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umich sluts โ€ผ๏ธ

Sophia added Luca Fantilli and Rutger Mcgroarty to the group chat

Luca ๐Ÿ™‚
oh hi


great now that we're all here I can tell you guys my fabulous idea ๐Ÿคญ

oh no

Womb Twin ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
this is never good

shh this is one of my best ideas in a long time

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
wasn't one of your "best ideas" a week ago?

who's side are you on?!

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
the side of justice ๐Ÿฆ‡

the annual Ann Arbor fall festival is this weekend and because I go every year and haven't missed a single year so we're going

Duker ๐Ÿซก
that sounds fun I'm in

Lilly ๐Ÿฉท
Lukey ๐Ÿฉต
My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
Womb Twin ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
Jasmyne ๐Ÿค
Luca ๐Ÿ™‚


haha finished ๐Ÿคฃ

haha stfu

damn Sophias mean

you get used to it ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

they're doing something different this year they are doing the fall fest all weekend but only Saturday night they are setting up haunted houses near that abandoned field outside of town
I say we should buy tickets ๐Ÿคญ

Jasmyne ๐Ÿค
haunted houses?

Lilly ๐Ÿฉท
omg I'm so down

Luca ๐Ÿ™‚
that sounds fun

good then it's settled we're going to the fall festival Friday and then the haunted house Saturday

Lukey ๐Ÿฉต
what about our games

Womb Twin ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
yeah did you just forget we play hockey?

we can go to the fall festival for like an hour right after school on Friday and then on Saturday you guys have an early game so we can go once the games over
I'm on top of all this dw ๐Ÿซก

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
someone did their research

don't make me hit you

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
you would never
nvm she just hit me

and it was well-deserved

Womb Twin ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
you guys are with each other?

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
yeah she wanted Panera

when does she not?

don't make fun of my Panera โ˜๐Ÿป

Womb Twin ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
always spending my money ๐Ÿ˜’


My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป


ON FRIDAY, as the group wrapped up their classes, Ethan picked up the girls from their dorm once they were ready to attend the fall festival. For Sophia, this event held sentimental value, as she remembered attending the festival since her childhood. It had become a tradition for her parents to bring her and Mark to the festival every year, making it one of Sophia's favorite traditions.

She loved to carve pumpkins and participate in crafts. She loved fall; it was her favorite season. The atmosphere, the fashion choices, and, above all, Halloween held a special place in her heart. While Halloween had always been enjoyable for Sophia, experiencing it in college heightened the excitement to a whole new level.

When she received Ethan's text, Sophia and her companions headed outside. With the clock striking one, they had a solid two hours before the boys needed to be at Yost for the game. Confident that this timeframe allowed for them to enjoy the festival's activities, Sophia, already thrilled about the fall festival, found her excitement reaching new heights because of being with Ethan.

"Thanks for picking us up, babe," Sophia expressed as she hopped into the car. "Of course," Ethan replied, planting an innocent kiss on her lips. "You guys are gonna make me sick," Lillian said, disgusted. "I think it's cute," Jasmyne smiled. "You say that until we third wheel with them," Lillian teased. Sophia chuckled, and Ethan began driving to the fall festival.

"So, have you ever been to the fall festival?" Sophia asked, turning to Ethan. "Nope, I didn't go last year," he replied. "Well, you missed out. My pumpkin won the best carving," Sophia shared. "You're really into this stuff, aren't you?" Ethan chuckled. "I love fall and everything that has to do with it," Sophia affirmed.

"Oh my god," Sophia exclaimed, turning to face the girls. "We have to go through the corn maze. It's so fun," she insisted. "There's a corn maze?" Jasmyne asked. "Yes! Ah! I'm so excited; you guys are gonna have so much fun," Sophia gushed.

"Are we gonna have enough time to do everything we want?" Ethan asked. "We should be able to. Nothing there takes more than 15 minutes," Sophia assured. "It'd be great if you guys didn't have a game. Then we'd have more time," Lillian remarked, annoyed. "So sorry we're hockey players," Ethan said with a touch of sarcasm.

