?"

Emery sniffles, "Yeah."

"All right then." Wren claps her hands. She softly winces from the pain in her side. "Then everything's okay!" She looks at Emery. "Wait..."

"Sergeant Athena?"

Emery inhales a breath. "She's in pain. Fractured ribs, broken arm, and some cuts and bruises." She rubs her hands against her jeans. "But she's conscious."

Wren's eyes widen, "She was conscious before me?"

A small fit of laughter escapes Emery's lips and she nods her head. Wren raises her brows in amazement. "That woman is my hero."

"And the suspect?"

"Athena got him."

Wren chuckles, "God, all right. That settles it." She pulls the blankets off of her. Emery's back straightens, "Wait, what—what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna go see my Training Officer." Wren throws her legs over the bed and Emery jumps.

"Former training officer." Emery holds her hands out to the brunette. "You cannot be standing right now."

"Em, you need to go home." Wren says. "I am going to live and you need to go home to your father who needs you by his side."

Emery's shoulders sag. "I promised that I wouldn't leave you."

"You promised yourself that you wouldn't leave my side." Wren points at her friend with a smirk. "I never agreed to it, so...shoo."

"Don't shoo me." Emery pulls her face back. Wren deadpans, "Emerson Bailey Sharpe."

Emery closes her mouth and tenses from Wren's intense gaze. Wren lifts her hands and softly winces. She grips both of Emery's shoulders. "Go see your dad."

Emery swallows the lump in her throat and she inhales a breath. "Yeah, okay—fine." She wipes her eyes with the back of her arm. "But I'm coming back as soon as I can."

Wren sends Emery a cheeky smile. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."


Emery enters the apartment to see Moira cleaning the counters. The curly-haired girl hangs her bag on the rack. "Moira..."

The woman immediately holds her hands up in a surrendering manner. "I'm sorry, I know you said I don't have to clean. But, I made eggs for your father."

Emery sighs, "I appreciate you cleaning. But seriously, you don't have to."

Moira gnaws on her lower lip. "I also made you some breakfast."

Emery sits on the chair. "I told you, you didn't have to cook either." Her stomach then grumbles. Moira squints her eyes and pushes the plate towards the girl. Emery snorts, "I do love breakfast for dinner."

"Thank you." Emery cuts into the pancake. "So, how is he?"

Moira hums, "He's good. He was just a little tired today, but he was talking."

Emery cracks a smile. "Good. That's good."

"How are Wren and Athena?"

Emery raises her brows, "Athena's been conscious and she's now more responsive. And Wren had just woke up a few minutes before she kicked me out of her room." She chuckles softly. "She wanted me to see my dad." Emery slows her chewing. "I trusted her because...Wren always has this knack for knowing when's something is wron..." she trails off her words when she notices Moira's nervous expression.

Emery pulls her brows together, "Moira...what's wrong?"

Moira slightly opens her mouth. "Your father didn't talk to you? About his change of plans?"

Emery tenses—a terrible feeling settles in her stomach and she no longer was hungry. "Change of plans?"

It didn't take long for Moira to explain. She immediately left after that once she saw Emery march towards her father's room. Emery pushes the door open and sees her dad getting out of bed. Elijah lifts his head and his face lights up.

"Emerson, I was just coming to see you." Elijah stands up. "How was your d—"

"You're pulling your DNR?"

Elijah lets out a breath. "Moira told you?"

"Yeah and she was shocked that I didn't know." Emery scoffs. "Dad, why? There is no point in pulling your DNR. You'll only be put through more pain without it."

"Em, you've already been through a lot."

Emery lets a small breath escape her lips and her eyes soften. "Dad..." she walks closer to her father and gently takes his hand. "...you can't base your decisions off of me, all right?"

Elijah's eyes grow misty and Emery's chest tightens. "How can I not? You're my daughter."

Emery stays silent for a moment. "I just don't want you to suffer anymore than you have to." She shakes her head. "I want you to do what you want. What do you want, dad?"

A tear slips from Elijah's eye. "I..." he trails off his words and inhales a deep breath. "I want..." he pulls his hand from Emery's and coughs into his hand.

Emery pulls her brows together as he coughs harder. "D-Dad?" She reaches her hands out to him. "Hey, what's..."

Elijah pulls his hand back—revealing blood staining his lips and hands. Emery opens and closes her mouth. "Oh...all right—okay." She grabs his arms. "Let's sit you down."

"Emery, I can't..." His knees then buckle and he falls into Emery's arms, sending both of them to the floor. "Oh, god—dad?!" A whimper of terror comes from her lips. Emery reaches for her phone. Despite her hands trembling tremendously, she still dialed the number. Emery presses her phone against her ear and she keeps her hand in her father's—letting him know he wasn't alone.

"Dad, you've gotta keep talking to me, all right? You're gonna be..." she trails off her words and a small cry escapes her lips.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"


author's note.

All right everyone...hold on to your sad caps.

words : 4648

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