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Toni strung up the last string of lights on the outside of the trailer. She looked inside the window and saw Sweetpea, her boyfriend, watching Rudolph on TV.

Sweetpea never quite got why all the other reindeer bullied Rudolph, I mean all he had was a red nose, how really different was that?

He looked outside and saw Toni from the window. He admired how pretty she looked up on that ladder and in the lights. He paused the movie and grabbed his coat.

Toni extended her body out to reach the end of the house when she felt the ladder start to tilt over. Her head snapped down as she processed what was about to happen. She gasped as she felt her feet slip off the ladder and a shiver went down her spine. She landed perfectly fine.

"Woah...don't hurt yourself there Tiny."

Sweetpea caught her from falling and looked down at her. Toni tried to contain a laugh but ended up laughing anyway.

"I have to fix the lights!" She giggled as he started to walk back inside with her.

"I'll fix 'em later." He said, admiring her half done light job. "Right now we have to finish the tree first." He insisted, kissing her temple.

Toni jumped down from him and went into the living room and pulled out the tangled lights from a cardboard box. She frowned as she started to detangle them.

Sweetpea was in the kitchen, sneaking a cookie when he heard Toni singing 'silent night' to herself as she wrapped the lights around the tree. He smiled as he listened to her sing, he always thought she was pretty good.

He leaned his head against the doorframe and grinned, watching her step to the back of the tree to try and get the lights to work itself around. He noticed she was having some trouble.


Toni stopped singing and looked over, her cheeks became a bright pink as she didn't know how long he was there for.

"Tiny...did you get stuck in the lights?" Sweetpea chuckled.

Toni looked down at herself and realized that the problem was she was running out of lights so fast because they were all tangled around her!

"Oh my god..." she muttered to herself as she struggled to untangle herself. Sweetpea put on slow Christmas songs and watched her attempting to push herself out of the lights.

"Tiny, Tiny- relax let me just help you.." he said as he gently started to get her out. He ended up finding the initial problem and fixing it, allowing the rest of the lights to fall down to her feet.

Sweetpea ended up wrapping the lights around the tree and finishing the ones outside (without the ladder) himself while Toni finished Rudolph. He came back inside and shook all the snow off of himself.

"They so look pretty!" Toni said excitedly. Sweetpea grabbed both of her hands and pulled her close to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and began slow dancing back and forth to the music that was still playing, the end of Rudolph playing aimlessly in the background.

They swayed back and forth until the song had finished. Then Toni pulled back,

"We have to put the star on!" She grinned, pulling the last item out of the box. Sweetpea crossed his arms and watched her extend her body again to try and put the star on.

After a few failed attempts Toni sighed and looked down, not noticing the pair of arms lifting her high enough to reach the top. She smiled behind her and gazed at her boyfriend, placing the star on top.

"Thanks Pea." She said as he gently placed her down. He hugged her and both watched the lights twinkle. Christmas was only a few weeks away...


Christmas shopping day. A day looked forward to by all the people in Riverdale. On this particular day, Jughead and Fangs were taking Sweetpea, Betty and Kevin were going with Toni.

They all met up at the food court of the mall, and decided to meet back in about two hours.

Betty's crew hit up Macy's and JC Penny's first.

"So Kevin...see anything you like for Fangs?" Betty asked, looking around the Men's clothing, shopping for Jughead.

"Well- there is this really nice looking wallet he's been telling me about," Kevin informed, flicking through the flannels, "I think that's what I'm gonna get him."

"That's really nice of you Kev." Betty smiled.

"I'm sure he's going to love it!" Toni added.

"What about you Betty, what are you planning on getting Jug?" Kevin asked, now making small conversation with her. Toni continued to drill through clothes thinking of something Sweetpea would like.

She wondered her way over to the watches and glanced at them, leaving Betty and Kevin not too far behind.

"Having a little trouble T?" Betty asked gently, browsing over Toni's shoulder.

"A little- I think I'm gonna get him a watch though, and maybe have something engraved on the back."

Betty smiled and said he would love it, but of course she'd say that to anything she suggested.

Meanwhile, Sweetpea was having an even harder time shopping for Toni.

"She has everything!" He sighed in frustration, Jughead and Fangs just looked at him.

"I already ordered Kevin's present online...he really likes The Rolling Stones, so I got him an autographed CD."

Sweetpea stared at him.

"Oh my god- I don't know what to get her..." he mumbled, dragging himself into a jewelry store. He looked up and smiled, planning out the perfect idea, a clerk came by to help him while he waved the other two off.

"Oh and Sweetpea, don't forget Toys for Tots is tomorrow!" Jughead reminded him, Sweetpea nodded and told them he'd meet them at the food court later.

Toni took in a large breath as she watched the nice lady at the desk place in her order. She was going to have the back of a watch she picked out engraved with something on it. She was struggling to find what to say.

"Well what if you said like something sweet?" Betty suggested, trying to come up with phrases.

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you..." Kevin mentioned, looking up from his phone.

"D-did you google that?" Betty asked.

"No, it's from one of my favorite movies"

"That's way too cheesy!" Toni exclaimed.

"Well what about like a date? When did you guys first get together?"

Toni's eyes widened, "that's actually a good idea! We got together about two years ago, summer of senior July."