As Ethan pulled into town, Sophia gazed out the window at the bustling scene in the middle of the squareโ€”the fall festival was in full swing. The lively atmosphere, with a bunch of people and giggling children running around, transported Sophia back to a carefree state. In these moments she felt like a child againโ€”a time when everything seemed right with the world, and she could truly be herself.

After Ethan secured a parking spot, the girls eagerly hopped out of his car, and the smell of apple pie wafted through the air. "Where are the others?" Lillian asked. "They're by the gazebo. Mark just texted me," Ethan informed.

"Oh my god, the gazebo used to have a karaoke machine set up during this, and I have a video of Mark singing 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' when we were ten," Sophia chuckled. "You have to find that for me," Jasmyne insisted. "Of course," Sophia snickered.

The four eventually located the rest of the guys near the gazebo. Their conversation stopped as Dylan noticed the group approaching. "Finally," he chuckled. "Sorry, I had to pick up the girls," Ethan explained, leaning against the gazebo. "Here, I got you guys coffees," Mark said, handing a coffee to each of the girls. "Best brother ever," Sophia declared, grabbing her coffee.

"Well, great, she's already excited, and now she has caffeine in her system," Mackie remarked. "Mm, sugar cookie latte, I love you, Mark," Sophia grinned. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too," Mark smiled. "So, what's first on the schedule?" Luca asked, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket.

"Well, there are still some pumpkins to carve. We can do that, and then there's the crafts right next to it," Sophia explained, pointing towards the table with pumpkins. "Well, looks like we're carving pumpkins, boys," Rutger said.

Sophia grinned, then grabbed Ethan's hand, pulling him towards the craft table. Mark watched as Sophia took Ethan's hand and ran to the craft table, finding it somewhat odd. While aware of their close relationship, the act of Sophia grabbing Ethan's hand stood out to him.

Everyone else trailed behind, reaching the table and taking their seats. "Okay, everyone grab a pumpkin," Sophia directed. "There are carvers and markers in these buckets," she pointed to the containers in the middle of the table. "What do we do when we're done with them?" Luke asked. "You put them with the rest of the finished pumpkins. The town places all of the pumpkins around the town during Halloween," Sophia explained.

"I didn't realize we had a fall fest expert with us," Mackie teased. "Yeah, well, now you do," Sophia responded, grabbing a black sharpie from the bucket.


AFTER CARVING pumpkins, the group arranged them alongside other carved ones they decided to eat before going into the corn maze. The festival had a variety of tasteful meals, ranging from refreshing lemonade and apple cider to savory caramel apples and delicious chili. Of all these choices, Sophia's favorite was the lovingly crafted homemade creamy potato soup, a culinary masterpiece consistently prepared every year by a warm-hearted elderly lady.

As Sophia and Lillian stood in the food line, Lillian noticed the long line. "What makes this soup so special?" Lillian asked. "It's the best soup you'll ever taste. See the lady handing it out? That's Miss Sherry. She makes the soup at home and brings it here every year. It's won many competitions." Sophia explained.

"And it's creamy potato soup?" Lillian questioned skeptically. "I know it sounds weird; I felt the same way, but once I tried it, I fell in love with it," Sophia explained. Lillian nodded thoughtfully and then hummed.

Ethan came up to the girls, offering a lemonade to Sophia. "Here, I got you a lemonade," he said. Grateful, Sophia accepted it with a smile. "What about me? Do I not exist? What if I wanted a lemonade?" Lillian chimed in. Ethan shrugged. "Ask Luca to get you one," he suggested while wrapping his arm around Sophia's shoulder. "He's with the others. Jasmyne texted us, and they found a bottle toss game; now they're competing against each other." Lillian pointed out.

"A ball toss game?" Ethan asked. "I used to be good at that," Sophia reminisced. "What are you waiting in line for?" Ethan asked, curious. "Creamy potato soup," Lillian answered. Ethan looked at the girls confused. "Is this an American thing or...?" he asked. "I always forget you're Canadian. Say 'about'!" Lillian teased. Ethan rolled his eyes in response.

