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"𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑓 𝑤𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒"

"𝐼 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢"

Juniper had maybe three hours of sleep. She had spent all night thinking over what Val had said, unable to get it out of her mind and when she had finally fell asleep people screaming at a volume that shouldn't be possible woke her up. At that point Juniper gave up trying to sleep and quickly got ready to see what all the fuss was about.

She had came out of her cabin confused at seeing that everyone was crowding around the bulletin board. Then she remembered that the cast list was coming out that morning, so she walked over and started congratulating people when she saw who was playing Hans and immediately ran back to the cabins. She had busted into the boys cabin seeing Jett still asleep. She rolled her eyes at the boy and went to steal a pillow from Ej thinking that smacking her friend awake seemed like an efficient idea.

Jett had woken up immediately thanks to Juniper continuously smacking him with the pillow. Even though he thought that he should probably find out why she was waking him up he just grabbed the pillow that she had and turned away from her with it. Juniper huffed at that but quickly brightened back up getting an idea.

"Jett if you don't get up right now i will send everyone here at camp the video of you singing Cheerleader when you were nine," Juniper told him with the sweetest smile on her face.

He bolted up after that, jumping off his bed and pointing at her, "you wouldn't dare Juniper Yun."

Juniper smiled at him, putting on a thinking face, "huh I don't know about that Jett, I believe that everyone deserves to see that masterpiece."

While Jett glared at her she just shrugged and turned to go out of the cabin but not before turning back to him having one more thing to say, "oh and congrats, I'm sure you will make the best Hans Shallow Lake has ever seen."

Juniper ran out of the cabin before he could question her, already hearing him yelling to her what the hell that meant. But she thought that it would be much more fun if she just let him figure it out on his own.


     On her walk back to her cabin Juniper got jumped on by Maddox ranting excitedly about the camp out. Juniper just watched the girl go on and on finding it adorable how much Maddox loves the camp out. The Yun girl didn't even noticed that Maddox stopped talking and continued to stare until she started waving her hand in front of Juniper's face. "Piper you okay?"

     Juniper blinked back into reality then, "huh oh yeah just spaced for a second"

     Maddox just chuckled at the smiling girl and continued on with her rant for the camp out reminding her about everything thing she needed to bring and that Maddox got to tell the scary story that night.

    " I know since you are doing it, it will be amazing Mae"

Maddox blushed a bit as she put her hair in front of her face trying to stop as she let out a quiet thanks. After the two went on a little more talking about the night ahead they went to their cabins to get everything together as both their minds lingered on the other.


The night had finally came and everyone was heading to the camping spot, both nervousness and excitement buzzing around. Ej, Maddox and Juniper took the lead since they knew the way the best and partially because Ej has been complaining and stressing that he needed to finish the script therefore, getting to the camping spot fast. Juniper went to put her stuff down once they got there but was starting to notice a lot of the campers (mainly kourtney) having trouble with their tent so, for a while she went around helping people with their tents and getting set up. Not noticing Maddox who had been staring at her since they got there.

     Once Juniper was done bouncing around helping everyone she had started going back to her spot when Maddox came up to her side.

"Hey Piper so there aren't a lot of spots anymore and I had given the last available tent to someone else, you uh mind if we share?"

Juniper took a second to collect herself but immediately gave Maddox a big giddy smile nodding her head. Maddox returned her smiled as they started setting up the tent that Juniper brought.

To put it lightly Juniper was freaking out a bit. I mean of course they've slept over at each others houses before and they've shared a cabin before, but something about this just felt different. On camp out nights Maddox always ended up staying with Maddison and Juniper sharing with anyone with an open tent and now her and Maddox were sharing one. This night was definitely going to be interesting to say the least.

this is Ri¡
okay they are finally getting somewhere

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