Toni told the lady the date and she happily placed her order in. She said it was to arrive next week, just in time for Christmas.

Betty's crew went to go find Jughead's crew in the food court. Jughead and Fangs were sitting down eating fries when Kevin, Toni and Betty sat down.

"Where's Pea?" Toni asked, not seeing him with them.

"He's somewhere" Jughead laughed.

Toni and Betty went to go get some food while Kevin sat across from Fangs, claiming he wasn't really hungry. Sweetpea joined them not too much later, empty handed. Toni faked a smile,

"Didn't find anything?" She questioned, scanning around for any type of bag.


Toni excused herself to the bathroom and Betty followed, making sure Toni was okay.

"Guys..." Sweetpea said, sitting down. He started to tell them his plan, and how it was guaranteed to work. Everyone agreed and by the time Toni and Betty were
back, they decided it was time to go.

"Only a week until Christmas..." Toni said, nudging Sweetpea in the arm as he drove them home.


At last the day came, Christmas Eve. Toni woke up to lots of white snow on the ground.

"Oh my goodness Pea!" She shook him awake, "We are having a snow day!"

Sweetpea groaned a little and looked at her, obviously still tired.

"Babe can we at least eat breakfast first?" He asked, pushing himself up. Toni glanced at him excitedly and nodded.

After breakfast, Toni burst out of the door in her winter gear. She jumped in a pile of snow and started laughing, Sweetpea came out a couple minutes later.

He got a snowball to the face.

"Are you kidding me?" He said, brushing the snow off of his face. Toni laughed in his face.

He tackled her to the ground. Toni screamed and he started laughing at her reaction, Toni joined in. Both of their cheeks pink from the cold.

They both stood up, Sweetpea threw his scarf around Toni, still holding both ends of it, and pulled her closer to him. She looked up at him and felt him kiss her passionately. She happily kissed him back.

They attempted to build a snowman, they went sledding, and they made lots of snow angels before deciding that they were numb from the snow and that it was time to go inside.

"Cmon Pea I'll make hot chocolate."

Both of them headed inside and took off their layers. Toni went over to start the hot chocolate while Sweetpea sat down in the living room.

"Do you want marshmallows in yours?" She asked a couple minutes later.

"No thanks."

Toni scrunched up her face and looked at him, dropping a number of marshmallows into hers.


He looked up at her, "I don't like marshmallows." He shrugged. She scoffed and handed him his mug, sitting next to him.

"That is a crime against humanity!" She said disapprovingly. He chuckled and sipped his drink.

"Wow it's late..." she glanced at the clock,
"We were outside all day."

" is"

He set his drink down and leaned over to kiss her again, she put down her drink and wrapped her arms around his neck, meeting his lips. He pulled her up on top of him and kissed her harder, while she ran her hands through his hair.

His hands moved from her waist to her thighs and back up to her cheeks. She told him to stand up, kissing his serpent tattoo. He did as he was told. Toni moaned softly in his ear before kissing it. Sweetpea bit his tongue happily. He carried her to the bedroom, kissing her all over. He slammed the door closed behind him, while Toni giggled.


The next morning, Sweetpea hugged Toni in bed, recalling the events of the night before. He smiled to himself as he rubbed her shoulder.

She shivered a little and woke up. Sweetpea looked at her worriedly.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked softly. She smiled and shook her head.

"Come on we have to open our presents!" She said excitedly, getting out of bed and throwing on a shirt over her. He nodded and pulled on sweatpants over his boxers and a shirt.

They both made their way to the living room, presents were cluttered around their tree.

Toni picked up a small box, "Santa?"

Sweetpea and Toni locked eyes, "FP" they laughed in unison. Ever since they were little kids, FP would put gifts around the tree claiming they were from 'Santa'.

Toni smiled, sitting down on the couch and handing Sweetpea a present. They both began to unwrap their presents from Santa. Toni got a couple things for the kitchen, and some new clothes. Sweetpea got a new pocket knife, and also new clothes.

"We'll have to thank him later..." Toni said softly. Sweetpea pulled Toni close and kissed her head.

Betty, Jughead, Fangs and Kevin all came in for Christmas together, one by one they exchanged gifts.

"Thank you Jug!" Toni said, holding up a pink Polaroid camera.

Toni gave Sweetpea his present, a watch with a date engraved, the day they first got together. He smiled,

"Tiny.... that's so sweet." He mumbled, putting it on. Toni smiled at him.

Sweetpea took his arm off from around Toni for a moment and reached for a medium sized box. He placed the box on her lap, resuming the position he was in and wrapped his arm around Toni.

Toni opened the box, a slightly smaller box was placed inside. She looked at Pea and opened the smaller box, which contained an even smaller box. Toni looked back up at him, his expression smug.

"I promise the last box is in that one." He chuckled.

Toni unwrapped the last box, the final box was small, she opened it and found a diamond ring. She gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

"Sweetpea!" She yelled, tears welling up in her eyes. Sweetpea took the ring in the box and knelt down on one knee, holding it up to her. Betty, Jughead, Fangs and Kevin all smiled at them.

"Will you be my beautiful bride?"

Toni covered her mouth and started to cry, she couldn't find any words to say. So she nodded her head.

"Yes! Yes I will!" She giggled through tears. He got up and kissed her. It was the best Christmas ever.

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