Love Is In The Air

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"I know ve are meant to hate each other. Vut if you don't ask Karina to ze Yule Ball zhan you are how do they say... screwed."

Draco groans and messes his hand through his hair as he glances across the courtyard to watch Karina as she laughs with Fred and George.

"It's not that easy."

"I'll tell you vhat a friend once told me... What's so hard about zis ... Hey Karina ze Yule Ball is just around ze corner and I just vanted to ask if you vould do me ze honor of attending ze ball as my date."

Malfoy shrugs, "Well would you look at that it is easy."

Viktor chuckles as he watches Draco stare at Karina with a look that he knew very well.

"Also don't tell Karina zhat we are on good terms now."

"Nah I won't. As long as you stop flirting with her. We're all good."

Viktor laughs making Draco look at him confusion, "You are still very behind Malfoy. And jealous. Zhere is nothing going on vith me and Karina."

Draco chuckles shaking his head, "Ah I get it now. You two were trying to make me jealous... trying is the key word because I wasn't even effected, if I do say so myself-"

"Yes and I am ze Queen of England."

Draco rolls his eyes and looks back to where Karina once was then sighs. She was gone leaving the Weasley twins on their own.

"You should find her before someone else asks."

Draco's head snaps to the side as he stares at Viktor in shock, "Who else?"

Viktor shrugs with a smirk.

Draco bites his lip and curses, then stands up and runs inside the building to find Karina.

Viktor laughs shaking his head as he watches Draco disappear, "Not jealous sure."


Draco hurriedly walks through the girls hall in hopes of getting to Karina before she can say yes to anyone else. Just as he turns the corner to get to Karina's door he runs into Astoria.

Astoria immediately smiles wide, "Oh Draco I've been looking for you everywhere."

Draco smiles uncomfortably, "Oh really well you found me. I'm kind of busy at the moment though."

He tries to side step her but she blocks him.

"Oh don't worry it'll be quick."

Draco sighs staring down the hall behind Astoria, "Alright what is it?"

Astoria steps closer to him making him freeze instantly, "So the Yule Ball is tonight and seeing as you still haven't asked me I brought it upon myself to ask you."

Draco frowns in confusion, "Wait what?"

Astoria smiles and raises her hand to lay on his arm, "Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"Uhhh I um... huh?"

Astoria lets out a huff of annoyance as she rolls her eyes. She goes to open her mouth but a voice behind her interrupts.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting?"

Astoria groans then turns to glare at Karina who is smirking, "Kind of."

"Aw so sorry but you happen to be blocking the entire hallway with that huge head of yours."

Draco snickers as Astoria rolls her eyes.

"Funny Grey real funny. You won't be laughing for much longer though... guess who my date to the Yule Ball is."

Karina chuckles and shrugs, "An ugly toad."

Astoria glares, "Cute. But not quite. It's Draco. We were just talking about it. Weren't we Dray?"

"Dray? Since when have you called him Dray?"

Draco mentally curses as both girls glare at each other than turn to look at him.

"Ha um I just got here... I have no id-"

"That's okay hun you don't have to explain yourself to commoners." Astoria smirks as she holds onto Draco's arm.

Karina frowns looking at Astoria's hand.

"And who are you going with Grey? A Gryffindork?"

Karina chuckles humorlessly, "Yeah right... no I'm going by myself."

Astoria giggles and places her hand on her chest looking at Karina with condescending eyes, "Aw how cute of you. That's so strong and what's the word? Brave... especially with everything that went on. It's okay though no one is judging you for being single and going to a ball all alone."

Karina smiles, "I'm going to leave before I say or do something that hurts you."

Karina glances at Draco with a sad look before rushing down the hallway and out of sight.

Astoria sighs and throws her hair over her shoulder, "Finally she's gone. I thought she would never leave."


"She's such a witch. What's wrong with her?"

Karina just stares at her newly painted nails as Pansy curses Astoria into an oblivion.

"Yeah I mean can she not even see that he's not interested in her. I mean how desperate can you be?" Daphne says.

