Chapter 4

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Jimin P.O.V

Jimin: Why am I thinking like a pervert?!...

I think that my eyes won't get rest today... I could see Y/n's silhouette... Her whole body shape... Wow... She's so beautiful... Both outside and inside...

I was lost in her beauty when I noticed she was about to go out of her bathroom... If she does that maybe I'll be able to see her whole body naked ... Because the her window's open... I looked away... I should respect her privacy actually... Part from that... She's a girl...

I went inside my room and straightly lied down on my bed thinking about her... Why she's so cute, king amd innocent?... I wish I can take that innocence of her tho... Hmm... Lets take a small nap so that I can go to college and tease her a bit...

Y/n P.O.V

I came out of the bathroom with a towel around my body... I looked around and saw that my room's window was wide open... I widen my eyes and rushed toward it to close it... I hope no one saw me like this... It would be very embarrassing...

                         At the college

I was sitting on my seat with a book in my hand... Was sitting alone as my only friend here is missing... She probably skipped school... That's why I'm alone here...

Suddenly Jimin came toward me and sat down next to me... It effected his fangirls... I still can't believe he's my crush..

Jimin: Hey *grin*

Y/n: What do you want?...

Jimin: How rude... *pout* Any ways... I came here to warn you about something...

Y/n: What is it?

Jimin: You really should close your windows before going to shower...

Saying that he went away while smirking as my cheeks glow bloody red... Did he fucking saw me in only a towel?!... God why?!... Just why?!

I was still whining when I heard some girls talking about a new boy coming here... I ignired it as I don't have any interest in guys expect Jimin...

I was reading peacefully when I heard some girls scream... I flinch and looked around... Jimin was already here then for whom are the screaming for... I looked at the guy they were screaming for as my jaw dropped...

Y/n: KOOKIE?!?!

I run toward him and jump in his arms... He swing me around while giggling...

Jk: How are you my bestie?...

Y/n: Very bad because you weren't there... When did you planned to enroll in this college?!...

Jk: I just came from abroad 3 days ago and I got to know you also read in this college... So I took admission... I missed you so much...

Actually Jungkook is my childhood best friend... We were together since 4... But at the age of 14... He had to go abroad for his further education as his parent's only hope was him... He was poor but still we're friends...

Y/n: Come sit beside me...

I pulled him toward my seat and made him sit beside my seat... From the corner of my eyes I could see Jimin glaring at Jungkook but I ignored it...

Jimin P.O.V

How dare he touch my girl?!... He even hugged her which I vould all this months and years... Who is he?!... Is he Y/n's boyfriend?... No no... I won't let that happened... She's only mine... I should do something or else that Jungle book guy'd gonna take my girl away... Aish... What should I do?...

Hobi noticed I was tensed so he asked...

Hobi: Are you okay bro?...

Jimin: Not really... Let's go to the club in the evening...

Hobi: O-Okay... If you want to...

                      At the evening

It was evening and I was going to a club with Jungkook... He said he wants to share everything at the club... He wanna tell what happend all those years... About his friemds etc... That why I'm going... I slready took permission from oppa as he already knows amd trusts Jungkook alot... I was looking pretty too... I wore this dress for the first time...

(Think that length of the dress is longer)

At the club

I came with Jungkook to the club... It was dark yet had colourful lighting... Loud music can be heard even outside the club... People were dancing around and making out... I looked at them disgusted...

Y/n: Hey Kookie... Let's go to a place where people doesn't make out... It's disgusting...

Jk: Okay okay...

We went to the bar and thankfully... No one was there expect a few boys...

Jk: 2 whiskey...

He order to the bartender

Y/n: Wait I can't drink whiskey...

Jk: Why what's that problem?...

Y/n: I just don't wanna get drunk...

Jk: *chuckle* Don't worry you have me... I'll took you home if you get drunk...

Y/n: O-Okay then...

Jk: Soo... How have you been these days...

Y/n: Fine... I have a friend... Her name's Im Nayeon... She's very pretty and kind... And oppa has recenty jointed University...

Jk: In which University?...

Y/n: At the **** University...

We were talking... When the bartender gave us our order...

Jk: Take the whiskey and start drinking...

I took the glass and looked at it... I took a deep sigh before dringing it in one sip...

I slammed the glass on the marble table and looked at Jungkook... He was looking at me with widen eyes and mouth...

Y/n: Did I do something wrong?...

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