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Chapter 12: Insanity
"Go ahead. Cry, Shuichi. Their dead, all you have left...

Is Me."

Shuichi laid on the bed, blanket covering his entire body including his face. Burying his head more deeper into the warmth, he tried his best to ignore the scenes that had just happened. Yesterday.. He didn't know wether it was morning but decided it probably was, he was glad the thief was gone but he hoped he wouldn't come back. Faint screams were heard, they sounded familiar but he didn't know whose it belonged to. Perhaps its his mind playing tricks on him?

The room he was in had the metal carpet almost too cold for his feet,

Suddenly running was heard, the metal door opened but shut quietly as if trying to keep everyone un-alert. Is he back?

His heart rate sped faster, he wanted to get it over with but also wanted to avoid him at all costs. Saihara knows he can't do that. The thief would probably hurt him. Finally deciding, he was going to face him to get it over with. Lifting his head up to give him a glare, it quickly faded away into a mix of confusion and relief. "Kaede..?" His voice trembling, before she could react she quickly turned to face him. His appearance hurt her mentally, he looked like he was up all night crying. Love bites covered his neck and arms that were trying to pull the blanket closer to his chest for closure. His hair was a mess, eye bags from the night he couldn't sleep.

"Shuichi.. What happened to you?" Saihara's gaze softened before his eyes grew wide from looking at her appearance, her white dress that reached below her knee now slightly tattered and ripped at the bottom. Blood stains covering some parts, her eyes were no longer angelic but full of worry. Her blonde hair almost as messy as his, wounds covered her arms and a slash on her cheek. Her shoes were fine, they were brogue shoes. Only little bits of blood crept upon it. "I can say the same for you." Kaede wasn't fazed upon his words, his health was all that mattered. "I.. Rantaro led me here." She walked closer to the bed ignoring her leg aching in pain, looking down at him with a small frown. She lifted her hand and softly stroked his hair, he looked really sleepy. He nuzzled closer into her hand, not yet shutting his eyes for he waited for her to say more.

"That.. Hang out, he said we could go on a date." Before, Kaede asked Shuichi to convince Rantaro to spend time with her. "Of course, I was happy.. But after we went to the cafe he said he had something to show me, a house.." Shuichi didn't reply and waited for her to continue, "It was a house. A pretty big house. Then we stood in front of stairs, it was so large! Then we went to next to the side of it there was a metal door. I'm guessing thats where we are right now. He knocked me out with a rock so I guess my head does hurt, ahahah.." He had a strong feeling it could help with the investigation but thats only if he can escape with her. "Why would Rantaro..?" She shrugged her shoulders at him, "He's probably sadistic, fucker kept me up all night." Shuichi was slightly surprised at her choice of words as he had never heard her swear but knew there were other things to focus on. But for some odd reason, Shuichi couldn't help but feel as if he knows which house she's talking about. Did he go there before?

"And you?" Kaede asked whilst looking down at his appearance, "Thief." She tilted her head at him in confusion, accidentally stopping her hand from stroking his hair. "The.. Phantom thief." Her eyes widened in fear, "So thats it.." Akumatsu whispered to herself, "What?" Kaede continued, "Rantaro's with that criminal..! T-Those guys, they looked like they work for him. I was chased by them before I hid in here." She pointed to the door, now he understood. Those photos.. Rantaro was the one who had taken them, and when the thief visited him at his house. He thought he could trust him yet instead he brought along Kaede and ended up being "Raped."


Looking up at the female above him, she looked even more concerned. "That.. Criminal. He raped you?!" She asked in a whispered-shout. Shuichi didn't respond, he just looked at her with face full of fright. "I-I'm gonna fucking kill him..! I'll get Rantaro and that thief!" Kaede looked around the room ignoring Shuichi's doubts about escaping and she found clothes underneath the bed. "Are these yours?" He shook his head but asked for them anyway, she passed them to him and he grabbed it. Putting on the black jeans and white jumper he heard something... "Kaede, quick! Hide underneath the bed or something?!" Shuichi shouted out to her, she didn't know what was happening but went along with it and out of all places.. She hid right underneath the bed. Smart. The sound of walking grew even louder and door flew open revealing the one and only.. Kokichi Ouma. But Shuichi didn't know that.

He was terrified, just the sight of the little liar in front of him scared him greatly. Kokichi was wearing a pretty large white shirt which Shuichi figured out was his, when he asked about it the thief admitted that he 'borrowed' it from him.  Luckily he was wearing black shorts underneath which were nearly visible making him look like he's wearing boxers. The shirt draped down almost below his knees, he looked almost petite. Child-like, perhaps thats what makes him look so innocent. Sadly, Kokichi thought outside the box and wore a mask covering his hanf of his face so only his eyes could be in view. His eyes felt oddly familiar, as if he's looked into those purple eyes of his before. But those eyes were empty, no emotion to be seen. That was what Shuichi spotted different about him, he looked more.. Strange? Its almost as if he's lost his sanity.

His bangs covered most of his face, a shadow covered almost most of his eyes but they were still visible to Shuichi. Below the bed, Kaede was shocked. Is this who the phantom thief is?  He looks too innocent to do that, except for.. The little blood stain covering some of his shirt? Kokichi's shirt had little droplets of blood yet no signs of injuries or bruises. Who's blood did that come from? Kaede was still trying to process what was happening, but that didn't mean she wasn't worried for Shuichi. He had fucking raped him! How though? He looks so young and weak. As for Saihara, he was scared. "Shuichi.." Reaching his hand underneath his shirt, Kokichi's hand found the pocket of his shorts and took out a needle with pink substance. "It won't hurt, I promise..! A-And after that.. I'll feed you, you didn't eat yet. Right?" Kokichi looked like he was going to snap at any minute, Shuichi knew he was smiling from underneath the mask. He knew he had lost it.