She knew her sister was a little off but now the girl was darn near psychotic. She had to know that Draco doesn't like her as much she loves him, or obsesses over him.

"She said they were going together..."

Pansy looks over to Daphne and frowns confused after hearing Karina's reply. Daphne's eyebrows furrow as she shrugs.

'I thought he would as Karina.' She mouths.

'Me too.'

"You do know you two aren't very good at mouthing to each other without whispering right?"

The two girls freeze as Karina looks at them with a light smile.


"Guys it's fine. I was going alone anyways. That's what I told everyone who asked. So it's fine."

"Yeah but you two are meant for each other." Daphne replies with a sad look on her face.

"Well if it's meant to be, it won't pass me by. Eventually we will be together. Maybe not now, maybe not tonight, probably not tomorrow... but eventually."


Knock knock.

Hermione frowns as she looks at the door. Her roommate had already gone downstairs so she wondered who was outside.

Walking over she opens the door and smiles in confusion at the person on the other side.

"I'm not even going to ask you how you got past the Fat Singing Lady."

Karina scoffs, "Easy. But that's a secret I would like to keep. Can I come in?"

Hermione nods and backs away from the doorway. She gasps as Karina walks in. Karina was glowing. Her sparkly pink dress was long and flowing. The bottom was layered tulle and the top with a bondage wrap look.

"Wow you look amazing."

"Thank you. Well Granger I came to see how you were. And to tell you..." Karina fake gags and coughs, "Oh shoot I came to say you look... wow I am so sorry I came to say you look so..."

Hermione rolls her eyes and shoved Karina playfully.

Karina chuckles, "I'm kidding you look absolutely incredible. Viktor is going to faint when he sees you."

Hermione looks down at her dress nervously, "You think so?"

"Oh I know so. He's crushing real hard."

Hermione giggles and lets out a breath of relief, "Well then let's not keep everyone waiting."

Harry and Ron are walking down the stairs into the hall. Ron is fidgeting with his outfit making Harry slap his hand.

"Leave it alone."

Ron sighs shaking his head, "Poor kid, bet she's alone in her room crying her eyes out."

Harry looks over at Ron in confusion, "Who?"

"Hermione of course. Come on Harry, why'd you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?"

"Because we'd take the mickey out of her if she did."

Ron shakes his head, "Because nobody asked her. I would have taken her myself if she weren't so bleeding proud."

The two freeze bearing a click of heels come down the staircase in front of them. Their mouths drop as they watch Karina walk down to them.

"Hello boys. I would close your mouth otherwise you'll catch flies. But I do take that as a compliment."

Harry chuckles, "You look great. Really."

"Thanks Harry. Ronald did you ever apologize to Hermione for opening your big mouth."

Ron rolls his eyes, "Uh no and she'll be fine. Hey is she upstairs upset right now? I figure we should go check on her halfway through the ball just to make sure she's okay."

Karina frowns looking at him in confusion, "What?"

Before Ron can reply the Patil twins approach the trio.

"Hello boys. Don't you look..." Parvati looks at Ron,

"Here you are Potter. Are you and Miss Patil ready?" Professor McGonagall says as she runs up to the group.

"Ready professor?" Harry questions.

"To dance. It's traditional that the three champions or in this case four are the first to dance. Surely I told you that."


Karina bursts out laughing as Harry glares at her. She whispers sorry as she holds her hands up.

"Oh well now you know. Oh, as for your Mr Weasly you may proceed into the great hall with Miss Patil."

Hermione enters the room all dressed up. The sound of her heels make everyone look up at her in awe. Karina smirks as she watches Ron's face.

"She looks beautiful." Parvati says.

Harry smiles, "Yeah she does."

Hermione walks down the stairs and passes the group. Viktor Krum appears takes her hand as they walk together. Viktor glances towards Karina and winks as she holds a thumbs up with a grin.

Padma smiles as she leans closer to Ron, "Is that Hermione Granger? With Viktor Krum??"

