𝟎𝟎𝟏 Icebreakers

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Willow warned them about the smell before they entered the office. They still hadn't prepared themselves for what awaited them. As soon as the Winchesters entered the room, they were greeted with the stench of any alcohol you could think of and weed. It made Dean's eyes water. And Sam could've sworn he saw one of the plates on the ground moving. Willow brushes off the two chairs in front of her desk, allowing the empty beer cans to fall onto the ground.

Willow rounds the table and sits in her office chair, it squeaks. She kicks her feet up and places them on her desk. Sam and Dean walk through the bottles and cans on the floor to get to the desk. They sit down in the chairs and stare at the girl in silence.

Dean clears his throat, "The place is...nice." He looks around. "Has a lot of...great energy coming from it." He looked back at Willow. Her face was blank, there was no emotion, but her left brow was arched. Dean recognized that look instantly, she was growing impatient. His back straightens, "Uh, so, we need your help."

"With what?" Willow's tone was low and raspy; like she had just woke up. She had just woken up but the brothers didn't know that. Dean opens his mouth to speak, but she holds a finger up to him. "I want to hear it from the tall rando."

Dean raises his brows and so does Sam. Willow then turned to him with a small smile, but the smile wasn't sincere She was honestly ready to send these two out the window.

"Oh, uh, Hi. I'm Sam." He holds his hand out to the girl. Willow shakes her head, telling Sam she isn't going to shake his hand. Sam pulls his hand back and nods his head, "Okay."

Willow then raises her brows, "Sam, Sam, Sam..." She tilts her head back and massages her brow bones. The girl tries her best to remember what the name Sam has in common with Dean. Then she snaps her fingers. "Oh, your brother Sam." She points at Dean. The eldest Winchester nods his head. Willow looks back at Sam with a smile, she looks him up and down then frowns. "Hello, Sam Winchester."

Sam raises his brows and chuckles nervously. "Hey—Hi, Willow. It's nice to meet you." He then looks between the two. "So, how do you know my brother?"

Willow's brows shoot up. She looks at Dean and his face gets hot. Willow scoffs as he looks away from her with shame. "Oh, wow...he didn't tell you?"

Sam frowns and looks at Dean. "Uh, no...?"

Willow turns to Sam, "Dean and I were best friends."

Sam raises his brows, "You..." he looks at Dean. "You had a best friend? That was a girl?"

Willow softly chuckles. "Well, I mean, until we slept together."

Sam then slowly nods his head. "Okay, now that sounds more like it."

"Shaddup," Dean grumbles.

"So, yeah...we hooked up. Once." Willow waves a dismissive hand. "Got a bit awkward, then he left without a word to brown-nose his daddy."

Dean lets out a dry chuckle and he shakes his head. "That's not, no..."

"No?" Willow purses her lips. "So, you didn't leave me behind because John called you for a hunt? Where you were the bait?"

Sam looks between Willow and Dean as they look at each other with challenging gazes. This conversation was long overdue, especially since they hadn't seen each other since Dean walked out the door. He's never stopped thinking about that night.

"Seems like you two have some unfinished business—"

"Well, that's where you are wrong, Samantha." Willow squints her eyes at Younger Winchester. "There is no unfinished business because I have been done with the name 'Dean Winchester' for years." She stands up and makes her way to the mini-fridge. "So, tell me what you need my help with right now, so I can get on with my life of continuing being done with you."

Willow grabs a bottle of beer and pulls the cap off. Sam swallows from Willow's tense energy. She wasn't letting up on the distance and coldness she was representing. The thing was, Willow didn't care about being seen as a bitch. As long as she was left alone to do her thing, she didn't care.

Sam looks at Dean, noticing he has a look of guilt. He wasn't planning on talking anytime soon, especially since Willow didn't want to hear his voice. Sam opens his mouth, "Our dad is missing."

Willow doesn't react. She presses her lips together and hums. She tilts her head to the ceiling. "Okay."


