Bitter realities

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KATERINA TURNED THE shower handle as cold as it could go. The icy water hit her skin like shards of glass, shocking her body as she gasped, her breath catching in her chest. She leaned against the slick tile wall, letting the cold water pour over her as if it could numb the storm of emotions inside. Her mind raced, torn between two impossible choices—her brother, Darius, the only family she had left, or Five, who had somehow begun to mean more to her than she ever intended. The one who made her feel seen, yet also the one she was supposed to betray.

How am I supposed to live with myself after this? she thought, clenching her fists against the wall. The Handler had given her no choice. If she didn't kill Five, Darius would die—tortured, alone, and it would all be because she abandoned him again. But killing Five... the thought made her stomach turn. She wasn't sure what hurt more—the idea of losing her brother, or knowing she was about to lose Five forever.

She stood under the cold water for what felt like an eternity, hoping the numbness would reach her heart. But it didn't. With a sigh, she turned off the water, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body as she walked back to her room. She quickly changed into a loose shirt and sweatpants. She found a pack of cigarettes under her pillow, took one out, and lit it, opening the window to let the smoke escape.

Taking a long drag, she gazed out at the busy city, her mind still reeling. The silence felt suffocating, but before she could sink deeper into her thoughts, she heard a faint whoosh behind her. She whipped around, eyes narrowing.

Five stood there, leaning casually against the wall, arms crossed, his familiar smirk plastered on his face.

"You know, if you keep that up," he said, nodding toward the cigarette, "you can forget about me ever kissing you. I've got standards."

Katerina raised an eyebrow, exhaling smoke in his direction. "Oh, please. Who says I'm interested in a kiss from you, anyway?"

Five pushed himself off the wall, stepping closer with that playful glint in his eyes. "Come on, don't pretend you're immune to my charm. Everyone falls for it eventually."

Katerina rolled her eyes, flicking ash out the window. "Charm? Is that what you call this relentless stalking?"

With a mock-wounded expression, Five put a hand to his chest. "Hey, I don't stalk. I strategically appear."

Katerina chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Strategically annoying, maybe. But don't flatter yourself, Five. I've got better things to do than worry about your lips."

Five grinned, leaning in slightly, his voice dropping. "Oh, I'm not worried. But you might be when you realize what you're missing."

She scoffed, flicking the cigarette out the window. "Right, because nothing says romance like stale coffee and bloodstains."

Five shrugged, unfazed. "What can I say? I'm a man of simple pleasures."

Katerina's smirk faded as she turned back to face the window, her mind snapping back to the harsh reality of what was coming. She took another drag, feeling Five's presence as he stepped closer.

"Seriously, though... I'm sorry about, uh... our last interaction," he said, his tone softening. "But we do have to talk. Luther and I came up with a plan."

Katerina turned around, not saying anything. She threw the cigarette out and took a step closer to him. She knew this might be the last time they spoke—really spoke—and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes despite her best efforts to hold them back. Without thinking, she closed the distance between them, edging closer, her heart pounding in her chest.

Five, confused by her silence, watched her closely. "Kat, what are you—"

Before he could finish, Katerina grabbed his face, pulling him down with a sudden intensity that took his breath away. Her lips crashed against his, soft yet desperate, as if this kiss was the last anchor holding her to this world. For a heartbeat, Five froze, eyes wide with shock, his mind racing to catch up with what was happening. But the warmth of her touch, the press of her body against his, ignited something deep within him. His hands hesitated for a brief moment before they found their place—one cupping the back of her neck, fingers tangling in her wet hair, the other slipping to the small of her back, pulling her closer.

The kiss deepened as instinct took over, and Five kissed her back with a hunger he hadn't realized had been building. Everything else—time, space, the impending doom that constantly loomed over them—melted away in that moment. It was just her, just them, as if the world had stopped spinning and all that mattered was this. Her lips were warm, trembling slightly against his, but she kissed him like she needed him, like he was her lifeline. And for a moment, he let himself fall into that, let himself drown in the sweetness of her kiss.

