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*pilot chapter*
genre: teen vampire
universe rules: vampires existing is a well known fact and is in fact regulated by law. there have been many studies concluding that the genetic mutation changes the chemical patterns in the brain which coupled with the trauma can result in violent behavior. though many people have different opposing opinions, being a vampire in the eyes of the government is treated as a genetic mutation and mental disorder that should be treated and fixed. there is no cure. there are facilities, though few and far between, across the country that house and treat vampire patients. Some are of the religious persuasion and others of the psychological. it is up to the emergency contact/family member of the victims to decide which they are sent to.
vampire rules-
the existence of vampires was officially acknowledged in 2010 but only grew into an epidemic within the last 4 years (the year is 2019).
suck blood using sharp fangs that mutated from their canine teeth; need blood it to sustain proper nutrition
stronger and faster that the average human of their weight and size but not exaggeratedly so; they feel pain and are injured much like anyone else and have no super human healing abilities
they are not immortal, they are known to live longer but not forever; they can die of natural causes
no mind powers; mind control, mind wipe, nothing.
situation summary: my character is already a patient at a facility and yours must befriend them find a way to get them out. you may choose if it is a religious or psychological based facility.
scenario summary:
โ€ข your character becomes a patient of the facility
โ€ข your character becomes an intern at the facility
โ€ข your character is hired as a maintenance worker at the facility
โ€ข your character is a vampire hunter and for whatever reason wants to kill specifically my character
open to other examples

(option side plots)
- love interest
- being turned into a vampire (3rd-4th scenarios)
- already being a vampire and being employed at the facility for the purpose of emancipating other helpless vampires (2nd & 3rd scenarios)
open to other examples

name: Elivi Harmony Castle
age: 24
gender: female
physical appearance:

5'1" tall
petite shoulders and average body fat ratio.
curly black hair parted down the center and coming down over her chest.
pale skin with peachy-pink undertones.
rosy cheeks.
narrow, pointed, downturned nose.
round, blue eyes.
dark under eyes.
Think black eyebrows.
Narrow face.

personality traits: demure, thoughtful, neurotic, friendly, conscientious, open-minded
skills: management, business degree, organization, cooperation
flaws: anxious, self-loathing, cynical,
family history/relationship:
split realities: religious and psychological
religious: strongly catholic mother and conservative father. resented by her mother for being allied with the LGBT+ community. has minimal interaction with her father as he is rarely around and takes little interest in her. neither parents are college educated and have no other children.
she left the house at 17.
her aunt, unmarried and without children, housed her through part of high school and college.
psychological: her mother works as a paralegal at a law firm and has minimal time during the day or even the weekend to spend with her. her father works part-time as a tax broker. they have sent her to therapy regularly since she was in 5th grade.
key experiences:
โ€ข at the age of 3 she had an accident where she was caught by her foot in a chain link fence with a large cut in her leg. she hung in that same spot for 13 minutes, the blood dripping down her body and into her face and eyes. this event was the origin or her intense fear of blood.
โ€ข she was turned at the age of 22 by a maniac who leads a cult of vampires north of the Canadian border. In Canada, there are minimal laws that regulate vampires.
where are they from: Northern Washington, United States
what are they doing here:
religious: seeking forgiveness from the lord and being purified of the evil that lives in her (sarcasm)
psychological: coping with the traumatic experience while receiving treatment that isn't working
other details:
Elivi rejects her need for blood and is subject to fits of panic attacks. her fear of blood makes her a particularly disturbed patient

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