Karina nods, "Sure as hell is."

Ron shakes his head, "No. Absolutely not."

Karina giggles and decides to finally leave and find her friends. She walks into the great hall to see it totally redecorated into a winter wonderland. It was honestly beautiful. She had never been so excited to be at a dance. Even if she was alone she knew it would be a night remember.

Draco looks around hastily as he tries to find Karina. He had hoped to run into her once more throughout the day but she had literally disappeared. Blaise and Pansy both smile as they see Karina walking into the great hall.

"Hey love bird, there she is."

Draco flips off Blaise as he looks in the direction that Blaise pointed in. His heart stops beating as he looks at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.

It's almost as if the rest of the great hall vanished and they were the only two left on the planet. Karina looks down nervously as she walks closer to Draco. Draco clears his throat and fixes his hair as she draws near.


"Hi." Karina replies as she bites her lip and twists her hands together.

Draco clears his throat once more, "You um... you look absolutely beautiful... Incredible."

Karina blushes, "Thank you. You though... uh you look wow. Um very handsome."

Pansy rolls her eyes as she pulls Blaise closer to the door for the entrance of the champions. As they walk by she bumps into Karina making her stumble forward into Draco. Draco wraps his arms around Karina's waist and helps her steady herself.

Karina glares at Pansy as she smiles and walks away, "I'm sorry I have no balance in these things. I'm surprised I haven't fallen on my face yet."

"Well don't worry I got you."

Karina looks up and accidentally stares into Draco's silver eyes. All noise had gone.

"What happened to your date?"

"What date?"

"You know what date Draco..."

Draco just stares with a small smile. Karina shakes her head smiling as well.


"Oh her! She was never my date."

Karina bites her lip once again and tilts her head to the side, "Excuse me?"

Draco lifts his hand and brushes a free strand of her hair behind her ear, "She bumped into me before I got the chance to ask you to the ball. So Karina Grey I know this pretty late and very lame but would you do me the honors of making my dream come true and being my beautiful date at the Yule Ball."

Karina giggles, "Of course."

Loud music plays as the champions head to the dancefloor with their partners.

Karina looks at the door then at Draco and sighs, "I'm guessing we should make our way over there."

Draco nods, "I believe so."

As the champions begin to dance, Parvati clears her throat making Harry stare at her, "Harry. Take my waist."



They dance and soon others are joining in, Dumbledore and McGonagall, Mr Filch and his cat, Hagrid and Madame Maxime. Mad-Eye sits on the sidelines drinking.

Draco turns to Karina who was giving a thumbs up to Cedric. He clears his throat making her glance at him with a small smile.


"Karina would you care to dance?"

He holds out his hand making Karina grin widely and take it.

"I would love to."

As the two dance, Karina can't help but look at him and realize how handsome he really was becoming. She was smitten whether she wanted to admit or not. She hoped that they could finally get past their awkward weird quiet stage in their friendship and maybe move somewhat closer to where they used to be.

It's not before the scene changes. The music is now rock played by the Weird Sisters fronted by Jarvis Cocker from Pulp. Cool!. The crowd is jumping. Karina dances with Slytherin friends then Viktor, Hermione, Cedric, and Cho join in. Harry, Ron and their dates are sitting some distance away looking miserable.

"Well they look like their having fun..." Parvati says as she looks at her sister in annoyance.

Hermione comes up after a great time with Viktor.

"Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?"

Ron scoffs, "No, we'd NOT care to join you and Viktor."

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione asks with a frown.

"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternising with the enemy."

Hermione scoffs, "The enemy?? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends."

"Hrmph, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind."

Hermione gasps and shakes her head then walks off. She goes to turn around but decided against it.

Padma sighs as she turns to Ron, "Are you going to ask me to dance or not?"


Padma rolls her eyes and glances towards her sister who nods. The two make their way towards the dance floor together leaving their dates for the night.

Draco and Karina stand with Viktor at the punch table as he waits for Hermione to return.

