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BECAUSE THE Pistons game was tonight, the girls, having completed their classes, found themselves in the dorm getting ready. The harmonious tunes of "Love Me Like You" by Little Mix echoed through the room. Sophia browsed her closet for an ideal outfit, Lillian dedicated her attention to doing her makeup, and Jasmyne styled her hair at the vanity.

The excitement of tonight was because it was like a triple date for the three girls, yet Sophia couldn't shake off the disappointment. The restriction brought by her brother's rules left her wanting a different scenario. She wondered whether Mark truly believed Ethan could break her heart.

"What's wrong?" Lillian asked, noticing Sophia staring inside her closet.

"Huh?" Sophia turned around, startled. "You've been staring inside your closet for like two minutes," Lillian pointed out.

"I was just looking for something to wear," Sophia half-smiled. Lillian set her makeup down and approached Sophia.

"Hey, tonight's gonna be okay. Just try and throw Mark off," Lillian reassured her.

"I don't even get why your brother has this rule," Jasmyne chimed in. "I mean, okay, I understand with the whole Cole situation, but that was your freshman year of high school. You're in your sophomore year of college. Things have changed. Ethan isn't Cole," she emphasized.

Sophia sighed and then sat on her bed. "I honestly don't think Mark means any harm with this rule. I think he's just worried about me. But you're right, I'm an adult now," Sophia said.

"Exactly, you're turning 21 in two months. You are an adult, and he needs to start treating you like one," Lillian added.

Sophia sighed. "Ethan and I agreed to tell him before New Year's," she revealed.

"Like when you get back from winter break?" Jasmyne asked.

"Well, that's two months away. Don't dwell on it till a week before. As of right now..." Lillian looked into her closet and pulled out a blue Pistons crewneck, its neckline cut making it off the shoulder. "Just because you can't flirt with Ethan doesn't mean you still can't look hot in front of him," Lillian suggested.

Sophia smiled and grabbed the crewneck. "Okay, but no going to the bathroom," Jasmyne warned.

"Ew, Jas. We're not gonna do it inside Little Caesars Arena," Sophia shuddered.

"You never know with both of you," Lillian teased. "Now, go get changed. We're meeting the boys in an hour."

"Ugh, you know what sounds so good?" Jasmyne groaned. "What?" Lillian asked.

"Cheese fries from the arena," Jasmyne declared. "Cheese fries?" Sophia chuckled. "Aren't we going to dinner once we get in Detroit?" Lillian asked.

"Yes, but snacks," Jasmyne insisted. "Would you count cheese fries as a snack?" Sophia asked. "In my book, yes," Jasmyne replied. Sophia chuckled.

"Hey, where'd they say we were eating again?" Lillian asked. "Some Chinese place," Sophia answered.

"Oh my god, orange chicken with sweet and sour sauce sounds so good right now," Jasmyne exclaimed. Lillian laughed. "I think someone's just hungry," she teased.

"I am actually." Jasmyne stood up and walked over to the mini-fridge. "Really, only Celsius?" she asked. "What? We're hungry girls," Sophia chuckled.

"Well, this hungry girl is going to the vending machine. Do you guys want anything?" Jasmyne asked, walking towards the door.

"I'm good," Sophia said. "Oh, get me a bag of Skittles," Lillian said. Jasmyne nodded and walked out into the hallway.

She began walking down the hallway until she reached the vending machine. Scanning the options, she wrestled with the decision of what to buy. Her browsing was interrupted when two girls walked down the hallway, engrossed in a conversation.

"Yeah, I mean, I heard about his new girlfriend, but nobody knows who she is. She must be insecure," a brunette girl remarked.

"Or maybe they just want it to be a secret?" the jet-black-haired girl suggested.

Jasmyne had figured out what she wanted but pretended to still be deciding, allowing her to eavesdrop on the conversationโ€”she couldn't help her naturally nosy tendencies.

"Whatever," the blonde girl said. "No girl will be better than me for him."

The two lingered outside a dorm room, continuing their discussion. "Didn't you and Ethan just hook up once?" the jet-black-haired girl asked. Jasmyne's eyes widened. Were they talking about Ethan? Sophia's Ethan? Well, now she had to listen.

"Well, technically, yes. But we would've been something more if he had never met Kayla," the blonde scoffed. Now, Jasmyne was certain they were talking about Sophia's Ethan. Who the hell were these girls? Jasmyne realized how much she missed not being here last year. What else had she missed?

