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Tw warning:

Toni sat in her seat and relaxed a little as she tried to make the most out of her flight back home. She had to fly out to visit her grandmother who lived in Mexico, who was very sick. Sweet Pea and Lola (Bean) stayed at home, since Toni thought she had to do this by herself.

She tried not to bounce up and down in her seat, for she was too excited to get back home to the love of her life and her adorable little daughter. It's been almost 3 months since she had her, and she was well rested from not having to constantly worry and watch her child. She knew Sweet Pea was an amazing dad.

Toni felt the plane jerk up a little, her conscious began to tell her something was wrong, but she shrugged it off although fear loomed the back of her mind. The plane jerked again, she looked over at her half brother Fangs, who went with her, since they shared a grandmother. He was sleeping, a little too peacefully she thought. She shook him gently.

"Fangs.." she hissed, her mother instincts saying something was wrong,

"Toni, what?" Fangs muttered still half asleep.

"I think something's wrong." She whispered, hoping not to bother anyone else about her suspicions.

Just then the plane felt like it was dropping, fast. Toni yelped a bit along with most of the other passengers, she looked up and saw the seat beat sign had been turned on. And fangs was trying to make out what the now flight attendants were saying.

Toni looked over, she saw the main flight attendant who was trying to calm everyone down, was panicking inside.

The plane hit the ground, hard. It flipped over and back upright again. Everyone screaming and shouting. Then everything stopped, thankfully there weren't that many children on the plane, although she did her cries from adults.

She noticed Fangs was clutching onto her, as if he was her shield. She grasped onto him tightly and she heard a giant boom, an engine exploded. The back of the plane was gone, along with several rows of missing or dead passengers.

Then everything stopped. Toni shook fangs to find he was alright. They both unbuckled their seat belts and looked around, they were in the middle of nowhere.

Then everything went black.

Sweet Pea let a small smile out as he dressed his daughter up in a onesie. He was about to leave to go pick up Toni from the airport. When he was finished, he picked up his daughter and looked around the trailer.

It's so empty he thought. Maybe it was the fact that Toni wasn't there for a week. He struggled a bit on his own, taking care of Bean, with having to miss some school and everything but his teachers understood, giving him work from home to do instead.

He seemed to struggle the most when she would cry for no reason at all.

He would get frustrated and mad but he knew he couldn't throw the baby at the he just took at deep breath and called Toni every time he got mad, which honestly wasn't a lot anymore. He used to get mad at the smallest things, but whenever Toni or bean was around, he controlled it more. Toni said he is becoming the best version of himself, although she loves him no matter what and would kiss his cheek.

He smiled at the thought, and was so happy his love would make her way back to him again.
Just like always, Toni always found a way back to him. He strapped bean in her car seat in the back of his pickup and got into the drivers seat. He pulled out his phone and texted Toni he was on his way, but he got no response back.

Toni eyes flashed open. Fangs shook her awake, then they got out of the plane and went at least 50 feet away from it in case it explodes, there wasn't a lot of people on the flight but only a small fraction on them survived, Toni and Fangs included. Fangs looked around and saw at least 20 dead bodies from the engine explosion and about 10 of them were left.

Toni looked down at her tattered clothes and remembered her phone in her pocket, she pulled it out only to find no bars. "Damnit!" She cursed, looking back at the plane. What the hell had happened anyway? Fangs looked at his leg and Toni followed his gaze. Fangs had a piece of metal in his leg. He looked up at Toni and started shaking, wrapping his fingers around the piece.

"Is there a doctor here?" He saw the mother had nodded, saying she was a resident heading back to Seattle.

Fangs nodded and ripped the piece out of his leg, the woman gave him a piece of her shirt and held it onto the wound to stop the bleeding.

She confirmed that he would be okay and that the bleeding should stop. Once he was okay, Toni slowly started to walk back over, Fangs walked with her, protecting her at all costs. He can't let his best friends girlfriend die on his watch.