Willow takes a swig of her beer and bunches her shoulders. "Okay as in...why should I care? I don't know your daddy."

"Well, you've met him once—"

"And I don't care about him." Willow tilts her head. "Sorry. Truly."

She wasn't sorry. Not one bit.

Dean shakes his head, "Will, if this is about us—"

"This isn't..." Willow's voice was filled with rage. But she stops and sucks in a sharp breath. She taps her finger against the neck of her bottle and sputters her lips. "This isn't about us. This is about me not being in the hunting life anymore."

Willow scoffs, "I'm done with anything in that world and you're dad? He's in that world." She scoffs. "You guys came for nothing."

"How the hell did you guys know I was here anyway?" Willow asks, sitting back in her seat.

Sam and Dean look at each other. Willow raises her brows and knocks on the desk. "I'm waiting."

The brothers look back at the girl. Dean scratches his head, "Well, we talked to Bobby and he wouldn't budge about where you were, so..."

"...we snooped around his house for a little while and found an address for someone labeled 'unapologetic brat'." Sam finishes.

Willow purses her lips and slowly nods her head. "He's gonna have to change that."

"So, what? Are you in hiding or something?" Sam asks.

Willow tilts her head at the boy. "No, I'm just...starting over." She sighs. "And I didn't want anyone bugging me for help. Like the two of you."

Willow tosses the empty beer bottle to the floor. Sam's eyes widened, he didn't even notice that she'd finished the beer already. Dean sighs, "Look, Willow, this is our dad. He could be in trouble, hurt, or worse." His voice was seeping with desperation.

But all Willow did was blink at him. Dean lets out a breath of disbelief. She really didn't care. "What happened to you?"

Willow shrugs a shoulder, "I loved and I lost. You should try it sometime, might add some character." She stands up and walks over to the cabinet. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." she opens the cabinet, revealing the whiskey. "...I've got to get plastered."

Sam runs his tongue over his teeth. Even from this short amount of time he'd met her, Sam already knew what type of person Willow was. And he was growing impatient by her relentlessness to help.

"How much?"

Willow pulls the glass cap off the whiskey with a pop. She shifts her mischievous onyx eyes to Sam's hazel green ones. She arches a brow with a smirk on her lips. She knew what Sam was getting at, but the girl couldn't help but be entertained by this whole ordeal.

"I beg your pardon?"

Sam holds up a wallet and Dean's eyes widen. He looks in his jacket pocket. "Did you just pickpocket me?" Dean seethes.

Willow laughs, "Oh, wow!" She points at Dean. "And here I thought, Sam was a goody two shoes." She tilts her head. "He pickpockets now?"

"Look, I just want to find my dad so I can get on with my life." Sam stands up and walks over to the girl. Willow squints her eyes as Sam practically stands toe-to-toe with her. The girl was tall but not as tall as Sam. She had to slightly tilt her chin up to even look at him. Sam and Willow had just met today and the Winchester already knew how self-centered the girl was. Why would Dean ask her for help? Sam doubted they needed it.

Willow sets the whiskey to the side and grabs the wallet. Which causes Dean's mouth to open. "Maybe, leave some money in—"

Willow grabs the wad of cash from the wallet and slips it into her pocket. Sam raises his brows, "And there's plenty more where that came from."

Willow's back straightens and her greed gets the better of her.

"Okay, I'll help." She tosses the wallet to Dean. "But after this, neither of you contact me again, got it?"

Sam and Dean look at each other. "Got it."

Willow wrinkles her nose from the simultaneous speaking. "Right, because that's not gonna get old..." She grabs the bottle of whiskey and walks over to the doorway, which leads to her bedroom. "Come back in the morning, I'll be ready." Willow pushes the door open and frowns. She turns back to Sam and snaps a finger at him. "The Pepsi in the fridge?"

Sam pulls his brows together, hesitantly opens the refrigerator and grabs the can of Pepsi. He tosses it to the girl and she catches it. Willow winks at the Winchesters.

