chapter ten

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𝐌attheo absentmindedly stroked Eden's naked back. His fingers brushed over her warm, milky skin. He listened to her breathing, their legs intertwined, and tried to enjoy the moment, but the knowledge that the ring was in his pocket, a few feet away from him, clouded his mind. He felt Eden move and looked down at her. A smirk appeared on his lips.

Eden groaned and opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to remember where she was. She felt Mattheo's warm body and stretched before sitting up. He watched her, his eyes gliding over her body, which only served to double his morning erection.

"Hi," she said in a drowsy voice.

Mattheo stroked her cheek and pulled her against him, putting his hands on her thighs and kissing her. 

"Hi," he replied.

"What time is it?", she asked, kissing him back.

"Class started twenty minutes ago," Mattheo said. Eden's eyes widened and she started to get up but he caught her and held her.

"Mattheo, we've got a Potions test!" Eden tried to push him away again, but she didn't use her strength because she didn't want to move.

"Stop moving like that, you're making me even harder." Mattheo growled and Eden looked down. The lump under the sheet was huge. He began to rub against her, a moan escaped her lips. Mattheo seemed amused.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to fuck you." Eden bit her lip and Mattheo dug his fingers into her hips and pulled her roughly back against him, making her yelp.

"Go ahead and fuck me, I want you to take control and ride me." His voice was hoarse and deep and Eden shuddered.

Mattheo pulled back the sheets to reveal his pleasure-gorged cock, and she sat on top of him. He lifted her up a little and helped her. Eden felt him close to her entrance and she let him slide inside her. Mattheo sat up and put his arms around her.

"Oh God, you feel amazing Eden." He kissed her greedily and grabbed her hair roughly. "Mine, all mine, my naughty little minx." He kissed her throat, licked it and moved up to find her lips. Eden began to move gently.

"I know, after all, you said it yourself, I'm a demon and my aim is to lead you straight to hell". She tilted her head back and tugged at Mattheo's hair, riding him. She was already soaking wet and the sound of their bodies meeting echoed through the room. He grabbed her hips, helping her to move.

"Fuck," Mattheo growled. He moaned and pressed her against him. Eden sped up, moaning, she couldn't get enough of the sensation. "I love it when you take control and show me your naughty side. Keep going, but just wait until I take control." Mattheo moaned, leaving new marks on her neck. Mattheo turned her onto her back.

"Close your eyes," he said. Eden obeyed and felt her breath catch. She shivered as she felt his tongue against her skin and moaned as he began to suck on her nipple, continuing to stroke her pelvis.

"Mattheo ... I ... I'm going to ..." Eden shuddered and she arched with pleasure.

"Let yourself go, you pretty little slut, I want you to come." Mattheo's breath made her shudder and Eden arched her back. Her heart was about to explode as she moaned and relaxed her muscles.

She came and gasped. Opening her eyes again, she met Mattheo's gaze as he watched her, and she pulled him against her. He began to cum and moaned, responding to her kiss with eagerness.

"Fuck, you're so good," he whispered. Eden let him withdraw and wiped herself before getting up. She was a little angry at herself for sleeping with Mattheo when Joshua was dead, but there was no going back now. Mattheo got up to dress and looked at Eden.

"Theodore is going to ask you to be his girlfriend." Mattheo had spoken in a hoarse voice and Eden lifted her head, pulling on the jumper he had torn. "Will you accept?" He pulled his trousers back on and Eden shrugged. Theodore was starting to score, but did she want to be his girlfriend?

"I don't know," she replied.

Mattheo clenched his jaw and Eden saw his eyes change. He picked up his jumper and gave a little giggle.

"At least you're playing your slutty part well." He pulled on his shirt and grabbed his shoes. Eden half opened her mouth in surprise at the sudden change and felt her eyes burn.

"Am I a slut? And what does that make you, Mattheo? Huh? You're always fucking à different girl, but of course you're normal? As soon as a girl does something, she's a slut, but what does that make you? Go on, tell me, Mattheo". Eden could feel the anger rising inside her. She saw him open his mouth, unable to find an answer.

"That's what I thought." She said. "Fuck off, you're such an asshole." Eden heard him shout at her, but she didn't stop and slammed the door. How could she have believed for a second that he could be a good person? She brushed her hair with her fingers and headed for the common room. Mattheo was probably jealous because Theodore could have something that he could not.

She went back to her dormitory and showered, then put on a jumper to hide the marks on her neck before heading to the library. Potions was about to end and she knew she would get in trouble for not taking the exam. She sighed and waited for the minutes to pass. As a crowd of students arrived, she spotted Elina and the blonde approached.

"Hi Eden," Elina smiled softly, but she still had dark circles under her eyes. Eden smiled back and gestured to the chair next to her.

"How are you?" Eden asked. Elina looked genuinely touched. Eden was, of course, but there was something more in her friend's eyes.

"I'm trying to cope. He's not coming back. I ... Joshua and I... we were just starting to date." Elina looked down and bit her lip. "We didn't want to tell you because of ... what happened with your parents. We wanted to wait a little."

"I understand, I'm sorry. If I'd known something was going to happen to Josh, I... I saw him at the party and I should have..." Eden felt her eyes burn and Elina's hand found hers.

"It's not your fault, you couldn't have known, Eden." Elina squeezed her hand and she leaned forward a little.

"Elina, do you... do you have Joshua's ring?" Eden had to know, but when she saw her friend's face she knew she didn't.

"He must have it with him, he never left it," Elina said. Eden shook her head and leaned in a little more.