"Do you think it's Kayla? Maybe they're back together," the jet-black-haired girl considered.

"No, it's definitely not her. She broke up with him. Plus, I heard she was talking to one of his teammates. Mackie, something," the blonde explained.

"Hmm, well, maybe we'll know who his mystery girlfriend is one day," the jet-black-haired girl said, opening the door. "All I know is that she isn't half as good as I am," the blonde laughed.

Once Jasmyne heard the door close, she quickly chose her vending machine items. When they dropped to the bottom of the machine, she grabbed them and ran back to the dorm.

She opened the door, quickly closing it, causing the girls to turn and face her. "There you are! Was the machine acting up again?" Lillian chuckled, grabbing her Skittles.

"I was actually listening in on two girls talking shit," Jasmyne confessed. "Ooh, about who? I want to know the drama," Lillian said eagerly.

"Well, it was about Sophia," Jasmyne said, making Sophia's eyes widen. "Those cunts, I'll kill them," Lillian declared.

"Lilly!" Sophia lectured. "Well, they were technically talking about Ethan's new girlfriend," Jasmyne corrected herself.

"Same thing," Lillian crossed her arms. "What did they say?" Sophia asked, walking towards Jasmyne.

Jasmyne sighed. "First, this blonde girl started talking about how Ethan has a new girlfriend, and then she said you were insecure because you weren't public. Her friend was actually defending you, saying you probably just wanted to stay private," she explained.

"Then she started talking about how she and Ethan hooked up or something, and they would've kept seeing each other if Kayla hadn't gotten into the picture. So, I'm guessing she just has personal beef with any girl who Ethan is linked to," Jasmyne continued.

"That bitch, how dare she talk about Sophia and Kayla, the very woman who is the embodiment of feminism," Lillian exclaimed.

"Wait," Sophia interjected, making the girls turn to her. "You said she and Ethan hooked up right before he and Kayla got together?" Jasmyne nodded.

Sophia turned to Lillian, and the two instantly knew who it was. "Grace," they both said.

"Who's Grace?" Jasmyne asked. "This girl Ethan hooked up with on New Year's Eve. She had been pining after him ever since school started," Sophia explained.

"Yeah, me and Sophia witnessed her walking around the house the next morning like she fucking owned the place. Like, girl, you hooked up with Ethan, we get it," Lillian rolled her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jasmyne asked Sophia. She nodded. "Yeah," Lillian turned to her. "You sure?" Sophia nodded again.

"I'm fine, you guys. It's Grace Hathaway. I shouldn't care what she thinks or says. Me and Ethan are together, and that's all I care about," she said.

"Do you want me to kick her ass?" Lillian grinned. "No, I do not want you to kick her ass," Sophia said. "I'll do it if you want me to, just say the word," Lillian offered.

"What is it with you and resorting to violence?" Jasmyne asked.

Lillian shrugged. "Where have words ever gotten us?" she said. Sophia chuckled, looking at the two girls who were also laughing. She had to admit, it hurt when she found out someone was talking shit about her. Still, at the end of the day, why should she care what people think? She has the most perfect boyfriend, the two greatest best friends she could ask for, a brother who would go to war for her, and a hockey team that cares and loves her so much. At that moment, she realized she had truly won the lottery in friend groups.


THE DRIVE to the Pistons game wasn't bad as everyone piled into Ethan's car. As soon as she got into the car, Sophia claimed the aux cord, making the guys listen to Taylor Swift the whole way there while the three girls laughed and sang along. As Ethan navigated off the highway, he lowered the music. "What the hell? We were jamming," Lillian complained. "You can jam later; I need to focus, especially in busy Detroit on game days," Ethan replied.

"Maybe if you were a better driver," Lillian mumbled. "Huh?" Ethan asked looking at her from the rearview mirror. "Nothing, just focus on the road," she said redirecting her attention out the window.

"I have a question," Mark asked, leaning his head towards the front seat. "Why did we invite Sophia instead of your girlfriend? Isn't this supposed to be like a triple date?" The corners of Sophia's mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Uh, rude. I'm offended," she said.