"Night, boys."

She then closes the door behind her.

Willow was not ready when the brothers came back to her office the next day. She was lying in a pile of her own vomit on her floor. Both of the brothers played Rock, Paper, Scissors; to see who would have to get her in the shower. Dean lost. He ran her under cold water which caused her to wake up swearing left and right.

Then Sam lost the next round so, he had to help Willow pick out clothes she could get dressed in. As she was getting dressed they heard a thud in her room and she ended up going back to sleep face-first on the floor. The brothers helped Willow into her clothes but she was just swearing and dead weight the entire time.

Both brothers cleaned up the vomit. Then conveniently, Dean found a paper that showed a list of things Willow would bring on the road. So, that's exactly what he packed (even though some things were questionable). Then the three were on the road.

Willow was in the back with her face pressed against the window and she was snoring obnoxiously loud. Dean knew that as soon as she woke up, she would be cranky because of her hangover. She was always a grouch when it came to hangovers.

Dean tried his best to drive as smoothly as possible. But you know Dean. Even though he was a smart driver, his driving was never smooth.

He slams his foot on the brake and Willow's face comes into contact with the back of the passenger seat. Sam's mouth hangs open from the thud against his seat and the small groan coming from Willow. He looks over at Dean, who has his teeth winced together.

"Dude..." Sam whispers.

Dean holds his hands up, "I forgot, I totally forgot." He and Sam turn around to see Willow now lying horizontally on the backseats.

"Is she alive?" Sam wrinkles his nose.

Dean frowns, "Check her pulse."

"What? Why me?!" Sam snaps his eyes over to Dean.

"Because she hates me," Dean whispers.

"Right now, I hate the both of you."

They look back at the girl. Willow starts to stir and she dry heaves. Dean's eyes blow wide, he grabs a plastic bag and hands it to her. "If you've gotta barf do it in the bag or outside."

Willow pushes Dean's hand away, "Screw you!" She then groans and clutches at her head. "Where the hell are we and why is it so bright?"

"Well, we're at a gas station and it's morning—"

"Morning?" Willow lays her forehead against the leather seats and whines. "Why couldn't we have left at night, when I was ready?"

"We had to get an early start." Dean pats the steering wheel and Willow groans.

"Stop with the peppiness, it's killing me." Willow tangles her hands in her hair and massages her scalp.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat," Dean says, getting out of the car. Sam opens the glove compartment and grabs the box of mixtapes. He lets out a soft chuckle, "Dean, still with the mixtapes..."

"Oh, god...he's still into Mullet Rock?" Willow groans.

Sam laughs, "Yeah, it's so lame."

"You're telling me." Willow huffs. She sniffles and sits up. The girl groans as her head begins to throb. Sam turns his head to the girl and his eyes widen, "You should probably lie down—"

"Do you really want to find your father?" Willow asks.

Sam pulls his brows together from the abrupt question. "Yeah."

Willow keeps her tired and sluggish eyes on Sam. "Why?" She bunches her shoulders. "You said you had a life, right? Which meant you started over. You left whatever life you had with your father and Dean behind." Her eyes shift from one of Sam's eyes to the other. "So, what's in it for you?"

Sam chuckles and raises his brows. His smile then becomes a confused one when he notices that Willow isn't kidding about her question. "Willow, there's nothing in it for me."

Willow tilts her head and Sam continues.

"They're my family?"

Willow blinks.

"I would do anything for them!"

Willow rolls her eyes, "That's such a lame answer..." She leans back in her seat and scoffs. She watches as Sam looks back into the box full of mixtapes. "What about your life? What's so special about it that you need to go back immediately after this?"

Sam pulls his brows together. He never told Willow anything about going back to Stanford immediately. He looked back at her and a smug smirk was across her lips.

"The way you said you needed to get back to your life," Willow says. "You sounded urgent." She sucks in a breath. "So, what's your life like?"

Sam frowns. Maybe this girl was pretty good at her job. He thinks. Sam looks back into the box. "I go to Stanford. Law School."

