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"𝑊𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ"

"𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠,
𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡"

      Juniper felt like she was on cloud nine. She has a girlfriend and it's Maddox. Camp was almost over and it seems everyone has conquered something this summer. Kourtney fought through her fear and climbed the rock wall, Jett and Maddox are on good terms again, Juniper finally stood up for herself and made some more friends. Everything was looking up, well that is what Juniper thought when she woke up.

"Okay I'm gonna count to three," Carlos warned them as they were trying to surprise Ricky for his birthday.

Kourtney turned to Carlos confused, "On three or after three?"

"Not this again," Carlos complained.

Maddox and Juniper turned to each other rolling their eyes before they both screamed 'Happy Birthday' at Ricky. Everyone started cheering as Ricky jumped from being woken up like he was convulsing.

"And happy opening night, to those keeping score. Our show might be in danger but right now our focus is Ricky," Ej cut in as Juniper gave him an annoyed look.

"We know what today is so we can do without the sarcasm Elton," Juniper bit back, still upset with the boy for the Val situation.

Ej sighed as Ricky thanked everyone and Carlos told him their big surprise. As Big Red came in Juniper turned to Maddox, "Uh who's the ginger?"

"Remember he's Ricky's best friend Carlos told us he invited him to come for his birthday-" Juniper still looked confused, "You didn't listen to him last night until he said there would be cake huh?"

Juniper nodded her head as she started to stare down at the cake in Big Red's hands. Maddox chuckled at her girlfriend while the introductions were being made by everyone.

Juniper slipped from Maddox's side and over to Ricky, "So uh considering I didn't know you until these last few weeks, I didn't really have time to get a present so will you take a hug?"

Ricky gave his friend an amused smile as he pulled her into a hug, "Well as a birthday present you could tell me what's up with you and Maddox, you two seem very close this morning, anything happen?"

Juniper gave him a small smirk as he continued whispering to her trying to get her to tell him. "Well to answer your question I guess I'm resigning from the single club. I'm sorry you'll have to run it on your own buddy," Juniper grinned at the way Ricky started jumping up and down.

Everyone turned to look at him wondering why he is jumping up and down like some maniac but Ricky just brushed them off as he turned back to Juniper, "Well it was a pleasure having you in the club but I am also very happy for you Yun."

"Thanks Bowen, Happy Birthday," Juniper gave him another side hug before she returned to Maddox side who reached down to hold Juniper's hand.

It was just so casual the way Maddox held her hand Juniper started blushing but quickly turned away when Maddox went to look back at her. Juniper gave her girlfriend's hand a squeeze getting a smile out of Maddox before they turned back to the conversation.


     Juniper sadly detached herself from Maddox as she had to start getting a couple things ready for the show and Juniper was called away to help fix a costume. Once she was done with costume, Maddox was still hard at work and she didn't want to distract her. So, Juniper went to go find Gina as she hasn't seen her all morning.

"Oh you're busy I'll come back later," Juniper started to turn around.

Gina looked up to her friend quickly stopping her, "No, please stay I've been looking for an excuse to stop. Honestly it's a tradition for me to do yoga before a show but if I do one more warrior pose I might hit myself."

The two girls laughed with each other before they went to sit on Gina's yoga mat. "So I felt like we haven't talked that much last night since you left with Maddox, lets do a debrief," Gina told her friend kinda needing Juniper so she could talk her feelings out.

"Well considering I'm not the one looking like they are in need of a good cry how about you first m'lady," Juniper gave Gina's knee a small supportive squeeze.

Gina let out a sigh, "What first, it's opening night and I always tell people or I act like I'm never nervous because I don't want to seem weak but I'm kinda scared for some reason. I don't know, I guess it could be that I'm still a newbie here and I feel a bit out of place."

Juniper frowned at Gina with how she seemed so put down, "Hey you are a force and you belong here no matter what people say or what happens. You are a crazy good actor and are gonna kickass tonight! But, if you ever feel like your gonna throw it's okay everyone gets nervous and I'll get the sick bucket if its serious."

"Thanks June you're the best, you know that-" Juniper smiled at the compliment happy to feel appreciated, "Oh and to top this debrief off I broke up with Ej last night. Yep I am single once again, before you ask nothing crazy happened it's just we are in two completely different places in life right now and nothing matches up. This wasn't our time but I think I'm gonna be okay with that....soon."

