// Rose Midnight //

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Full Name:
Rose Juliet Midnight.


Korean, German.

Rose has long, pin straight red hair that does down towards her lower back. Her hair is usually seen down, and messy because she doesn't care much about it.

Around 400 years old. Usually takes on the form of a 16-18 year old, because of her childish mindset.

Eye colour:
She has blazing yellow eyes that usually glow in the dark. Her iris's are black, and are in the shape of slits.

Skin tone:
She has pale peach coloured skin, that is soft to the touch.

Favourite/typical outfits:
Rose is usually seen wearing Lolita type of clothing. She likes to wear all types of colours, put usually prefers neutral colours. When she isn't wearing Lolita type clothing, she usually just wears normal dresses cute dresses or a big sweater with a skirt.


Body structure:
Rose has a very thin, weak looking body frame, with short legs, regular sized arms, and a long torso. But don't let that fool you, she has a lot of muscle on those tiny arms and legs of hers.



Major scars:
Roses has many scars all over her body. But most of them have faded away over time.


She is a literal nutcase. She has no remorse for any living creature and usually has a hard time interacting with others because of it. She doesn't care much though. She is insane (Yandere), and never tries to hid it. She gets what she wants when she wants it, no matter the consequences. Though she is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, she is very sweet and always seen being happy. She says silly things almost all the time, and always makes the atmosphere feel bubbly. Because of past trauma, she is very oblivious, forgets many things, and has so much energy to where she starts conversations in a conversation, to where people hardly know what she is saying half the time. Rose also has the mind of a child.

Demon Royalty.

Opinion on Humans:
She has no opinions on humans, or any other creatures for that matter. She'll get along with anyone, and isn't afraid to hurt anyone either. In her eyes, they are all the same.

Rose's hobbies include having tea parties with her stuffies, or anyone who'd like to join. She likes playing with Mr. Bunny and talking to anyone who will listen. Though it doesn't seem like it, Rose likes to cook.

• Tea.

• Stuffed animals & Dolls.

• Sweets.

• Her favourite stuffed animal Mr. Bunny.

• Anything sad or depressing.

• People ruining her mood.

• Being called a child.

• People calling her crazy, weird, or insane.

• Anyone touching Mr. Bunny besides her.

• Physically strong.

• Unpredictable.

• Has flexibly and agility.

• Manipulative.

• Apathetic.

• Insane.

• Oblivious.

• Mindset of a child.

• Can't control her emotions.

• Mr. Bunny.

• Anything she can get her hands on.

• Her dolls.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

Relationship with mother:
Rose never had a relationship with her mother or father. She was taken care of by the maids, and hardly ever saw her mother's face. She can hardly remember what she even looks like.

Relationship with father:
Much like Rose with her mother, she can barely remember her father and hardy had a relationship with him. All she can remember is him yelling at her for breaking things and giving a look of disgust every time she was around him.

Relationship with sibling(s):
(( Luna, Mary, and Yukki are Roses cousins, but she views them as siblings. ))

Luna: Rose views Luna as an other sister because of how Luna took her in, knowing how insane and unstable Rose was and still is. She always comes to Luna whenever she needs help, and know she is in good hands with her cousin.

Mary: Rose hasn't been very close with Mary, given the fact that Mary isn't around all that often, but she still looks up to Mary and thinks of her as a big sister too. Whenever Mary is around she will always come to Rose for tea parties and that makes Rose happy.

Yukki: Though it doesn't seem like it, she enjoys spending time with Yukki too. Though he always tries to give her the cold shoulder, he warms up to her and lets her hang around him even when he's busy.

Best friend(s):
Luna: Luna is one of Rose's best friends because, she can talk to her about anything and Luna is never weirded out or tried to push her away. She can come to her with any problem no matter how small, and will always find a way to help Rose fix it too. She gave Rose a place to live and to feel loved.

Mr. Bunny: Mr. Bunny is actually not just a stuffed animal. He is actually a warlock named Snow, that takes the form of a stuffed bunny for Rose. He is like a butler and a protector for her, and is always there when she needs him. He is her bestfriend for many reasons. She's been with him for as long as she could remember. He cares for her, and will never leave her.

Anyone, and everyone who can deal with her.


Love Interest(s):
[My Oc(s)]


Rose had lived with her family for many years, but as she got older, she never really grew up mentally due to the fact of how she was treated by her parents and staff that worked in her house. She was neglected by her mother and father and was treated as a monster due to her trying to gain their attention. As for the staff, they treated her like a puppet and would steal valuables out of her room to make extra money. If she caught them in the act, they would manipulate her in painful and emotionally abusive ways to where she never truly grew up. Though she had Mr. Bunny at the time, she wasn't strong enough to unleash her power to let him out, and just thought he was a normal bunny at this time. Because of all of this, she soon snapped and craved the attention from her parents. She didn't want butlers or maids. She just wanted her mother and father. She ended up killing all of the staff using her bare hands, and showed her mother and father what she had done, hoping they understood why. But sadly, that wasn't the case. She was soon shipped off to an insane asylum, where it only got worse from there. After a few years of being stuck in that place, Rose learned how to use Mr. Bunny to where he could transform into his true self, and with that she was able to break out with Mr. Bunny, and find Luna to where she has been living a happy life.

You lived in the castle with everyone for quite sometime, and you never got the chance to actually speak to Rose. But that didn't exactly bother you, there were already way to many people you needed to remember inside of the castle, so it was a little bit easier that she didn't try talking to you. Or so you thought. As you were making your way down the hall to head towards your room, you see a quick flash of red pass by your field of vision. You stopped, and looked around only to see nothing but an empty hallway. You turn your vision forward to continue talking only to see a pair of yellow eyes staring back into yours. Except, the eyes were upside down. No wait, the whole person was upside down! Why were they handing on the ceiling? Oh, speak of the devil. It was Rose.

"Hellooooo, (y/n)! Long time no see! How are you? Wait, NO! Who are you?"  She spoke quickly and finally jumped down, standing properly this time. She grinned up at you, but not in the sweet way.

"Can you come with me? I have something aaaaamazing to show you!!"

Without waiting for your respond, she grabbed you by the arm and started dragging you to where ever she was going. Though you could easily break free, you knew it wasn't a good idea too. After hearing what the others said about her, it was easy to tell that you shouldn't anger or upset her. So you decided to follow even if it wasn't going to be something good.

// If you want to roleplay with this character please give as much information needed about your character down in the comments before role playing. Thank you.//

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