Willow raises her brows, "Ohhhh, so, you wanna be a big-time lawyer?" She chuckles. "Good for you. A lot better than this Hunter Bullshit."

"Yeah, it is." Sam chuckles and nods in agreement.

Willow pinches the bridge of her nose. "So, who is the lucky lady?"

"Normally, when people have their lives together, they have a special someone by their side," Willow explains before Sam could ask. "Do you have a special someone by your side?"

Sam laughs softly and his heart skips thinking about Jess. "Uh, yeah. I do." He nods. "Her name's Jess."

Willow smiles softly, "Cute. You sound like you're in love."

"I am," Sam says with a smile tugging on his lips.

Willow looks down at her chipped-painted black nails and frowns. "Well, that's awesome." She huffs. "If I were happy and in love with my own life, I definitely wouldn't have forced myself back into a toxic and dangerous lifestyle." She looks at Sam and meets his hazel-green eyes. "Even if it was to find my missing father, who is most likely dead."

Sam raises his brows from her bluntness. "You know what? I honestly am not surprised about that." He scoffs and looks back through the box of mixtapes.

Just because he had to work with Willow, doesn't mean he had to like her. Willow smirks, satisfied with pissing off another stranger. She leans back in her seat and closes her strained eyes. "How long does it take to buy shit in a gas station?"

Willow opens her eyes, "Oooo do you think he's gonna buy a lighter?"

Sam's expression pinches together and he turns to the hungover girl. "Why would Dean just buy a lighter?"

Willow shrugs a shoulder, "I forgot my lighter at home."

"How do you know we didn't pack it?" Sam asks.

Willow scratches the inside of her ear. "Did you guys look at my Traveling Bag list?"


"Then I don't have my lighter." Willow sighs.

"Hey, you guys want breakfast?" Dean holds up the chocolate bars.

Willow frowns, "Yeah, I'll have one." she holds her hand out the window.

Dean hands her the Twix bar. Sam grimaces, "How can you eat that? You just threw up everything else."

Willow takes a bite out of the chocolate and shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe that's why I'm so hungry." she raises her brows. "Want some?" she holds the candy out to him.

Sam wrinkles his nose, "No, thanks."

Willow pulls her face back, "Someone's judgy." she takes a bite out of her candy.

"So, how'd you pay for that stuff?" Sam asks. "You and Dad still running credit card scams?"

Willow giggles, "A little father-son bonding?"

"Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro-ball career," Dean states, filling the car with gas. "Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us cards."

"What were the names this time?" Willow inquires. "I'm curious."

Dean rounds the car and gets into the driver's seat. "Uh...Bert Aframian and his son, Hector."

Sam chuckles and shakes his head while Willow leans her head back and closes her eyes. "Scored two cards out of the deal," Dean says.

"Sounds about right." Sam looks back into the box of mixtapes and laughs. "I swear, man, you got to update your cassette tape collection."


Willow's eyes were closed, but she still laughs. "Maybe it's because you listen to your daddy's music only."

Sam presses his lips together, "Well...I was just gonna say that they're cassette tapes." He states. "Also, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica? It's the greatest hit of Mullet Rock."

Willow laughs and points at Sam. "I said that and now he said it—must be true then. Mullet rock. So old."

Dean slightly opens his mouth, offended by all the bashing he's receiving about his music taste. "Okay, you know what? House rules, Sammy." He grabs one of the cassettes from Sam and puts it into the radio. "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."

"You know, Sammy is a chubby 12-year-old. It's Sam, okay?"

Wanting to silence his words, Dean turns the volume up to the radio. Willow's hands fly over her ears. "Oh, fuck."

"Sorry, I can't hear you. The music's too loud!"

Willow leans forward and turns the knob down, silencing the music completely. "Then let me repeat it. But in my own words..." she seethes. "Keep playing this death metal bullshit and I will run this car off the road with all of us still in it."