Juniper quickly launched herself onto Gina, tackling her in a hug. Gina let out a laugh silently thanking Juniper again for making her smile, for real. "Wait now its your turn, what's new in the world of Juniper," Gina pulled away from Juniper instead grabbing her hands excited to know what happened with Maddox.

"Well after what you told me I fell kinda bad for wanting to say it-" Juniper was cut off by another voice joining the conversation.

"Juniper got a girlfriend! Its Maddox! Im sorry Juniper but you haven't told anyone else and it sounded like you were telling Gina and I needed to talk to someone about it," Ricky yelled in excitement.

Gian turned to her friend excited as well for Juniper before she saw the glare on Juniper's face. Juniper saw a foam roller by Gina and grabbed it chucking it at Ricky for blurting out her news before she could say it herself.

"Oof hey I said sorry but was that necessary," Ricky walked over hitting Juniper back on her head before she stood up.

Gina stood and took the weapon away from the two of them before they could continue. "Well no but it was fun. Now good luck guys I have a few more people to check up on before the show starts," Juniper took the excuse to walk away.

As Juniper was walking away Gina groaned not being able to hear all the details of her friend's love life, "Okay but we are finishing this conversion later June!"

Before she as completely out of their sight Juniper threw Gina a thumbs up before she went to go find her girlfriend.


Maddox and Juniper were doing finial touch ups on the equipment before the show started. Once they were done they planted themselves on the couch backstage by the lights to catch their breathes from running all around the place.

"So Piper you ready to boss around a bunch of theater kids again," Maddox turned to Juniper her arm around her as Juniper sunk into her girlfriend's side.

Juniper grinned up at her, "Of course, you know thats my favorite part about camp."

Maddox put her hand on her heart and faked a gasp, "Hey I thought I was your favorite part about camp!"

Juniper rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's dramatics, "Oh I guess you are."

Maddox fake pouted at her answer before Juniper leaned in the kiss Maddox's pout away. Looking back at all the years together Juniper could really never guess that she would have ever ended up snuggling with Maddox and kissing her backstage but she wouldn't want it any other way.

Juniper and Maddox were in their own world stealing kisses between talking about whatever came to their minds before they were interrupted, "Hey lovebirds this is a family friendly camp that's running here so lets keep the pda to a minimum please? Plus it's grossing me out I'm gonna have to bleach my eyes!"

"Well you weren't invited to come bother us Jett," Maddox complained to her brother not happy that he interrupted her and Juniper.

Jett gave his sister an annoyed look, "Well I didn't ask for you to go kiss my best friend but you did, so life aint fair Maddie."

Maddox rolled her eyes at Jett as he turned away from her to Juniper, "I came to find you because one of the queen's guests tore their dress."

Juniper huffed as she pecked Maddox on the lips as a goodbye before walking off muttering angrily complaining that this is the fifth time that she has to fix the dress. Jett sat down in Juniper's spot as he looked over to his sister who was watching Juniper go.

"You really like her," Jett asked.

Maddox smiled and shrugged, "Yeah I really do Jett, I don't remember a time where I've been this happy and also peaceful. If that makes sense."

"Yeah it does. Now I don't have to do the whole don't hurt my best friend speech right? You already know," Jett gave her a playful smile as Maddox shoved his shoulder.

"Nope. We are on the same page of never letting Juniper get hurt." Maddox told him as he nodded at her words.


Juniper felt like she was putting out fires left and right before the show had finally started and she also wanted to bang the camera guy's head against the wall (no she still hasn't learned his name and she still doesn't want too). Alex and Emmy were on stage doing their scenes and Juniper was trying to not be the reason the throw up bucket is used tonight for how much stress these theater kids are causing her.

After Alex and Emmy killed it Juniper ran over to the other side of the stage, to Carlos to do finial preps with him and the snowman costume, "I'm not ready."

"Oh I don't care! My caffeine, from my tea this morning, is all used up and I'm about to throw someone through a wall and I'm not above pushing you out on the stage, Carlos," Juniper butted in giving Carlos a glare that made him slowly move away from her.

Ricky let out a nervous laugh taking Carlos' cue and backing up while Jett moved forward to push Juniper away from Carlos because he was convinced from the way her eye was twitching that she wasn't lying and really was gonna push him, "Okay down girl, and dude yes you are."

"Yeah, you know every line. The carrot does half the work for you," Ricky decided to encourage his friend no matter how scared of Juniper he was at the moment.