They both made their way to the cockpit, to find half destroyed and the other half a little damaged. They looked at each other and tried to get a hold of someone on the other line.

"H-hello?" A broken voice responded to their screams. "WE NEED HELP- WE CRASHED"

Fangs yelled loudly. "W-where..are you guys?"

Toni looked on her phone, that got 2 bars of service on. She googled their location and told them where they were. They responded with help is on the way. Fangs noticed a light flickering back and forth really fast, his dad being a military pilot, he knew that meant one thing. He picked up Toni and made a run for it, she screamed at she looked up, the whole plane was destroyed, into little bits and pieces. Fangs fell over on top of her and held his half sister close.

Then both being yelled at by the fellow passengers who were all either crying or out trying to find anything that can help them. Fangs stated that help was on the way and the remaining passengers immediately went from scolding to cheers. Toni sat down and tried to call Sweet Pea, her flight should've landed by service.

He sat in the parking lot with bean babbling away as he worriedly looked for Toni, he'd already called her about 50 times, growing more and more impatient by the minute.

"What the hell" he growled as he got out of the truck, collecting bean and furiously walking into the airport. He made his way to the a counter and cleared his throat. An employee was on the phone, stating a location before he hung up, looking up at Pea.

"Can I help you sir?" He said with a small smile.

"I'd like to know if any flights got delayed from Mexico?" He said as politely as he could.

"Oh...all of them should have arrived except for one. I just heard that one had crashed in the middle of nowhere."

"What!? Wait wait wait-" he cut himself off, and hesitated, "was- it the one coming from Cancún?" He choked out.

"I'm afraid so...we just got word of where the survivors are located."

If sweet pea wasn't holding a child in his arms, he for sure would've passed out. He felt tears running down his face as he thanked the man for the information and sat down in one of the benches nearby. He almost lost it then and there, wondering if Toni or Fangs were still alive. He looked down at bean, who was in her strapped seat, blowing little spit bubbles. He tried to smile, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead he let tears run down his face.

Toni was getting dehydrated and hungry as Time passed's been at least 3 hours and no help had arrived. She sat on the cool grass and looked around that the remaining 5 left.

The other 5 went to go look for food or water but haven't came back, Toni presumed they were dead by now or got eaten by a bear (Archie vibes). All that remained was a mother, her child, a grandmother and her and fangs.

Toni looked over and saw Fang's eyes were sunken in a bit, from lack of water or food. She looked at herself in her camera and noticed hers were too. Her phone was the last one still working but her battery was clinging to life. 10% she sighed. Help wasn't anywhere near them she thought as she laid down In the hour later fangs shook her awake, them both being very tired and starving, Toni thought she was near the peak of death. She couldn't move, but she opened her eyes to see Fangs hovering over her, his expression fixed on her gaze.

"What?" She breathed out, trying to find strength to move. As much as Toni spent alone or homeless, she could always find something. But this time there was nothing to find. Fangs sighed in relief.

"I thought you were dead." He choked out, clearly weak too. He helped pull her up and they sat awake side by side. Then Toni saw the sun go down, she began to cry. She had been so strong and her hope was still lingering, slowly fading away. She missed her small family, she missed Riverdale. She wanted to go home. But she was here, she looked over at fangs and huddled against him.

He wrapped his arms around her sharing his warmth as the night began to get chilly. He got up to build a fire, but he didn't need to because a helicopter was landing about 50 yards south of them.

Toni heard the mother shriek of happiness. Fangs helped Toni up and they both helped the grandmother and the mother up too. They made their way into the helicopter and rose up into the sky.

Sweet pea was still on the bench, tears stained his cheeks because he didn't bother to wipe them off. Bean had fallen asleep, he wanted to fall asleep too, but he didn't. He couldn't. Not until he had heard something from or about Toni.

He was a mess.