When it was Sophia's turn to get the soup, she ordered three bowls for the others to try. After exchanging money with Miss Sherry, they all grabbed their bowls and headed toward the others, finding a table in the pavilion to eat their meal.

"Trust me, you guys will love the soup," Sophia assured. "Have I ever lied to you?" she asked. "Yes," Ethan and Lillian replied in unison, causing Sophia to roll her eyes. "Just give it a try," she insisted. "What is it?" Luke asked. "Creamy potato soup. It's Sophia's favorite at this festival." Mark answered.

"Creamy potato soup?!" Mackie asked. "Is that even a thing?" Dylan asked skeptically. "Yes, and now you two need to try it," Sophia urged. Ethan and Lillian exchanged glances, shrugged, then grabbed their spoons to take a bite of the soup. "So, what do you think?" Sophia asked eagerly.

Ethan smiled. "Wait, this is actually good," he said, pleasantly surprised. "Yeah, it kinda is," Lillian chimed in. Sophia grinned. "See, I told you guys. Never doubt me."


AFTER THE group finished their food, they ventured to the corn maze which was on the opposite end of the square. Although not huge, the group still wanted to explore it, knowing a larger maze was going to be set up at the haunted houses.

"It looks small," Dylan observed, scanning the mini maze. "Well, it is designed for kids," Mark explained. "Hey, is this a good time to say I'm scared of corn mazes?" Luca confessed with a hint of concern in his voice. "This is a corn maze designed for kids," Lillian reassured him. "Still."

"Why do corn mazes scare you?" Sophia asked. Luca hesitated before sharing, "It's from childhood trauma. My brother Adam and I walked into a corn maze, got separated, and then a scarecrow appeared out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me. I haven't ventured into one since."

"But this maze is meant for kids," Jasmyne pointed out. "You should be more concerned about tomorrowโ€“there's a haunted corn maze." Ethan chimed in. "What?" Luca asked, concerned as the group ventured into the corn maze.

The group split up into various paths within the corn maze. As everyone ventured in different directions, Sophia patiently waited until the others were out of sight to take Ethan's hand and guide him through the twists and turns. "Where are you taking me?" Ethan asked, grinning.

"Somewhere where no one will see us," Sophia whispered, leading him through the corn until they reached a secret spot. "What is this?" Ethan asked. Sophia looked up at him. "When I was little, Mark and I were playing hide and seek in the corn maze and I stumbled upon this hidden spot. Not many people know about it; it's on the edge of the corn maze, and that's why."

"Ah, like a secret spot?" Ethan asked, his hands moving down to her waist. "Yep," Sophia nodded. Ethan smiled, leaning in for a kiss, but Sophia playfully placed her finger on his lips. "We can't do anything in a corn maze, Edwards," she said. Ethan laughed, "Do you think I'd risk making you come in a children's corn maze? I'm not that stupid. I just wanted to kiss my girlfriend. That's it." Sophia smiled and leaned in, letting him kiss her.

"So, what are you being for Halloween?" Ethan asked. "It's a surprise," Sophia teased. "Using my own words against me, huh?" Ethan remarked. "It's time you've gotten a taste of your own medicine," Sophia responded. "Fine," Ethan groaned. "Speaking of Halloween, I'm trying to convince Luke to persuade you and the guys to be Scooby-Doo. Imagine how cute you'd look in a Scooby-Doo costume," Sophia grinned. Ethan rolled his eyes.

"You'd never let me live that down, though," Ethan chuckled. "Nope," Sophia said. Ethan sighed, then looked down at Sophia, kissing her once more. "I love our friends, but I love when it's just us hanging out. I can actually act like you're my girlfriend instead of just my friend," Ethan confessed. Sophia smiled warmly at Ethan and leaned her forehead against his.

"One day, E."


hey, sluts and whores !! ๐Ÿ˜ป

hope y'all liked this chapter cause I loved writing this

the next chapter is gonna be the haunted house chapter cause I wanted to space it out

live laugh love the Michigan Wolverines ๐Ÿคญ

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