Carlos looked to Juniper to make sure she heard it to so she won't be inclined to push him, "No. I'm definitely ready for the song. I just mean- Im not ready to say goodbye to camp! Oh is my massacre running?!"

"Oh yeah no I'm in complete denial right now of leaving camp," Juniper gave them a thumbs up before rushing off to help someone with a costume change.

The boys all looked at one another with questionable glances for Juniper before they waved it off considering it a problem for later.


Coming from the costume changes, Juniper made it back just in time to grab Kourtney and give her one last pep talk before her big number. Kourtney was doing incredible, Gina and Juniper had the proud smiles on their faces watching their friend kill it on the stage, then the lights went out. Gina looked over to her confused and everyone started looking at each other for what to do. Gina and Juniper had the same idea for what happened and nodded at each other before they went to the main switch for the power of the theater.

Gina and Juniper ran up the stairs pissed off as they saw the camera guy by the switch. Gina went and turned on the switch before she looked back at the guy, "Don't get me started."

Gina walked back to their friends to watch the rest of the song when Juniper stepped up to the camera guy, "You try to mess up the performance again and mess with my friends, I don't care who are or who you know I will rip your fucking head off."

Juniper didn't let him say anything back (not like he was gonna Juniper can be scary when she wants to be and he was freaked out) and walked over to Maddox giving her a kiss on the cheek before her radio sounded asking for help to set up the prop for the scene after intermission.

The Yun girl left to help still imagining ripping the camera guy's head off. After she was done with the prop it was intermission and she went to go congratulate her friends for the first half of the show.

"Ten minute intermission! And if anyone sees Channing, punch him," Maddox announced moving to sit with Juniper at Jett's station.

Gina chuckled as she passed Maddox, "Say less!"

"Oh don't worry I'm already planning his downfall for after the show," Juniper told Maddox as she wrapped her arms around Juniper as she got up and they left again to do their rounds for the show equipment.

Juniper was finally done with all her backstage duties and was just cleaning a few things since curtain call was soon when Ej came up to her, "Juni I'm an idiot I've been so blind this summer and was looking for comfort and support in anyone and for some reason that was Val because she was just there. I should have stood up for you against her but I didn't and I befriended her instead and I'm a dick for it and I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't forgive me but I'm so sorry for being a bad friend and brother."

"Ej you got a great heart and I love you for it but to be honest I am disappointed in you. You made friends and confided in the girl that has been bullying me since I was twelve at this camp. So maybe in time I'll forgive you but for now I'm still pissed but I do hope everything works out with your dad. And if you really need me because of that I'll be there but now I gotta go, see you Ej," Juniper told him with a frown. She was sad that she was practically losing her big brother at the moment but her hurt from him trumped her sadness so she walked away with her head held high.

Ej was disappointed in himself too but he understood her so he kept his mouth shut, not trying to justify what he did and let her walk away.


Curtain call came and went with some tears but a lot of happiness and now Maddox and Juniper were just cleaning up while they waited for everyone else. When the rest of their friends came out they were all talking to their teacher so Maddox and her butted out and started talking about the recent book Juniper reading.

     "Actually, Channing, why don't you take a long five? Okay," Corbin yelled at him, "Get lost. It's done, we're done."

Juniper was close to cheering at that point for Corbin yelling at the camera guy. "We're done? Yeah okay. Well, I always have finial say in the editing room," The camera told back to Corbin as if it was supposed to scare him.

Everyone looked at him as if to say 'fuck off'. Well everyone but Juniper, her look was more of a 'i will kill you if you don't walk away now'. Corbin turned around looking at all the kids, "What team?"

     Everyone perked up, smiles growing on their faces, Gina almost in disbelief, "He's doing it!"

     "Wildcats," Ricky yelled just as excited as Gina.

     Corbin smiled at the kids excitement, "What team!"

     "Wild cats," The kids yelled back.

      "What team," Corbin continued.

     The kids thought to themselves that this was the best part of their summer, "Wild cats! Getcha head in the game!"

     "Wow that felt right," Corbin laughed.

     Ms. Jenn sighed as she turned to the kids, "Last night of camp, huh, kids."

     "So, this is it then," Gina asked, bummed out.

     Ej turned to her confused, "Define 'it'."

     "Just kinda feels like something is over," Gina sighed.

