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THE HAUNTED houses awaited the group, but a trip home was necessary for the guys to freshen up with showers first. Fortunately, each had a private bathroom.

As the guys got ready, Sophia and the girls waited on the couch, aware that the haunted houses had opened half an hour earlier and would close at eleven. With the current time being 7:30, they had time, yet they were eager to explore as many houses as possible.

While awaiting the guys, Sophia turned on Freeform's "31 Nights of Halloween," finding The Nightmare Before Christmas on screen. Despite the widespread perception of it as a Christmas movie, Sophia had always thought of it as a Halloween film. Most people would beg to differ.

Growing increasingly bored during the boys' long showers, the girls thought of it as a good thing with their post-game sweat suggesting it might have been a good time for the guys to freshen up.

Suddenly, Mark walked out while drying his hair with a towel. Sophia looked up at her brother. "Hey, we were thinking of grabbing dinner before the haunted houses. What do you think?" Mark nodded, "Yeah, that sounds good. Where?"

Sophia stood up from her seat. "Lilly suggested Monty's. Not a bad idea," she said, approaching her brother by the kitchen island. "I could go for some pizza. What about the guys?" Sophia chuckled, "Please, it's a bunch of college dudes fresh off a hockey win. I doubt they'd turn down pizza." Mark joined in, nodding. "Yeah."

Sophia turned around, facing the girls. "Mark's on board with pizza." The girls nodded in agreement. Mark walked over to the couch. "What're you guys watching?" he asked.

"The Nightmare Before Christmas," Jasmyne responded.

"I hate these kinds of movies," Mark admitted.

"What? Halloween? Horror?" Lillian asked, confused.

Mark shook his head. "Stop motion," he clarified. "Sophia's always loved them, though."

"Coraline used to be my favorite movie," Sophia revealed, nodding in agreement.

"What's wrong with stop-motion?" Jasmyne asked.

"It's just creepy, like the way they move," Mark explained. Lillian chuckled, "What?" Mark asked. "Nothing. That's just surprising. I didn't expect you to dislike stop motion." she said.

Mark shrugged. "I'd much rather sit down and watch a Marvel or DC movie," he stated, taking a seat on the couch next to his girlfriend and casually putting his arm around her.

"Ah, but which one is better? Marvel or DC?" Jasmyne asked.

"Marvel, obviously," Mark replied. "I swear DC rarely comes out with movies. The only one I really liked was Harley Quinn," Sophia added, taking a seat.

"Suicide Squad?" Mark asked.

"No, there's a Harley Quinn movie," Sophia clarified. "Yeah, fucking educate yourself, Marcus," Lillian chimed in making Mark stick his tongue out playfully. Lillian mirrored the gesture, and Sophia laughed.

"What's so funny?" Sophia turned to find Ethan in the hallway, wearing only a towel and his hair soaking wet. A warmth spread through Sophia, her eyes widening at the sight. He was drying his hair with a smaller towel, just like Mark did. Sophia swallowed and feeling the effect he had on her, Ethan smirked knowingly.

"Uh, I...It was just something Lillian said," Sophia stammered. Mark observed Sophia, then Ethan, sensing an odd tension in the air. Something about the interaction felt off to him.

"Oh, God, do you have to walk around the house like that? You know we're here, Edwards, have some decency," Lillian scolded, averting her eyes in disgust.

"It's my house," Ethan argued.

"And you have guests," Lillian replied. Ethan rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said, then walked away. Sophia sighed, finally able to breathe after the awkward encounter with her half-naked boyfriend.

Her phone vibrated, and as she glanced at the screen, Sophia noticed a text from Ethan.

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป sent a message !

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
did you enjoy the view?

I enjoyed Lillian making fun of you

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
that's weird cause Lillian wasn't the one you couldn't keep your eyes off...


My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
that's what I thought

you're enjoying this, aren't you?

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

that's fine
just remember this when ur wearing a scooby doo onesie on Halloween

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
who said I was wearing that?
what if I wanna be something else?

nope, it's happening whether you like it or not.

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
what if wanna be something like...
A Greek god?
I'd have my shirt off

you'd be cuter in a scooby doo costume ๐Ÿ˜

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
there's no talking you out of this is there?

see you in a couple of minutes babe ๐Ÿ˜

My Boy ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
I lo-
message deleted
bye, sweetheart โค๏ธ
read 7:34 pm


THE GROUP placed orders for pizzas and drinks after arriving at Monty's. Seated at a large table in the center of the restaurant, Ethan subtly rested his hand on Sophia's thigh, sending shivers across her skin. As they engaged in lively conversation, waiting for their pizzas, Mackie researched the haunted houses.

"This one's called Hospital of Horrors," Mackie shared with the group. "I'm telling you all right now, if someone touches me, it's not my fault if we spend the night in a jail cell," Lillian warned. "She did that during our junior year of high school. Mark had to bail her out," Sophia recalled. "Ah, good times," Lillian sighed. "It was not a good time. I paid 50 bucks to bail her out, and then the guy she punched threatened to sue," Mark added. "Sounds like something that would only happen to Lillian," Ethan chuckled.

