Chapter 1

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Author P.O.V

A girl was sleeping peacefully on her bed when her alarm turned on... She groaned and took the alarm and was sbout to slam it on the night table... But the her elder brother brust into her room shouting making her flinch...

Yeonjun: Y/NIEE!!! WAKE UP!!!

Y/n: Aish... This fox!

Yeonjun: Don't you dare call me that again...

Y/n: Yeah whatever... Now get lost...

Yeonjun: How dare you disrespect me?

Y/n: Aishh... Sorry oppa... Can you get out of the room so that I can change for the college?

Yeonjun: Sure...

He slammed the door and went away... She sighed and dlowly got up from her bed...

Y/n P.O.V

I just came out of the bathroom taking a shower... I looked at the time... 6:43... I still have a little bit of time... Let me pack my bag...

I was now packing my bag when I looked toward my room's window... I was still open... I packed my bag and went toward the window to close it... But I saw my handsome neighbours... He just came out of the shower and was only wearing a towel around his torso...

I cheeks started burning as I quickly looked away... It would be very embarrassing if he caught me staring at him... I left the window open because if I try to close it... It might take his attention and might thing I was staring at him... Oh god... Why the hell is he so hot and cute and the same time?...

I quickly left the house after informing Yeonjunie oppa... Actually I live with my elder brother Yeonjun... We don't have parents as them died when Yeonjun oppa was 12 and I was 10... I was hard for us to live without a parent at first but then one of our relative helped us during those hard periods... Unfortunately... He passed away few years ago and now me and Yeonjun oppa live alone...

Life wasn't that tough for me as Yeonjun oppa aways took a great care of me and loved me from the bottom of his heart... He never really let me feel the absence of my parents...

I have a necklace which was my last gift from mom...

This necklace was my mom's but she gave it to me when I was 10... And she died few days after shd gave it to me...

Now lets go to the story again...

At the college

I was standing by my locker when I saw a few boys staring at me as if I was a snack... I ignored them and kept doing my job... They always do this anyways...

I was silently doing my job when every single girl present in the corridor started screaming... And I know why... I was my one and only neighbour a.k.a my crush, Park Jimin...

He was looking so handsome... Every single girl drools over him... All the girls gathered around him as if his a big celebrity... I do feel jealous sometimes but there's not of doing so... I know I don't have any chance with him... That's why I'm trying to ignore him so that I would get hurt... And btw... He also a freaking playboy... What was I supposed to do?... Every girl gathered around him expect for me... He won't notice me anyways... Ignored the crowd and went to my class...

Jimin P.O.V

I was gathered by all the girls in the college... But only 1 girl didn't came for me... It was Y/n... She was always so different from other girls... She so pretty... Sweet... Kind... And cute... She aways ignore me even when I come to her house to meet her brother... I wish I get a chance with her...

I just got out of the crowd and run to my class room... I entered the class room and saw my best friend Jung Hoseok...

Jimin: Heyyy mannn!!! Whatsap?

Hobi: Fine bro...

We high fived... He was my best friend since 2nd grade... He's my bestest best friend ever...

Hobi: Where have you been?... Wait... Let me guess... The girls attacked you...

Jimin: Kind of right bro... And... When are you getting a girl friend...

Hobi: Oh come on... I not a playboy like you... I need time to choose a specific girl...

Jimin: What ever...

I was talking with Hoseok when my latest girl friend came and sat intront of me...

???: Hi babe!

I looked at her annoyed... I actually done with her...

Jimin: Don't call me that Mia... And get lost... I'm done with you...

Mia: But why babe what did I do wrong... I thought you loved me sincerely...

Jimin: Come on Mia... Even you know I never love the one I date... I was just playing around... You know that right?

She looked at me with tears in my eyes and run away... I rolled my eyes... So dramatic... I looked around and saw Y/n was looking at the way from where Mis just disappeared... Oh no...

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