She keeps her dark onyx eyes on Dean's wide hazel-green ones. Why the fuck were they still sparkly after all these years?

"Got it?" Willow snaps.

Dean's stomach turns and his spine goes rigid. He was pretty sure he was going to piss his pants from her glare. But he nods his head and swallows. "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, Jesus—what's with the ma'am?" Willow leans back, her brain rattling. "Just stay quiet and drive." She presses her thumb between her brows.

The brothers keep their mouths shut and drive in silence.

"Good news for you boys..." Willow was sipping on a black coffee, her hangover soothing slowly but surely. She shuts her phone, just finishing a call. "Your father's not alive or dead."

"Did you figure that out from the calls you just made?" Sam asks.

Willow quirks a brow out of annoyance. "What else would those calls be about, Samantha?" She huffs. "Do you think I'm just making booty calls in the backseat of a car?" She then frowns. "I mean, it's not a bad idea, but come on...I'm on the job—is that whiskey?" She leans forward and reaches for the whiskey bottle in the front seat.

Sam shifts his eyes to the rearview mirror and watches Willow pull the cap off with her teeth and blow it out of her mouth. She tilts her head back, taking a swig.

"Bad news is that means your dad is AWOL...still." Willow lets out a heavy breath from the whiskey.

Dean rolls to a stop, "Well, with your help. We'll find him."

Willow rolls her eyes, "Oh, please. Compliments aren't gonna get you in between my legs."

"I wasn't trying to get inside of—I mean—"

A loud drunken laugh comes from Willow's lips. "Someone's embarrassed." She sings. "Do you see how red his face is?" She looks at Sam for backup.

Sam chuckles, "His face gets like that when he's embarrassed."

Willow snaps her fingers, "I fucking knew it!" She leans back and takes another swig of alcohol.

"Whatever...you two have your fun. I'm going to do my job." Dean parks the Impala away from the police squad cars at the bridge.

Dean pops open the glove compartment and opens a wooden box, revealing many fake IDs.

Willow frowns, "All right, now the fun begins." She twists the top back onto the bottle and slips it into her jacket pocket.

"Uh, how about...we go?" Sam suggests.

Dean freezes while Willow snaps her eyes over to Sam. "Excuse me?"

Sam could feel Dean's hesitance with the decision, but the younger Winchester didn't care. He just wanted to get back to his old life and this selfish drunk wasn't going to get in the way of that.

"You need to stay here." Sam's voice was more stern than before. "We can't have you compromising us."

"Compromising?" Willow then snorts. "You're shitting me, right?"

"You two came to me—"

"No. Dean came to you." Sam says. "I don't trust you for a second."

An entertained smirk forms on her lips. "Is that right?"

Sam leans closer to her, "Yeah. That's right."

Willow's chest tightens and she bites her lower lip. "You know what? I like you, Sam Winchester." Her voice was airy. But with a flip of a switch, her eyes became dark and her voice was low. Dean saw her entire persona change and he could've sworn he was going to be sick.

"But don't ever doubt my skills again." Willow quirks a brow.

Her face then changes back to relaxed and drunken. "It's an insult to my years of study." She then smirks. "Now, we should get a move on."

Willow opens the car and stumbles out. Sam lets out a frustrated breath and looks at his brother. Dean frowns and bunches his shoulders. His face was screaming, 'I don't know why the fuck you would do that in the first place'.

Sam scoffs, he grabs the Marshall badge and gets out of the car. Dean chuckles, grateful he wasn't the only one having to go through Willow's wrath.


"You must be Amy."

The girl turns to the three young adults. "Yeah..."

Willow softly smiles, "Troy told us about you. I'm his aunt and these are his two uncles. I'm Willow, and this is Dean and Samantha."

"But, people call him Sammy," Dean adds.

"Please." Sam seethes. "Just call me Sam."

Amy pulls her brows together. "He never mentioned you to me." She continues walking down the sidewalk. The three walk behind her.