     Ms. Jenn thought for a second before she turned to Gina, "Sometimes, the really good stuff begins only when something else ends,"

      Juniper turned to Maddox grabbing her hand and intertwined their fingers. Maddox gave her a smile, both of them grateful that they were there together. Juniper looked up to see Ej leaving and her happy mood was slowly leaving as she watched her childhood friend walk away defeated. Juniper looked away from him, back to her girlfriend as Maddox gave her hand a supportive squeeze.

     Everyone looked to Corbin as he started to sing 'Everyday'. Juniper and her friends sat down for one last song together, enjoying their time for their last night at camp.

     One by one her friends got up as they went to sign the famous wall of signatures. As Ashlyn walked away after signing it Juniper and Maddox each took a marker as they went to put their mark on the wall. The girlfriends stood up looking at the 'Gadget and Saturn' signatures right next to each other. Juniper hooked her arm around Maddox's waist as a bittersweet smile came across her face as they walked away back to their friends to continue celebrating.

     As a cast and as best friends they went to do everything that night, have a campfire, eat s'mores, tell scary stories, sing campfire songs, and light sparklers. They acted like complete kids that night and they had one of the best nights of their lives. "Uh you guys, we're trending in Brazil," Ej looked up from his phone.

     They all looked at each other in disbelief, Juniper started laughing a little at the fact they really did it. Jett turned to Ricky pulling out an envelope, "Oh dude, I forgot. You got an opening night card. Found it behind the couch."

     "From Nini," Maddox smiled at the mention of her friend.

     Juniper pulled on Maddox's hand, "Wait when was Nini here?!"

     "The whole show. She was in the back, you were busy running around to fix costumes. We'll call her later so you can say hi," Maddox told her giving Juniper a smile.

     Juniper and Maddox looked up to see Ricky holding a lotto ticket and the Yun girl gave her friend a smile knowing that now he was finally able to finish his bucket list. They all got into a group hug as the end of the night creeped up on them.

     "I guess this is the end of camp, back to good old boring North High for me unfortunately," Juniper complained as they pulled away from the hug.

     The wildcats looked to their friend with confused looks as Ricky said what was on all of their minds, "Wait you go to North High?"

     "Oh yeah I heard all that crazy theater drama happened between you guys, sorry on my behalf. But, I was gone for like a month since my grandma was sick so I also take no responsibility for that," Juniper gave out a nervous chuckle.

     Ricky gave her an amused smile as the rest of them shook their heads, "No, well yes I'm surprised you survived knowing those asswholes but also you are right across the way from us. We can come see you all the time!"

     Juniper head shot up at that and was basically glowing at that as she started squeezing Maddox's hand, "OH MY GOD YOURE RIGHT! Oh yay we can talk visit each other whenever ahh I love you guys!"

     All of her friends laughed at her excitement but were happy that they were gonna be close to their new friend. As their laughter died down they leaned in for one last hug before they split to their cabins to sleep off their sadness.

     Juniper and Maddox fell to the back of the group with Juniper swinging their hands back and forth but when Maddox turned to go with the girls to their cabin Juniper pulled her back, "Hey so, Val already left for the summer and its our last night together before we are split up like the gay version of Romeo and Juliet-" Juniper paused as Maddox started to giggle, "So with an empty cabin how about you come and spend the night in mine?"

     "Well a night alone spent with my favorite person in the world sounds like a good way to end camp, darling," Maddox gave her a shy smile as she pulled Juniper in for a quick kiss before leading them to Juniper's cabin.

     Juniper took a second to process what her girlfriend just said before her cheeks flared up with blush, "Did you just call me 'darling' Mae?"

     Maddox didn't even realize and blushed just as badly as Juniper when she realized what she said, "Oh shut up,"

     Juniper pulled open her cabin door closing it as she pulled Maddox to the bed with her, "No, I don't think I will ever shut up about you the snarky Maddox calling me Darling!"

     This time Maddox thought about a way better idea of shutting Juniper up and pulled her into a deep kiss. The Yun girl, even though she wanted to continue teasing Maddox, gave in as she was not gonna complain about this situation. The rest of the night was spent with the two sharing kisses, laughs, and smiles. Maddox and Juniper went to bed being the happiest they have ever been.

This is Ri¡
word count

yeah over three thousand words for this last chapter. Alright I have fallen completely in love with Juniper Yun and this book and I cant wait to continue it for season four that is coming out in just a few hours. (AHHHHHHHHHH.)

I'll see you guys when I figure out a plot for this last season!

Hope you've had a day your happy with :)

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