Ethan glanced at Mark through the rearview mirror, revealing, "That was the original plan, but she still feels uncomfortable with people knowing. So, we decided to invite Sophia." he said. "Wow, thanks, buddy ol' pal. I really appreciate you thinking about your friends." Sophia said with a touch of sarcasm.

"Buddy ol' pal?" Luca asked, arching his eyebrows. "Yes, 'cause he's my buddy ol' pal," Sophia replied, playfully punching Ethan's arm. He grinned, shaking his head, "I'm much more fun anyways." she shrugged, nonchalant.

"Speaking of girlfriends, I have some tea to spill," Mark declared, settling back in his seat. "You? Have tea? On who, your grandmother?" Lillian teased. "Hey, don't make fun of Nana like that. She bakes you cookies." Sophia defend. Lillian nodded. "Those cookies are good as fuck."

"Guys, shhh. I wanna hear the drama," Luca shushed, leaning towards Mark. "Okay, so basically, I heard this girl in my history class talking about how Grace, that one girl Ethan hooked up with on New Year's Eveโ€“" "Ugh, don't remind me," Ethan groaned. "Thinks that his new girlfriend isn't gonna last and how she would still be with him if Kayla hadn't 'gotten' in the way." Mark continued.

Sophia turned around, exchanging glances with the girls; Jasmyne wasn't the only one who had heard it. Grace was apparently gossiping about Sophia to the whole school, unintentionally but still. After all, she was Ethan's girlfriend. Sophia had met Grace only twice โ€“ once when Sophia approached Ethan with a question, receiving a dirty look, and that morning when Grace strutted around like she fucking owned the place, as Lillian described.

Lillian turned to Mark. "And why were you listening to college drama?" she asked. "I was bored and done with my work." Mark shrugged.

Ethan shook his head, annoyed. "That stuff is so high school โ€“ talking shit. Grace and I were never a thing; she was just obsessed with me, and we hooked up once." he glanced at Sophia. "She's childish and won't get over the fact that we were never going to be anything more than a hookup." Sophia half-smiled, sensing that Ethan was telling her this rather than the entire group.

"Yeah, well, you're gonna have that being you," Jasmyne said. Ethan chuckled. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. "Oh, come on, Edwards. Don't act like you don't know." Lillian teased. "Know what?" Ethan asked confused. "You're a snack, my friend." Luca playfully commented. Sophia laughed at the lighthearted banter.

"I'm sorry, what?" Ethan asked, clearly surprised. "Almost 80% of the girls on campus want to be with you. Own it, man," Luca said.

"Yeah, well, I have a girlfriend who I adore, and she's better than any of those girls. I wouldn't trade her for anybody," Ethan declared, his gaze fixed on the road. Sophia couldn't help but smile; she knew he was talking to her, trying not to make it too obvious by focusing on the road ahead. At that moment, Sophia realized that they could still share romantic gestures, keeping them discreet from Mark.


"I CAN'T believe I'm wasting my time at a basketball game, and we're losing," Lillian complained.

"It's only the second quarter, and we're down by, like, five," Mark said. "Still," Lillian replied.

"Look up the rosters, sweetie. That'll take your mind off it," Sophia suggested. Lillian smiled. "You're right," she said, then pulled out her phone.

After dinner, the group headed straight to the arena, currently watching the end of the second quarter, meaning halftime was approaching. Ethan and Sophia had been acting like nothing more than friends during the entire trip, wanting to throw Mark off guard, and so far, it was working like a charm.

"It's almost halftime. I'm gonna get cheese fries when the buzzer sounds. Anyone wanna come?" Jasmyne asked.

"Can you grab me a refill on my Coke?" Mark requested, holding up his cup.

"No, but you're welcome to come with me and get a refill. That sounds like a good idea, right?" Jasmyne suggested with a smile. Mark rolled his eyes. "Yes, ma'am," he said.

"Great, anyone else?" Jasmyne asked. "I think me and Luca are good," Lillian said. Luca nodded. "I kinda want nachos," Sophia mentioned.

"I'll go with you," Ethan turned to her. "To get nachos, because I'm such a good friend," he smiled. Sophia smiled back. "Wow, thanks, friend," she said. "But can we go now before the lines start piling up? I'm hungry."

Ethan nodded. "We'll be back, guys," he said, standing up. Sophia and Ethan strolled up the steps into the hallway of the arena. After a minute of walking, Ethan casually draped his arm around Sophia. "I can do this now, right? Because Mark isn't next to us?" he asked. Sophia chuckled. "Yes." The two walked to the concession stand and patiently waited in line.