"Well, that's Troy, I guess." Dean sighs. "We're not around much. We're up in Modesto."

Willow wrinkles her nose. Who the fuck thinks about Modesto?

"We're looking for him, too, and we're kind of asking around," Sam says.

"Hey, are you okay?" A girl walks over to Amy.

"Do you mind if we ask you a couple questions?"

The five all went into the diner and sat in a booth. Willow had ordered a black coffee while Amy answered their questions.

"He said he would call me right back, and he never did."

"He didn't say anything strange or out of the ordinary?" Sam asks.

"No, nothing I can remember." The girl states.

"All right, here's the deal, girlies..." Willow pours half of the whiskey into her coffee and mixes it with a spoon. "The way Troy dipped makes my stomach all queasy."

"Could it be the alcohol on an empty stomach?" Sam grumbles.

Willow sips her whisky-mixed coffee and lets out a content sigh. "No. That's not it." She looks back at the girls as Sam scoffs. "There's something not right here."

She watches as the two girls exchange a look. Willow tilts her head, a small smirk. "You've heard something, right? Spill."

"Well, I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk." The girl says.

"What do they talk about?" The brother's chorus. It causes Willow to wrinkle her nose.

"It's kind of this local legend. This one girl, she got murdered out on Centennial like decades ago. Well, supposedly, she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up—well, they disappear forever."

Willow yawns, "Thanks, ladies. Appreciate it."

As soon as they finish talking to the girls, Willow turns to the Winchesters. "Hey, do you guys think I can take this mug with me?"

"No. It's company property." Sam says.

Willow rolls her eyes, "I'm starting to rethink this whole 'I like Sam Winchester' thing. I mean, come on? Company property? You were literally just breaking the law pretending to be a false Marshal."

Willow laughs and stands up, "Company property—that's hilarious." She roughly pats Sam's shoulder. Sam grunts, but you can hear the annoyance more than the pain.

Willow then looks at the two, "You guys can cover me, right? I'm out of cash."

"Didn't you just take my cash?" Dean asks.

"Well, yeah. I meant I'm out of cash I'm willing to spend." Willow snorts and walks out of the diner.

Sam and Dean both let out a breath. But Dean pulls out his wallet and sets the money on the table.

The three had made their way to the library. Dean was sitting in the middle, typing away on the laptop. He continued coming up with zero searches.

At some point, Sam pushed Dean away from the laptop and began his try at searching for the right words.

Willow watches as both brothers have trouble coming up with anything. She lets out a breath and leans back in her swivel chair. She taps her fingernail against her whiskey bottle. "Angry spirits are born out of violent death, correct?"

Both the brothers turned to the girl, who was staring at the ceiling.


Willow's left eyebrow twitches, annoyed by their Siamese-ness. "Well, then what if it's not a murder?" She lifts her head up and her eyes connect with Sam's. He pulled his brows together, immediately understanding what she was getting at. He changes the word from 'murder' to 'suicide' in the search bar.

A small breath comes from his mouth. "This was 1981. Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, and drowns in the river."

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam's jaw goes slack. "An hour before they found her, she calls 9-1-1. Her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back they aren't breathing."

Willow's ears perk and she lifts her head, her eyes landing on the computer screen.

"Both die."

Willow's chest tightens.

"Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it, said husband, Joseph Welch."

Dean's eyes inspect the image on the computer screen. "That bridge look familiar to you?"

When it got darker in the town, they all went back to the bridge from earlier.

"So, this is where Constance took the swan dive," Dean says, looking down.

Willow huffs, "Respect. Only because it's super high. Not because I promote suicide or anything." She winces.

"So, you think Dad would have been here?" Sam asks.

"If your father is chasing this story and we're chasing him...then I would think he would've rolled through town." Willow voices.

They continue to walk down the bridge. "Now, we keep digging till we find him." Dean shrugs. "It might take a while."

Willow sighs, "Hopefully not too long." She voices. "I mean, I want my money now."

