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𝐇e was everywhere. It had been months since Mattheo had died and yet Eden could see him everywhere. All she had to do was spot a tall, curly-haired boy and she'd run towards him, hoping it was Mattheo, but it never was. Mattheo was dead. Yet she could see him every time she looked at their little girl. The same mischievous eyes watching her. The same soft curls that reminded her of Mattheo.

Theodora had been born on an unbearably hot day, and Eden had thought she'd never make it. But Theodora Aurora Riddle had been born, and she was all that was left of Mattheo. Eden had wanted to honour Theodore and the stars, these two names had been an obvious choice and now she had a new reason to live. A child to whom she talked about Mattheo every night.

"Miss Marks," a voice said. Eden raised her head and stood, greeting the man in front of her. "If you'd like to follow me, please."

Eden forced herself to move and crossed the room. She needed a job and she hoped this was the one. But she was hopeful, journalists had plenty to write about at the moment. For months, a secret organisation had been arresting Voldemort's followers one by one. Nobody knew who they were, but they were heroes.

"Why do you want to write?" the man asked.

"To tell the truth," said Eden. "Right now, this anonymous group is doing a lot more than the Ministry. But nobody talks about it like they should. I knew a boy... a hero that I loved. And nobody saw beyond that. But a hero suffers, he gives his soul to help others. These are the stories I want to tell." Eden looked at the man, he smiled and handed her a badge.

"Welcome, Miss Marks. I've heard a lot about you," he said.

"Really?" said Eden. She frowned, who could have been talking about her? The man nodded and got up to show her out. She greeted him and he slammed the door in her face. The redhead looked at the badge and frowned again.

"What the fuck?" Eden turned the badge and stared at the raven on it. There was a note that had nothing to do with a journalist's badge.

"Join the Ravens and stop Voldemort's followers. Next meeting tomorrow night at the Regulus Licoris Inn."

Eden opened her mouth slightly, the ravens were the symbol the Ministry always found when a Voldemort supporter was found. A shiver ran down her spine, this guy was one of the Heroes of the Shadows? Eden turned to the door of the newspaper and stopped for a moment. Voldemort was dead, but the world still had to be cleansed of those who remained loyal to him.

Eden put the badge down and crossed the street. She turned into an alley and bumped into someone. He held her back before walking away and Eden felt her heart race. She turned and ran after him.

"Mattheo!" Eden knew it wasn't him. It never was, but that perfume... That scent she loved so much wafted through the air. The stranger stopped and stood still for a moment before pulling up his hood, and Eden held her breath. Those curls... She staggered as the stranger turned.

She shook her head, Mattheo was dead. He'd been dead for months. She'd held his body against hers, mourned him for weeks.

"It can't be," she said.

He came closer and Eden slapped him. Her eyes widened as she realised he hadn't disappeared and was right there in front of her.

"That's impossible," the redhead repeated. Unable to speak, Mattheo held Eden close as she threw herself into his arms, crying. The warmth of his body, his arms, everything seemed unreal. "How? You ... you're dead ..."

"It wasn't me who died" he breathed. Eden lifted her head, not understanding what he meant. "I killed the Horcrux and when I woke up, I couldn't find you."

"I cried for you," Eden said, kicking him. "I was crying for you and I ... our baby! How could you do this?" She cried and Mattheo tried to grab her face, but she stepped back and stopped him.

"Eden... I'm sorry. I ... I wanted to find you, but not just yet. I wanted to keep you and Theodora safe first and..."

"You know her name?" Eden saw his face darken and Mattheo nodded.

"I looked after you, both of you. I came to the hospital when you had her. You slept and she smiled at me. She... she was so beautiful," he said.

"Then why? Why did you leave us?" Eden wiped her cheeks angrily. Mattheo had lied. He'd made her believe he was dead.

"My father is dead, but his followers are not. I must stop them so that no one can continue what he started. Eden, I wanted to find you after all this, I'm sorry..."

"This is... You're... the creator of the Raven? Is that you?" asked Eden.

"Yes." Mattheo lowered his eyes, angry at himself for letting her think he was dead, but he didn't want to put her in danger, and he wanted to give her the life she deserved.

"You took away my choice," Eden said. "You took away my ability to choose what was best for me. You only thought of yourself. I thought... I thought I'd lost you forever, I..." Eden burst into tears, she had cried so much, her heart was broken.

"I know, I'm sorry." Mattheo had made many mistakes, but he had always believed he was doing the right thing. He wanted to make the world a better place and give Eden a safe life. "I thought of you every day, my love, I dreamed of this moment and I... I know you don't want me anymore, that I've made you suffer too much and..."

"Don't want you? I gave you my heart, I gave you my love. I love you, Mattheo, I've always loved you, even when you're the biggest idiot," Eden said.

"Good, because I still have a promise to keep," he says, taking a ring from his pocket. "I always carry it with me, hoping to give it to you one day, but I think that day has come."

Eden threw herself against his lips and stopped him from proposing, but that kiss gave him an answer. She never wanted to live without him. Mattheo picked her up and held her gently against him, responding to her kiss with passion.

"There is someone you should meet," Eden said.

"And there are others we should make," Mattheo teased. "I promised you lots of little me's."


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