Chapter 20

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Jimin P.O.V

I was almost midnight... Y/n was dleeping next to me and we were cuddling... It was very peaceful atmosphere but my heart wasn't in peace...

I quitely got out of the tent to see Hobi was outside... His back facing me... I went toward him and sat beside him... He didn't said anything... We were silent...  But I broke it...

Jimin: I know I did a mistake in the past but that doesn't mean you'll kiss my girl friend...

He still stayed silent... After a few minutes he answered back...

Hobi: You knew I loved Suzy... Then why did you dated her?...

Jimin: Did you ever told me you loved her?...

Hobi: No but the love in my eyes for her was enough to know... You didn't noticed?...

Jimin: How was I supposed to... I was blind in love too... Not love to specific... I thought I loved Suzy... But it was just a temporary crush...

Hobi: You didn't even knew your own feeling?!...

Jimin: Actually no... The feeling love was very new to me... That's why I was confused... Both of us were... That's why we broke up later...

Hobi: Why didn't you told me before?!

He looked at me with his teary eyes...

Jimin: I told you na?... I was confused... But I swear I didn't knew you loved her... If I did... I won't even lookat her... Trust me...

Hobi: You're a bastard...

Jimin: I know...

Saying that I hugged him from behind...

Hobi: I'm so sorry... I thought so wrong of you my friend... I don't deserve you...

Jimin: Yeah... You don't deserve a bastard like me...

Hobi: I'll apologise to Y/n too... I involved her in our problem...

Jimin: Okay... And I'm sorry too... I didn't understand your feelings toward Suzy...

                          *Next day*

Y/n P.O.V

All of us woke up... We were heading toward a mountain after we had breakfast... I was quite silent... When Hobi came out of no where making me flinch...

Y/n: Ahh!!

Hobi: hey don't be scared... I came here to say sorry...

Y/n: Sorry not accepted...

Hobi: Y/n-ahh... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have involved you in our matter...

Y/n: You're right... You shouldn't have...

Hobi: That's exactly what I said... But why did you repeated?...

Y/n: My wish...

Hobi: Come on na Y/n-ahh... You're gonna be my soon to be sister-in-law... We should keep our relationship good... I promise... I'll give you brotherly love...

His words caught me off gaurd and made my cheeks bright red... Jimin must have heard him that's why when I looked at him he smirked and winked... Asshole...

Y/n: Okay... Just because you called me sister-in-law... I forgive you... But be alert from the next time... I'll might kill you...

Hobi: Yeah yeah sure...

I smiled and looked at Jimin again... He was smiling too... Finally... Everything is on it's place... Very peaceful...

                      *1 week later*

I was inside my room reading a book when Jimin came in my room... Yeah... He can freely came and go outside my room as long as he doesn't touch me... Well I don't have any problem with him touching me but my oppa doesn't approve on that as he already knows about my relationship with Jimin...

Jimin: Hi baby... What are you doing?...

Y/n: Reading a novel... Why?...

Jimin: Lets go on a date in the evening... How does that sounds?...

Y/n: Very good... I'll be ready by 7 pm...

Jimin: Okay baby...

He came toward me and gave me a small kiss... After breaking the kiss we heard the house's door bell ringing...

Y/n: I'm gonna check it...

Jimin: Okay...

I went down stairs and opened the door only to get surprise by one people whom I didn't expected to come...

Polices were at the door looking right in my soul...

Police 3: Excuse me miss... We're ordered to investigate your whole house...

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