Katerina's fingers gripped his shirt tightly, pulling him closer, as though she wanted to mold herself to him, to feel every inch of his presence. His heart hammered in his chest, the sensation of her lips sparking something raw, something primal inside him. His hand slid from her neck to her jaw, tilting her head slightly to deepen the kiss, his thumb brushing against her cheek as her skin burned under his touch.

Her lips parted slightly, and their kiss turned softer, more urgent, their breaths mingling in the shared space between them. He could taste the faint hint of cigarettes, mingled with something uniquely hers, and it only made him pull her closer. In this moment, she wasn't the hardened assassin he knew—she was just Katerina, vulnerable, raw, and real.

When they finally pulled apart, Katerina's face was streaked with tears. Five's expression shifted from one of surprise to concern as he saw her. "Kat? Are you okay?"

But before he could say more, a chilling sound filled the room. Click.

Five's eyes dropped to see the gun Katerina had pressed against his chest. He looked back at her, his face filled with disbelief, slowly backing away. "Kat... what are you doing?"

Tears streamed down her cheeks as her hands shook. "You don't understand, Five," she choked out. "They have my brother."

Five's eyes widened with realization. "Kat, listen to me—whatever they promised you, they're lying. We can figure this out together, just put the gun dow—"

She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the room, but when she opened her eyes, Five was gone. She dropped the gun in shock, her chest heaving with ragged breaths. Just as she started to process what had happened, she felt a breath down her neck, sending shivers through her entire body.

"Wrong choice, Katerina," Five whispered into her ear, his voice cold. Before she could react, he struck her on the back of the head with a vase, and everything went dark.


Five stood over Katerina's unconscious body, his jaw clenched as he tied her wrists to the chair. His movements were mechanical, precise, but the storm inside him was anything but calm. He'd always been careful, always one step ahead of everyone else. But this... this had blindsided him. His hands stilled for a moment as he glanced at her face, her lips still parted slightly from the kiss they'd shared just minutes ago. He scowled, shaking his head.

The kiss wasn't what hurt. No, it was the meaning behind it. The cold, calculated move to distract him, the way her hands had trembled as she held the gun to his chest. That had been real fear. But she'd done it anyway. She'd pulled the trigger.

He looked at the bullet hole in the wall, a tangible reminder of how close she'd come to killing him. The sound of the gunshot still echoed in his ears, the betrayal as sharp as the crack of the bullet. How could she have done this? After everything they'd been through, after everything he thought they understood about each other. She was the one person he'd let get close—closer than anyone in a long time.

And she'd tried to kill him.

His fingers tightened around the rope, the pain of betrayal cutting deeper than any physical wound ever could. "I should have seen it coming," he muttered under his breath, his voice low, filled with venom. "How could I be so stupid?" He had been so focused on the mission, on preventing the apocalypse, that he'd let his guard down for her. She had made him weak, and he hated himself for it.

He let out a bitter laugh, looking down at her again. "You really had me fooled, didn't you?" He whispered to her unconscious form, his voice cold.

Five's gaze drifted back to the bullet hole, the wall splintered and broken just like his trust. He'd been betrayed before, but this... this was personal. She had looked him in the eye and kissed him, and the next second, she'd pulled a gun on him. The taste of her lips still lingered, a bitter reminder of what had just happened.

The sound of heavy footsteps behind him broke the silence. The door burst open, and Luther stormed in, eyes wide, taking in the scene in an instant. "What the hell happened?" Luther demanded, his voice sharp with confusion as he looked at Katerina, tied and unconscious in the chair.

Five didn't look up. His eyes stayed fixed on Katerina, but his voice was steady, eerily calm. "I'll explain later," he said, his tone final, leaving no room for questions.

Luther blinked, clearly taken aback, but something in Five's demeanor made him hesitate. He opened his mouth to say something, but Five had already turned his back on Katerina, heading toward the door. "We need to go," Five said over his shoulder, his voice clipped and businesslike, as if the moment that had just passed had never happened.

Luther hesitated, looking between Katerina and the door, but followed Five without another word.