"Alright, who's taking care of Lillian tonight?" Duke asked. "Bold of you to assume I need to be watched," Lillian said. "Well, we don't want you adding anything to your criminal record tonight, now do we?" Duke teased. "I'll make sure she doesn't punch anyone tonight," Luca volunteered. Lillian turned to him, raising her eyebrows. "Okay, Mr. 'I'm scared of corn mazes,'" she teased. "Looks like we can keep each other company so they don't get scared," Luca added with a wink, causing Lillian to blush.

"Okay, we should decide on the first haunted house to visit so we can head there as soon as we get there," Luke suggested. "Which one seems the most fun, Mackie?" Ethan asked. "Well, there's a haunted high school. That one seems fun," Mackie proposed. "High school is scary by itself; why turn it into a haunted house?" Lillian remarked. "It looks fun, plus it's the biggest house," Mackie explained. "Sounds like a plan," Sophia agreed.

"Where's our pizza? I'm starving," Luke exclaimed, scanning the room. "It'll be out soon; don't get your panties in a twist," Ethan said. Sophia turned toward Ethan. "What is it with you and panties?" Ethan smirked at her. "I don't know, Sophia. What is it with me and panties?" he teased, running his hands along her thigh. Sophia's eyes widened, and she quickly shooed his hand away.

Mark glanced at Ethan and Sophia, his expression confused. Then, he turned to Jasmyne, who was sipping her root beer. "Can I talk to you about something? Alone?" Mark asked, leaving Jasmyne looking confused. "Yeah, sure," Jasmyne agreed. Mark stood up and turned to the rest of the group. "We'll be back," he announced, and he and Jasmyne started walking away. "No hanky-panky, kids," Lillian lectured before they walked out the door.

Jasmyne stood outside the restaurant with Mark, waiting for him to start talking. "So, what's up?" she asked. Mark sighed, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Do you think something is going on between Ethan and Sophia?" he asked. Jasmyn's eyes widened. "What?" she asked. "I mean, I get they really care about each other, but I don't know; they've been acting weird," Mark explained.

Jasmyne found herself in a tight situationโ€”lie to her boyfriend to protect her best friends' relationship or tell him the truth and potentially jeopardize that relationship. She sighed and made her decisionโ€”girl code.

"Mark, I think you're just overthinking things. I mean, Sophia and Ethan are just close, you know? Ethan cares about her, but he'd never do that to you," Jasmyne reassured, though a pang of guilt crossed her. Is this what Sophia feels like? "I just feel like they're lying to me," Mark admitted. "Mark, Sophia's your sister. If something was going on, she'd tell you," Jasmyne insisted. Mark sighed, and Jasmyne hugged him. "You're right," Mark acknowledged. "I'm just overthinking things."

Yet, Mark couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on between Ethan and Sophia. The feeling lingered, and he was determined to seek answers. Not wanting to spoil the night, he planned to approach Ethan privately later. Maybe he was just overthinking, perhaps Jasmyne was right. Would Ethan really go behind his back and date his sister? Mark leaned towards thinking no, but the uncertainty lingered.


"WE'VE BEEN waiting in this line for like forty minutes," Sophia complained. Mark rolled his eyes. "It's been like twenty; you're just impatient," he said. Sophia sighed, "Twenty still feels long." she said. "Well, it is the house everyone wants to go to. I'm just glad we got in line when we did." Rutger chimed in.

Sophia turned to Ethan. "I'm thirsty," she said. "We're almost to the front; you can wait," Ethan reassured her. Sophia groaned. "What makes this house so cool? The size?" Luke asked. "Or maybe it's actually scary?" Mackie suggested. Sophia's throat felt increasingly dry in the cold air. She turned to Ethan with puppy dog eyes. "E, please," she asked, sweetness in her tone.

Ethan couldn't resist when Sophia asked like that so he sighed, shaking his head. "Fine," he said. "Hey, I'll be right back. I'm going to grab water," Ethan informed the group. "You better not be long because I am not waiting for you." Lillian chimed in.

Seeing an opportunity to talk to Ethan without risking the night's mood, Mark spoke up. "I'll go with you," he offered. Ethan shrugged, and the two of them walked off to get water together.

Jasmyne saw this as the perfect moment to discuss Mark with Sophia. She moved closer, placing a hand on Sophia's shoulder. Sophia turned, a smile playing on her lips. "Hey," she greeted. "I need to talk to you," Jasmyne stated. Sophia turned around to face her. "Okay," she responded. "What's up?" Jasmyne sighed. "It's about Mark."

While strolling, Mark thought of how to approach Ethan, wanting to avoid sounding defensive, given his uncertainty about the situation. "Hey," Mark faced Ethan. "Hey, man," Ethan chuckled. "I wanted to ask you something," Mark began. "Okay," Ethan nodded, waiting for Mark to continue.

