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Sweetpea stood in front of the mirror, holding up two different suits. One was a black suit with a red tie, the other was white with a black tie. He didn't notice Fangs walked into the room, utterly perplexed.

"What are you dressing up for?" He asked inventively. Sweetpea looked at himself in the mirror with pride,

"I'm gonna tell Toni how I feel." He stated, glancing at Fangs for a moment. Fangs looked shocked, he stepped in front of the mirror blocking Sweetpea's view of himself.

"Really?" He asked, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows. Sweetpea nodded, collecting all of his scattered clothes on the floor.

"I have dinner planned." He said, throwing one of his shirts in a basket. Fangs furrowed his brow.

"Pea are you okay?"

Sweetpea stopped in his tracks and snapped his head towards Fangs.


Fangs swallowed and looked down at him, "you're usually not this devoted to dates.."

Sweetpea stood up straight and looked worriedly over to Fangs.

"Am I doing too much for her!? Will she think this is weird!?" He said in agony.

"I- no Sweetpea...I think she'll love it. She has feelings for you...you know, she told me you're the best thing that's ever happened to her." Fangs said encouragingly whilst elbowing him in the rib cage.

Sweetpea looked dumbfounded, he stood there with his mouth hanging open.

"W-wait...what?! R-really?" He stuttered. Fangs nodded,

"she's my half sister, she tells me everything."

"Fangs...but what about Blossom!? Toni told me she has a crush on her!" He said exasperatedly. Fangs chuckled a little.

"That's her cover up Pea- she didn't want you grilling her about who she liked. She's had a crush on you ever since the 7th grade... I thought it was obvious." Fangs laughed. Sweetpea stared at himself.

"Why?" He asked, looking up at Fangs in disbelief. Fangs shrugged and patted him on the back.

"I do know she talks about you to Kev and I all the damn time." He snorted. He cleared his throat and started talking in a girly high pitched voice.

"Sweetpea did something stupid again guys...he did blah blah blah knowing I was watching! I have to keep him in line all the time!" He mocked, staring at the edge of the wall. Sweetpea's face flushed.

Fangs looked up at him and started laughing, Sweetpea glared at him.

"Relax...it's okay. She digs it and thinks it's adorable."

Sweetpea bit his lip, "this is scary..." he admitted sheepishly.

"I know," Fangs said in his best serious voice but he couldn't help himself become sarcastic, "Toni is so scary sometimes!"

The two boys stared at each other before one broke the silence and starting laughing, the other, taller one, face palmed.

"What the heck do I even wear to this!?" He sighed. Fangs looked up and saw Jughead at the doorway.

"Oh my god...." Jughead laughed, pointing at Sweetpea. Sweetpea looked up and felt his jaw clench.

"Jones I swear to god!" He growled. Jughead cocked an eyebrow and put both of his hands up.

"Woah Sweetpea...chill. Toni wanted me to tell you she'll be ready to go around 7"

Sweetpea exhaled and put his hand to his forehead, "I hate you...now help me figure out what I should wear."

Jughead took two glances and picked up the black suit. Sweetpea looked at him vulnerable and confused,

"Is this what you wear on dates with Betty?" He asked quietly. Jughead laughed and shook his head. "What do you mean!!" Sweetpea yelled, groaning in frustration.

"I mean, you are going somewhere nice so I think you'll be fine with what you have." Fangs intruded, trying not to laugh.

"I need new friends..." Sweetpea mumbled.

"So do you actually like Toni?" Jughead asked, leaning against the wall. Sweetpea heard his question and turned around to face him.


"You know she's-"

Sweetpea sighed, "Yes Jones, I know. I knows she's more into girls..." he said with his head low. Jughead and Fangs both made eye contact and frowned.

"Hey- don't be upset man. I see the way she looks at you..." Jughead said, wiggling his fingers back and forth majestically. Fangs did the same,

"All of the," Fangs started, placing himself up against Sweetpea's chest, batting his eyelashes, "Tequila shots you get just to have a conversation with her..."

Jughead moved a little closer to him, while Fangs twirled away. "And then you get hella drunk..." Jughead dramatically paused, then he whipped his head towards Sweetpea and dramatically stared at him. "Then we have to come and restrain you from kissing her and we put you to bed," He paused enthusiastically, "and then you forget about it all!" He laughed hysterically.

Fangs stood by them and began to mock Toni again, using the same high pitched, girly voice.