Meanwhile, the others were watching the final five minutes of the first half. Mark couldn't shake the feeling that Ethan and Sophia were acting weird. Aside from witnessing them leaving together the Halloween night, with Ethan returning home around two in the morning, Mark sensed something was off. He turned to the rest of the group.

"Hey," he said, causing everyone to shift their attention. "Is it just me, or are Sophia and Ethan acting weird? Like, weirder than usual?" Mark asked.

The group shook their heads. "I don't see it," Jasmyne said. "Maybe you're just crazy and overanalyze everything, stop sign," Lillian teased, making Mark roll his eyes.

"They're just acting like friends," Luca shrugged. "Okay, but 'buddy ol' pal'? When have they ever said that?" Mark pressed.

Jasmyne shrugged. "Maybe it's an inside joke," she suggested.

"Or maybe they're trying to act more like friends because you thought they were more than friends, which is a ridiculous thought, by the way. Men and women are allowed to be friends. But they probably thought they weren't showing their friendship enough, so maybe they're trying to show it even more to prove they are nothing more than best friends," Lillian said. While she wasn't technically lying, she framed it in a way that made it seem like Ethan and Sophia weren't in a relationship.

Mark sighed and shifted his gaze back to the court. "Yeah, you ponder that," Lillian nodded. Just then, the buzzer sounded, marking the end of the second quarter. Halftime had just begun so Jasmyne and Mark stood up.

"Let's go. I'm starving," Jasmyne declared.

"You ate at the Chinese restaurant, right?" Luca asked.

"Yes, but I'm still hungry. Do you have a problem, Fantilli?" Jasmyne asked. Luca put his hands up in defense. "Nope," he chuckled.

"Good," Jasmyne turned to Mark. "Let's go, babe." She grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs. "Do you know where Ethan and Sophia went?" Mark asked.

"Well, they got nachos, and they sell those at regular concession stands, so probably not far," Jasmyne replied. "Come on, they sell cheese fries at the same concession. Maybe they're there," she suggested.

The two walked until they reached the nearest regular concession stand, and just as Jasmyne predicted, Sophia and Ethan stood there, grabbing their food from the cashier. When they turned to leave, they saw Jasmyne and Mark.

"Hey, guys," Sophia smiled. "You guys came just in time; the lines are starting to fill up," Ethan added.

Jasmyne nodded and stood in line while Mark scratched the back of his head. "Hey," he turned to Sophia and Ethan. Mark sighed. "I'm sorry," he said. Sophia and Ethan looked at Mark, confused, and then exchanged glances.

"Sorry about what?" Sophia asked.

"I shouldn't have assumed you two were together. I see you both really care about each other, and I know you two would never go behind my back like that," Mark said. Ethan and Sophia felt a pang of guilt. Mark was apologizing for something he was right about, and Ethan and Sophia were lying to him. Their plan seemed to have worked, just as they wanted, but it didn't feel good to them.

"I know that you both are like family and have a special bond. I understand that nothing is going on between you two. You're just really good friends who care about each other. So, I'm sorry that I assumed you were dating," Mark apologized. The two looked at each other and then back at Mark, surprised.

"Oh, uh, yeah, it's not a big deal," Sophia said.

"Yeah, man, it's cool," Ethan added. Mark smiled. "I love you both, and I love that you guys get along," Mark said. Sophia nodded. "We're gonna head back to our seats. We'll see you guys later," she said, walking away with Ethan.

"Okay, so do you also feel like shit?" Sophia asked. "Yes, and it's killing me," Ethan admitted.

"Remember what we said. We'll tell him after New Year's. That's in like a month; we're fine," Sophia reassured.

"Right. He's not suspicious of us anymore, so everything's cool again," Ethan said. Sophia nodded. "Right."

The two knew everything was back to the way it was. Mark wasn't suspicious; he apologized, and everything seemed okay. Yet, the couple couldn't shake the growing guilt inside them that would eventually become a presence that wouldn't leave. Relationships are complicated.


hey, sluts and whores!! ๐Ÿค—

Mark's suspicion is officially gone...for now.

umich plays tonight everyone cheer ๐Ÿฅณ

as always live laugh love the Michigan Wolverines ๐Ÿ˜

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