"I went to look. I went to the cemetery, I know I should have told you, but it wasn't there. Joshua didn't have his ring." Eden was afraid of what that meant. She had expected her friend to be angry with her for doing this, but she saw her face break down.

"Oh my God, do you think someone stole it? Eden! Do you think ... it's murder?". Elina had spoken a little loudly and Eden looked around.

"Joshua fell, he'd had a lot to drink." The redhead didn't want to give Elina any ideas, but it was too late.

"Joshua didn't drink much. Never more than one glass." Elina's eyes filled with tears and Eden felt guilty. She didn't know, Joshua was her friend, how could she not know? The thought of murder made her shudder and she was about to answer, but a shadow appeared in front of them and Theodore sat down.

"Ladies." Theodore smiled and Elina stood up. Eden wanted to tell her that she was sorry, that she would have liked to be a better friend, but the words got stuck in her throat and she just smiled at Elina.

"See you later, Eden". Elina walked away and Theodore turned back to Eden with a small smile.

"Eden Marks, you never cease to surprise me. This is the first time I haven't seen you in class," he said with a grin.

Eden tensed. I was fucking your best friend, she thought and felt guilty even though she had no reason to be.

"I... woke up late. Yesterday I was working late on a paper. Well, are you ready for your French lesson?" asked Eden.

"Tu as très belle," he said in reply. Eden shook her head.

"You didn't make any mistakes last time. It's tu es très belle." The girl looked at him and he brought his face close to hers.

"Mmmm, tu es très belle, merci for correcting my French, ma chérie," he leaned in to kiss her, "you're the best teacher I could ask for."

Eden thought back to Mattheo's words, was Theodore really just flirting or did he really want to go out with her? Eden didn't feel like worrying right now.

"You're very charmant and a good student... And a good kisser", she said. Theodore laughed.

"Well, I need to impress you, ma chérie. What do you think?" Theodore looked serious again and stroked her cheek.

"I think you're doing good, but kissing me isn't going to get you good grades," Eden said with a smile.

"About kissing you, I need to ask you something. I know now might not be the right time, but I don't need an immediate answer. I just want you to think about it." Theodore was from Italy. He still had a little accent that made him sound sweet.

"Think about what?" asked Eden. She had an idea, but she wasn't going to tell him she knew because Mattheo had told her. Theodore grabbed her and pulled her onto his thighs.

"Theodore Nott, that's not appropriate," Miss Pince's voice thundered.

"Two seconds please, I'm in the middle of a statement," Theodore sighed before looking at Eden. Some of the students had heard him and were watching. "I want to be your boyfriend. And it's got nothing to do with the bet. I like spending time with you."

Eden had dated boys before, but none of them had measured up. Did she want to? To be with Theodore? She had to think about it, she didn't want to throw herself into his arms and commit.

"I'll only think about it if you manage to tell me I want to kiss you, in French."

"Oui, mon amour," he moved closer and leaned into her ear. "Je veux te embrasser." Although there was a mistake, Eden nodded and he kissed her. A throat-clearing interrupted them and Eden stepped back as Mattheo watched them.

"Theo, we need to go. Lorenzo and Blaise are waiting for us." Mattheo seemed calm and yet Eden could see in his eyes that he was mad with rage. She ignores him, angry with him.

"See you later," Theodore let Eden off his lap and followed Mattheo. The two boys walked through the library.

"She'll think about it. About being my girlfriend." Theodore smiled. "Besides, you know .. what you have to do..."

"You know why I have to be interested in her," Mattheo said. "If she says yes, you'll have to do what He asked me to do."

The anger was gone, he couldn't blame Theodore and yet he was angry. He could have told him that he had already won the bet, but he didn't want to. He wanted to keep what had happened with Eden to himself.

"I don't know if I could. If she finds out the truth, she'll hate us. She's already lost her parents and one of her friends this year." Theodore liked to play dumb, but he was a nice guy. "And we both know what will happen to Elina and Eden in the end."

Theodore looked worried. Mattheo had no secrets from him, he knew about the heirs, he was destined to be a mangemort after his last year. They were condemned to a life they had not chosen.

"To be honest, I'd protect her. Matt, I'd protect Eden." Theodore seemed genuinely serious, which was not his habit, and yet his gaze was worried and determined.

"Matt! Matt! Where are you going?" Mattheo didn't bother to answer. Anger and jealousy had got the better of him. He ran a hand through his hair and ignored Theodore's calls. He crossed the corridor and saw Eden coming out of the library and followed her. He got close enough to grab her wrist and pinned her against the wall in a dark corner.

"What did he say to you? Theodore." He looked at her and Eden was surprised at his strength. She had hurt herself by hitting her in the back.

"Wy do you care?" She pushed him away but he slammed her into the wall again.

"Eden... fuck, tell me what he said." Mattheo realised he was hurting her and released her.

"As you said, he just ask me to think about being his girlfriend. Happy? Now leave me alone." Eden tried to push him away, but Mattheo froze. His face was closed and dark.

Mattheo already knew that, but he wanted to hear it from her. Eden rolled her eyes, he was beginning to get on her nerves.

"Anyw...", she couldn't finish. Mattheo pressed himself against her and kissed her with a certain brutality. Her body betrayed her again and she responded to his kiss.

"Maybe you can go somewhere else, but I know you'll always think of me, no matter who fucks you." He grunted and bit her lip.  His hand went up her skirt and Eden sighed. She couldn't understand why he had to be so moody.

"I hate you, Riddle." She opened the door to an empty classroom and pushed him inside before closing it again, Mattheo swallowing hard. Eden didn't need him to tell her that it turned him on, she only had to look at the bulge in his trousers to know.

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