"Keep your hands to yourself. Don't you dare say anything vulgar to her. And absolutely no going to the cars in the courtyard. You got that mister?"

Viktor chuckles as Karina crosses her arms and gives him a scary look.

"Yes I understand Karina."

Draco shakes his head and grabs Karina's waist pulling her away from Viktor who nods a thanks.

"Karina love I think he understands all your 100 rules by now. You've gone over them at least five times."

"Alright fine... what's number 35?"


Karina grumbles, "Fineeee. Well what are we gonna do now? I'm bored and don't feel like dancing."

Draco chuckles, "I got an idea."


"He's using you." Ron shouts.

"How dare you! Besides I can take care of myself."

"Doubt it. He's way too old."

Hermione glares, "What? What? That's what you think?"

"Yeah that is what I think."

"You know the solution then don't you."
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"Go on."

"Next time there's a ball pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does, and not as a last resort."

Ron freezes and acts nonchalant, "Well that's completely off the point. Harry..."

Harry walks up.

Hermione groans, "Where have you been? Oh nevermind! Off to bed both of you."

Harry and Ron walk away slowly.

Ron leans over to whisper to Harry but is loud enough for Hermione to hear, "They get scary when they get older."

Hermione runs up making them quickly run away and disappear up the stairs, "Ron you spoil everything!"


"Okay okay if you could eat one thing for the rest of your life and only one thing, what would it be?"

"Easy potatoes."

Draco turns his head to the side to look at Karina in confusion, "Potatoes? Why?"

Karina looks at him, "Because they are so versatile. You can make mashed potatoes, french fries, scalloped potatoes, and even baked potatoes... darn it now I'm hungry."

Draco laughs making Karina smile.

The two look back up at the starry sky. They had been laying in the grass for about two hours now just talking about anything and everything.

"Alright next question." Karina says as she turns to her side and holds her head up on her hand as he elbow is planted into the ground.

"Shoot." Draco mimics her posture.

"If you could go back in time, to anywhere and change anything at all... what would it be?"

Draco stares at Karina as she smiles slightly. His eyes run over her glowing face and almond shaped brown eyes. His free hand once again makes its way to a fallen strand of curly hair. He brushes it away from her face. Karina sighs inwardly as Draco stares at her intensely. She had no idea what he was thinking about but she knew if this didn't end soon something might happen that they probably aren't ready for.

"I would go back to that night we were in my dorm and I got so angry when you compared me to my father. If I could tell myself anything I would tell myself to listen to you... maybe then you wouldn't feel like I was being an asshole to the gryfinndorks. For some reason their your friends and I can't change that but maybe if I would've just let you be, you wouldn't have felt torn."

Karina pauses for a moment and thinks of one think she had wanted an answer about for weeks now.

"Can I ask you a question? A serious question."

Draco nods once making Karina look down between them, "Do you still love me?"

There's a small pause. The somewhat silent lake is filled with the sound of crickets chirping.

"Of course I do. I don't think I'll ever be able not to. I will always love you."

"Do you think we'll ever be... never mind."

Karina goes to sit up but is stopped by Draco pulling her closer to him. Her hand lays on his chest and her legs beside his lightly touching.

"Be what? Together again?"

Karina nods slowly.

"I ask myself that same question every single day if we're being honest. I think maybe eventually. In the future. I think it's best right now to be on our own and to figure out our lives and each other. We should figure out what we want and need in a person. I... we both have to better ourselves. And you..."

Draco grabs her hand off his chest and holds it up. He looks at the light scar mark on her wrist that she tried to hide with makeup but he knew her all too well.

"You need to fully love yourself first before you can love anybody else."

He kisses her scar and places her hand lightly back on his chest before putting his arms behind his head and staring up at the stars.

Karina stares at him in awe and shock. He took the words right out of her mouth.

"So you'll still like me two or three years from now?"

"Karina I'll still love until we're old and grey. Believe me I'm not going anywhere."

Karina's Dress

Karina's Hairstyle (Even though she had shoulder length hair)

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