The brothers brush off the functioning alcoholic. Sam lets out a breath and turns to his brother. "Dean, I told you I've got to get back by—"

"Monday." Dean finishes. His voice was kind of snappy. "Right. The interview."

"Yeah, I forgot..." He looks back at his brother and lets out a breath of disbelief. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

Willow rolls her eyes, "Oh, brother..." She grabs the bottle of whiskey from her jacket and takes a swig.

"You think you're just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl?"

"Maybe. Why not?" Sam shrugs.

Dean raises his brows, "Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?"

"No, and she's not ever going to know." Sam walks towards Dean.

"Guys...I'm going back to the car." Willow sighs. "This has nothing to do with me or my money, so see ya." She raises her bottle and walks over to the Impala. Willow softly hums and walks in a straight line (because she's a professional, duh!). She tilts her head back, taking another swig from the bottle.

She exhales through her nose, catching sight of the cold air. Willow stops in her tracks, goosebumps forming across her skin. She looks around to see Sam and Dean still arguing. Willow looks forward and sees the Impala's headlights shine. She closes her eyes and groans. "I feel like a fucking Gremlin..."

The car begins to rev and Willow's shoulders sag. "Ah, shit..." she sniffles and twists the cap back onto the bottle. Willow slips the bottle back into her jacket.

The car revs again, which catches the brother's attention.

"Oh, shit," Dean whispers.

Sam's eyes widen, "Will—"

"Willow, run!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Willow growls. The car begins to move towards her, she turns on her heel and sprints towards the brothers. They all begin to run down the bridge.

Willow didn't know what it was. She was a very athletic person, but for some reason today just wasn't her day.

Maybe it was all the alcohol.

Willow inhales a deep breath and she watches as Sam and Dean get further and further ahead of her. "Hold on, assholes!"


"You jump!" Willow retorts. "There's no way I'm fucking jumping—I would rather get run over by the fucking—"

Dean jumps to the side, over the bridge. Sam slows down enough to run beside Willow. "We're gonna have to jump."

"Fuck your jump. I'm not fucking jumpi—"

Sam latches an arm around Willow's arm and pulls her toward his chest. He pushes them both over the railing. Willow let out about a dozen swears as they went down. Sam grabs onto a pole connected to the outside of the bridge. He keeps a tight grip on Willow's arm.

"Is my brother okay?!"

Willow looks down at the water, "Uh...I-I think so?"

"Try and be a little more convincing, Will—"

"Dean, are you down there?!" Willow shouts.


"Okay. Well...how are you?!"


Willow then looks up, "Ya see? He's fine. Now get me up now! So, I can kick your ass!"

Sam chuckles and pulls her up. Willow growls, "Tackling me over a bridge like I'm a fucking linebacker or something."

"You're gonna be fine." Sam laughs.

Sam manages to pull himself and Willow back up onto the bridge. "How are you?"

Willow stalks over to him and he tenses. But the girl freezes in her tracks. Her body tenses and she sprints over to the bridge, leans over, and vomits.

Sam wrinkles his nose, "I knew that drinking on an empty stomach was going to get you."

"Shut the fuck up!"

Dean finally made it up the bridge, covered in what looked like mud. It didn't smell like it, though.

Sam lets out a breath, waving his hand around his nose. He looks at Willow, who was still vomiting; then he looks at his brother, who smelled like shit.

"You guys have disgusting written all over you."

"I'm gonna kick your ass, Winchester!" Willow exhales and wipes her mouth. She sits on the ground and leans against a pole. "Just...I gotta sleep for a second."

Willow's eyes shut and she softly breathes. "Then I'm gonna kick your ass so hard..."

Dean frowns and looks at Sam. Sam then looks at him, "Can she really kick my ass?"

Dean raises his brows, "Oh, yeah." He nods. "And I'm sure she can still kick your ass with a bottle of whiskey in her."


author's note.

AHHHHHHHHH My functioning alcoholic, Willow, is coming in HAWT!!! 🤭

words : 5506

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