Shuichi backed away, almost falling off the bed. Kokichi crawled onto the bed, the needle in his hand. His pupils grew small, all the light had disappeared from his eyes. "Its okay.." Pinning Shuichi down, he attempted to fight back but he.. How is he so strong?! "Y-You won't remember... What he did, you'll love me.. And only remember me-" Kaede grabbed Kokichi's shoulder and threw him onto the ground, the needle leaving his hand and breaking onto the ground. She screeched at him with pure hate, "Y-You monster-!" BANG

Kokichi grabbed her head with his free hand and threw it against the ground.

Crimson liquid came pouring out from her head, her eyes wide and pain ran through her body. Even the pain Ranter had inflicted on her wasn't this bad. How did he manage to use such strong force to do that? "K-Kaede!" Shuichi stood up from the bed and rushed to help her but Kokichi stood up and pushed him down. "Stay here!" He shouted, anger lacing his words. Unfortunately for Kokichi, Kaede was determined to escape. She kicked his foot and he fell from behind, falling onto the broken grass. He let out a loud cry, his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed more angry than in pain, but the pain still distracted him the most. A gun fell out of his shorts, falling onto the ground. Kaede reached out for it and placed it inside her bra as there was nowhere else to put it.

Kokichi looked up whilst hissing from the pain, but that stopped when he saw Shuichi staring at Kaede with a red face. It was from the sight of her putting the gun in her bra.

Holding onto her bleeding forehead, she grabbed Shuichi's arm and pulled him off the bed. Running towards closed door, she threw it open and rushed outside with Shuichi near her.

"There they are!"

The men who worked there ran behind them, Kaede and Shuichi didn't know where to go but that wasn't stopping them. Reaching for her bra, she took her hand from her bleeding forehead and took out the gun, shooting a couple of the workers. Her eyes widened in fear once she saw some of them reaching out for their guns to shoot back and- "Don't shoot him! Shoot the girl!" Shuichi recognised the voice and turned his head, there he was. That thief. He was clenching onto his bleeding shoulder that fell onto the glass. Red liquid dripped from it but he didn't seem to focus on it much as his main focus was on Shuichi. Kaede was almost grateful but that didn't mean that they weren't going to shoot her, as long as she was with Shuichi it would definitely be hard for them to shoot her so hopefully they'll escape.

"Shuichi.. I-I don't think theres a way out!" She shot the gun once more at the men behind her but the bullets ran out, "Tch..!" She cursed to herself and tucked the gun back into her bra, Shuichi looked away in embarrassment. "N-No, if theres no way out there has to be a window!" Kaede nodded at him, completely agreeing with him, passing through multiple rooms neither of them knew which one to go to. It had to be random. "T-That room!" He whispered to her in order not to catch them hearing her. Kaede was hesitant but nodded anyways, they ran behind a wall to catch the guards off guard. "Where the fuck did they go?! Find Shuichi and kill the girl!" Kokichi scolded at the guards with his bleeding shoulder, "S-Sir, your shoulder is bleeding-"

"Find them!"

'Damn, he must really be out to get me..' Kaede thought to herself, peeking from the wall with a worried Shuichi behind her. 'Just like I'm out to get Rantaro..' Anger rushed through her, suddenly she got the feeling of adeline in her veins and smiled to herself. "I'll kill you, Rantaro.." Hearing her words, Shuichi's eyes widened. He had never seen her like this before, she always seemed so innocent? Before she could comment, a guard passed by the wall quickly stopping to stare at them but before he could react, she raised her gun up to his head and knocked him out. Blood poured from his head, "Now you know how I feel.." She said, relating to her bruised forehead. Shuichi was shocked and Kaede kneeled down to grab a gun, luckily there were two guns. Rifles to be precise. "Take it." She offered Shuichi, he was hesitant but took it anyway as it was a way to survive. When they saw no one by the wall they were hiding next to, Kaede ushered Shuichi to go back inside the room they were planning to go to.

Opening the door slowly, Shuichi gasped.


"What the fuck is this?! Some obsession or some shit?!" Kaede gazed at the office, who's office is this? "I-I.. I think its the phantom thief's office." Shuichi cringed, before Kaede could reply she found a stack of boxes. Some of them were labelled as, 'Bombs' or 'Smoke bombs' but one that stood out to the both of them was the one labelled as, "Shuichi." Shuichi was absolutely disgusted and so was Kaede, the detective ran up to the box and saw pictures and pictures. Almost millions of them as well as some.. Inappropriate ones. Even files talking about Shuichi. "He's a stalker!" He screeched, "Whats in it-?

"Don't look!" Shuichi shouted at her, tears welling up in his eyes. Kaede stopped to look at him, she felt bad for Shuichi. He was obviously going through some tough shit. Kaede walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him. "Hey, hey.. Its okay, we'll get rid of that thief and escape." Shuichi paused for a moment before hugging back at her, crying in her shoulder. Kaede patted his back and sighed, "We'll get through this.." Releasing himself from the hug, he wiped his tears away. Kaede gave him a sad smile until he turned his head look at something. "Kaede.." She muttered out a, "Huh?" And allowed him to continue. "Whats that?" The pianist looked to where he was pointing at and opened her mouth agape, "A tunnel."

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