He looked up sadly at the employee from hours earlier to see if he'd update him on anything, he didn't want to ask for the 30th time if there was anything new. But when he saw the employee pick up the phone, he jumped up and walked over, biting his lip. The employee let out a small smile and hung up the phone.

"They found 5 survivors...a mother with a child, a grandmother and two teens, a boy and a girl."

He said as he looked up at sweet pea. "Did the boy have a snake tattoo on his arm?" The employee dialed the number and repeated his question.

"Yes...and the girl has pink hair" he looked up at him again. Sweet Pea started to cry again...they were okay. His best friend was okay. His girlfriend was okay. They were alive. He smiled and nodded through tears.

"That's them." He sighed happily as he went back to bean and sat down, waiting patiently this time. Bean had woken up and was fidgeting with one of the toys on her car seat. He looked down and thought of how blessed he was that bean wasn't screaming her head off. He waited about another half hour when the employee told him that the helicopter had landed and the passengers would make their way down here.

Toni had gotten a little bit of her strength back to hop herself off the helicopter along with fangs, him helping steady her more than himself. They made their way to the lobby when she saw Sweet pea, his head in his hands and bean beside him, in her car seat. Fangs smiled and Toni ran towards them. She cried in happiness as he looked up at her. His eyes widened and his face lit up like a firework. He stood up and took a couple steps before she was in his arms. She inhaled his scent as he kissed her face.

"Toni" he hugged her and didn't let go. She hugged him back.

"Do you know what happened?" She breathed out as she pulled away from him. He nodded his head. Toni picked up the car seat and kissed her daughters head. Sweet pea crushing fangs into a hug. The employee came over and said meals and water would be provided for them for free at the airport, while the air company still decided on giving them a refund, if they didn't press charges.

Fangs and Toni decided they would talk with the other family and decide on it together, after they ate of course. Sweet Pea made sure Toni got everything she wanted, and enough food in her system as he fed bean. When fangs and her were both up to speed, they all got into the pickup truck and drove home, fangs decided to stay the night with them and keep an eye on Toni, who's PTSD was already skyrocketing.

She stayed kinda quiet in the car, trying to push down the images of the deceased passengers scattered around. Sweet pea stole glances the with her the whole ride home. He unlocked the door and lead her into their small bedroom and handed her one of his shirts.

She smiled a bit as he left the room for her to change, knowing how she was still a little uncomfortable about that from past experiences. She locked the door sitting in the edge of the bed and started to cry. Hugging his lose fitting tee shirt around herself, forcing herself to be relaxed and safe.

But she didn't.

She didn't feel safe at all, which was weird to any normal person, but not for Toni. She's been through so much it's hard for her to feel safe anywhere. But always one person did the job perfectly. Sweet Pea knocked on the door and called out Toni's name softly. He had talked to Fangs to ask how he was and if he was okay. Fangs was fine, just a little shaken up. Both boys had already predicted how Toni was, being her ptsd always got bad whenever something like this would happen. Fangs agreed to watch Lil Lola as he so calls her, as Sweetpea made his way back into the bedroom.

He knocked again. Toni couldn't move, she didn't like not moving. She wanted to feel alive and right now she felt like she was dead, or her whole body was numb. One of the two. Sweet pea heard there door unlock and he waited a minute, figuring out in his head the best way to handle this.

Toni watched the door crack a little open and Sweet Pea's face popped in, he saw her sunken eyes and her weak body laying on the bed and made his way towards her. Toni nuzzled her head on his chest as he slipped next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You're okay Tiny." He muttered, kissing her head. She explained in every small detail she could about the crash, from her pre worrying to what the dead people looked like on the soft grass, and how their blood stained it red. And he listened, the whole time, holding her in his arms. She closed her eyes and fell asleep, hoping a good dream will come out of this night instead of flashbacks of nightmares. But she knew in the back of her mind as long as Sweet pea was there, she's be okay.

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