Mark sighed, "Are you dating my sister?" Ethan's eyes widened. "What? I...no. No, I'm not dating your sister," Ethan stuttered. "What makes you think that?" he asked. Mark shrugged. "I don't know, dude; you guys just act like a couple," Mark explained. "I care for your sister a lot, but I'd never go behind your back like that," Ethan assured, feeling a pang of guilt for lying to Mark.

Mark smiled. "Yeah, maybe I'm just overthinking," he said. Ethan nodded. "Sorry if I attacked you," Mark apologized. Ethan shook his head. "You're fine, dude. I get it."

Ethan mentally assigned himself as the "Dick of the Year" and acknowledged the weight of guilt. However, he desired to be with Sophia. Her presence brought him joy, making him feel like he won the lottery. The deep connection they shared underscored their mutual care. Mark simply didn't understand their relationship.

Back in line, Jasmyne had already filled Sophia in on Mark's questions about her and Ethan. Sophia knew this moment was coming. Mark's curiosity was bound to surface sooner or later. With only a month since she and Ethan started their relationship, they weren't prepared to tell Mark the truth. Sophia felt uneasy about keeping it from her brother, but she knew he might not understand their relationshipโ€”at least not yet.

"I told him nothing was going on," Jasmyne said. "I hate that you're a part of this. I don't want you to lie to Mark for me; he's your boyfriend." Sophia said, expressing her discomfort. "And I'm your best friend." Jasmyne countered. A smile played on Sophia's lips. "What are we talking about?" Lillian asked, curious. "Mark asked me about Ethan and Sophia earlier. I told him nothing was going on." Jasmyne explained. "He thinks you guys are dating?" Lillian asked.

"He's probably cornering Ethan as we speak." Lillian chuckled. Sophia's eyes widened. "Shit," she muttered. "I'm sure he's fine. He probably told Mark nothing was happening." Jasmyne reassured. "You know I'm quite sick of your brother and this rule. I mean, he's dating your best friend; why can't you date one of his?" Lillian voiced her frustration. Sophia sighed, acknowledging Lillian had a valid point.

Mark and Ethan returned, and Ethan handed Sophia a water. Grateful, she smiled, "Thanks, E." Their return was right on time, as they now reached the front of the line. The worker scanned the group. "How many?" he asked. "Ten," Sophia replied. The worker shook his head. "Too big," he said. "Two at a time." He pointed to Ethan and Sophia. "You two can go first." They exchanged glances, sharing a smile. "Ladies first," Ethan insisted. Sophia chuckled, and they entered the house, Ethan following closely behind.

Distant screams and eerie music filled the air and Sophia sought comfort, tightly gripping Ethan's hand. Their heartbeats raced as they navigated through the haunted house. In a room resembling a locker room, a zombie basketball player leaped out, prompting Sophia to yelp and cling to Ethan. Reacting quickly, she pulled him away from the unsettling scene.

Entering a room resembling a nurses' office, they encountered beds with lifeless bodies. As Ethan approached one, it suddenly sat up, making him yell.

Sophia couldn't contain her laughter at Ethan's startled scream. "Is that funny to you?" he asked, walking away from the room. "You scream like a girl," she teased. "I'm glad you find amusement in me being scared," Ethan sighed, entering a classroom. "Oh, I do," Sophia admitted.

When they walked in they saw a chair spinning at a desk and a person dressed as a deceased teacher slowly approaching. "He's walking towards us," Sophia whispered. The tension rose as he closed in. "Nope, fuck this," Sophia declared, grabbing Ethan's hand and swiftly guiding him through the haunted house. Ethan chuckled, struggling to keep up. "Slow down," he urged.

Finally out, Sophia sighed, taking a deep breath. "You scared, Soph?" Ethan teased. She playfully hit him. Soon, their friends emerged, screaming. "Okay, that was scary," Luke admitted. "You're telling me," Rutger added.

"Yeah, Soph practically dragged me out of there," Ethan said, earning another hit from Sophia. "Ow, I swear you're gonna break a rib one day," Ethan joked. "You're fine," Sophia waved him off.

"So, where to next?" Mackie asked, catching his breath. "Corn maze?" Sophia suggested. "Oh great," Luca groaned. "Don't be a baby," Lillian elbowed him.

Just then, the roar of chainsaws filled the air, drawing the group's attention to the sound that was coming from the corn maze. Luca swallowed nervously. "I'm not a baby," he shook his head. Lillian chuckled and grabbed his hand. "We're watching over each other tonight, remember?" Luca smiled, "Yeah," he nodded.

Sophia flashed her best friend a knowing smile and then turned toward the entrance of the corn maze. "To the corn maze, it is."


heyy sluts and whores ๐Ÿคญ

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and Mark's suspicion will die down but it won't fully go away.

also, I can't decide if I want Lillian and Luca to end up together or not. help me decide ๐Ÿ™

also Merry late Christmas you filthy fucking animals ๐Ÿ˜ป


as always live laugh love the Michigan Wolverines ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

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