"Sweetpea what the hell is wrong with you! Another fight this week!?" He mocked, throwing himself into a pit of laughter. Jughead snuck up behind Sweetpea and started mocking Toni too, rubbing Sweetpea's shoulders,

"Oh Sweetpea- be careful. We don't need you hurt again!" He mocked, slightly moaning after. Sweetpea stared at them both thinking about how much he wanted to punch both of them.

"You guys suck..." he muttered.

"We are both right" Fangs disagreed. Jughead went up behind him again and continued his playful act from before.

"oh my god you better be so careful Sweetpea! You don't want another," he looked at him dramatically, sticking his tongue out a little seductively, "accident..."

"Jesus Jones!" Sweetpea shouted, shaking Jughead off of him. Jughead and Fangs started cackling. Fangs mocked her again once more,

"You're so stupid! Why did you have to go after Reggie, IT WAS A SCHOOL PROJECT!"

"To be fair he was flirting with her!" Sweetpea defended, crossing his arms. Jughead joined in,

"But you didn't need to punch him! In front of everyone too! God do I have to baby you everywhere!!" He laughed, patting Sweetpea's back, "yeahh you'll be just fine." He said in a normal voice. Sweetpea groaned and ran a hand through his hair.

After a couple minutes, Jughead said her heard footsteps by the stairs.

"I hear her coming downstairs..."

Fangs ran over and peeked his head around the corner, his face lit up.

"Wow Toni you look GORGEOUS!"

Sweetpea frantically paced over to the mirror, struggling to fix his tie and his hair. Jughead and Fangs looked at him and both laughed.

"Chill out bro! She said 7 remember- it's only 6:45!" Jughead smiled.

"I'm gonna punch you..." Sweetpea said threateningly, Jughead seemed unfazed.

"Noooo you won't."

"Yeah!" Fangs added, he started to imitate Jughead, "I'm Jughead Jones and I'M king of the serpents! My father lead the serpents to greatness you know!"

Sweetpea cracked a smile and joined in, spreading his hands out in front of him,
"Betty is like so hot! I can't believe she wanted to join my criminal gang just to be with me!" Sweetpea and Fangs cracked up. Jughead rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"I smell Toni's perfume..." Jughead gagged. Fangs sniffed the air.

"I smell nothing." He concluded, Sweetpea smiled.

"I like that smell." He said, slightly dazed.

Jughead went over by the stairs again and smiled wide. Fangs tied Sweetpea's tie the correct way. Sweetpea looked at up and saw Jughead smiling.

"What are you smiling at Jones?"

Jughead stuck out his arm as Toni linked hers with his. She came around the corner, in a little black dress. Sweetpea's eyes widened, a smile tugged his lips. Fangs smiled too, "Looking good Topaz."

Toni laughed, "Thanks.." she said, looking at Sweetpea smiling. Jughead waved his hand, unlinking his arm, "Jeez T, how much perfume did you put on?!" He coughed.

Toni squinted and looked at Jughead, "not a lot.." she shrugged. "So where are we going?" She said, taking a step towards Sweetpea.

"The Wooden Angel.." Sweetpea said nervously. Toni grinned, "fancy" she said.

"Have fun and goodbye!" Fangs waved, grabbing Jughead along with him. "Bye Felicia.." Jughead said as he stumbled out.

"You ready?" Sweetpea asked, looking down at her dress. Toni twirled. "Yep"

Sweetpea took a breath in, "you look beautiful.."

"You look very handsome yourself..." she replied with a slight smirk.

When they got to a restaurant and were given a table, Toni spoke first.

"So why all the fancy fancy?" She asked, looking around.

"I- I wanted to tell you that I like you Toni...a lot.."

Toni blinked, she felt her heart rate rise and her cheeks grow pink. "Really?" She asked, grabbing his hands. Sweetpea looked down and held both of her hands.

"It's fancy because I wanted you to know I'm serious...and I want a relationship with you."

Toni raised her eyebrows, "like boyfriend girlfriend? An actual relationship..." she asked, her smile fading a little.

"Yes Toni, I know in the past I haven't been good at those, but you're perfect for me Toni, I love you. I have for a long time."

Toni smiled, "wow. You really are the sweetest Pea..."

"So is that a yes?"

Toni bit her lip and nodded, Sweetpea smiled brightly at her. Both of their eyes locked with one another, just as their fingers were intertwined.

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