As they left the room, Five's mind was already racing, already working through the next steps. But beneath the cold calculations, the betrayal sat there, festering, gnawing at him. He had always been alone, always relied on himself. Maybe it was time to remember why.


The world around Five was chaos, spinning out of control, but then—suddenly—everything stopped. Silence hung in the air like an uninvited guest. Five blinked, confusion knitting his brow as he looked around. Luther, mid-charge, was frozen in place, his large frame stuck in motion like a statue. Beyond him, Klaus and Diego were frozen inside the ice cream truck, mouths open. Hazel and Cha-Cha, guns drawn, were caught in a standoff, but nothing moved. Not even the wind.

Five's pulse quickened as he turned slowly, searching for an explanation. Then, he saw her. Standing casually on the road, her polished heels clicking as she stepped forward—The Handler. She held a briefcase in one hand, her usual devious smile curving at the corners of her lips. She looked like someone who had all the time in the world.

"Neat trick, isn't it?" she mused, her tone as smooth and sweet as poisoned honey.

Five narrowed his eyes but took a step toward her, his body tense and ready, even though they both knew he couldn't do much right now.

"Hello, Five," she greeted, her eyes raking over him as though she was inspecting him for weaknesses. "You look good, all things considered."

Five gave her a measured look, the gears in his mind turning rapidly as he tried to calculate what she wanted this time. "It's good to see you again," he said, keeping his tone flat but cordial, masking the contempt bubbling underneath.

"Feels like we just met yesterday." The Handler's voice was light, almost conversational. "Of course, you were a little bit older then. Congratulations on the age regression, by the way. Very clever. Threw us all off the scent."

Five shrugged. "Ah, well, I wish I could take credit," he replied, his eyes never leaving hers.

The Handler removed her sunglasses, folding them neatly as she looked at him with more intent. "I see she failed her assignment. Poor thing. Must have been horrible for you to kill her," she said with mock sympathy.

Five's face tightened, his jaw clenching ever so slightly. He willed himself to show no emotion, to keep the cold mask in place. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of a reaction. His silence lingered.

Undeterred, the Handler pressed on. "You realize your efforts are futile, don't you? So, why don't you tell me what it is you really want?" Her smile never wavered, but there was a sharp edge in her words.

"I want you to put a stop to it," Five said, his voice firm, leaving no room for ambiguity.

The Handler raised an eyebrow, amused by his stern resolve. "You realize what you're asking for is next to impossible. Even for me," she purred. "This fantasy you've been nurturing—about rallying your dysfunctional family to stop the apocalypse—it's just that. A fantasy." She took a step closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I must say, though, we're all very impressed with your initiative. Which is why we want to offer you something... something better. A new position back at the Commission. In management."

Five's eyes flickered with surprise. "What's that now?" he asked, his sharp wit hiding the fact that the offer had thrown him off balance.

"It's where you belong," she said smoothly, her eyes gleaming as she waved a hand as if the offer were a gift wrapped in gold.

"Well, it didn't work out too well last time," Five countered, his mind flashing back to the last time he got too close to the Commission's inner workings.

The Handler's smile widened, showing just a hint of teeth. "But you wouldn't be in the correction division any longer. I'm talking about the home office," she offered, as if it were the pinnacle of achievement, her voice oozing persuasion.

Five's mind raced. But then he thought of his family, of Katerina, of everything at stake. "What about my family?" he asked, voice steady, his eyes fixed on her.

The Handler sighed dramatically, her gaze drifting over his frozen siblings like she was appraising merchandise. "What about them?" she asked, her voice cool and detached.

"I want them to survive," Five said, his tone like steel.

She paused, then turned back to him with a look of mild annoyance. "All of them?" she asked, raising a perfectly arched brow.

"Yes, all of them. Also Katerina's brother," he added, his voice firm, refusing to back down.

The Handler's expression changed in a flash, her eyes lighting up with sudden amusement. She threw her head back and laughed, a sharp, hollow sound that echoed in the frozen landscape. After a moment, she looked at him with a grin. "I'll see what I can do," she said with a wink, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

Before Five could say another word, the world blurred around him, and they vanished into nothing.

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